Transport Connection in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

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Transport Connection in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang


Tuyen Quang Provincial Peoples Committee April 2011 (FINAL DRAFT)

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

ABBREVIATIONS ADB CEM DARD DP EM GAEMDP GOV HH MOLISA NGO PDOT PPA PPC PPMU Project WU YU = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Asian Development Bank Committee for Ethnic Minority Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Displaced Person Ethnic Minority Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Government of Viet Nam Household Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Non-government Organization Provincial Department of Transport Participatory Poverty Assessment Provincial Peoples Committee Provincial Project Management Unit Transport Connection in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project Womens Union Youths Union

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

TABLE of CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 SOCIOECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT AREA ............................................................... 2 WOMEN IN THE COMMUNITIES ...................................................................................................................... 3 ETHNIC MINORITY HOUSEHOLDS ................................................................................................................. 3 CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION .......................................................................................................... 4 PROJECT BENEFITS ........................................................................................................................................ 5 RESETTLEMENT IMPACTS AND SOCIAL RISKS ........................................................................................... 5 HIV/AIDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 HUMAN TRAFFICKING ............................................................................................................................................ 6 ROAD SAFETY .................................................................................................................................................. 7 BENEFICIAL AND MITIGATIVE MEASURES ................................................................................................... 7 HIV/AIDS HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS CAMPAIGN & ROAD SAFETY CAMPAIGN ................................................ 7 EMPLOYMENT DURING CIVIL WORKS ....................................................................................................................... 9 SAFETY MEASURES ALONG THE ROAD .................................................................................................................. 10 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 13 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PPMU .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Womens Union ........................................................................................................................... 13 Committee for Ethnic Minorities (CEM) ........................................................................................ 13 Youth Union ................................................................................................................................. 13 Support from Project Coordination Consultants ........................................................................... 14

BUDGET .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ........................................................................................................... 14 MONITORING, REPORTING & EVALUATION................................................................................................ 15 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................... 15 UPLOADING ON ADB WEBSITE .................................................................................................................... 16

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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

Table 1: Characteristics of Roads Affected ................................................................................................................ 2 Table 2 : Household Income by Ethnic Group and Gender........................................................................................ 4 Table 3 : Summary of Perceived Benefits and Adverse Effects of Road Project ...................................................... 4 Table 4: Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan .............................................................................. 10 Table 5 : Summary of Budget for the Implementation of the GAEMDP for Tuyen Quang Province......................... 14 Table 6: Indicative Implementation Schedule15 Table 1: Characteristics of Roads Affected ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Table 2 : Household Income by Ethnic Group and Gender........................................................................................ 4 Table 3 : Summary of Perceived Benefits and Adverse Effects of Road Project ...................................................... 4 Table 4: Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan .............................................................................. 10 Table 5 : Summary of Budget for the Implementation of the GAEMDP for Tuyen Quang Province ......................... 14 Table 6: Indicative Implementation Schedule ..................................................................................................... 15 Project Background. The Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project will rehabilitate about 307 km of provincial and district roads in six provinces in the northern mountainous provinces of Viet Nam (Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai, and Lao Cai). These provinces have high rates of poverty and ethnic minority populations. The road network consists predominantly of unpaved, narrow roads. Many sections are impassable during the rainy season. The travel time and cost from mountainous remote areas to social infrastructure will be reduced, and the economic activities along the roads will be enhanced. For Tuyen Quang Province, the Project will improve 2 roads including: Provincial Road 187 of 12.8 km; Road 187 is located in a mountainous area and links Tuyen Quang to Bac Kan Province ; and Provicial Road 189 of 54.4 km; Road 189 is located in the midlands. The two roads will be upgraded to Class V with a carriageway of 3.5 meters (m) width with an embankment width of 6.5 m. Socio-Economic Information. The main primary source of income of most HH in the project area is agriculture. The incidence of poverty in Tuyen Quang province in 2008 was 38% (new standard). In Tan Thanh Commune (along Road 189), the poverty rate is 51%. Remote areas (Road 187), especially those that become difficult to access by road during the rainy season, are particularly poor. By paving these two roads, the project will improve year-round all-weather access to markets, jobs, schools, and health centers. Women are involved mainly in agricultural activities in the Project area. They also sell their products to the local markets. With better roads, the markets will be easier to reach and trading opportunities for women will increase. Better roads will also bring more customers to the area, improving opportunities to expand women's small enterprises. Access to health center will also be improved. Access to health clinics is important for women. It means that they and their children are able to recover more quickly. The province is composed of several ethnic groups with 6 dominant ethnic groups, namely the Kinh, Tay, Dao, Hmong, Thai and Chinese. The Kinh are the dominant ethnic group comprising about 45% of the population. The ethnic minority people are commonly among the poor groups and have enjoyed limited benefits from social development. Along Road 187, in the uplands, 89% of the population belongs to ethnic minority groups (Tay and Dao). Along Road 189, in the midlands, this proportion is lower at 43% (mainly Tay). GAEMDP. This gender action and ethnic minority development plan (GAEMDP) has been prepared to maximize benefits to local populations and to ensure that women and ethnic minorities equally share the benefits. Enhanced connectivity can also have unintended consequences (e.g. increased risk of HIV/AIDS and human trafficking, increased road safety risks), and this plan includes provisions to mitigate against these risks. The GAEMDP will

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

include four components, all of which have been designed to ensure as many beneficiaries as possible from the investments made. The four components are: HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign; Road safety campaign and road safety design measures; Employment of local population during construction; Climate change adaptation HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign. An HIV/AIDS prevention and human trafficking awareness campaign and a road safety campaign will be conducted before and during construction along the project roads. WU at the provincial and commune levels will be responsible for the whole campaign organization (training of facilitators, materials). Training of facilitators will be conducted by womens unions and representatives of HIV/AIDs centres and communes in each of the two project areas. Campaigns will be conducted at commune & village levels by 2 facilitators per village (village chief & 1 woman member of the WU). Campaigns will be conducted at village level and during market days, through distribution of leaflets, use of loud speakers, and presentation of plays. Construction-Setting Risk Mitigation Campaign. The contractors will have to prepare an awareness campaign plan to develop awareness, training, prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs for workers. This program will be under the contractors budget. The Womens Union and village officials, together with the gender and ethnic minority specialists, will coordinate with, and monitor and report on the contractors HIV/AIDS programs and provide support by providing materials and carrying out campaign activities targeting workers. Road safety program. PPMU and mass organization will conduct campaign on traffic regulations and safety measures in communes/villages and schools to raise awareness of road safety during construction and operation. Training of facilitators will be undertaken together with the HIV/AIDS human trafficking campaign. As for HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign, Campaigns will be conducted at commune & village levels by 2 facilitators per village (village chief & 1 woman member of the WU). Campaigns will be conducted at village level and during market days, through distribution of leaflets, use of loud speakers, and presentation of plays. The project design will also include safety measures for pedestrians such as: (i) speed bumps to slow traffic in villages and roadside settlements and at other strategic locations; (ii) lighting poles at strategic locations; and (iii) road safety signage (including pedestrian crossings). The location of these road safety facilities will be discussed with the WU and commune authorities during construction. Employment of local population during construction. Discussion with PPMU Tuyen Quang was held on March 18, 2011, to identify achievable targets for employment of local labor and women. After discussion, it was agreed to include specifications in bidding documents and civil works contracts that require, to the extent feasible, civil works and other contractors for the Project to hire a local labor force, specifically: 30% of the labor force (unskilled labourers) will come from local communities along the improved roads; Among these 30%, 50% will be women; and, Equal work for equal pay and no use of child labour. Discussion was also held with commune authorities to identify the process to hire local people. Contractors will submit to the commune authorities the number of people and the types of tasks needed. The local authorities, in collaboration with the WU, will inform the community and will ask interested people to give their names at the commune level. The list, 50% men and 50% women, will be given to the contractors. The PPMU, commune authorities and the WU will monitor whether the contractor meet the targets (i.e., agreed percentage of local labour and women; wages to be paid by the contractor). Climate change adaptation. 25% of PPMU staff attending adaptation seminars will be female.

