Pre-Finals in English I

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Pre-Final Examination in English I Direction: Write the letter of the best answer. I. OUTLINING: This selection can be outlined.

From the list of topics/sentences on the right, choose the letter of the main topics and sub-topics that will complete the outline frame on the left. One topic is a joker. Books, Their Uses and their Enemies There are many uses of books. They serve as storehouse of knowledge. They are a source of entertainment. Through books one gets to see faraway places and one also learns about great men and women. Books also serve as an inspiration because of the ideas they contain and the way these ideas are worded. Books, however, have several enemies from which we should protect against. Rough handling is one of the books enemies. Water, too, deforms books whereas fire destroys them. Insects, just like fire, eat up the book. Another enemy not to be overlooked is dirt. It defaces the book. Children who mishandle books may als be considered the books enemy. I._________1._________ A.______2.__________ B.______3.__________ 1.____4._______ 2.____5._______ C._________________ 1.___6.________ 2.___7.________ II._______8.___________ A.______9._________ B.______10.________ C.______11.________ D.______12.________ E.______13.________ F.______14.________ a. Fire b. The ideas books contain c. Serve as a storehouse of knowledge d. Enemies of books e. Children mishandling books f. To see far-away places g. Uses of books h. Source of entertainment i. Rough handling j. Dirt k. To learn about great men and women l. Water m. Serve as inspiration n. Insects o. The way these ideas are worded.

II. CAUSE-EFFECT RELATIONSHIP: Match column A with Column B to identify the CauseEffect Relationship. A ___15. Marine life is destructed. ___16. When trees are cut. ___17. Flood cannot be prevented. B a. Fruits and vegetables are unsafe to eat b. If fisherman use dynamite c. He is prone to lung cancer

___18. When farmers use inorganic fertilizers. d. Animals like birds loose their habitat ___19. If one continues smoking. E. If logging is not controlled


STRUCTURE A. MODALS: Choose the most appropriate modal from the box to complete the meaning of each line in this dialogue. The intended meaning is enclosed in the parenthesis. may should would might can must could ought

FLOR: Do you think you__20.__(ability) come to our study group tomorrow? MAY: I __21.__(necessity) be there because I am sure there are a lot of things that I __22.__(obligation) to learn. FLOR: __23.__(permission) we also invite our friends from the other sections? MAY: Why not? If they__24.__they (ability) follow the rules of our study group, they __24.__(possibility) be allowed to join. FLOR: You__25.__(advise) inform them first that they __26.__(necessity) cooperate and learn with us. MAY: Well, I __27.__(necessity) see them before they come tomorrow. That way they__28.__(ability) participate in our group activities. ` B. SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT: Write the best answer that agrees in person and number with the subject. 28. Jesus ( love, loves) us. 29. Bank tellers (wear, wears) blouse and skirt. 30. Either the glasses or the table cloth (is, are) hers. 31. Two-thirds of the property (belong, belongs) to my father. 32. The committee (has, have) submitted the blueprint. 33. The team (is, are) very strong. 34. Short Stories for Children (is, are) worth reading. 35. Champorado and dilis (is, are) a delectable breakfast.

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