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You are on page 1of 3 login@Name1 admin123@ physician login@Name131 sachin@123 Lname 145,FName145 Version 1.0.01A. DT: 120201 ---------------------------1.

Previous address details not showing in grid after adding the previous address to view the details in grid need to click on page view also field should be ref reshed after adding. 1.Need to click twice on cancel button when we edit Medicare/Medicaid details(in fosheet->personal->miscellaneous->edit medicare->cancel 3.Clicking reset button on edit page of certification details,Never expires chec kbox should also unchecked if its checked previously(infosheeet->cerification->e dit->reset 4.Whenever we have numeric input infosheet there is no checks or alert message i f user entering characters/alphanumeric although its not save the detaisl but it should be some message for users 5.Need to click twice on reset button when we edit uploaded document(infosheet-> document->physician document->edit->reset 6.unable to upload departmental document. 7. 03 Feb ------1.As i login as new user and changed password first time,application has been cr ashed but password has been changed. 2.Appliation has been crashed if we insert lnog text in Mulpractice Suite Name f ield(infosheet->case history->enter suite name) 22Feb ------Admin-rajadmin,rajlnc,rajphy(rajphy@123,) 1.Date of birth takes by default(01/01/1970) when we creating new user(admin->ad d new user) 2.Alternate emailID not saving when we creating or update users detals(admin->ad d new user) 3.User still able to login into application after deactivating the existing user s by admin. 4.Application has been crashed after click on save button (infosheet->personal-> basic->edit->save 5.Cursor should be focused on state listbox after selecting country United state using with TAB.(Infosheet->Personal->contact->home address 6.Unable to saved previous address details also need to mandatory sign(*) for ma ndatory fields(Infosheet->personal->contact->previous address) 7.Need valid emailId validation for email address field(Infosheet->personal->con tact->other details) 8.When we enter wrong start and end date without selecting date from calender it should be give alert message(Infosheet->education->basic->type start date/end d ate) 9.Checkbox of verification details has been checked by default when we click on

edit button of Medical education page(infosheet->education->medical->edit->verif ication details) 10.Unable to delete physician uploaded document(infosheet->document->physician d ocument->delete existing document) 11.Input of 'Accept medicare/medicaid patients' not saving (Infosheet->personal>miscellaneous->enter mediacre/medicaid details) 26 March --------Infosheet 1.Unable to view Medicare details When we delete record from second page of Medi care/Medicaid details in grid(infosheet->personal->miscellaneous->edit->delete medicare/medicaid reocrd for second page 2.sometime need to click twice on Update button of any page of Infosheet also 3.Physician percentage not changed it still showing 9% after entering all the re qiured data for physician(infosheet->clickon physician 'Phy Raj') License 1.Button not working on mozilla for State Board page(License->state board->selec t state and board 2.There is blank data in Physician listbox(license->re-new license->create new-> select physician 3.Renew license link not available on page(license->renew license->submit reques t online) 4.Print Label and Compose Fax button not working on license page(license->workfl ow->create new 5.If we adding missing document from license page the document has been removed from license page (license->workflow->create new->add missing document->upload already exist doc ument) 6.License expiry date should be greater then issue date need to validate expiry date field on license page(license->workflow) 7.State listbox need to be placed near the text 'Select State'(Licnse->craete ne w) 28/03 Credential ------1.Facility/Physician listbox need to be placed near the text 'Select Facility/Ph ysician'(Credential->craete new) 1.Credential Workflows should be opened whenever we click on Credential on menu bar(Click on credential from menu) 2.Can we upload same file for different document type (infosheet->document->uplo ad physician document) 3.Credential expiry date should be greater then issue date need to validate expi ry date field on credential page(Credential->workflow) 4.Unable to Phone and fax details when we adding or update facility(credential-> Facility->add/view facility) 5.Application has been crashed when we upload document on facility page(credenti al->add/view facility->upload document)

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