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

Consultation and Disclosure. Consultations with the key stakeholders have been carried out during the preparation of the GAEMP. A GAEMDP Information Booklet has been prepared. Copies will be placed in village offices, Office of the Womens Union and Committee for Ethnic Minorities, and in the market areas where bulletin boards are present before ADB Management Review Meeting or before ADB Follow-Up Mission. Implementation Arrangements. The Tuyen Quang PPC is the executing agency while the Provincial Project Management Unit is the implementing agency of the Project. The PPMU is staffed with counterpart personnel mostly seconded from the Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT). Currently PPMU staffs are quite exclusively men. The PPMU is under the PDOT and is located in the PDOT building. There is a womans group within PDOT, which can be consulted on gender issues. Among the PPMUs, Mr. Le Anh Dung has been appointed to work on resettlement and social issues including gender issues. Specific to activities mentioned in this GAEMDP, mass organizations such as Womens Union and Committee for Ethnic Minorities will lead in the planning and implementation of all GAEMDP. Representatives from other mass organizations such as Fatherlands Front, Youth Union, Farmers Association will also be requested to participate in the planning and implementation of various GAEMDP activities. The Womens Union will be assisted by a team of international and national gender and ethnic minority development specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants. GAEMDP Budget and Implementation Schedule. The ADB loan funds will be used for the GAEMDP activities (with the exception of the contractors own HIV/AIDS campaigns). The budget for the implementation of the GAEMDP is estimated at 766,580,000 VND (36,733 USD). Loan funds will be used for GAEMDP and will be charged against the international PCC contract. Administration costs (such as transportation, allowances for local authorities and facilitators, purchase or rental of speakers, dissemination of information leaflets) will be part of the provisional sum. The Project is expected to commence in January 2012. The GAEMDP activities will be carried out until completion of civil works construction. The PPMU and the Womens Union, assisted by the Project Coordination Consultants will develop gender- and ethnic disaggregated indicators and prepare quarterly progress reports and will be submitted to the PPC and ADB. Table ES: Indicative Implementation Schedule Main GAEMDP Activities GAEMDP Preparation (consultation) GAEMDP submission to ADB for review and concurrence Disclosure of GAEMDP Information Booklet GAEMDP uploaded on ADB website ADB Management Review Meeting Loan effectiveness Implementation period/Pre Construction Activities Recruitment of supervision consultant Awareness campaign for HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, and road safety Start of Civil Works Construction Supervision of employment of local workers HIV/AIDS campaign for contractors Implementation Schedule Aug-Sep 2010, March 2011 April-May 2011 May 2011 May 2011 Jun 2011 30 December 2011 January 2012June 2015 Second quarter 2012 rd and 4th Qtr 2012-onwards 3 First quarter 2013 Continuously during construction period Continuously during construction

Preparation of Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan (GAEMDP)

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

Main GAEMDP Activities Awareness campaign for HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, and road safety Monitoring

Implementation Schedule period Second and third quarters 2013 Second quarter 2012 -onwards

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province



The Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project will rehabilitate about 307 km of provincial and district roads in six provinces in the northern mountainous provinces of Viet Nam (Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai, and Lao Cai). These provinces have high rates of poverty and ethnic minority populations. The road network consists predominantly of unpaved, narrow roads. Many sections are impassable during the rainy season. The travel time and cost from mountainous remote areas to social infrastructure will be reduced, and the economic activities along the roads will be enhanced. A gender action and ethnic minority development plan (GAEMDP) has been prepared, for Tuyen Quang Province, to maximize benefits to local populations and to ensure that women and ethnic minorities equally share the benefits. Enhanced connectivity can also have unintended consequences (e.g. increased risk of HIV/AIDS and human trafficking, increased road safety risks), and this plan includes provisions to mitigate against these risks. The socio-economic situation of the project area in general and households in particular is based on the following sources: Publications, socio-economic profile of households potentially affected by land acquisition; Information gathered during the public meetings held at the village level in August - September 2010. In early March 2011, two consultation meetings were again organized at the district, commune and village levels to Identify the expected direct benefits to the local communities; Determine how awareness campaigns should be conducted and by whom; Determine how the local communities could actively participate in the various GAEMDP activities Determine specific targets for the employment of local people and of women during construction; Identify persons in charge of social issues within PPMU; Information from these consultation meetings were derived from the following participants: Tuyen Quang PPMU staff, representatives of the Womens Union (WU) and the Committee for Ethnic Minorities (CEM) at the provincial level. Representatives of the Tan Thanh communes authorities (Road 189), the local womens union, and representatives of the community were also met. 2.

For Tuyen Quang Province, the Project will improve 2 roads including: Provincial Road 187 of 12.8 km; Provicial Road 189 of 54.4 km and; The two roads will be upgraded to Class V with a carriageway of 3.5 meters (m) width with an embankment width of 6.5 m. Due to lack of funds for regular maintenance and improvement, the 2 provincial roads that will be improved under the Project are generally described as seriously damaged and degraded with narrow roadbeds and low class pavement structure. Road 187 is located in a mountainous area and links Tuyen Quang to Bac Kan Province. We should note that the section of the road in Bac Kan Province (25.0 km), will also be upgraded under the Project. Therefore, it will constitute a section of 37.8 km of improved road between the 2 provinces. The pavement is in very bad status with many rocks. Communication along this road is very difficult. Road 189 is located in the midlands. It is parallel to the main axis of the province, National Road (NR) 2, but on the left bank of the Lo River. A bridge on the Lo River connects Road 189 and NR 2. NR 2 links several provinces (Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang and Ha Giang). Road 189 is mainly an earth road, impassable when it is raining. In some sections, there are no bridges over the streams that cross the road. For both roads, the gain on travel time will be significant and economic activities will be enhanced.

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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

Table 1: Characteristics of Roads Affected

Road District Communes Location/accessibility - Mainly unpaved road located in remote and mountainous areas; - Link Tuyen Quang to Bac Kan Province; road used by villagers on each side of the provincial border Socioeconomic situation - High level of poverty (45%); - 89% of the population if from an EM (mainly Tay); - Difficult conditions for agriculture; Benefits expected - Safer travel; - Reduction in travel distance; - Easier access to services (school, markets, health center) - Economic enhancement at local and between the 2 provinces; - Safer travel; - Reduction in travel distance; - Easier access to services (school, markets, health center) - Economic enhancement at local level; - Lower costs for transportation of agricultural products.

Provincial Road 187

Chiem Hoa

Yen Lap

Provincial Road 189

Ham Yen

Binh Xa, Tan Thanh, Phu Lu, Minh Dan, Minh Khuong, Bach Xa and Yen Thuan Communes

- Mainly earth road located in midland area, impassable when it is raining; - The road is linked to the main axis of the province, NR2. - Absence of bridges along the road.

- High level of poverty (51%) - 42% of the population if from an EM (Tay and Dao); - Good conditions for agriculture (oranges sugar cane);



Main Source of Income. The main primary source of income of most HH in the project area is agriculture and forestry. Local Produce Found in the Area. Road 187 is located in Chiem Hoa District, in a mountainous area. The climate is favourable for temperate plants, raising cows, horses, goats and poultry; and growing maize as the main food crop. Forestry (mainly bamboo) is also an important source of income. Road 189 is located in the midlands. The climate is favourable for tropical plants, forestry and fruit trees. Orange and sugar cane are the main agricultural products in the project area. Due to the bad status of the road, when it is raining, the road is impassable and products have to be transported by foot. Due to these difficult transportation conditions, the prices of goods are higher in the villages along this road. Poverty. The national poverty line is established by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). For the period from 2006 to 2010; the rural poverty line was VND 200,000/person/month while the urban poverty line was VND 260,000/person/month. The incidence of poverty in Tuyen Quang province in 2008 was 38% (new standard). In Tan Thanh Commune (along Road 189), the poverty rate is 51%. Remote areas (Road 187), especially those that become difficult to access by road during the rainy season, are particularly poor. Transport takes a lot of time and physical effort in rural areas. Paved roads and enhanced connectivity are vital for local economic development and poverty reduction. By paving these two roads, the Project will improve year-round all-weather access to markets, jobs, schools, and health centers. Yen Lap Commune (Road 187), Phu Lu, Minh Dan, Minh Khuong, and Bach Xa communes (Road 189) are classified as poor communes and eligible for Program No. 1351.

