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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of Oil India Limited



Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the Context of Oil India Limited
Submitted to Nagaland University in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Business Administration Curriculum of School of Management Studies, Nagaland University.

Submitted by Y. Abraham Konyak Nu/Mn/17/10 Session-1st June to 31st July 2011 Project Guide. Mr. Vivek Brama (Training and Development officer Oil) Dated 24/11/11 Contact: 09436219844 Email:
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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of Oil India Limited


DECLARATION I, Y Abraham konyak, student of School of Engineering Technology and School of management, Nagaland University (SETAM) Dimapur, solemnly declare that, I have done my summer Project in OIL INDIA LIMITED, Duliajan, and during my summer training the opportunity was given to me to conduct a research and to prepare a project report to know the Training Effectiveness and Evaluation methods in context of Oil India Limited. I further state that I have done the project with utmost sincerity and dedication and left no stone unturned. Which are required for the completion of this project, However I shall remain liable for any misinformation which might creep in without my knowledge. I look forward for any ratification by any one.

DatePlaceY Abraham konyak MBA 3nd semester Nagaland University (SETAM)

........................... Countersigned Mr. Vivek Brahma SR. T & D Officer Oil India LTD.

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Preface The purpose of this report is to provide information on the method and practice to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of training and assistance for oil India to establish and maintain effective training programmes for oil India personal. In this context the term the training effectiveness means that training provides significance added value to oil India operations by improved, safety and quality production. While it is absolutely clear that training can provide added value, a measure, isolated determination of training effectiveness is difficult because personal performance depends not only on training, but also many other factors such as supervisors, procedures, job aid, pre-job briefing, managements expectation, and the experience and motivation of the workforce. It is asserted that principal of effective training can be discemed and that if training programme are develop and maintain using these principal, training will make effective contribution to improved personal performance. Under this premise, indicator can be monitored to provide evidence of overall training effectiveness strength and weakness can be identified, and reinforcement or improvement can be made. Hence they need Human resources inter alia at present and future. The processes of human resource start with planning. Training bridge the gap between what employees has and what the job demands. Imparting training to employee working in all the organized sector of human activities is no longer a matter of debate in fact the need for training has been recognized as essential activities not only in the business organization, but also in academic institutes, professional bodies and the government departments. We hope that this will serve as a useful report to oil India in general and Training and development Department in particular in identifying the needs of training and evaluation. The report is mainly based to facilitate training and Development department in imparting effective training and evaluation for oil India employee and the managerial executive. The analysis and interpretation of this report is based on the information collected from high level and permanent employee. The main emphasis of this report is bring out the effectiveness of training and evaluation, as training and evaluation has become an important aspect for all organization.
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Acknowledgement Every projects is the blend of different people, thing are Easy to say but difficult to do it, the project work was never an easy until someone contributed they valuable time and knowledge. I feel encourage by the widespread response from the interviewee. The feedback received from different source has been explicated; in fact the project couldnt have finished without your valuable feedbacks received from various personal through personal interview and questionnaire. I am grateful to all those who have help me directly and or indirectly in preparing this project report. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Oil India Limited (Duliajan) Assam, in general and Training and Development Department in particular for allowing me to undergo the internship for 8 weeks. I am indebted to my project guide Sir VIVEK BURUA senior training and development officer for providing the necessary stimulus for writing this project report and enhancing the standard of this project report. As, always, I am deeply appreciated to my respected parents who have assisted me financially and morally which is needed to complete this projects report. It will be incomplete on my part if I dont thank to HODs of my institute for sending me to this reputed company. I thankfully acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Rabin Saikia Well Logging Dept and Mr. Ben Ngullie Dy. SUPDG Engineer Oil India Limited Duliajan, for the arrangement of accommodation for the sojourn. Finally, my sincere thanks to all my friends who have been so supportive during the 8 weeks internships which ultimately lead in bringing out this project report successfully.

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Executive Summary Project Title: A study on Training Effectiveness and Evaluation method in the context of oil India limited, Duliajan (Assam). Duration: 1st June-31st July, 2011 About the Project: The study was conducted with the aim to know the training effectiveness and evaluation method used in oil India. Every Organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or social, Old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification, skill, suitability for the job etc. thus no. organization can choose whether or not to train employees. Training is not something that is done once to new employees. it is used continuously in very well run establishment. Oil India like any other company has its own full-fledge training and development department which consist of two house Management training Development Centre (MTDC) and Employee training Development Centre (ETDC). The following things have been come into light from the study: (i) Oil training and Development process involve five stages: Assessment of individuals training needs by department; preparation of training calendar on the basic of annual training plans; execution of training plan; nominations and evaluation of training effectiveness. (ii) The T&D process aim at prioritizing effectiveness of training and strengthens the planning and implementation. (iii) The T&D follows two type of Evaluation method. (iv) Oils training policy clearly states how training is expected to contribute to the achievement of goals of the organization. This policy is also periodically revised and updated to meet the ever changing needs of the organization. (v) T& D department extend short duration training required as a part of their curriculum to hundreds of management and engineering students of various professional institutes. Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. The training and Development department is responsible for the development of human Resource in Oil.

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CONTENTS Declaration Preface Acknowledgements Project proposal sheet

1.1 Objective ...1-3 1.2 Scope 1.3 Limitations

Research Methodology ......................................4-6 1.1 Preliminary studies. 1.3 Sampling method. 1.4 Source of Data. 1.5 Questionnaires Design. 1.6 Sample area. 1.7 Sample Size. 1.8 Contact method. 1.9 Statistical tools used. 1.10 Analysis tool use.

Organization Preview .7-15 1.1 Introduction 1.2 History of Oil India 1.3 Awards & Accolades 1.4 Executive Profile 1.5 Objectives, Mission, Vision of Oil India Limited

1.6 Departments of Oil India Limited

1.87Organization Setup

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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation method (In General)...16-23 1.1 Concept of Training, Development and evaluation 1.2Training effectiveness
1.3 Importance of Training and Development 1.4 Purpose of Training Evaluation 1.5Techniques of Evaluation 1. 6 Role of Trainee 1.7 Role of Trainer

Training effectiveness and evaluation method in the context of Oil India..24--38 1.1Training and Development Department 1.2 Infrastructure:1.3 Structures of T&D Department:1.4 Training and Development Policy 2007:1.5 T&D Process 1.6 Types of Training Programs:1.7 Objectives, Scope and Limitation

SOWT Analysis39-42 1.1 Strengths 1.2 Weakness 1.3 Opportunities 1.4 Threat

1.1 Analysis & findings43-70 1.2 Suggestion 1.3 conclusions 1.4 Annexure 1.5 Bibliography

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SECTION: I 1.1 Objective 1.2 Scope 1.3 Limitations

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1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Primary objectives: To study the Training Effectiveness and Evaluation method in the context of Oil India Limited. Secondary Objectives: 1) To study the Effectiveness of training programs provided in Oil India Limited. 2) To study the purpose of training evaluation programs. 3) To study about the awareness of various methods of training evaluation process as mentioned in the training and development policy 2007 4) To find out the importance of evaluation process among in Oil India limited. 5) To find out at which stage it is of most important in evaluation process. 6) To determine whether the organization as a whole are executive staff. Updating the skill knowledge with the fast changing scenario. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The scope of this project is defined by the objectives themselves. The study was done basically for the fulfillment of the objectives. This means that the scope of the study basically an attempt to find out The training evaluation process and its effectiveness in the context of Oil India Limited. 1.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: 1) The study is being totally dependent on primary data, has gained considerable amount vulnerability. 2) The busy schedule of the executives hindered data collection process. 3) The sample size taken may actually be too small to represent the whole population. 4) Lack of cooperation from executives in regards of giving interview because they felt it to be time consuming.

