2 207 Flowchart

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Use common law Sale of goods?

UCC 2-207 Flow Chart

No. No deal

Yes. Acceptance?

Yes. (3) K is the terms on which writings agree and UCC gap fillers

No. No deal

No. Go to other parts of UCC

Yes. (1) Definite and seasonable acceptance or informal agreement with timely return with diff or additional terms Yes. Conduct Recognizing deal?

Yes. Expressly conditional on different/additional terms?

FADEOUT treat as if they were additional.


No. (2) DIFFERENT. Statute does not tell you what to do 3 options are from case law KNOCK OUT whichever terms both parties disagree on are invalid. THIS IS MAJORITY RULE

Between Merchants?

FALLOUT second person to propose the rules looses and his terms die

No. Contract does not include additional terms. Additional terms are proposals

Yes. Contract includes additional terms unless: 1) offer limits acceptance 2) material alterations 3) timely notice of objection to terms

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