Programme 135 (P135) was established in 1998 to implement government policies targeting the most vulnerable communes, promoting production and access to basic infrastructure, improving education, training local officials and raising people's awareness for
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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province



Labor. Women are involved mainly in agricultural activities in the Project area. They also sell their products to the local markets. Their position has been improved though slowly; they now have better knowledge of the economy, society and culture; the quality of life (health, clothing, accommodation, transportation and cultural needs) has improved; the birth rate has declined. A very low percentage of women have a position in the government apparatus. In all the communes visited, there were no women, other than heads of WU, acting as commune or village leaders. Education. All the communes along the Projects roads have primary schools and some have lower secondary schools. All the children, both boys and girls, go to school. We should note that along Road 189, a primary school is located near a stream, which crosses the road without a bridge in Binh Xa Commune. When it is raining, the teachers have to help the students to cross the stream to avoid accidents. To continue after lower secondary, the students along Road 187 have to go to the district town, Vinh Loc, 15 to 25 km of mountainous road from Yen Lap. They go to boarding school and stay all week in Vinh Loc. With improved roads, girls will have a better chance of attending secondary school (especially along Road 187). For students along Road 189, the district town Tan Yen is closer, 5 to 15 km away. Involvement in groups. Women have started to take part more actively in community activities such as village meetings. The Womens Union is considered an active mass organization at the grassroots level. However, lots of old practices/traditions still prevail and hinder womens advancement (men still want to be the main participants in social engagements leaving the women to work long hours on agricultural production and housework). Markets. Each commune, along both roads has its own market. Market day varies from one commune to another to allow sellers to go to all the markets. Men and women usually go together to the market on a motorbike to sell and buy their agricultural products. People living along Road 189 go to Tan Yen Town on average once a week. In Tan Yen, the district town, there is a larger daily market. They sell their agricultural products at this market. With better roads, the markets will be easier to reach and trading opportunities for women will increase. For Road 187, Yen Lap has a market in Bac Ca. This market is frequented by most of the villagers along Road 187 and even those from Bac Kan Province. Therefore, the improvement of the road will have a major impact on the transport of goods. Local people from Yen Lap Commune also go to Bac Kan Province for markets. Better roads will also bring more customers to the area, improving opportunities to expand women's small enterprises. Market places are an important source of information for the community. Information flow is mainly via commune and village officials, neighbours, and also via market places. Health. Access to health clinics is important for women. It means that they and their children are able to recover more quickly. For women, this is especially important, not only because women and children tend to fall ill more often but also because they do not have to stay home so long to tend to their sick children. Along roads 187 and 189, all the communes have health centers. More developed health services are found in the district towns. Anticipated benefits. According a study by IFAD2 in Tuyen Quang Province, as road users, women have benefited greatly in many different ways from improvement of roads. First, the radius of their mobility has extended beyond the few kilometres that separate the villages and the communes. The women interviewed said that they can now go to district markets and shops to check on the prices of livestock and crops, and that their capacity for negotiation with traders is also enhanced. The cumulative effects of this on womens self-confidence are definitely not to be underestimated. Second, a road expands womens choice of affordable means of transport: e.g. buffalo cart or motorbike rather than on foot or bicycle. We saw a number of women on motorbikes transporting goods to and from the market. 5. ETHNIC MINORITY HOUSEHOLDS

The province is composed of several ethnic groups with 6 dominant ethnic groups, namely the Kinh, Tay, Dao, Hmong, Thai and Chinese. The Kinh are the dominant ethnic group comprising about 45% of the population. The ethnic
better living standards and quality of life. The rationale for establishing P135 was to help people in ethnic minority and mountainous areas overcome poverty, narrow the income gap with other communes in other districts and provinces and eliminate risks for social instability. 2 Govind Kelkar and Thanh-Dam Trong (2008) Case Study on the Gender Impact of an IFAD Project (Viet Nam: Participatory resource Management Project in Tuyen Quang Province) in Tuyen Quang Province, Viet Nam.
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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

minority people are commonly among the poor groups and have enjoyed limited benefits from social development. Along Road 187, in the uplands, 89% of the population belongs to ethnic minority groups (Tay and Dao). Along Road 189, in the midlands, this proportion is lower at 43% (mainly Tay). Source of Income. Ethnic minorities stand out as particularly disadvantaged in Viet Nams economic context. They tend to be less educated, more likely to suffer from malnutrition, are almost twice as likely to work self-employed in agriculture and are half as likely to be wage earners. In the project area, ethnic minority groups are almost all involved in agricultural production. Regarding income, HHs along Road 187, in the uplands, have lower incomes than those along Road 189 in the midlands; 1.7 million VND and 2.2 million per month, respectively. Along Road 189 in the midlands, there are no significant differences regarding incomes among the different ethnic groups. However, along Road 187, the Tay, the main ethnic group, have a significantly lower income at 1.7 million VND than the Kinh (1.9 million VND/month) and the Dao (2.0 million VND/month) (see Table 2). Table 2 : Household Income by Ethnic Group and Gender
Roads/ Ethnic Group Road 189 Kinh Dao Tay Chinese Average Road 187 Kinh Dao Tay Average Contribution to Household Income (VND/month) Male Female Total 1,045,590 1,000,667 940,540 1,500,000 965,510 1,092,860 1,071,430 1,200,000 2,011,100 2,093,527 2,011,970 2,700,000 2,204,149 1,866,670 2,000,000 1,208,120 1,691,597

1,366,670 1,000,000 679,170

500,000 1,000,000 528,950

Education. In general, ethnic minority groups have a lower level of education than the Kinh. In the project area, all the children from ethnic minority groups go to primary and lower secondary schools generally located at the commune level. Ethnic minority people use their own languages in daily communication, but the majority of them (mostly young people) can understand and speak Vietnamese. Tuyen Quang Province provides education services (free education plus support for textbooks, etc.) minority people and people living in remote/difficult areas. 6. CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION to ethnic

During project preparation (in August-September 2010, March 2011) public consultation were conducted along each of the two project roads. Affected households from EM groups and representative of CEM attended to these meetings together with local authorities, affected HH and representatives of various mass organizations (Womens Union, Youth Union etc.). During these public meetings, Ethnic Minority Households (EMH) were asked to respond on some specific issues and concerns among their communities. The following table summarized the concerns of the affected HH. EMH and Kinh share the same concerns in the project area. These concerns have been taking into account, in the GAEMDP, for the preparation of beneficial and mitigative measures. Table 3 : Summary of Perceived Benefits and Adverse Effects of Road Project
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1. 2. Improved roads will provide safer traffic condition for local people. People will have better access to schools by making roads easier to navigate specially during rainy season. Easier and safer for children to go to school. Better transportation contributes in promoting product exchanges and trading activities and facilitates the movement of products from source to markets. Improved roads and transportation will help improve the standard of living of local people. The people within the project area can earn additional income from jobs in construction work and for providing lodging and food to Contractors and construction workers coming from outside. 1. 2.

Adverse Effects
Number of traffic accidents may increase. Number of social evils may increase. Improved roads will provide easier access for outsiders who may bring with them vices such as drug addiction and prostitution, trafficking of women and children and spread of communicable diseases. Disruption in daily living of people during construction period like their mobility in going to school and market. Households who will be directly affected in terms of their houses and livelihood are concerned that they will not be paid on time nor given assistance for repairing their houses or relocating.


3. 4.

4. 5.



As mentioned in the table above, improved connectivity can bring great benefits to the local population. Access to markets and transport services increases, travel becomes faster and more convenient, and children can safely travel further from home. The quality of rural health, education and other services improves with better accessibility. Because ethnic minorities account for 89% of the population along Road 187 and 41% along Road 189 and women play an important role in the local economy, the Projects benefits will directly help ethnic minorities and women. 8. RESETTLEMENT IMPACTS AND SOCIAL RISKS

Impacts on women and EMH specific to resettlement are not significant. Resettlement impacts are not different than the Kinh in the project area. A stand-alone Resettlement Plan has been prepared for Tuyen Quang province. 2,012 households will be affected by small land acquisition. 23 households will have their shop partially affected but all of them could repair them or move back on their remaining land No households will lose 10% or more of their total productive assets and there will not be any acquisition of common property resources. Access to properties and economic opportunities will not be restricted during project construction and operation. In terms of social risks, the following associated social risks in the improvement of project roads have been identified: HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, and road safety. 8.1 HIV/AIDS

General. The HIV epidemic in Vietnam is still in a concentrated stage, with the highest HIV prevalence found in male

injecting drug users (18.4%), female sex workers (3.2%) and men who have sex with men (16.7%). The HIV epidemic may have begun to stabilize, as reflected by stable trends in HIV prevalence among injecting drug users and female sex workers in many places. In other places, these trends are increasing such as in the northwest of the country. HIV prevalence among women attending antenatal clinics and among male military recruits has begun decreasing and continues to be observed at low levels, 0.3% and 0.15%, respectively. People aged 20-39 years account for more than 80% of all reported cases and the proportion of people living with HIV aged 30-39 is showing signs of increasing. Men accounted for 73.2% of all reported cases in 2009. HIV cases have been reported nationwide in all 63 provinces/cities, 97.5% of districts, and 70.5% of wards/communes. As of 31 December 2009, there were 160,019 reported HIV cases and 44,050 deaths due to AIDS-related illnesses.3 According to the Viet Nam HIV/AIDS Estimates and Projections 2007- 2012, adult HIV prevalence (aged 15-49) was 0.44% in 2010.4 Tuyen Quang Province The management board of the HIV/AIDS prevention project in Tuyen Quang Province indicated that Tuyen Quang Province diagnosed their first HIV/AIDS-infected case in July 1997. There are currently
National Committee for AIDS, Drugs, and Prostitution Prevention and Control. 2010. The Fourth Country Report on Following up the Implementation to the Declaration of Commitment on HIV and AIDS. Hanoi. 4 Ministry of Health. 2009. Viet Nam HIV/AIDS Estimates and Projections: 2007-2012. Hanoi.