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5) The project has been completed within a limited period of time, which can also act as a limitation of the study 6) The survey was limited to few departments in the organization. 7) Unavailability of executives in their cabins as they were engaged in field work at that time. 8) Availability of executives work persons and but not interested in filling up the questionnaire because of heavy work load. 9) There is a possibility of occurrence of false judgment due to the biased responses by some of the executives staff while giving answer facts & figures. 10) Since the report is based on the primary data and personal interview, occurrence of personal bios cannot be ruled out.

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Research Methodology 1.1 Preliminary studies. 1.3 Sampling method. 1.4 Source of Data. 1.5 Questionnaires Design. 1.6 Sample area. 1.7 Sample Size. 1.8 Contact method. 1.9 Statistical tools used. 1.10 Analysis tool use.

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1.1 Preliminary studies The project study was undertaken through literature survey, general discussion and informal interviews with some of the executives and workmen of OIL India Limited, (Duliajan) to get knowledge about various training and training needs identification related issue. 1.2 Sampling method: Random sampling, 1.3 Source of data The data was collected by means of both the sources i.e Primary The datas were collected through personal observation and through direct communication with respondents. Well structure questionnaire were also used for getting additional information Secondary- the secondary datas were gathered through companys manual. Magazines, hand books, journals, annual reports, internets and company home page. Extensive survey of literature was also done for the purpose of collection of data 1.4 Questionnaire design The question was framed as per the requirements of the study. The questionnaire contains mostly close ended, open ended and Dichotomous questionnaires. 1.5 Sample size: 67. 1.6 Sample area The questionnaire was distributed in the various departments of OIL, (Duliajan).

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1.7 Contact method: All the employees from the various respective departments were approached directly and personally. 1.8 Statistical tools used 1. Bar diagram 2. Percentage 1.9 Analysis tool used The data collected from the executives were analyzed using standard statistical techniques and method. Accordingly recommendation and conclusions were made on the basis of analysis and observation that are collected from the respondents. Analysis: each question is analysis separately and observations are written down on the response given by the respondent. Diagrams like bar diagram have been included in the analysis to make the analysis easier and easily understandable.

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Organization Preview 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 History of Oil India. 1.3 Awards & Accolades. 1.4 Executive Profile. 1.5 Objectives, Mission, vision of Oil India. 1.6 Department of Oil India Limited 1.7 Organization Setup.

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1.1 Introduction
OIL is a premier National oil company, engaged in the business of Exploration, Production, and Transportation of crude oil and Natural gas. Oil India Limited is a Schedule A Company under the ministry of Production and Natural Gas, Government of India. OIL is having over 1 lakh Sq. km. of PEL/ML areas for its exploration and Production activities. Majority of OILs activities is being taken up in the north east from where its entire crude oil production is coming. Rajasthan is the other producing area of oil from where it is producing10% of its total gas production. The companys exploration activities are spread over onshore areas of Ganga valley and Mahanadi in addition to its onshore areas in North east and Rajasthan.In recent years, OIL has stepped up exploration and production activities significantly including Gas monetization in the North east India. OIL has set up North East Frontier (NEF) project to intensify its exploration activities in the frontier areas in the North east, which are logistically very difficult and geologically complex. Presently, seismic surveys are being carried out in Manbhum, Pasighat and other Trust belt areas. The company operators a crude oil pipeline in the north east for transportation of crude oil produced by both OIL and ONGC in the region to feed Numligarh, Guwahati, Bongaigaon and Burauni refineries and a branch line to feed Digboi refinery. The company is currently in process of constucting a 600 KM long product pipeline from Numligarh to Siliguri. After restructuring into Strategic business units, OIL has also ventured into offering rig package , expertise and services in E & P sector and signed a contract with premier OIL , a ompany registered in Netherlands for Drilling of well in their Jaipur block in Assam. OIL has also carried out work over jobs for Great Eastern Energy corporation limiteds Coal Bed Methanee Wells.

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The story of Oil India Limited (OIL) traces and symbolises the development and growth of the Indian petroleum industry. From the discovery of crude oil in the far east of India at Digboi, Assam in 1889 to its present status as a fully integrated upstream petroleum company, OIL has come far, crossing many milestones. On February 18, 1959, Oil India Private Limited was incorporated to expand and develop the newly discovered oil fields of Naharkatiya and Moran in the Indian North East. In 1961, it became a joint venture company between the Indian Government and Burmah Oil Company Limited, UK. In 1981, OIL became a wholly-owned Government of India enterprise. Today, OIL is a premier Indian National Oil Company engaged in the business of exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas, transportation of crude oil and production of LPG. OIL also provides various E&P related services and holds 26% equity in Numaligarh Refinery Limited. The Authorized share capital of the Company is Rs. 500 Crores. The Issued, Subscribed and Paid share capital of the company is Rs. 240.45 Crores. At present, The Government of India, the Promoter of the Company is holding 78.43% of the total Issued & Paidup Capital of the Company. The balance 21.57% of the Equity capital is held by others. OIL has over 1 lakh sq km of PEL/ML areas for its exploration and production activities, most of it in the Indian North East, which accounts for its entire crude oil production and majority of gas production. Rajasthan is the other producing area of OIL, contributing 10 per cent of its total gas production. Additionally, OILs exploration activities are spread over onshore areas of Ganga Valley and Mahanadi. OIL also has participating interest in NELP exploration blocks in Mahanadi Offshore, Mumbai Deepwater, Krishna Godavari Deepwater, etc. as well as various overseas projects in Libya, Gabon, Iran, Nigeria and Sudan. In a recent CRISIL-India Today survey, OIL was adjudged as one of the five best major PSUs and one of three best energy sector PSUs in the country.

