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Health Assessment- RLE- Medical Terminologies 1. Inspection- visual observation of the body in the course of a medical examination 2.

Palpation- 1: an act of touching or feeling 2: physical examination in medical diagnosis by pressure of the hand or fingers to the surface of the body especially to determine the condition (as of size or consistency) of an underlying part or organ <palpation of the liver> <palpation of cervical lymph glands> 3. Percussion- 1: the act or technique of tapping the surface of a body part to learn the condition of the parts beneath by the resulting sound 2: massage consisting of the striking of a body part with light rapid blowscalled also tapotement 4. Auscultation- : the act of listening to sounds arising within organs (as the lungs or heart) as an aid to diagnosis and treatment 5. General Appearance6. Location7. Behavior- 1: the manner of conducting oneself 2 a: anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation b: the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment 8. Level of Consciousness- is a measurement of a person's arousability and responsiveness to stimuli from the environment. 9. Mental Status- the degree of competence shown by a person in intellectual, emotional, psychologic, and personality functioning as measured by psychologic testing with reference to a statistical norm. 10. Speech- the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words 11. Vital Signs- signs of life; specifically: the pulse rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and often blood pressure of a person 12. Oriented- having psychological orientation <the patient was alert and oriented> 13. Coherent- logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

14. Responsive- making a response; especially : responding to treatment <pain responsive to opioids> 15. Alert- Referring to a state in which an individual is awake and appropriately answers all questions 2. Attentive; quick to think or act Eyes: 16. PERRLA- Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation 17. Double Vision- A disorder of vision in which a single object appears double. Also called diplopia. 18. Icteric- of, relating to, or affected with jaundice Ears: 19. Discharges- drainage of blood, ear wax, pus, or fluid from the ear Nose: 20. Discharges- Nasal discharge refers to fluid that comes from the nose, and originates in the nasal passages. This fluid may be clear, blood-tinged, bloody, or it may contain mucus (mucoid discharge) or pus (purulent discharge). In some instances, the nasal discharge may contain food particles. The nasal discharge may originate from one nostril (unilateral) or from both nostrils (bilateral). 21. Symmetry22. Patency- the quality or state of being open or unobstructed <evaluating arterial patency> 24. Transillumination- the act, process, or an instance of transilluminating Mouth & Throat: 25. Buccal Mucosa- the mucous membranes lining the inside of the mouth. 26. Frenulum- a connecting fold of membrane serving to support or restrain a part (as the tongue) 27. Palate- the roof of the mouth separating the mouth from the nasal cavity

28. Uvula- 1: the pendent fleshy lobe in the middle of the posterior border of the soft palate 2: a lobe of the inferior vermis of the cerebellum located in front of the pyramid 29. Oropharynx- the part of the pharynx that is below the soft palate and above the epiglottis and is continuous with the mouth 30. Gag reflex- reflex contraction of the muscles of the throat caused especially by stimulation (as by touch) of the pharynx 31. Cranial Nerve 1- Olfactory nerve fibers 32. Cranial Nerve 7- Facial nerve 33. Cranial Nerve 9- Glossopharyngeal nerve 34. Cranial Nerve 10- Vagus nerve 35. Cranial Nerve 11- Accessory nerve 36. Cranial Nerve 12- Hypoglossal nerve 37. Hypoglossus- : 1 a muscle that retracts and pulls down the side of the tongue. 2 the hypoglossal nerve.

Lungs & Thorax: 41. Shape & Symmetry- Shape: to modify (behavior) by rewarding changes that tend toward a desired response. Symmetry: 1 : correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axissee BILATERAL SYMMETRY , RADIAL SYMMETRY 2 : the property of remaining invariant under certain changes (as of orientation in space, of the sign of the electric charge, of parity, or of the direction of time flow)used of physical phenomena and of equations describing them 42. Tactile Fremetus- also known as pectoral fremitus or vocal fremitus, is the vibration that occurs on someone's chest when speaking, making a sound or breathing. If the vibration is not felt on one side and is felt on another, it may indicate a significant health problem. 43. Excursion- 1 a: a movement outward and back or from a mean position or axis <excursion of the femur> b: the distance traversed 2: one complete movement of expansion and contraction of the lungs and their membranes (as in breathing) 44. Chest Expansion-

Neck: 38. Position- : a particular arrangement or location; specifically : an arrangement of the parts of the body considered particularly desirable for some medical or surgical procedure <knee-chest position> <lithotomy position> 39. Thyroid gland- an endocrine gland with right and left lateral lobes on either side of the trachea connected by an isthmus; located anterior to the trachea just inferior to the cricoid cartilage; secretes thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin (CT) 40. Lymph nodes- any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, are distributed along the lymphatic vessels, and contain numerous lymphocytes which filter the flow of lymph passing through the nodecalled also lymph gland

45. Bronchophony- : the sound of the voice heard through the stethoscope over a healthy bronchus and over other portions of the chest in cases of consolidation of the lung tissue 46. Egophony- : a modification of the voice resembling bleating heard on auscultation of the chest in some diseases (as in pleurisy with effusion) 47. Pectoriloquy- : the sound of words heard through the chest wall and usually indicating a cavity or consolidation of lung tissue

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