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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province

1,460 people living with HIV/AIDS in the province. To prevent the spread of the disease in the community, the province has established three clubs for HIV/AIDS carriers with 50 members to help people gain a deeper understanding of HIV/AIDS and its effects. The province has also launched many programmes to disseminate information on preventing drug use and prostitution. Project Areas. In the commune visited (Tan Thanh), there are no known cases of HIV/AIDS, according to the commune authorities. Opening remote areas, especially Road 187, which will link two provinces and become a main axis, could increase the spread of HIV/AIDS, both during construction and through a greater influx of outsiders once the road is complete. The Womens Union, in collaboration with health centers, conducts regular awareness campaigns on HIV/AIDS at the commune level. In all the communes visited, these campaigns were being conducted. PDOT Tuyen Quang indicated that they already conducted such a campaign for a World Bank Project (Third Rural Transport Project) in 2007. 8.2 HUMAN TRAFFICKING

General. Viet Nam is a source and destination country for human trafficking. Vietnamese men, women, and girls are trafficked for commercial sexual and labor exploitation in Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic. Women and men are trafficked for forced labor in brothels, factories, construction projects, ships, and to work as domestic servants. Vietnamese women are also recruited through fraudulent marriages. Between 2002-2007, there were around 25,000 marriages by Vietnamese women to Korean men, and 24,600 to Taiwanese men from 2003 to 2005. 5 In 2008, the Vietnamese Government estimated that approximately 10% of the arranged marriages with Chinese men become trafficking cases. Women are often recruited through licensed and unlicensed migrant labor recruiting agencies. In response, the government tightened the requirements for foreign marriages, making marriage brokerage illegal. From 2005-2007, as many as 900 human trafficking cases involving 1,600 traffickers and 2,200 smuggled women and children were detected.6 There are many causes for human trafficking in Vietnam. The UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking argues that many of the causes are socio-economic, such as difficulty finding employment in rural and remote areas, lack of awareness, and low education level. The National Action Plan Against the Trafficking of Women and Children from 2004-2010 places the Viet Nam Womens Union in charge of promoting public education while the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) focuses on assisting victims and repatriation and reintegration. A study conducted under ADB regional technical assistance (TA)7 found that construction of a new road, located in the far northeast of Cambodia with borders on Lao and Viet Nam, had more impact in encouraging migration for ethnic minorities than in facilitating access to social facilities and services. As such, for many of these ethnic minorities, the new roads that lead into their provinces also offer a way out of hardship and poverty and into prosperity, through migration. According to this study, migration, when unregulated, especially for people with limited education, skills, and information, can lead to human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Ethnic minorities are particularly at risk. Women from the ethnic minority villages in the Northern region8 in particular became sexual victims, with several percent ending up in Laos. In China, most became victims of the sex industry or are forced labour in rural areas (through forced marriages to farmers). Tuyen Quang Province. Tuyen Quang does not share a border with the Peoples Republic of China. However, the risk of human trafficking with China is present and will increase with the improvement of the road network. According to the provincial WU leader, in Tuyen Quang, there are 40 people (11 women and 29 children) who have been brought to
World Vision. GMS Human Trafficking: A Changing Landscape. Available online: Human Trafficking Crackdown in Viet Nam. 7 January 2008. Available at /768 7 ADB. 2005. Technical Assistance for Preventing the Trafficking of Women and Children and Promoting Safe Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Manila. (RETA 6190) 8 The provinces of the Northern region in which the serious cases of human trafficking are concentrated include Ha Giang Province (134 cases), Lao Cai Province (105 cases), Lang Son Province (95 cases), Quang Ninh Province (73 cases), Ha Noi City (66 cases), Nghe An Province (66 cases), Lai Chau Province (56 cases) and Bac Giang Province (44 cases). (Source JICA, Country Gender Profile: Viet Nam (2011)
5 6

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China. They all managed to return home. These people now participate with the WU in awareness campaigns on preventing human trafficking. The representative of the CEM also indicated that ethnic minority people usually trust others and therefore are potential victims for human traffickers. Project Area Along Road 189, there has been one known case of trafficking. According to local authorities, the woman was brought to China and never came back. The Womens Union conducts regular awareness campaigns on human trafficking at the commune level. In all the communes visited, such campaigns were being conducted. 8.3 ROAD SAFETY

Pedestrians and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable road users and account for the majority of traffic deaths in Vietnam. With the improvement of the roads (especially Road 187) and the anticipated increase in traffic (cars and trucks) and speed, there may be increased road accidents. This safety issue will affect all road users and, in particular, women who often travel to and from their fields. It will also affect students going to school. Road safety issues were also identified as a concern by women during public meetings conducted in 2010. A safety transportation board has been established within DOT. This board is in charge of awareness safety campaigns in the province. The WU at the provincial level is a member of this board. Road safety campaigns are already being conducted in Tuyen Quang Province, at the commune level, by the Womens Union. The WU conduct their campaigns on market days. Usually markets take place once a week in the affected communes. The day of the market varies from one commune to another. The WU conducts various awareness campaigns every month at the commune level. The WU uses different means to inform the community and women in particular. They distribute leaflets and use loud speakers. Some plays with actors on specific subjects can also be organized. 9. BENEFICIAL AND MITIGATIVE MEASURES

Based on the above analysis, the proposed GAEMDP will include four components, all of which have been designed to ensure as many beneficiaries as possible from the investments made. The four components are: HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign; Road safety campaign and road safety design measures; Employment of local population during construction; Climate change adaptation Specific to resettlement impacts, as mentioned above, a separate Resettlement Plan has been prepared. It includes specific actions for women and ethnic minorities such as: EMH are covered by customary rights, separate meetings with women and EMH during RP updating and implementation will be carried out, and special assistance will be provided to women and EMH based on their needs. Key information in the Resettlement Plan will be disclosed to the affected households through distribution of copies of information leaflets in Vietnamese language during market days in the communes prior to submission to the ADB for review and concurrence. A GAEMDP Information Booklet has been prepared as shown in Annex 1. Copies will be placed in village offices, Office of the Womens Union and Committee for Ethnic Minorities, and in the market areas where bulletin boards are present before ADB Management Review Meeting or before ADB Follow-Up Mission. 9.1 HIV/AIDS HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS CAMPAIGN & ROAD SAFETY CAMPAIGN An HIV/AIDS prevention and human trafficking awareness campaign and a road safety campaign will be conducted before and during construction along the project roads. To facilitate the organization both campaign will be conducted at the same time.

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There are currently HIV/AIDS and human trafficking prevention and road safety activities implemented in all the communes by the Womens Union and health centers. The proposed campaigns took experience from the existing activities conducted in Tuyen Quang Province. Organization

3-day training course at subproject level - A 3-day training course will be undertaken in one commune along each project road; - During the 3-day training course, the Womens Union at the provincial level, along with HIV/AIDS centre members, will train community members. - Each commune affected by the project road will send the following representatives to the 3-day training course: - Womens Union chairwoman and vice chairwoman; - Commune PPC Member in Charge of Safety Issues; - Commune Youth Union Leader; - Commune health care centre ; - A teacher from primary school and a teacher from basic secondary school. This training course will focus on the main topics and materials to be used. The WU will give each representative the necessary training materials; 3-day training course at commune level - After the training course at the subproject level, the representatives of each commune that participated in the first training course will become trainers in their respective commune, - Each village in each commune affected by the project road will send the following representatives to the 3day training course: - Village Womens Union Chairwoman; - Village Leader. - These representatives will become the 2 facilitators at the village level (at least 50% should be women); Dissemination of information - The two facilitators in each village will have 2 weekly meetings with villagers to disseminate information on HIV/ AIDS, human trafficking and road safety; - In mountainous areas, if the houses are scattered, the facilitators will go to each house to disseminate information every 2 weeks; - When necessary, the facilitators will translate the information in other languages; - Twice a month, during market days in each commune, information will be disseminated. Plays will also be organized. - Trained teachers will provide information in their respective primary and basic secondary schools.