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1.3 Awards & Accolades

Rated No. 1 Public Sector Company, 2006 by the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India based on performance "Excellent" performance rating by Government of India for past 4 years Performance Excellence Award, 2005-06 by the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) Counted among the 5 Best Public Sector Undertakings and the 3 Best in the Energy Category by the India Today-CRISIL Survey in 2005 Best Project Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, 2005 by TERI, among 130 participating companies Corporate Social Responsibility Award, 2003-04, by TERI for good corporate citizenship and sustainable initiatives among companies with turnover above Rs 500 core Green Tech Award for Environment Management, 2002 Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, 2002 Special Commendation Award for Human Resource Management, 2001-2002 by National Petroleum Management Programme - for OILs continuously evolving technology and business environment and the Companys initiatives to enhance safety in operations and quality of work life via good practices Excellent Performing Public Sector Enterprise Award, 1998-99 "Excellent" performance rating by Government of India for 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 Longest Accident Free Period - 1997-98, 1998-99 Excellent Performing Public Sector Enterprise Award, 1998-99 Excellence in Riverbed Survey Award, 1998-99 Best Oil & Gas Processing Unit Award, 1997-98 International Green Land Society National Award, 1997-98 for best energy conservation and implementation Corporate Performance Award 1985 from Harvard Business School Association of India and Economic Times Ranked 1 fir Profitability in terms of paid-up capital, net assets and sales from 1981-82 to 1983-84 by the Indian Institute of Public Opinion, among 100 largest corporate enterprises in India

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ISO-9000:2000 Certification (Quality Management System) : LPG Plant ISO-9001:2000 Certification : Gas Based Power Plant ISO-9000:2000 (Quality Management System) : Trunk Pipeline ISO:9001:2000 : OIL Hospital at Duliajan ISO-14001 (Environment Management) : Trunk Pipeline OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) : Trunk Pipeline ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005 accreditation by NABL, Government of India for OILs R&D Department, the first among E&P company laboratories to get this accreditation

1.4 PRESENT EXECUTIVE PROFILE Chairman & Managing Director: Mr.NayanMani Borah Director(Finance): Mr.T.K Ananth Kumar Director ( Exploration &Development): Mr. B.N Talukdar Director ( Human Resources and Business Development): Mr. Nripendra Kumar Bharali Director(Operations): Mr.Satchidananda Rath Government Nominee Director: Mr.D.N. Narasimha Raju Government Nominee Director: Dr.(Smt.)Archana Saharya Mathur Independent Director: Mr.Ghanshyambhai Hiralal Amin Independent Director: Mr.Sushil Khanna Independent Director: Mr.Arun Kumar Gupta Independent Director: Mr. AlexanderK Luke Independent Director: Mr.Vinod Kumar Misra Independent Director: Mr.Pawan Kumar Sharma

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The fastest growing energy company with a global presence value to the shareholders.

Basic Objectives:
To achieve self sufficiency in Hydrocarbon resources. To get adequate return on capital. To promote training and development in Hydrocarbon Exploration. To encourage technological advantage for import use of Non conventional energy resources. To built excellent management team. To built and project an efficient corporate image.

Towards employees:

To establish personnel policies for the well being of its employees. To induct and develop competent persons at all levels. To provide training and development opportunities to enhance skills for optimum contribution. To evolve a system of closer association in involvement of employees to encourage sports, culture and other activities.

Towards people:
Social and community development Development of ancillary and small scale industry Promotion of population environment Health interaction with the users and business associates

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OILs Mission:

Balance between our investment in the E & P section and other low risk diversification opportunities with the objective of optimizing our asset portfolios. Continuously upgrade manpower skills, processes and technologies and thereby consistently improve operational and financial performance which adhering to the highest standards business conducts. Grow with unwavering concern for the community and all over stick holders. Have unstinted faith in our employees to enable them to make quick and informed decision through adequate training and to improve then to do so.

OIL's Vision

Oil India is the fastest growing Energy Company with highest profitability. Oil India delights the customers with quality products and services at competitive prices. Oil India is a Learning Organization, nurturing initiatives, innovations and aspirations with best practices. Oil India is a team, committed to honesty, integrity, transparency and mutual trust creating employee pride. Oil India is fully committed to safety, health and environment. Oil India is a responsible corporate citizen deeply committed to socio-economic development in its areas of operations.

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Table: 1 DEPARTMENTS OF OIL INDIA LIMITEDThe different departments of OIL are1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Administrative Chemical Civil Contracts Drilling Electrical Finance and accounts General engineering Geology and reservoir 16 Material 17 Engineering 18 Mechanical 19 Medical 20 OIL and Gas pipeline 21 Pipeline 22 Planning 23 Production 24 Research and development 25 Safety and Environment 26 Security 27 Personal 28 Training and Development 29 Purchase 30 Internal Audit

10 Geophysics 11 Employee relation 12 Information technology 13 Instrumentation and Field communication 14 Land 15 L.P.G

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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of Oil India Limited Chart: 1.1
Organization setup CMO


Director Finance

Director Hr &BD

Director Director Operation

Director Exp &Dev

CMD Advisor





GM (P)


GM (S)


GM (A)

GM (F&A)


CMD: Chairman cum managing Director CVO: Chief Vigilance Officer

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Section- IV
Training Effectiveness and Evaluation method (In General)

1.1 Concept of Training, Development and evaluation. 1.2 Training effectiveness. 1.3 Importance of Training and Development. 1.4 Purpose of Training Evaluation. 1.5 Techniques of Evaluation. 1. 6 Role of Trainee. 1.7 Role of Trainer

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1.1 CONCEPT OF TRAINING What is meant by training? Training is the process of teaching the new and/or present
employees the basic skills they need to effectively perform their jobs. Alternatively, speaking training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing his/her job. Thus, training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purposes of helping members of an organization to acquire and also to apply the required knowledge, skill and attitudes to perform their job effectively. According to Edward B. Flippo, training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Thus, training is a process that tries to improve skill, or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job, or to mould him to be fit for a higher bob involving higher responsibilities. In other words, training is a learning experience that seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his/her ability to perform his job. Training bridge the gap between what employee has and what the job demands. Imparting training to employee working in all the organized sector of human activities is no longer a matter of debate in fact the need for training has been recognized as essential activities not only in the business organization, but also in academic institutes, professional bodies and the government departments. Compared to the term training, the term development has broader scope and aim to develop people in all respects. Accordingly, development covers not only activities/skills which improves performance, but also those activities which bring about growth of the personality, help individuals progress toward maturity and actualization of their potential. Thus, development enables individuals to become not only good employees but also better men and women. Clearly, development is an ongoing continuous process, while training is an one-shot deal. In ultimate sense, development refer to non-teaching organization function such as problem solving, decision-making and relating to people. if you wish to plan for a year sow seeds, if you wish to plan for ten years plan trees, if you plan for life time develop men. It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employee. The training procedure comprises of three phases: Phase 1: Pre-training: - This may also be called as the preparation phase. The process starts with an identification of the circumstances requiring more efficient performance. A firms concern prior to training lie primarily in four areas: Clarifying the precise objectives of

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training and what the organization expects to make use of the participants after training; selection of appropriate participants; building favorable expectations and inspiration in the participants before training; and planning for any changes that improved task performance requires in addition to training. Phase 2: Training: - During the course of the training, participants focus their attention on the new impressions that seem useful, thought-provoking and engaging. There is no guarantee that the participants will in fact learn what they have chosen. But the main reason remains; trainees explore in a training situation what interests them, and a training institutions basic task is to offer the required opportunities. Phase 3: Post-Training: - This may be called as the follow up phase. When the trainees go back to job after attending the training, a practice of adapting change begins for each one participated. The newly acquired skills and knowledge undergo modification to fit the work condition. Participants may find their organizations offering support to use the training and also the support for continuing contact with the training institution. On the other hand, they may step into a quagmire of distrust. More effective behavior of people on the job is the prime objective of the training process conducted by an organization as a whole.


