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4 theSun | FRIDAY DECEMBER 19 2008

news without borders

‘Jerit campaign part of

democratic process’
by Tan Yi Liang ers, as well as the memorandum
Poor must not lose out in
IJN deal, says Najib which was delivered to Parlia-
ment yesterday, which included
KUALA LUMPUR: The “Ride For the abolition of the Internal
Change” campaign organised by Security Act, a minimum wage
the Oppressed People’s Network for workers, affordable housing
(Jerit) is part of the democratic for the poor, stopping the priva-
process, says Bar Council vice tisation of basic amenities, the
president Ragunath Kesavan. need for price controls and local KUALA LUMPUR: Sime Darby, which equity in IJN Holdings which is 99.99% other private hospitals.
“The freedom of expression council elections. has proposed taking over the Na- owned by the Finance Ministry. He said he had not heard of any
and speech by the campaign On another note, Kesevan de- tional Heart Institute (IJN), must give “We are examining the role (of other offer apart from Sime Darby’s.
participants is wholly consistent nied the allegation by Jerlun MP an assurance that poor patients will Sime Darby) if IJN is to transfer its Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong
with their rights as enshrined in Mukhriz Mahathir that the Bar continue to get treatment, said Deputy ownership and the commitment of Lai, addressing public concerns that
the Federal Constitution and is Council had lobbied for judicial Japanese Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sime Darby to ensure poorer patients treatment cost will rise after privati-
a basic tenet of any democratic appointments at a dinner at the technology Datuk Seri Najib Razak. to get treatment from IJN,” Najib told sation, said the mode of operations
society,” Kesavan told a press British High Commission. He said the government had no a press conference after chairing a and objective to serve the people
conference at the Bar Council “We have never lobbied for to clean up objection in principle to sell the IJN to meeting of the cabinet committee on will remain even if it was taken over
building here yesterday, adding the promotion or appointment of rivers Sime Darby. He said it was important AIDS in Parliament. by Sime Darby. He said Sime Darby’s
that police “have a duty to pro- any judges, and it is the policy of for Sime Darby to give high priority to “We are in the process of finalising intention to take a controlling stake in
vide protection and safety for all the Bar Council not to lobby for
pg 8 the social programme if the company this together with the Health Ministry IJN Holdings Sdn Bhd, which operates
participants”. any judge,” he said. was interested to acquire the IJN. although, in principle, we have no IJN, was still under discussion.
Condemning police action “Individually, lawyers have Sime Darby, a government-linked objection in this proposal. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdul-
which included the detention views. But I do not think the company which has interests in “But I am looking at the aspect of lah Ahmad Badawi, commenting on
of 120 people, he said: “The Bar Council has officially or commodities, private healthcare, social responsibility and they (Sime concerns expressed by some MPs on IJN
role of the police must be to informally lobbied for any judge property development and automotive Darby) must give us a very strong going private, said for IJN to be a better
provide protection for all the to be promoted,” he said. distribution, had proposed to acquire commitment that the attention to the hospital, it needed the best equipment
participants. poor will not be marginalised.” and this will need a lot of money.
He described the intimida- Najib said the sale of IJN had two “Therefore, there is an advantage
tion and persecution, including advantages: if there is a private company which is
the threat to use the Child Act, » There will be no problem in the close to the government to take over
the Police Act and the Printing funding of IJN; and (IJN) as Sime Darby is a government-
Presses and Publications Act » The doctors will get remuneration linked company,” he said at his office
in respect of the campaign ac- at the highest market rate to prevent in Parliament House.
tivities, as ludicrous, and praised the pinching of heart surgeons by Liow said 80% of IJN’s patients were
Minister in the Prime Minister’s civil servants and the government
would continue to bear the cost of their
Department, Datuk Seri Mo-
treatment even after a takeover.
hamed Nazri, for facilitating the
delivery of Jerit’s memorandum JSM for David... “IJN, therefore, cannot impose
charges higher than what have been
to the prime minister and the ALLEYCATS lead vocalist
fixed by the government even in the
head of the Opposition at Parlia- Thiagarajan K.R. Arumugam,
event of a takeover,” he said after
ment earlier yesterday morning. better known as David visiting two patients with dilated car-
He said the Bar Council was Arumugam, proudly shows off his diomyopathy at IJN yesterday.
also concerned over the police Johan Setia Mahkota (JSM) award He said Sime Darby or any other
actions against Sungai Siput MP to his wife Sabrina Clyde after interested organisation should have a
D. Jeyakumar and parents of the receiving it from the King, Tuanku strong commitment to social responsi-
cyclists, who are being investi- Mizan Zainal Abidin, at Istana bility, including looking after the needy’s
gated for allegedly committing Negara yesterday. Arumugam was welfare, if it wanted to take over IJN.
offences against the Child Act among 285 people who received In its filing to Bursa Malaysia, Sime
and the Police Act. federal awards and honours from Darby said it had received approval-in-
He also said there was noth- the King. The local band, formed principle from the government on the
ing new in the demands listed in in 1969 had gained fame in the proposed acquisition of a 51% equity
the flyers handed out by the rid- 1970s and is still on the beat. stake in IJN.

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