Thesun 2008-12-19 Page01 Pre-Marital Hiv Test

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No. 4663 PP 2644/12/2008 (020369)

December 19, 2008

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HIV test
UALA LUMPUR: Muslim couples
Grit vs ‘M’sian warship, chopper
cases so far and of this, 14,317 are AIDS
must be screened for the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) from
next year before they can marry.
cases of which 12,425 people have died,”
he said, adding that AIDS still posed a
serious threat.
... Crew
members of
scared off pirates’
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri “According to the United Nations Chinese vessel KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian warship A newly created European Union task
Najib Abdul Razak said the test would be Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Zhenhua 4 using was the vessel that helped Chinese force has recently taken over patrols off
a part of the pre-marital course and was Malaysia is categorised as a country whatever they can sailors repel Somali pirates who had the Horn of Africa from Nato. China also
in line with the government’s objective with concentrated epidemic ... meaning lay their hands on boarded their ship in a dramatic high- said yesterday it was preparing to send
to reduce the number of HIV infections in certain, high-risk groups. There to fight off pirates seas battle, a maritime watchdog said warships to the region.
among women, which he noted was on are phenomena that can be related to trying to board yesterday. Pirates have carried out more than
the rise. concentrated epidemic,” he said. the boat in the
“A Malaysian military helicopter fired 100 attacks in the key shipping lanes
“Next year, we will make it mandatory However, the UNAIDS recognised warning shots at the pirates’ boat. This of the Gulf of Aden, located between
Gulf of Aden on
for all states to impose the HIV screening Malaysia’s efforts to fight AIDS by forced the sea raiders to abandon their the south of Yemen and the north of
Wednesday. Their
operation to hijack the ship,” said Noel Somalia, and the Indian Ocean east of
as part of the pre-marital course,” he said according it the status of country with “arsenal” included
Choong, head of the International Mari- Somalia since the start of this year.
after chairing a meeting of the Cabinet high political will, he said. Molotov cocktails
time Board’s piracy reporting centre. Last month, they captured the
Committee on AIDS in Parliament House Najib said the meeting also focused fashioned from
On Wednesday a band of pirates world’s attention when they hijacked
yesterday. on high-risk groups whereby the Health empty beer boarded the Chinese commercial vessel the Saudi-owned super-tanker Sirius
At present Muslim couples in Kelantan, Ministry got close to these groups to bottles, flares Zhenhua 4 in the Gulf of Aden but the Star, carrying two million barrels of
Negri Sembilan, Sabah, Sarawak and reduce the number of cases. and cotton wicks sailors held them off for several hours. crude oil, and demanded a US$25 mil-
Selangor have to be screened for HIV prior He also expressed concern over the dipped in diesel; Their heroic actions gave the interna- lion ransom for the ship and its crew.
to marriage. increase in HIV infections among women high-pressure tional coalition patrolling the pirate-in- The pirates, heavily armed and using
Najib said the HIV infection rate had who contracted the disease through hose; iron rods fested region time to seek the assistance high-powered speedboats, prey on a
dropped by half (from 6,756 cases in 2003 normal sex, saying that their numbers and even shoes of the Malaysian warship KD Inderasakti. key maritime route leading to the Suez
to 3,452 this year), thanks to the concerted rose from 5.02% in 1997 to 16.3% last year. that they used “The coalition forces requested as- Canal, through which an estimated 30%
and focused efforts of the National He also said the Malaysian Islamic as “missiles”. sistance from the Malaysian warship of the world’s oil transits.
Strategic Plan on AIDS, reports Bernama. Department should be more aggressive The pirates, who to fight off the pirate attack,” Choong Meanwhile, armed forces chief Gen
Among the major contributors to the in helping reduce the number of HIV were armed told AFP, adding that “the warship then Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal said KD Indera-
drop in the number of cases was the harm infections through drug addiction. with automatic deployed the helicopter”. sakti did not receive any information on
reduction programme which would be He said the meeting also proposed weapons, boarded Malaysia had deployed the warship the movements of the tug boat from the
continued to achieve the government’s that the Malaysian AIDS Foundation be the vessel but to protect its commercial ships after private company which owned it.
goal of 11 cases per 100,000 population included in the cabinet committee. At were held at bay two vessels were hijacked by pirates He said Malaysian vessels or boats
by 2015 compared with 12.8 cases per present, the council is a member of the by the gutsy crew in August. A Malaysian tugboat was wanting to cross the waters should
100,000 population now, he said. technical committee chaired by the health until help arrived. also captured by pirates this week and inform the RMN vessel to ensure their
“Cumulatively, there are 83,527 HIV director-general. remains in their hands. movements were well-protected.

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