Compared to the term training, the term development has boarder scope and aim to development people in all respects. Accordingly, development covers not only activities/skill which improve job performance, but also those activities which bring about growth of the personality, help individuals progress toward maturity and actualization of their potential. Thus, development enables individuals to become not only good employees but also better man and women. Clearly, development is an ongoing continuous process, while training is a one-shot deal. In ultimate sense, development refers to non-technical organizational functions such as problem solving, decision-making and relating to people.

1.3 Concept of evaluation

Evaluation and appraisal of training programme is a necessary practice in any firm as it is an assessment of the total value of a learning event and not just how far it achieves its learning goals and objectives. Training assessment is about seeking to evaluate whether or not training is, in fact, generating pertinent and appreciated results through proficient and well-managed practices. It is a process of collecting data with which to make decisions about training activities. It thus places the episode in a broader outlook and offers information, which is vital for future planning and development. The information acquired by the assessment of the training programme can be used to find out the lags or shortcomings in the training

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programme and make successive suggestions and advices for making it more effectual. Evaluation of training effectiveness should not be treated only as a corrective measure for the existing training programmes offered by the organization, but also as a pro-active measure for making future training programmes effective. Training is an important factor in all firms business strategy, but firms dont assess the impact of training programme over the employees all the time. Training is effective only if it produces desired outcome. When the organization is implementing a training programme, there should be an ideal forum on which the evaluation scheme can be build and assessment of effectiveness of training and development activities can be done. In turn to categorize areas of assessment, Donald Kirkpatrick formed what is still one of the most generally used models. The inquiry that has to be raised by the management to evaluate the effectiveness of training in each level is listed below: Stage 1: Response- Were the trainees satisfied and what is their idea to perform with the skills acquired? Stage 2: Knowledge- Whether and to what extent the talent, awareness and approach of the workforce have changed? Stage 3: Performance- Were the conduct of the workforce improved on the basis of what they have trained? Stage 4: Outcome-Whether the improvement in the performance has an impact on the desired output of the firm?

1.5 Training Evaluation- How does it help?

The training evaluation and assessment has three main reasons: Feedback to help trainers understand the extent to which goals are being met and the effectiveness of particular learning activities- as an aid to continuous improvement. Control to make sure training policy and practice are allied with managerial objectives and providing lucrative solutions to managerial concerns. Intervention to raise awareness of key issues such as pre-course and post-course briefing and the selection of delegates. The following are the clear advantages of training evaluation: Enhanced value of training programmes. Improved skills and capability of the trainers to associate inputs to output Superior differentiation among training programmes that are worth enough to be retained and those to be dropped. Good incorporation of training provided by the firm and employee improvement. Healthier collaboration between instructors and executives in the growth of workforce. Proof about the contribution that training and development programmes are providing to the meet the goals of the firm. Faster inclusion of training needs and managerial goals.

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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of Oil India Limited Purposes of Training Evaluation The five main purposes of training evaluation are:


Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and linking it to learning outcomes. Research: It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer of knowledge at the work place, and training Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly. Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits. Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the expected outcomes. Techniques of Evaluation the various methods of training evaluation are: Observation Questionnaire Interview Self diaries Self recording of specific incidents

1.4 Training effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of training programs consumes valuable time and resources. Many training programs fail to deliver the expected organizational benefits. Having a wellstructured measuring system in place can help you determine where the problem lies. On a positive note, being able to demonstrate a real and significant benefits organization from the training provide can helps in gaining more resources from important decision-makers. A measurement of learning is not training effectiveness - it's a measure of learning! You can learn everything required, but fail to put it to require use and the required outcomes are not achieved. Training in organizations is ALMOST ALWAYS about achieving a better performance or capability than is currently available - it's about OUTCOMES that favor the customer and the shareholder - it's not about learning - that's a bonus (in my humble opinion!). Generally effectiveness measures are defined in terms of the extent to which a set of objectives are met. It would be quite easy to have a large overlap here with efficiency measures. Effectiveness could be measured in terms of getting at least 4 out of 5 in each area being rated. If 100% of trainees rate all the aspects at least 4 out of 5, then it is 100%
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effective. Training is an essential for every business, education institute and government department. The need for training is no longer a matter of debate. However, the training imparted by the organization is not always an effective one. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill and of an employee for doing a particular job. It is the process of teaching new/present employees the basic skill they need to effectively perform the job. Training is said to be effective when the organization achieved the target. Whether the training is effective or not can determine only after proper evaluation. Evaluation and appraisal of training programme is a necessary practice in any firm as it is an assessment of the total value of a learning event and not just how far it achieves its learning goals and objectives. Training assessment is about seeking to evaluate whether or not training is, in fact, generating pertinent and appreciated results through proficient and well-managed practices. It is a process of collecting data with which to make decisions about training activities. The information acquired by the assessment of the training programme can be used to find out the lags or shortcomings in the training programme and make successive suggestions and advices for making it more effectual. The inquiry that has to be raised by the management to evaluate the effectiveness of training in each level is listed below: 1.8 Importance of Training and Development Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. Development of Human Resources Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources technical and Behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. Development of skills of employees Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees. Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal. Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees. Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization. Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

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Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life. Healthy work environment Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal. Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence. Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force. Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image. Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display. The main advantages and disadvantages of this form of training can be summarised as follows: Advantages A wider range of skills or qualifications can be obtained Can learn from outside specialists or experts Employees can be more confident when starting job Disadvantages More expensive e.g. transport and accommodation Lost working time and potential output from employee New employees may still need some induction training Employees now have new skills/qualifications and may leave for better jobs

1.9 Importance of Trainer/ Role of Trainer The effective transfer of training depends a lot on the trainer because it is the trainer only who can remove the mental block of trainee, motivate the trainee to learn, delete the negative perception of the trainee regarding the training. Besides all that, a lot depends on personality of trainer also. The major competencies that are required to be present in a trainer are: Presentation Skills Business Skills i.e. budgeting, time management, negotiation, etc.
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Self development i.e. interpersonal skills, good listening skills, flexible, accepting the share of accountability, etc Some personal factors that affect the trainee's learning are: Family Situation Personal Problems Relation between the training program and personal objective Level of self esteem Benefits expected from training Comfort level with the trainer Learning style of trainee Previous training experiences Some environmental factors that affect the trainee's learning are: Relationship with colleagues and subordinates Training team Trainer team Training objective Content of training Training design i.e. methods, techniques, and strategies Environment in the program Composition of training group Infrastructure i.e. eating facilities, tea/coffee breaks No matter how good the training program is, in the end it is the participant only who decides whether to change his behavior or not. Trainees do not change their behavior merely because someone tells them to do. They change when they feel there is a need of it. They do it with their own learning style. The trainer and the organization can only try to remove the mental blocks of the trainee, rest depends on trainee itself.

