TheSun 2008-12-17 Page10 Electronics Electrical Goods Makers Cut Production

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10 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 2008

news without borders

Stay out of dispute,

Hua Zong urged
A GROUP calling itself the def- There is no reason for Hua
Electronics, electrical goods
makers cut production
ender of Dong Jiao Zong (DJZ) Zong to create another dispute,
has urged Hua Zong (Federation the Perak committee said after
of Chinese Associations of Mal- consulting similar committees
aysia) to stay out of the New Era in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Kedah
College dispute. and Perlis.
Responding to reports that The statement reminded Hua
Hua Zong was calling for a Zong president Tan Sri Lim Gait
meeting today of 50 Chinese or- Tong of his agreement with Dong 65,000 are employed by the 17 leave to cut production costs.
ganisations to mediate the lead-
ership dispute that has plagued
Zong president Dr Yap Sin Tian
not to meddle in the dispute.
Press Digest American multi-nationals.
Exports of the 17 companies
Lee said he was told by foreign
investors that they had slashed
by Kong See Hoh
the college for six months, the It also warned Hua Zong that totalled RM73.8 billion last year, output by 30-40%. “Some of those
“Protect DJZ Action Committee it would bear the legal conse- or 28% of the country’s total who deal only with the Americans
of Perak” said in a statement on quences of trying to “mediate” electronics exports for the year. have not received a single order
Monday that the dispute had in in the dispute uninvited. THE financial tsunami is Preliminary figures of for the next three months.”
fact ended and the college was The committee said the hitting Malaysia and the export- an economic survey by the Malaysian American Elec-
waiting to receive its new dean, controversy would end when based manufacturing sector, Federation of Malaysian Manu- tronics Industry Association, a
Prof Pua Eng Chong, when the “a small group of people stops particularly electronics and facturers (FMM) show that orders member of the American Malay-
new semester begins. creating more trouble”. electrical goods manufacturers, received by the country’s export- sian Chamber of Commerce, said
The man are the first to feel its impact. based manufacturing sector fell most of the country’s electronics
who According to a report in 30-40% last month, forcing a factories have either temporarily
Van driver burnt conned
the world
Nanyang Siang Pau yesterday,
manufacturers of electronics and
reduction of output by up to 40%.
The figures show that the
suspended production or reduced
it by one to two weeks a month.
electrical goods started cutting global economic slowdown has Association president Datuk
to death in crash pg 14 down production last month,
some by as much as 40%.
clearly affected the manufacturing
sector and FMM believes the
Wong Siew Hai said to his
knowledge no factory had totally
SEREMBAN: A van driver was have sent his charred remains With orders from both local situation will worsen next year. stopped production for now, but
burnt to death when his vehicle to the Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital in and foreign companies slashed, Malaysia is the world’s sixth that it is any one’s guess what
burst into flames after hitting the Seremban for a post mortem.” many electronics factories have largest exporter of semi-conductors, would happen next year when the
back of a lorry laden with gravel Firemen in two engines from reduced the number of shifts, and a US-led drop in consumption full effects of the meltdown are felt.
at Km245.6 of the North-South Rembau and Seremban put out with some even temporarily will have a direct and deep impact FMM’s Lee said if financial
Expressway near here yesterday. the fire. stopping production. on the electronics sector. results do not improve in five
Police have yet to identify the The lorry driver V. Tirumalai, However, manufacturers Datuk Lee Ow Kim, FMM months, manufacturers will have
victim and the van’s registration 43, said he stopped when he interviewed by the daily empha- council member and its northern to force workers to take unpaid
number could not be made heard a loud bang from the back sised that initial cost-cutting branch chairman, said the steep- leave. He said production workers,
out, Negri Sembilan traffic staff of the lorry. “When I got down, measures would be the reduction est output cuts are seen in the who enjoy 20-30 days’ annual
officer ASP Halil Hamzah said. I saw a van engulfed in flames. of overtime, as well as transport electronics and car sectors and leave, are being asked to clear one
He said both vehicles were I tried to pull the driver out but and other allowances. Lay-offs their downstream industries. day’s leave a week. “Nevertheless,
heading south when the acci- couldn’t as he was trapped in his would be a last resort. He told the daily that prod- they still get their salaries.”
dent took place at 6.50am. seat and the heat was intense.” It is estimated that more than uction lines in these plants have Malaysia Motorcycle and Scoo-
“The van’s driver was Witnesses to the accident 200,000 people are engaged in generally reduced the number of ter Dealers Association president
trapped in his seat and was should call 06-603 3222. – the electronics industry, of which working days. Employees have Wee Hong said sales had dropped
burned beyond recognition. We Bernama about 30% or between 55,000 and also been asked to take annual 33-44% since July.

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