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6  theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 2008

news without borders

Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat

Independent review
panel on Eurocopter MACC bill passed after
purchase proposed
THE Public Accounts Committee
(PAC) has suggested that
an independent review
two days of debate
THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chambers are questionable”.
panel be set up to advise (MACC) Bill was passed by the Dewan Rakyat Nazri said the issue among most of the op-
the government on the last night after two days of debate. position MPs is they have no confidence in the
purchase of Eurocopter’s Several attempts by the Opposition to integrity of the A-G. “Under this act, the power
EC 725 helicopters. amend the bill, centred mostly around the to determine whether to prosecute or not is
The proposal is among recom- separation of powers between the public pros- made by the deputy public prosecutor, who
mendations contained in the commit- ies should be carried out as basis for the ecutor and the MACC, were not successful will be placed on secondment at the MACC.
tee’s report on the Eurocopter deal negotiations. and when the voice vote was called just before In this case, the point you (Anwar) raised does
distributed to MPs on Dec 4. It was also important for the Defence 8pm, the “ayes” drowned out the “nays”. not arise,” he said.
In a statement yesterday, the PAC Ministry to carry out test flights and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad “If it still happens, it would be a problem
said the proposal was to ensure there physical inspections apart from moni- Jerit Badawi had tabled the bill, together with the with the A-G as an individual, not the chambers
would be value for money in the deal. toring the production of the EC 725 and Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) Bill, as a whole. If it is a problem concerning an
It said the independent panel should making sure payments were made in used on Monday. individual, we deal on the matter with him. But
comprise experts in related fields, with accordance with the work progress. children Earlier, winding up the debate on the bill at it is also not right to suggest that the A-G be
the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime There should also be a pre-delivery illegally, the policy stage, Minister in the Prime Minister’s made a minister and sit in the Parliament.”
Minister’s Department managing their inspection as well as testing and com- Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said Referring to a proposal by Dr Dzulkefly
appointments. misioning prior to making the final pay- say cops that “similar to the status of the ACA now”, Ahmad (PAS-Kuala Selangor), who wanted
“The PAC is not able to ascertain ment, it said. pg 11 the government has no intention to place the the A-G to be made more accountable, Nazri
whether the cost to purchase the Euro- To ensure the government’s interests MACC and the Special Committee on Corrup- said that by making the A-G a minister, he will
copter EC 725 is high or otherwise. The were taken care of in the procurement tion under the charge of the Parliament. become an executive member. He said the MPs
PAC was told that military requirements contract, the PAC suggested that the The Opposition had said it is only a “cos- should differentiate between the A-G as an
differed from one country to another,” mnistry seek the views of the attorney- metic move” for the MPs to be appointed to individual and as an institution.
the statement said. general before signing the contract. sit on the committee if it is not put under the “When the A-G’s Chambers has made a
The Defence Ministry had expressed The aircraft’s specification should charge of the Parliament but Nazri said the decision based on the power entrusted on
intention to buy the helicopters to re- also be spelled out in the contract, it government made the decision taking, as an it, even if the A-G was not around at that
place the ageing Nuri aircraft, which it said. example, the case of Hongkong’s Independent time, there is no need to call him over the
had been using since 40 years ago. The PAC also felt that the purchase Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). telephone to inform him or refer the decision
The government, however, decided should be made at the latest by 2011 as “We have never decided for the commission to him,” he said.
to postpone the purchase because of the Nuri could only be used until 2015. to be placed under the Parliament because He said should a “better A-G with a higher
the current global economic condition. “It takes three years to prepare it would result in decision-making based on integrity level”, as opposed to the current A-G
The PAC also said the Defence Min- the aircraft and another year for flight popularity in the House. Someone who is popu- criticised by the opposition MPs, be appointed
istry and related central agency should training,” it said, adding that the govern- lar may be considered not guilty,” he said. later, the MPs would surely not question his
conduct price negotiations with the ment should reconsider its decision to “In terms of justice, democracy is never a decisions and, in fact, would call for him to be
aircrat’s supplier. defer the purchase of the Eurocopter. determining factor. No way, because we also given more freedom.
For that purpose, it said, market stud- – Bernama practise partisan politics. So, we will not place Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) said the
the MACC under the Dewan Rakyat.” problem with the A-G is he tends to comply
He said the government has its own ration- with the executive and is politically-influenced
ale in deciding to set up the committee on an but he does not sit in the Parliament and,
administrative basis. therefore, the MPs could not question his
Nazri also said it is not true the ICAC has decisions.
never faced problems with prosecution when To this, Nazri said the government would
deciding whether or not to pursue a case. inform and explain to the MPs whatever deci-
He said it faces the same situation as the sions made by the A-G.
ACA, and Hongkong’s secretary of justice R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) insisted that the
had disagreed with some of the results of its problem does not actually lie only with the indi-
investigation. vidual A-G but the system itself. “It is a systemic
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim problem,” he said.
had observed during the debate on the bill on To calls for the MACC and the Special Commit-
Monday the situation in Hongkong is different tee on Corruption to be placed under Parliament,
from Malaysia “because the credibility and Nazri said similar with the status of the ACA now,
independence of the Attorney-General’s (A-G) the government has no intention to do that.

Alhamdullillah, says PM
DATUK Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has represented his desire to fulfil the promises
expressed his happiness that the Malaysian contained in the Barisan Nasional (BN) manis-
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Bill was festo during the 2004 general election.
passed by the Dewan Rakyat yesterday. He hoped the MACC would function more
“Alhamdullillah,” the prime minister said effectively than the Anti-Corruption Agency
at a briefing with editors at Parliament House (ACA) because it would have more than 5,000
here. staff who would be trained in the various as-
The Dewan Rakyat sitting yesterday passed pects of preventing corruption.
the bill with a minor amendment to Clause He said a more attractive salary package
36(1)(b), to amend the words “Public Prosecu- would also be offered to woo more credible
tor” to “Commission Officer”. and capable people to serve in the MACC.
Abdullah said the adoption of the MACC – Bernama

Karpal asks Zaki again to step down

KARPAL SINGH (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) sent an Strait Times on Nov 8.
open letter to Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi Karpal said since Zaki has not made a
yesterday asking him to resign over what he had demand for the newspaper to retract the
allegedly told a newspaper of his involvement in report and apologise to him, and neither has
bribing court officials when he was a practising he asked the attorney-general to have the
lawyer in 1987. newspaper charged with publishing a false
In the letter, Karpal said Zaki cannot and report, Zaki will also agree there is no neces-
should not deny having uttered what was at- sity for a trial in view of his “public admission”
tributed to him in a report published in New to corruption.

DAP wants to debate fishermen’s strike

CHONG CHIENG JEN (DAP-Bandar Kuching) time they were out to sea and this has affected
moved an urgent motion under Standing Orders their lives,” Chong said.
18(1) yesterday to debate the strike by fisher- “The situation has turned worse because
men nationwide since last Friday. the government allows foreign fishing vessels
In a statement, he said the strike was started to fish in our waters, which has destroyed the
because the government had failed to address marine ecology and reduced the production of
the problems faced by the fishermen. sea food.”
He said the reduction of the price of diesel for Chong said the fishermen will continue to go
the fishermen from RM1.43 to RM1.30 a litre was on strike until their demand for the diesel price
not enough to relieve their burden. to be reduced is met. He said there is an urgent
“The fishermen have suffered losses each need for the House to debate the issue.

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