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Section V:
Training effectiveness and evaluation method in the context of Oil India 1.1Training and Development Department 1.2 Infrastructure:1.3 Structures of T&D Department:1.4 Training and Development Policy 2007:1.5 T&D Process 1.6 Types of Training Programs:1.7 Objectives, Scope and Limitation

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Training and Development Department

Management Training & Development Centre (MTDC), Duliajan. The Department is responsible for development of HR as well as training of fresh young professional to meet the companys need for adequately trained man power. It is responsible for the systematic training of executive and work person in order to harness the full potential of HR to contribute towards achieving goals and to compete even advancing and technology. Constant training is an essential process which is accomplished through in-house, in-country and overseas training in the field of higher specialization. The Department has two training house at present, The Management training and Development Centre (MTDC) and Employee Training and Development centre (ETDC). The Training for Executive is conducted in the MTDC whereas the workmen training are conducted in the ETDC. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES OF THE TWO HOUSE: The Company has two Training Centers Management Training & Development Center (MTDC) for executives. MTDC has 3 Classrooms & 1 Auditorium and 1 Library MTDC Complex also has Guest House Facility for Faculty and Participants Executive Trainees Hostel Dining Hall with Canteen Service Employees Training & Development Center (ETDC)) for the work persons. ETDC has 4 classrooms & 1 workshop facility

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SCOPE:The Training policy will cover the training and development requirement of the total workforce and the various programs to be developed and administered will be classified into the following categories for formulating strategies, objectives, goal, and thrust areasSTRUCTURES OF T&D DEPARTMENT:In training and development department there are 16 no. of employees working for the organization including 7 executives, 7 work persons and 2 SRS. The structural of the Training and Development of Oil India Duliajan is shown below in the chat 1.2








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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY 2007:SALIENT FEATURES AND OBJECTIVES: Develop employee skills and competencies towards better performance. Develop people to take higher responsibilities and new challenges. Reduce the learning time for taking up new assignments To impact need based training to cover minimum 20% of the total human resource strength during each year for enhancing capital. To increase the overall total training efforts for work persons every year. To train the work persons to acquire newer skills, potentials development, attitudinal changes and exposing them to the latest work system and technologies. To depute senior work persons for skill up-gradation and developing competencies preferably minimum once in every five year through supervisory development programs (SDP). To effectively manage the executive trainees scheme and with a view to familiarize new entrants to the organizations culture. To develop case studies through utilizing internal/external expertise training tools. To help the line departments for successfully implementing a multi-skills training system for the effective human resource utilization and development.

MISSION:To align Training and Development process with the corporate strategy & plan of the company in the changing business scenario. OBJECTIVES:The main objectives of the development are as follows:1. To develop employee skills and competencies improve performance. 2. To allow people to take in higher responsibility. 3. Reduce the learning time of employee on an appointment, transfer or promotion so that they can start being effective in an optimal time as possible.

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BENEFITS:1. The training and development function will play a catalytic role to make oil India limited a truly knowledge driven organization. 2. Line managers and business heads will be drawn into close partnership with training and development. 3. The planning and implement aspects of the training and development policy will be strengthened. 4. Training effectiveness will be priority with periodic reviews. 5. The training and development function will work very closely with the other HR system in the company such as job rotation and succession planning to ensure that the necessary HRD activities take place at the point when it is required. 6. The training and development department is also doing the local training programs I country and overseas training programs. ACTIVITIES:1. Assessment of training needs of individual by department. 2. Prepare annual training plan, budget and calendar and obtain approval. 3. Organize in-house training programs for executives and works persons including statutory training program for work persons 4. In-country training. 5. Overseas training. 6. Training by internal trainers. 7. Onsite safety training. 8. Safety training for contractors workers. 9. Statutory safety programs for services providers 10. Literature Procurement: -All books, journals, manuals etc are procured by T&D department. 11. Curriculum based trainings: summer and winter trainings were provided. 12. Company sponsor membership scheme (CSM): facilitates membership fees reimbursement to a certain limit for up-gradation of specific knowledge. 13. Suggestion scheme, 2008. . 14. TNI process.

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The training and development process of OIL is described below:

1. Training Need Identification (TNI): Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity. Here the focus is placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. The identification of training needs is a critical requirement and pre-requisite of training action. The whole success or failure of training function hinges on the precise identification of training needs. The process starts with the identification of training needs of executive of different department/ functional groups. The main source of determining the training needs are as follows: Top management perception: Top management of the company identifies certain key areas where greater Training and Development efforts are to be put in. Annual performance report: Training needs of executive are identified by their superiors/ HODs/ GMs in the annual performance report. Individual training needs are also projected by executive in their self-appraisal. HODs: Training and Development interact with the HODs who identify the technical and managerial areas where training inputs are required for their departmental executive and work person respectively. An assessment of the training needs of the department based a macro-view of the operational and other challenges in the next 1-3 years of time. The output would be a list of training programmes required, the areas of training, types and duration of training and the number of executives to be nominated from the departments. This TNI is properly done with the help of a training need assessment skill matrix. Training Need Assessment Skill Matrix The TNA skill matrix shall have the following format: X Axis- Skills Skills shall be in two categories- Technical skills and Managerial and Behavioral skills.
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Y Axis- Position and Incumbent First position shall be shown and below it the incumbents of the post shall be shown. The skills required for a particular position will be marked and the skills that are not required will be marked X. Under each mark the priority of training requirement shall be shown in a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being highest priority. Training Need Assessment Skill Matrix- Sample Technical Skills Maintenance of rotating machine Variable AC Drives & Controls O&M of EC Brake Managerial & Behavioural Skills Presentation Communication Negotiation Skills Skills Skills

SE X Mr. A 2 1 3 2 1 Mr. B 1 2 1 3 2 Sr. X Engineer Mr. C 2 3 1 1 2 X Mr. D 3 2 1 2 1 Mr. E 1 2 3 1 2 Engineer X Mr. G 1 2 3 1 2 Mr. H 2 1 1 2 3 Mr. I 2 2 2 3 1 Mr. J 2 2 1 2 3 The training need of each department is to be assessed through discussion between the concerned executive and Supervising Officer. The needs thus assessed shall be validated by HOD/SBU Head matching with departmental needs.The identification of individual training