Timing and Material Training materials will come from the provincial and district level (WU and Health Centres) and from the Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT). The gender and ethnic minority specialists, under the Project Supervision Consultant, will review the existing material and supplement it if necessary. For HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking, the supplement will be based on the existing materials developed for the following ADB projects: TA-6467 (REG) and RETA 64679: HIV Prevention and Infrastructure: Mitigating Risk in the GMS. All the written information will be in Vietnamese. However, at least one facilitator will be able to verbally translate the information to those who dont understand Vietnamese.

ADB. 2008. Regional Technical Assistance Report for HIV Prevention and Infrastructure Mitigating Risk in the Greater Mekong Subregion (RETA 6467). Page 8

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The organization of this awareness campaign has been discussed with the WU, at the provincial and commune level, and with representatives of other stakeholders (PPMU, CEM, commune authorities). All the stakeholders met agreed with the proposed organization. It should be noted that an awareness campaign will also be conducted by contractors specifically for their workers. The contractors will have to prepare an awareness campaign plan to develop awareness, training, prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs for workers. This program will be under the contractors budget. The Womens Union and village officials, together with the gender and ethnic minority specialists, will coordinate with, and monitor and report on the contractors HIV/AIDS programs and provide support by providing materials and carrying out campaign activities targeting workers. 9.2 EMPLOYMENT DURING CIVIL WORKS Civil works for road improvements will require local labourers for land clearance, earthworks and other activities. Greater gender equality in labor-based road construction and maintenance will provide significant social benefits to participating households and communities. According to local authorities met, women are already involved in maintenance road work. The activities conducted by women are mainly clearing drainage ditches and culverts and spreading crushed stones on the road. Women can also maintain embankments and plant and care for trees and other plants that protect against erosion. According to the IFAD study in Tuyen Qyang10 women are benefiting from the upgrading of roads both as workers and as users. As workers, women and men are mobilised in mixed teams (gender, age, ethnicity). On average, in all districts in Tuyen Quang province, about 30% of the people engaged as labourers for road upgrading are women. The specific percentage varies from district to district depending on whether women have alternative sources of cash income. As per the Labour Code, all employment for civil works will have to respect GOV commitments to gender equity and promotion of ethnic minorities, including: Employment targets for women and ethnic minorities; No discrimination against the employment of qualified women and ethnic minorities; and, No differential wages paid to men and women for work of equal value. Discussion with PPMU Tuyen Quang was held on March 18, 2011, to identify achievable targets for employment of local labor and women. After discussion, it was agreed to include specifications in bidding documents and civil works contracts that require, to the extent feasible, civil works and other contractors for the Project to hire a local labor force, specifically: 30% of the labor force (unskilled labourers) will come from local communities along the improved roads; Among these 30%, 50% will be women; and, Equal work for equal pay and no use of child labour. Discussion was also held with commune authorities to identify the process to hire local people. Contractors will submit to the commune authorities the number of people and the types of tasks needed. The local authorities, in collaboration with the WU, will inform the community and will ask interested people to give their names at the commune level. The list, 50% men and 50% women, will be given to the contractors. The PPMU, commune authorities and the WU will monitor whether the contractor meet the targets (i.e., agreed percentage of local labour and women; wages to be paid by the contractor). During meetings at the commune level, participants asked whether the contractors would pay the laborers daily or weekly. Information on local employment will be included in the monitoring reports. It is worth mentioning that hiring local laborers may be difficult during the planting and harvesting season.


See Note 2.
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The project design will include safety measures for pedestrians such as: (i) speed bumps to slow traffic in villages and roadside settlements and at other strategic locations; (ii) lighting poles at strategic locations; and (iii) road safety signage (including pedestrian crossings). The location of these road safety facilities will be discussed with the WU and commune authorities during construction. 9.4 CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION

Climate change adaptation seminars will be conducted during the Project. Of the total number of participants, 25% of them will be female. Table 4 summarizes the content of the GAEMDP. Table 4: Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan
Project outputs Output 1: Project roads are rehabilitated Activities and Indicators -Contractors will prioritize the use of local unskilled labour (through subcontracting); at least 30% of the labour force will be local unskilled labor; -Among the 30% of local labour, at least 50% of unskilled labourers will be female; -Male and female unskilled workers will receive equal pay for equal work; - Contractors will not employ child labour on civil works contracts; - Persons interested will write their names at village level; commune authorities and village chiefs will provide names to the contractors; priority will be given to members of the poorest households -Separate male/female latrines / basic facilities will be provided in the construction sites. - 25% of the PPMU staff attending adaptation training seminars will be female Responsibilities - PPMU/Project Coordination Consultant will be responsible to ensure this clause is included in the contract; - Commune authorities will submit to the contractors the list of interested people; - Womens Union and Commune authorities will be responsible for ensuring that employment targets are met. Time frame - During construction

Output 2: PDOTs capacity on climate change adaptation and flexible application of road classification is enhanced Output 3: Awareness of potential social problems is enhanced among vulnerable people, especially women and ethnic minorities

- PPMU staff

- During


HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign Community-Based Risk Mitigation Campaign - The risk mitigation information will be delivered to project-affected communes and villages using a participatory approach with a special focus on the poor, vulnerable households (e.g. ethnic minority groups, households headed by women, and families

- WU at the provincial and

commune levels will be responsible for the whole campaign organization (training of facilitators, materials development) in collaboration with district and commune health centres. - WU at the village level will be responsible for the dissemination of information - Commune/district health centres will assist WU at commune level

- Monthly, before
and during construction

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with disabled and elderly members, and out-of-school youth). - Materials will be gender-responsive and culturally- and linguisticallyappropriate; in particular it should be translated/adapted into various ethnic minority languages (Dao, Hmong Tay) where necessary; - Training of facilitators will be conducted by womens unions and representatives of HIV/AIDs centres and communes in each of the two project areas; - Campaigns will be conducted at commune & village levels by 2 facilitators per village ( village chief & 1 woman member of the WU) - Campaigns will be conducted at village level and during market days, through distribution of leaflets, use of loud speakers, and presentation of plays; Construction-Setting Risk Mitigation Campaign - PPMU and Contractor will work closely with health services at the district and commune levels to develop awareness, training, prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs for workers. - All programs and materials developed will integrate gender issues, including key vulnerabilities and needs of men and women. - In particular contractor will: - Develop awareness programs for the employees and the community including information, education and communication activities that address HIV transmission and promote preventive measures; - Provide voluntary counselling and encourage testing for HIV/AIDS to make sure that all employees know their status; - Facilitate access to health care and be supportive of people who have disclosed their HIV status; - Provide basic medical care and facilities (free condoms) at workers camps; Community-based road safety campaign - PPMU and mass organization will conduct campaign on traffic

- Project Coordination Consultant

will include international and national gender and ethnic minority specialists - The gender and EM specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants will review the existing materials and, if necessary, supplement the existing materials from the TA6467 (REG) and RETA 6467 : HIV Prevention and Infrastructure: Mitigating Risk in the GMS;

Contractors Local health centers Commune authorities Womens union will carry out overall coordination to create greater synergy on HIV focused activities.

