Laplace's Equation - Fourier Series Examples 1 Physics Tutorials (3.12-3.13)

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Laplaces equation Fourier series examples 1 Physics tutorials

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Required math: calculus Required physics: electrostatics Reference: Griffiths, David J. (2007) Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition; Prentice Hall Problems 3.12 3.13. Here are a few examples of calculating the Fourier coefficients for some special cases. Example 1. Consider the infinite slot problem with the boundary at with a constant potential of . In this case we get consisting of a conducting strip

The coefficients are thus zero for even


for odd :

The potential is thus

Example 2. Now suppose the boundary at consists of two conducting strips, insulated from each other to has a constant potential while the other and from the infinite sheets. The first strip, from strip, from to is held at potential . Here, the coefficients are given by

If is odd, this comes out to zero. If is even, there are two cases. First, if brackets is 4. If the term in brackets is zero. Thus we get

the term in

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4/14/2012 7:58 PM

Laplaces equation Fourier series examples 1 Physics tutorials

Thus the potential is

where in the last line weve changed the index of summation since the non-zero terms in the first sum are just those with starting at . Example 3. The infinite slot with the strip at held at potential has the solution

For a conductor, the surface charge density can be found from the derivative taken normal to the surface:

In this case, the normal to the surface is the

direction, so we get

This looks fine except for the problem that the series doesnt converge. Consider . The series is then a sum of an alternating sequence of and . The original series for the potential does converge at due to the in the denominator. Not sure what the solution to this isany comments?

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By growescience, on January 3, 2012 at 16:12, under Electrodynamics, Physics. Tags: boundary conditions, Fourier series, Laplace's equation, surface charge. No Comments Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. Laplaces equation separation of variables Laplaces equation Fourier series examples 2

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Laplaces equation Fourier series examples 1 Physics tutorials

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Laplaces equation Fourier series examples 1 Physics tutorials

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