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needs shall be done according to the TNA Skill Matrix developed by T&D Department as shown in above. Departments shall have to submit their Annual Training Plan to T&D Department by December every year. The same procedure shall be followed by all projects and Corporate Office. Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and analysis, it is a process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity as people's learning is important to them, and the reputation of the organization is also at stake. 2. Preparation of the training calendar on the basis of Annual Training Plans, submitted by departments and obtain approval from competent authority: T&D shall prepare Annual Training calendar on the basis of annual training plans submitted by the departments and approval for Annual Training Plan and calendar by T&D department is receipt of Annual Training Plan of the departments latest by the month of December. It includes a training budget with details of expenses as well as a list of training programs planned and details thereof. The training plans prepared by the T&D department with the inputs of training plans prepared by the departments on the basis of the training needs assessed for their personnel. 3. Execution of training plan: T&D department shall inform the respective departments about the approved training plan. T&D department shall also send approved copies of the Annual Training Plan to functional directors. The lead time for processing individuals nominations put up by the respective department shall be as under: In-house 10days In-country -60days Overseas -75 days. 4. Nominations: T&D department shall process all nominations received from departments within norms of DOP. The objective of this stage is to:Page 38

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Nominate the right person for the right program by departments as determined by TNA and eligibility in terms of Not attended- Latest Attended list. Maintain corporate priorities for the above. The department training in charge shall monitor implementation of training plan of his department as suitable intervals and liaise with T&D department for service/ helps required. In case a nomination is received with lead it shall be possessed only in case of special recommendations by directors head- fields, SBU heads and work agencies justified by concerned GMs.

5. Evaluation Methods used in Oil India limited: Training evaluation shall be done in four levels Feedback Level 1: Immediate feedback Output Participants to fill in a feedback form assessing the training course and faculty. T&D department shall also assess the course and faculty independently. Test scores before and after training showing the change in knowledge skillattitudes of the participants of a program. Post training feedback on changes observed in on-the job behavior. Time and responsibility Done immediately at the conclusion of the training conclusion of the training by the course director and concerned person from T&D department.

Level 2: Evaluating learning

Done prior to the training, and just after the training by the course director and concerned person from T&D department.

Level 3: Evaluating changes in behavior

Three months after the to be assessed by supervising officer of the concerned person underwent training. Report to be sent to
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Level 4: Evaluating results

A comparison of process and business results (e.g. machine down time) before and after training, assess likely impact of the training.

Depending on the subject, the assessment shall be undertaken and reported 3-6 months after the training, by the supervising officer, DTC and HOD. Report to be sent to T&D department.

The objective of these stages is to: (i) (ii) (iii) Multiple feedbacks on training is received by the T&D. Feedback received is analyzed, remedial actions determined and the progress shared with unit training cell (UTC) In the addition, T&D department shall also prepare a quarterly summary of training imparted, number & category of persons covered, coverage of training imparted, number & category of persons covered, coverage of training vis-a vis training plan, meeting priority of not attended- latest

Attended test to be maintained by each department and average man days of training programs. TYPES OF TRAINING PROGRAMS:1. In- House training Training organized in house with reputed external faculties and internal faculties. In house training may be technical, behavioral, managerial, safety related and it includes statutory and non- statutory trainings. Two In-House institutes MTDC and ETDC have been set up to cater to companys operational requirements. The institutions not only offer services to the company but also to other industries in North East India for development of contemporary

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management practices and applications, workmen training and skill up gradation. In house training programs are for both executives and work persons. In-House trainings are organized through any one or more of the followings: By In-House faculties from different departments. In-House programs by internal faculties is the best way for building a learning organization and to ensure that transfer of knowledge takes place within the organization. To make such programs more and more effective, following guidelines will be adhered to the extent possible. i) Individual sessions for In-House courses and the programs of statutory nature will be organized by getting speakers nominated by HODs. ii) While organizing structured In-House courses on specific areas of specialization, management approval will be necessary high lighting amongst others (a) program objective (b) course content (c) methodology (d) target iii) group (e) participant profile & expected no. of participants (f) proposed duration. iv) A panel of names from different departments would be prepared from amongst the willing executives having good presentation skill to work as internal faculty as and when required. Such lists would be reviewed once in two years unless otherwise required. RCE will be final authority to approve list of trainer. v) To attract more and more executives will requisite expertise/ skill to work as trainers, successful trainers from different disciplines will: (a) Be deputed at frequent intervals to centre of excellence, (b) Be given preference for training abroad to enhance their professional/ training skills, (c) Given monetary incentives as honorarium as decided from time to time. vi) Feedbacks from participants will be one of the key criteria in assessing quality of training by trainer and amending necessary improvements. Faculties from other petroleum and related organizations in the vicinity may be invited from time to time, for better interaction and transfer/ exchange of professional knowledge. External faculties of reputed from within and outside the country will be engaged from imparting training.

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Retired personnel, with proven skills, will be invited as and when considered necessary subject to availability. It will endeavored to maintain a data bank of retired company personnel with specialized skills, who can be instrumental in not only imparting rich hands on experience to participants, but their involvement will also contribute towards continuance of companys unique culture and values. In house training process
Need analysis of in- house training Identification of faculties/ agencies by training and development department

Offer from faculties/ agencies

GGM/ GM (F&A) for approval

Not approved


Organizes training

Evaluation: Immediate feedback: participants to give verbal feedback and fill in a feedback form assessing the training course and faculty. T&D department shall also assess the course and faculty independently. 2. In-Country programs Based on need, technical as well as behavioral & managerial, employees are trained at various reputed agencies or training institutions within the country. Nominations will be made to different In-Country programs (training/ conferences/ seminars) for skill enhancement and maintenance. Apart from acquisition of skill through specific training
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module, exposure to such programs, gives opportunity to learn from interaction and case studies from other organizations and through valuable contacts. In- Country programs are for both executives and work plans. Some of the silent guidelines in administration of In-Country programs will be as under to present:(i) Training will be need based and relevant/ future assignment of the nominee. (ii) Training programs at (a) OEMs work (b) reputed institutes would be preferred as compared to similar courses offered by relatively institutes. (iii) Nominations for the programs will be sent to T&D department in standard format no. IC-01 through concerned general managers. (iv) While forwarding nominations for In-Country programs, HODs will give preference to executives not attending any In-Country training during the five preceding years. In country training process
Nominations from department through HOD

Training and development check

Not OK

Concerned GM for approval Approved Training and development initiates

Intimation to nominating department

Administration for passage booking

Accounts for course fees

Information to agencies/ institutes

Evaluation: There are two separate sets of standard forms for In-country feedback for executives and workmen. They fill in a feedback form assessing the training course after returning from training and submit it to T&D department.