- During


- The Tuyen Quang Project

Management Unit (PPMU will be responsible for the budget allocation;

- Monthly, during

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Project Management

regulations and safety measures in communes/villages and schools to raise awareness of road safety during construction and operation; - Training of facilitators will be undertaken together with the HIV/AIDS human trafficking campaign; - Facilitators will adapt materials which are gender sensitive and EM languages when necessary; - Training of facilitators will be conducted by womens union and representatives of PDOT in each of the two project areas; - Campaign will be conducted twice in each village and during market days, through distribution of leaflets and loud speaker; - Campaign will also be conducted in schools by teachers who attended the training courses; - Campaign will be conducted at commune and village level by 2 facilitators per village (1 man, village chief & 1 woman member of the WU) Road safety measures - Road hazards will be identified and removed. - Road and traffic signs and road safety warnings will be installed in strategic locations along the whole length of the road; - Pedestrians crossings will be installed where necessary; - For the safety of children and pedestrians, light poles and speed bumps will be installed at requested locations; - WU and local communities will be consulted for the location of safety facilities; Gender and development briefing and training will be provided to PPMU staff, local organizations and contractors. All capacity development activities will nclude targets for female and EM participation.

- WU at the provincial level will be

responsible for the whole campaign organization (training of facilitators, materials); - WU at the commune level will carry out the dissemination of information; - The gender and ethnic minority specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants will review the proposed materials and, if necessary, supplement them;

- The Tuyen Quang Project

Management Unit (PPMU);

- During detailed

- Project Coordination Consultants

design and project implementation

- Project Coordination Consultants - -PPMU

During design and initial implementation

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10. 10.1


The Tuyen Quang PPC is the executing agency while the PPMU is the implementing agency of the Project. The PPMU is staffed with counterpart personnel mostly seconded from the Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT). In PPMU Tuyen Quang, one woman, Mrs Nguyen Van Lam, is Vice-Chairman. Her leadership will help the implementation of the GAEMDP. The PPMU is under the PDOT and is located in the PDOT building. There is a womans group within PDOT, which can be consulted on gender issues. Among the PPMUs, Mr. Le Anh Dung has been appointed to work on resettlement and social issues including gender issues. Specific to activities mentioned in this GAEMDP, mass organizations such as Womens Union and Committee for Ethnic Minorities will lead in the planning and implementation of all GAEMDP. Representatives from other mass organizations such as Fatherlands Front, Youth Union, Farmers Association will also be requested to participate in the planning and implementation of various GAEMDP activities. The Womens Union will be assisted by a team of international and national gender and ethnic minority development specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants. 10.2 Womens Union Viet Nams Womens Union is a mass organization uniting women in the country. It has millions of members, and has branches in all communes and districts. At the local level, the Womens Union members and leaders are active in a wide range of development activities. The Womens Union organizes health and communication campaigns in collaboration with other sectors, e.g: Health and Red Cross. Panel discussions on HIV/AIDS organized by WUs have attracted large audiences. It also promotes awareness and action on gender equity. The Womens Union also conducts road safety campaigns. The Central Womens Union provides guidance to provincial/commune Womens Unions on HIV/AIDS/STI communication and educational activities for women. The Central Womens Union gives guidance and instruction to their branches at provincial, district and commune levels for these campaigns. At the community level, HIV/AIDS information is integrated in other Womens Union activities. Counseling is provided to HIV-infected people and their family members, and other educational activities are undertaken. In communes with difficulties and/or with ethnic minorities, the Womens Union assists the poor and poor women in particular to access subsidized credit from the Bank for Social Policies. The WU can also provide training courses for their members. The Womens Union at different levels has established collaborative mechanisms with banks to provide credit to women for household economic activities and for starting and developing their own enterprises. The Womens Union plays a key role in information, health prevention and economic development at the commune level. 10.3 Committee for Ethnic Minorities (CEM) In 1994, a Committee for Ethnic Minorities (CEM) was created and assigned the role of monitoring and coordinating ethnic minority development activities. CEM is present in each province with ethnic minority issues. However, CEM is not present at the local level. The GOV has in place a number of programs aimed at the integration of ethnic minority groups into overall Vietnamese society and, in particular, their greater participation in mainstream economic life. The GOV seeks to address the inequities of both development and infrastructure provision in the remote and mountainous areas with Programme 135. This program is co-managed by CEM. 10.4 Youth Union Viet Nam Youth Union is a mass organization uniting youth in the country. It has millions of members, and has branches in all communes and districts. At the local level, Youth Union (YU) members and leaders are active in a wide range of development activities. The YU has the ability to reach young people at all levels of Vietnamese society, including those with high-risk behaviors and/or living with HIV/AIDS. A National Movement to engage youth volunteers and young people in "Preventing AIDS, Drug Use and Prostitution" was launched throughout the country in 2003. In HIV/AIDS activities, building awareness, education and communication activities are the first priority of the VYU. The Youth Union works together with the police, military, Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Vietnam Womens Union, Vietnam Veterans Association, and education sector in promoting healthy lifestyles and supporting youth.
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Support from Project Coordination Consultants

The Project Coordination Consultant will hire 1 international and 3 national gender and ethnic minority specialists. Each national gender specialist will be based in one of the 3 project field offices (Lao Cai Yen Bai; Ha Giang Tuyen Quanh; and Cao Bang - Bac Kan). The main tasks of the international and national consultants will be to: (i)Assist PPMU in the implementation of the GAEMDP; (ii)Provide assistance and training to Womens Unions at various levels; (iii) Review and adapt materials for safety, HIV/AIDS and human trafficking campaigns; (iv) Provide gender and development training to PPMU staff and mass organizations; and provide gender briefing to contractors.; and (v) Assist PPMU in the preparation of quarterly progress reports. 11. BUDGET The following table presents the budget planned for the implementation of the GAEMDP for Tuyen Quang Province. The ADB loan funds will be used for the GAEMDP activities (with the exception of the contractors own HIV/AIDS campaigns). The budget for the implementation of the GAEMDP is estimated at 766,580,000 VND (36,733 USD). Loan funds will be used for GAEMDP and will be charged against the international PCC contract. Administration costs (such as transportation, allowances for local authorities and facilitators, purchase or rental of speakers, dissemination of information leaflets) will be part of the provisional sum. The detailed budget is presented in Annex 2. Table 5 : Summary of Budget for the Implementation of the GAEMDP for Tuyen Quang Province
Activities I Training course at subproject level for representatives of each affected commune Training course at commune level for facilitators Dissemination of information TOTAL Road 187 (1 commune) 25 420 000 13 500 000 59 400 000 Road 189 (8 communes) 85 060 000 108 000 000 475 200 000 TOTAL VND 110 480 000 121 500 000 534 600 000 USD

5 293 $ 5 822 $ 25 618 $ 36 733 $


98 320 000

668 260 000

766 580 000



The local population will have access to this grievance process. Complaints will pass through 3 stages before they could be elevated to a court of law as a last resort. The grievance redress procedure specific to social issues (e.g. contractors failure to pay workers) is similar to the procedures established in the Resettlement Plan for Tuyen Quang Province. EMH and women who have questions or complaints can ask support from the Committee on Ethnic Minorities and Womens Union. First Stage, Commune Peoples Committee. An aggrieved affected household may bring his/her complaint before any member of the Commune Peoples Committee, either through the Village Chief or directly to the CPC, in writing or verbally. It is incumbent upon said member of CPC or the village chief to notify the CPC about the complaint. The CPC will meet personally with the aggrieved affected household and will have 30-45 days following the lodging of the complaint to resolve it (Note: in remote and mountainous areas, the complaint should be resolved within 45-60 days. The CPC is responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints that it handles. Upon issuance of decision of CPC, the household can make an appeal within 30 days. If the second decision has been issued and the household is still not satisfied with the decision, the household can elevate his/her complaint to the DPC. Second Stage, District Peoples Committee. Upon receipt of complaint from the household, the DPC will have 30-45 days (or 45-60 days if it is in remote or mountainous areas) following the lodging of the complaint to resolve the case. The DPC is responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints that it handles. Upon issuance of decision of DPC, the household can make an appeal within 30 days. If the second decision
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has been issued and the household is still not satisfied with the decision, the household can elevate his/her complaint to the PPC. Third Stage, Provincial Peoples Committee. Upon receipt of complaint from the household, the PPC will have 30-45 days (or 45-60 days if it is in remote or mountainous areas) following the lodging of the complaint to resolve the case. The PPC is responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints that reaches the same. Upon issuance of decision of PPC, the household can make an appeal within 30 days. If the second decision has been issued and the household is still not satisfied with the decision, the household can elevate his/her complaint to the court within 45 days. PPC will then deposit the compensation payment in an escrow account. Final Stage, the Court of Law Arbitrates. Should the complainant file his/her case to the court and the court rule in favor of the complainant, then PMU-MT will have to increase the compensation at a level to be decided by the court. In case the court will rule in favor of PPC, then the amount deposited with the court is what the complainant will receive. If efforts to resolve complaints or disputes are still unresolved and unsatisfactory following the projects grievance redress mechanism, the households have the right to send their concerns or problems directly to ADBs Operations Department, i.e., Transport and Communications Division, Southeast Asia Department (SERD) or through ADB Viet Nam Resident Mission. If the households are still not satisfied with the responses of SERD, they can directly contact the ADB's Office of the Special Project Facilitator (OSPF) as outlined in the "Information Guide to the Consultation Phase of the ADB Accountability Mechanism" 11. 13. MONITORING, REPORTING & EVALUATION Monitoring and evaluation of the GAEMDP implementation is required to ensure the action plan (see Table 4) is implemented properly and effectively, and to ensure that the objectives of the GAEMDP are being met. The monitoring of the GAEMDP will be ensured by PPMU assisted by the supervision consultants. For the employment during civil works, the commune authorities will also be involved in the monitoring. The objectives of the monitoring of the GAEMDP will include: (i) Ensuring that the GAEMDP is being properly implemented and the overall objectives of the GAEMDP are being met; (ii) Collecting data and information to identify progress; (iii) Ensuring that appropriate participatory approaches have been adopted and that appropriate involvement of ethnic minority men and women has been undertaken; and (iv) Identifying issues or complaints and ensuring that the grievance mechanism is effective. The general methodology for monitoring and evaluation will involve secondary data collection, key informant interviews and participatory rapid appraisal techniques. The field observations, analyses, and overall evaluation methods will be combined. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews and secondary data review will be undertaken to assess the benefits, progress and management of the GAEMDP activities. The PPMU and the Womens Union, assisted by the Project Coordination Consultants will develop monitoring indicators during inception and will prepare quarterly progress reports and will be submitted to the PPC and ADB. 14. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE

