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22 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 2008

speak up!

t h e s u n s a y s

Continue teaching science and maths in English

THE debate on the decision to It is unlikely to end until those who on what national schools mean. In can actually learn science and To these groups all new proposals
teach science and mathematics in want the subjects to revert to being fact, how can there be one consid- mathematics in English, after regarding education are suspect and
English commenced even before the taught in the pupils’ mother tongues ering the varied background of the spending a lot of money on equip- have hidden motives and the teach-
subjects were actually taught in that get their way. participants and the varied interests ment and after having trained nearly ing of science and mathematics and
language. The government has organised they represent. But their views and enough teachers for the purpose. projects like vision schools are no
It continued even after the pupils several roundtable discussions since objections have been noted and it is Of course the government is exception. As such they have in a
began to be actually taught the sub- the middle of last year to seek a now left to the Education Ministry, also aware of the consequences way hamstrung many attempts to
jects in English and the policy is still consensus among the more than aided by a panel of educationists, to of ignoring the representations of unify our education system and align
being debated six years later after 200 participants who are politi- decide and make recommendations those who are against the policy. it with our nation-building efforts.
the recent UPSR results showed that cians, academics, cultural activists, to the cabinet. In fact, all policies and suggestions In view of this sometimes it may
pupils can actually learn the subjects representatives of NGOs and parent- It is not going to be easy for the relating to education since the be necessary in the interest of the
in English while at the same time teacher associations on whether government to decide. On the one Barnes, Fen-Wu and Razak reports future of our children and the good
acquiring proficiency in the use of some adjustments and compromises hand there are legions of reasons and recommendations on education of the nation for the government,
the universal language. could be made with regard to the on why the policy should continue of the pre-Merdeka days until the advised by a panel of independ-
The debate is likely to continue present policy. in its present form and on the other recent ones have met with all kinds ent-minded educationists, to make
even if the Education Ministry finally There has been no consensus as the possible consequences of aban- of controversial and angry reactions decisions independent of these
decides that the policy is to continue. there is unlikely to be any consensus doning it after knowing that children by the various interest groups. interest groups.


Heroes and villains of a tragedy

Hear us out
I REFER to “Daunting task for new
mayor”(Down2Earth, Dec 16). I think the IF visiting the Bukit Antarabangsa area
people of Kuala Lumpur are a lucky lot to was not depressing enough, hearing from
have Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail as their victims makes you angry, your blood boil
new mayor. KL-ites could not have asked and perhaps make you scream. Then, when
for a better mayor. you read Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan Abdul
He is known to practise consultation and Rahman’s blog, the disgust, hopelessness and
that is what most ratepayers look forward despair for our system sinks in. You wonder
to. We have had enough of those who say what the future holds for our society. But
“read my lips”. in all this negativity, there was some hope
We want chiefs who talk to us and hear – groups and individuals who cared for the
us out. I think Fuad has all the qualities. victims of the landslide and others who were
affected by it. There is a thick line between CitizenNades
Bulbir Singh those who came to offer their services and
Seremban those who came to ride and take advantage by R. Nadeswaran
of a tragedy and the small-minded politicians
who were there to score Brownie points teacher, Mr B M Dass
Appeal for tax relief and the minions who were there to be seen
and heard by news crews. Let me tabik the
made us all write
the following in our
NOW there’s retrenchment news and every unsung heroes like the security guard who exercise books: What
employer is planning on some kind of went door to door ringing the bells as the does it profit a man if he
cost-saving measure. hill came crashing down. Rafick has a list gains the whole world
Some companies will not be able to of others on his blog. (http://rights2write. but suffers the loss of
avoid laying off their employees. his own soul? The book
The government should stop taxing On Saturday afternoon, driving along has disappeared but A tent set up at Bukit Antarabangsa
retrenchment compensation. It’s not right to Jalan Hulu Kelang and the side roads told those words I learnt in
tax people who have lost their jobs during a me something: Many just don’t care if the 1962 are still embedded in my mind and I is time that the government adopts a ‘rights-
downturn. world comes tumbling down as long as have never missed using this when dealing based approach’ towards protecting the
there’s money. They are paying no heed to with the greedy and the corrupt.” peoples’ rights to sustainable development
C. Keong the statements of the prime minister and the I don’t want to repeat what the good and environmental protection. These are
Puchong mentri besar. Life goes on as usual. They’re doctor has said in the blog but all I can say is acceptable norms that ought to set the
still cutting the trees and levelling the hills, that it is the bitter truth. The so-called relief benchmark in our drafting of planning
never mind that people have lost their lives centres were plastered with banners and laws and implementation of development
as a result of the same actions as long as party symbols. The last rites for the dead policies.
profits are made. They make statements and may have been carried out, but in tragedy “Further, those that approve
justify their wrong-doing with highly-paid and death, they descended like vultures who development plans and those that are duty-
spin doctors at their side. Nothing will smelt blood. Politicians were fighting to feed bound to protect our environment and the
change – there must be returns on their themselves and their supporters instead of people must be called to account. Their acts
investment. giving priority to the hundreds of victims may amount to criminal negligence which
Interestingly enough, I read that one who were cut off from the rest of the world. the police ought to investigate.
developer said: “I journeyed back to my Even medicines for the needy were held “The authorities must be serious and
Standard Six days. When one of the boys back because they “belonged” to the party. must immediately bring in tough, no-
was caught copying in a monthly test, our But most important of all, is anyone nonsense measures. Tragically, however,
checking on the development nearby? Isn’t for those who have lost their loved ones,
the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) friends and homes, these steps will come
sending out its officers to carry out checks too late.”
on hillside development? On Saturday, Lastly, this is an appeal to developers.
even when it was raining, I noticed tractors As human beings, you must have feelings.
carrying out work near the zoo. As a Respect the dead, the injured and their
layman, I cannot differentiate between grieving families.
“remedial works” as the developers call it
and hill-cutting. Can the “experts” in MPAJ *****
get off their cushy seats and start working?
After all, your salaries come from the people SELANGOR police chief Datuk Khalid
and not from developers! Abu Bakar says it is not proper to accuse
Then the Real Estate and Housing rescuers of looting just because they
Developers Association (Rehda) has the are at the landslide scene. Nobody said
audacity to propose a special one-stop centre so, but Datuk, can someone answer the
for hillside development. What on earth for? three questions posed by Thanarajah
Hasn’t the prime minister and other officials Kanagaratnam on Monday?
decreed that hill clearing must stop? Haven’t » WHAT were these people doing in my
the four lives and many more before them house at 7pm on Sunday when the search
taught us several lessons? What is Rehda and rescue operations were called off at
trying to prove? We’ve heard enough of “if 6.30pm?
done systematically, there is no danger” » HOW come my clothes are on hangers
and “it has been done successfully in and put out to dry?
Hongkong”. It is a government policy and it » WHY did they have to touch my personal
has to be implemented and there is no need belongings?
to consult any party. Did the government
consult the thieves before making theft an R. Nadeswaran is Editor Special Reports &
offence under the Penal Code? Enough is Investigations at theSun. Feedback: citizen-
enough. Stop the lobbying of those in power.
Enough of the spin. Do your bit for society
as a whole by leaving hillslopes untouched. Editor’s note: Thanarajah’s cousin Ravi
Perhaps, members of Rehda should Poobalan who took the pictures of the
note what the Bar Council president said: rescuers near the collapsed bungalow was
“Putting profits before people must cease. It questioned by police for an hour yesterday.

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