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3. Overseas trainings: For specialized technical managerial courses employees are send to overseas for training. Petroleum industry is the high-tech, high-risk and highly competitive business especially in the global scenario. To keep abreast of the fast changing technologies being deployed worldwide and to keep abreast with the latest methods and systems, it is imperative that HR have to be exposed through overseas conferences, seminars, workshops or training programs both in their technical areas of specialization and in managerial aspects. In the todays business environment, knowledge capital along with IT based solutions will be determining factor in petroleum business. To make overseas training cost effective and beneficial in terms of knowledge and competencies acquired. Overseas programs are only for executives. Medical test is done for overseas trainees. Since the training program is cost intensive additional justification is made through every GM/HOD. Overseas training process
Nominations from department through HOD/ GM Not OK Training and development (scrutiny) Not approve d

GGM/GM (F&A) for approval approved Approval of competent authority (functional director/
D-F/CMD) Approved

Not approve d

Intimation to nominating department

Administration for passage booking

Advice for DA & course fees

Information to agencies/ institutes

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Evaluation: Participants to fill in a feedback form assessing the training course and faculty. The participants shall also give presentation on their topic of training. HOD also submits a feedback form after evaluating the learning. Test scores before and after training showing the change in knowledge skill- attitudes of the participants of a program

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Section: VI
SOWT Analysis 1.1Strengths 1.2 Weakness 1.3 Opportunities 1.4 Threat s

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Developing economy: Historically, demand for petroleum products has traced the economy growth of the country. With GDP expected to grow at near 7% in the long term, the energy sector would benefit from the same, going forward. To put thing in perspective, diesel sales grew by nearly 12% (which contributes 40 % of the entire petro-products), petrol sales 9% and a double- digit growth in LPG in 1QFY05. While this rate is not likely to sustain, we expect the industry to witness 4% in the entire products basket in FY05 and beyond. Government decision: The resents price increase and also the decision to allowed oil companies to increase price within a brand of 10% arguer well for the industry. The steps are likely to reduce government interference and provide some autonomy to oil company when it come to increasing petrol and diesel price in order to protect margins. Further, the duty cuts are also likely to result o reducing under-recoveries by way of subsidies on LPG and kerosene.

Crude Price: nearly 70% of Indias crude requirements are fulfilled by imports and this figure is likely to increase going forward. Crude prices have beached the $45 barrier again and likely to remain at around $40 per barrier range. As per IEA, India is one of the most inefficient countries among developing nations as far as energy usages is concerned. Such high crude prices are likely to import margins of oil marketing companies. Given the political implications, retail prices may continue to lag the raise input cost. Lack of freedom: Although the government has decided to provide autonomy to oil companies to increase petrol and diesel price within a 10% band, other products such as LPG and kerosene continue to remain under the government controlled price mechanism. As per the current estimates, the subsidies on LPG amount to Rs. 90 per cylinder after factoring I duty cuts and that on kerosene is over Rs. 6 per litre. While the government has managed to reduce its share in subsidies, selects oil companies are being forced to absorb the losses.

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Equity Oil: Major oil marketing companies are now venturing into upstream exploration and production activities so as to secure crude supply. To put thing is perspective, IOC and oil India are likely to jointly bid for oil fields abroad. At the same time, ONGCs wholly owned subsidiary, ONGC videsh(OVL) has acquired stakes in over 9 countries in its quest to attain the 20 MMT ( million metric tons) by 2020. This backward integration is an opportunity for IOC to secure at least 25% of its Crude oil requirement for the refineries. Natural gas: Natural Gas has the potential to be the fuel of the future with demand outpacing supply by more than two times. Such high scarcity of natural gas provides a big opportunity for oil companies. Although Petro net LPG has now started importing natural gas, the future holds promise as reliance Industries Godavari Basin goes into commercial production and shell commences Its terminal at Nazira. More exploration activities are in the pipeline and this could reduce the countrys dependence on crude

in the long term.

Competition: Until FU04, oil-marketing had complete control over the downstream marketing business while private sector players were restricted to only refining. However, with the entry of private players such Reliance, Essar oil and shell (in the waiting), the sector is likely to witness increased competition going forward. The oil PSUs had hitherto developed a fortnight pricing mechanism, which is likely to discontinue. The price of petrol and diesel is artificially kept high so as to cross subsidize LPG and kerosene. Since private players will not be bound to provide for these subsidies. PSU marketing players are likely to suffer from lower throughput per outlet. Continuing Government Interference: During the first six months of the current fiscal year, the oil marketing companies were refrained from increasing products price due to political reason. This affected margins o downstream players. Going forward, if the government interference continues, oil-marketing companies will be at a disadvantage.
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Although we believe the industry is likely to witness increased competition, the initial retail rush by private sector players has slowed down. PSU marketing has created significant entry barriers for private players. Although throughput per outlet (sales per outlet) is likely to decline in the future, we believe that any substantial entry of the private players would indirectly benefit the PSUs, as the government pricing policy will not hold much and the market forces would determine pricing.

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Section: VII
1.1 Analysis & finding. 1.2 Suggestion 1.3 conclusions 1.4 Annexure 1.5 Bibliography

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Q.1. Are you Aware of the term Training Effectiveness and Evaluation method? Table: 1.2 Options Yes No Total Chat: 1.2
Awareness of Training Effectiveness and Evaluation

No of respondents 59 8 67

Percentage of respondents 88.05 11.94 100%

i. yes

ii. No

88.50% 11.45% i. yes ii. No

INTERPRETATIONThe above question was asked in an attempt to know whether the executives and workers were aware of the training effectiveness and evaluation method in Oil, and it was found that 88.50 of them were well aware of training effectiveness and evaluation method whereas 11.45% respondents were not aware of it.

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Q.2. Training and Development programs are very essential for overall development of individuals and organization as a whole. This question was asked to know about the essentiality of training and development program for overall development. Table: 1.3 Options i. ii. iii. iv. v. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree strongly disagree Total No of respondents 45 19 2 1 0 67 Percentage of respondents 67.16% 28.35% 2.98% 1.49% 100%

Chat: 1.3
Essentiality of Training and Development Program for Overall Dvelopment.

strongly agree disagree 67.16% 28.35%

agree strongly disagree

somewhat agree

2.98% strongly agree INFERENCE agree somewhat agree

1.49% disagree

0 strongly disagree

From the above diagrams we come to know that the highest number of respondents i.e. 67.16% of the respondents strongly agree that Training and Development programs are very essential for overall development of individuals and organization as a whole, and no one is strongly disagree with it.
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Q.3. To whom the training is given more in your organization? Table: 1.4 Options i. senior staffs ii. junior staffs iii. New staffs iv. Base on requirement Total Chat: 1.4 No of respondents 13 15 22 17 67 Percentage of respondents 19.40% 22.38% 32.83% 25.37% 100%

Important of training
Senior staffs Junior staffs New staffs Base on requirement

32.83% 19.40% 22.38% 25.37%

INFERENCE On the basis of the above data and chat the respondents fell that training are given more to the new staffs with 32.83% followed by the base on requirements with 25.37%. Senior staffs are given less training with the percentage of 19.40.