The Project is expected to commence in January 2012. The GAEMDP activities will be carried out until completion of civil works construction. Table 6: Indicative Implementation Schedule
Main GAEMDP Activities

Implementation Schedule

The information guide is also available on the ADBs website:

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Main GAEMDP Activities Preparation of Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan (GAEMDP) GAEMDP Preparation (consultation) GAEMDP submission to ADB for review and concurrence Disclosure of GAEMDP Information Booklet GAEMDP uploaded on ADB website ADB Management Review Meeting Loan effectiveness Implementation period / Pre Construction Activities Recruitment of supervision consultant Awareness campaign for HIV/AIDS, human trafficking and road safety Start of Civil Works Construction Supervision of employment of local workers HIV/AIDS campaign for contractors Awareness campaign for HIV/AIDS, human trafficking and road safety Monitoring

Implementation Schedule Aug-Sep 2010, March 2011 April-May 2011 May 2011 May 2011 May 2011 30 December 2011 January 2012June 2015 Second quarter 2012 Third and fourth quarters 2012-onwards First quarter 2013 Continuously during construction period Continuously during construction period Second and third quarters 2013 Second quarter 2012 -onwards



This GAEMDP will be uploaded on ADB website before ADB Management Review Meeting or ADB Follow-Up Mission. All monitoring reports prepared during loan implementation will be posted on ADB website.

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ANNEX 1: GAEMDP INFORMATION BOOKLET Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project Tuyen Quang Province Question: What is the Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project? Answer: For Tuyen Quang Province, the Project will improve 2 roads including: Provincial Road 187 (Chiem Hoa) of 12.8 km; Provicial Road 189 (Ham Yen) of 54.4 km and; The two roads will be upgraded to Class V with a carriageway of 3.5 meters (m) width with an embankment width of 6.5 m. Question: What are the Project benefits ? Answer: Improved connectivity can bring great benefits to the local population. Access to markets and transport services increases, travel becomes faster and more convenient, and children can safely travel further from home. The quality of rural health, education and other services improves with better accessibility. Because ethnic minorities account for 89% of the population along Road 187 and 41% along Road 189 and women play an important role in the local economy, the Projects benefits will directly help ethnic minorities and women. Questions: Are there any associated risks? Answer: Yes. There are also associated social risks in the improvement of project roads such as HIV/AIDS and human trafficking. Road safety will also be an issue once the road is improved. Question: How can we benefit from the Project and how can we mitigate or address social risks? Answer: A Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan (GAEMDP) has been prepared. The activities will be lead by the Womens Union. The content of the GAEMDP is presented in the Table below.
Table 1: Content of the GAEMDP Project outputs Output 1: Project roads are rehabilitated Activities and Indicators -Contractors will prioritize the use of local unskilled labour (through subcontracting); at least 30% of the labour force will be local unskilled labor; -Among the 30% of local labour, at least 50% of unskilled labourers will be female; -Male and female unskilled workers will receive equal pay for equal work; - Contractors will not employ child labour on civil works contracts; - Persons interested will write their names at village level; commune authorities and village chiefs will provide names to the contractors; priority will be given to members of the poorest households -Separate male/female latrines / basic facilities will be provided in the construction sites. - 25% of the PPMU staff attending adaptation training seminars will be female Responsibilities will be responsible to ensure this clause is included in the contract; Commune authorities will submit to the contractors the list of interested people; Womens Union and Commune authorities will be responsible for ensuring that employment targets are met. Time frame construction

- PPMU/Project Coordination Consultant - During -

Output 2: PDOTs capacity on climate change adaptation and flexible application of road classification is enhanced

- PPMU staff

- During


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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province Output 3: Awareness of potential social problems is enhanced among vulnerable people, especially women and ethnic minorities HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Campaign Community-Based Risk Mitigation Campaign - The risk mitigation information will be delivered to project-affected communes and villages using a participatory approach with a special focus on the poor, vulnerable households (e.g. ethnic minority groups, households headed by women, and families with disabled and elderly members, and out-of-school youth). - Materials will be gender-responsive and culturally- and linguistically-appropriate; in particular it should be translated/adapted into various ethnic minority languages (Dao, Hmong Tay) where necessary; - Training of facilitators will be conducted by womens unions and representatives of HIV/AIDs centres and communes in each of the two project areas; - Campaigns will be conducted at commune & village levels by 2 facilitators per village ( village chief & 1 woman member of the WU) - Campaigns will be conducted at village level and during market days, through distribution of leaflets, use of loud speakers, and presentation of plays; Construction-Setting Risk Mitigation Campaign - PPMU and Contractor will work closely with health services at the district and commune levels to develop awareness, training, prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs for workers. - All programs and materials developed will integrate gender issues, including key vulnerabilities and needs of men and women. - In particular contractor will: - Develop awareness programs for the employees and the community including information, education and communication activities that address HIV transmission and promote preventive measures; - Provide voluntary counselling and encourage testing for HIV/AIDS to make sure that all employees know their status; - Facilitate access to health care and be supportive of people who have disclosed their HIV status; - Provide basic medical care and facilities (free condoms) at workers camps; Community-based road safety campaign - PPMU and mass organization will

- WU at the provincial and commune

levels will be responsible for the whole campaign organization (training of facilitators, materials development) in collaboration with district and commune health centres. - WU at the village level will be responsible for the dissemination of information - Commune/district health centres will assist WU at commune level - Project Coordination Consultant will include international and national gender and ethnic minority specialists - The gender and EM specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants will review the existing materials and, if necessary, supplement the existing materials from the TA-6467 (REG) and RETA 6467 : HIV Prevention and Infrastructure: Mitigating Risk in the GMS;

- Monthly, before
and during construction

Contractors Local health centers Commune authorities Womens union will carry out overall coordination to create greater synergy on HIV focused activities.

- During


- The Tuyen Quang Project

Management Unit (PPMU will be

- Monthly, during
Page 18

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province conduct campaign on traffic regulations and safety measures in communes/villages and schools to raise awareness of road safety during construction and operation; - Training of facilitators will be undertaken together with the HIV/AIDS human trafficking campaign; - Facilitators will adapt materials which are gender sensitive and EM languages when necessary; - Training of facilitators will be conducted by womens union and representatives of PDOT in each of the two project areas; - Campaign will be conducted twice in each village and during market days, through distribution of leaflets and loud speaker; - Campaign will also be conducted in schools by teachers who attended the training courses; - Campaign will be conducted at commune and village level by 2 facilitators per village (1 man, village chief & 1 woman member of the WU) Road safety measures - Road hazards will be identified and removed. - Road and traffic signs and road safety warnings will be installed in strategic locations along the whole length of the road; - Pedestrians crossings will be installed where necessary; - For the safety of children and pedestrians, light poles and speed bumps will be installed at requested locations; - WU and local communities will be consulted for the location of safety facilities; Gender and development briefing and training will be provided to PPMU staff, local organizations and contractors. All capacity development activities will nclude targets for female and EM participation. responsible for the budget allocation;

- WU at the provincial level will be

responsible for the whole campaign organization (training of facilitators, materials); - WU at the commune level will carry out the dissemination of information; - The gender and ethnic minority specialists from the Project Coordination Consultants will review the proposed materials and, if necessary, supplement them;

- The Tuyen Quang Project -

Management Unit (PPMU); Project Coordination Consultants

- During detailed

design and project implementation

Project Management

- Project Coordination Consultants - -PPMU

During design and initial implementation

Question: When will GAEMDP commence? Answer: It is expected to commence on the third quarter of 2012 for a period of 3 years. Question: Where can we get more information about the GAEMDP? Answer: You can contact PPMU: Mr. Le Anh Dung at PPMU Tuyen Quang_________________________

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Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province


ACTIVITIES/COSTS I Unit Qty Rate (VND) Road 187 Total (VND) Road 189 Tuyen Quang

TRAINING AT SUBPROJECT LEVEL Allowance for one Commune WU leader and vice leader x 3 days Travel costs Copying 30 posters on preventing human trafficking for 15 villages x 2 copy (1/2 Ao paper) Allowance for 1 teacher from primary school and one teacher from basic secondary school Travel costs 15 poster ( Ao paper) for one school x 2 (10 poster on safety transportation, 10 posters on preventing human trafficking, 10 posters on HIV/AIDs) Allowance for one Commune leader Travel costs

person person

6 6

50 000 50 000

300 000 300 000

300 000 300 000

600 000 600 000



50 000

1 500 000

1 500 000

3 000 000

person person

6 6

50 000 50 000

300 000 300 000

300 000 300 000

600 000 600 000

poster person

30 3 3

50 000 50 000 50 000

1 500 000 150 000 150 000

1 500 000 150 000 150 000

3 000 000 300 000 300 000

person Copying 30 posters on safety transportation for 15 villages x 2 (1/2 Ao paper) poster Allowance for 1 assistance doctor from commune health care center person Travel costs for this assistance doctor person Copying 30 posters on HIV/AIDS prevention for 15 villages x 2 (1/2Ao paper) poster Allowance for a Commune Youth Union leader Travel costs Tea break for 7 person x 3 days copy and stationary for 7 person x days Total expenditure for 1 day training course for trainees SUB TOTAL I: For 1 commune (road 187) & 8 communes (road 189) Allowance for trainers: Provincial Women Union (2 day for travelling and 1 days for teaching, 1 day for preparing materials) Accommodation for the person person person day


50 000

1 500 000

1 500 000

3 000 000

3 3

50 000 50 000

150 000 150 000

150 000 150 000

300 000 300 000

30 3 3 21 21

50 000 50 000 50 000 10 000 10 000

1 500 000 150 000 150 000 210 000 210 000 8 520 000

1 500 000 150 000 150 000 210 000 210 000 8 520 000

3 000 000 300 000 300 000 420 000 420 000 17 040 000

8 520 000

68 160 000

76 680 000

day night

3 1 000 000 2 200 000

3 000 000 400 000

3 000 000 400 000

6 000 000 800 000

Page 20

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province Rate (VND) Total (VND) Road 189 Tuyen Quang

ACTIVITIES/COSTS teacher stationary for teacher on preventing human trafficking Allowance for trainer Provincial HIV/AIDS center (2 day for travelling and 1 days for teaching, 1 day for preparing materials, 1 day for writing report) stationary for teacher on preventing human trafficking Allowance for a trainer come from Provincial Safety transportation board center (2 day for travelling and 1 days for teaching, 1 day for preparing materials, 1 day for writing report) Accommodation for the trainers stationary for trainer on preventing human trafficking Renting car for 3 trainers Perdiem for driver Allowance for a trainer from District Women Union (1 day for travelling and 3 days for teaching) day



Road 187

200 000

200 000

200 000

400 000


3 1 000 000 2 1 200 000 200 000

3 000 000 400 000 200 000

3 000 000 400 000 200 000

6 000 000 800 000 400 000

Accommodation for the trainer night day

day night day day day

3 1 000 000 2 1 4 4 200 000 200 000 800 000 200 000

3 000 000 400 000 200 000 3 200 000 600 000

3 000 000 400 000 200 000 3 200 000 600 000

6 000 000 800 000 400 000 6 400 000 1 200 000


3 2 3

500 000 100 000 200 000

1 500 000 200 000 600 000

1 500 000 200 000 600 000

3 000 000 400 000 1 200 000

Accommodation for the trainer from District WU night Hire commune hall SUB-TOTAL II: Expenditures for provincial trainers and hire commune hall day

16 900 000

16 900 000

33 800 000

II TRAINING AT COMMUNE LEVEL Allowance for 2 commune facilitators (CF) x 15 villages x 3 days (one female CF and one male CF in each village) person Travel costs person Hire commune hall Copy, stationary Cake and tea for 3 days training course Allowance for 1 trainer from commune Women Union leader (1 days for teaching, 1 day for preparing materials) day person day

90 90 3 90 90

50 000 50 000 200 000 10 000 10 000

4 500 000 4 500 000 600 000 900 000 900 000

4 500 000 4 500 000 600 000 900 000 900 000

9 000 000 9 000 000 1 200 000 1 800 000 1 800 000


200 000

400 000

400 000

800 000

Page 21

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province Rate (VND) Total (VND) Road 189 Tuyen Quang

ACTIVITIES/COSTS Allowance for 1 trainer come from commune health care center (1 day for training and 1 day for preparing materials) Allowance for 1 trainer on safety transportation (1 day for training and 1 day for preparing materials) stationary for trainers Total Training Course at Commune Level SUB TOTAL III: For 1 commune (road 187) & 8 communes (road 189)



Road 187


200 000

400 000

400 000

800 000

day day

2 3

200 000 300 000

400 000 900 000

400 000 900 000 0

800 000 1 800 000 0

13 500 000

13 500 000

27 000 000

III DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION Allowance for 2 CF x 15 villages x 6 month x 200,000 vnd/month; (one female CF and one male CF in each village) Tea and cookies for 2 times/ month x 15 villages x 6 month Allowance for a commune women leader to go to 1 village/week to support CF disseminating information human trafficking (4 times/4 villages month x 6 month) Allowance for a commune women vice leader to go to 1 village/week to support CF disseminating information human trafficking (4 times/4 villages month x 6 month) Allowance for a commune assistance doctor to go to 1 village/week to support CF disseminating information on HIV/AIDS (4 times/4 villages month x 6 month) Allowance for a commune law staff to go to 1 village/week to support CF disseminating information human trafficking (4 times/4 villages month x 6 month) Allowance for a commune Youth Union leader to go to 1 village/week to support CF disseminating information human trafficking (4 times/4 villages month x 6 month) Allowance for a primary school teacher to disseminate information on safety

month times

180 180

200 000 50 000

36 000 000 9 000 000

36 000 000 9 000 000

72 000 000 18 000 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000
Page 22

Gender Action and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Tuyen Quang Province Rate (VND) Total (VND) Road 189 Tuyen Quang

ACTIVITIES/COSTS transportation in her school in 6 month Allowance for a basic secondary school teacher to disseminate information on safety transportation in her school in 6 month Copy, stationary, documents for households in 15 villages (300.000 vnd/ 1 village x 15 villages) Loud-speaker for commune Women Union leader Tape



Road 187



50 000

1 200 000

1 200 000

2 400 000

village Loud speaker Tape

15 1 1

100 000 500 000 500 000

1500000 500 000 2 000 000 500 000

1 500 000 500 000 2 000 000 500 000

3 000 000 1 000 000 4 000 000 1 000 000

1 2 000 000

Amplifying Amplifying show play in commune market in every 2 month in 6 month (3 month before implementing project and 3 month since starting project) play Total Dissemination of Information SUB TOTAL IV: For 1 commune (road 187) & 8 communes (road 189) GRAND TOTAL I + II +III + IV

500 000

1 500 000 59 400 000

1 500 000 59 400 000

3 000 000 118 800 000

59 400 000 $ 4 711 $

475 200 000 98 320 000 32 022 $

534 600 000 668 260 000 36 733

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