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Q.4. what are the purposes of training evaluation method. Table: 1.5 Options i. ii. iii. iv. Feedback Research Control Improvements Total No of respondents 8 10 6 43 67 Percentage of respondents 11.94 14.92% 8.95% 64.17% 100%

Purposes of training evaluation process

percentage of respondents



8.95% control improvements



INFERENCE This question is asked to know the purpose of training evaluation method in OIL. From the above analysis we find that majority i.e 64.17% of the respondents feel that the purpose of training evaluation methods is for improvements.

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Q.5. Benefits from effective training and development programsTable: 1.6 Options
i. ii. iii. iv.

No of respondents 25 12 9 21 67

Enhanced job performance Job knowledge Career development Personality & Skill development Total

Percentage of respondents 37.31% 17.91% 13.43% 31.34% 100%

Chart: 1.6
Benefits from effective training and development programs-

percentage of respondents
37.31% 31.34% 17.91%


enhanced job performance INFERENCE

job knowledge

career development

personality & skill development

According to analysis of respondents it is found that majority of them i.e 37.31% feel that job performance is the benefit from training. 17.91% feel that it is job knowledge whereas 13.43% feel that it is career development, and 31.34% of respondents feel that is personality & skill development.
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Q.6. how do you judge Oil India limiteds present Training and Development activities towards improving the performance of the organization? Table: 1.7 Options Excellent Good Average Poor Total Chart: 1.7 No of respondents 10 39 13 5 67 Percentage of respondents 14.92% 58.20% 19.40% 7.46% 100%





19.40% 58.20%

INFERENCE From the above diagram and chat we find that 58.20% rated good which is also majority respondents, on the other hand 7.46% respondents rated as poor.

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Q 7. Please rate the following Training evaluation method in terms of the scale given below. (Most-1.moderate-2, least-3) Table: 1.8 QUESTIONNAIRE Options i. ii. iii. Most Moderate Least Total No of respondents 25 26 16 67 Percentage of respondents 37.3% 38.80% 23.80% 100%


Most 37.30% Moderate 38.80% least





In response to the above question, 37.30% of the respondents feel that questionnaire is most essential, 38.80% of the respondents think it is moderate and 23.80% feel questionnaire is least essential for evaluation.
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PERSONAL INTERACTION/ VERBAL FEEDBACK Table:1.9 Options i. ii. iii. Most Moderate Least Total No of respondents 34 29 4 67 Percentage of respondents 51% 42.50% 6% 100%


Personal Interaction/ verbal feedback

Most Moderate least

51% 42.50%

6% Most Moderate least

INFERENCE The outcome shows that 51.0% respondents rated personal and verbal feedback as most, whereas 42.50% rated it is moderate only 6% rated that it is least.

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PRE/ POST TEST Table: 2.1 Options i. ii. iii. Most Moderate Least Total No of respondents 18 33 16 67 Percentage of respondents 26.86% 49.25% 23.88% 100%

Chart: 2:1

Pre/post test
Most Moderate 49.25% least






INFERENCE From the above diagram we come to know that 49.25% majority of the respondents think that Pre/post is moderate followed by the most with 26.86% and 23.88% think that it is least.

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ON THE JOB Table: 2.2 Options i. ii. iii. Most Moderate Least Total No of respondents 39 18 10 67 Percentage of respondents 58.2% 26.86% 14.92% 100%

Chart: 2.2

On the Job



26.86% 14.92%




INFERENCE From the above diagram we come to know that majority of the respondents i.e 58.20% rated that on the job evaluation method is most, 26,86% rated moderate only 14.92% rated least.

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OBSERVATION Table: 2.3 Options i. ii. iii. Most Moderate Least Total No of respondents 21 33 13 67 Percentage of respondents 31.34% 49.25% 19.40% 100%

Chart: 2.3

most moderate
49.25% 31.34% 19.40%





INFERENCE In response to the above question, 31.34% believe that observation method is most essential, 49.25% of the respondents believed that it is moderate and 19.40% of respondents believed that observation method of evaluation is least important.

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Q.8. the time duration given for the training period is sufficient? Table: 2.4 Options i. ii. iii. iv. Sufficient To be extended To be shortened Manageable Total No of respondents 6 20 15 26 67 Percentage of respondents 8.95% 29.85% 22.38% 38.30% 100%

Chart: 2.4

Percentage of respondents

Sufficient To be extended To be shortended Manageable

INFERENCE From the above analysis, it is found that 8.95% of the respondents feel that it is sufficient. 29.85% of the respondents feel that it is to be extended whereas 22.38% of the respondents feel that it should be shorten, however majority of the respondents i.e. 38.30% feel that it is manageable.

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Q.9. Do you think Training Evaluation method is an important step in the overall Training Development of the companyTable: 2.5 Options i. ii. iii. iv. v. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 28 37 1 1 0 67 Percentage of respondents 41.79% 55.22% 1.49% 1.49% 100%

Chart: 2.5

Percentage of Respondents
strongly agree 55.22% disagree 41.79% agree strongly disagree somewhat agree

1.49% strongly agree agree somewhat agree

1.49% disagree

0 strongly disagree

INFERENCE From the above diagram we come to know that 55.22% agrees that training evaluation process is an important step in the overall training process and no one is strongly disagree with it.
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Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of Oil India Limited Q.9. Evaluation of training programme enable to analysis Table: 2.6 Options No of respondents i. ii. iii. iv. Quality of faculty Effectiveness of study materials/ faculty knowledge. Presentation skills of faculty Program benefit to the present job. Total 9 15 9 34 67 Percentage of respondents 13.43% 22.38% 13.43% 50.74% 100%


Chart: 2.6

Analysis of Training Evaluation Program

percentage of respondents 50.74% 22.38% 13.43%
quality of faculty effectiveness of study material/ faculty knowledge

presentage skill of program benefit to faculty the present job

INFERENCE This was an attempt to know the feedback of training evaluation. As per respondents 50.74% feel that it is for programme benefit to the present job, 13.42% believes that it is for presentation skill of faculty, whereas 22.38% and 13.43% feel effectiveness of study materials and quality of faculty.
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Q.11. In your general view what type of training is more essential for over all development of oil?

TECHNICAL Table: 2.7 Options Most essential Moderate Least essential Total Chart: 2.7

No of respondents 31 21 15 67

Percentage of respondents 46.26% 31.34% 22.38% 100%

Most Essential 22.38% 31.34%


Least Essential 46.26%

INFERENCE This question was an attempt to bring out the type of training which is more essential for overall development of oil. As per the respondents view, 46.26% think technical is most essential, 31.34% feel it is moderate and 22.38% feel it is least essential.

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BEHAVIORAL Table: 2.8 Options Most essential Moderate Least essential Total Chart: 2.8

No of respondents 21 20 26 67

Percentage of respondents 31.34% 29.85% 38.80% 100%

Most Essentials


Least Esentianls




INFERENCE This question was an attempt to bring out the type of training which is more essential for overall development of oil. As per the respondents view, 31.34% think technical is most essential, 29.85% feel it is moderate and 38.80% feel it is least essential.

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MANAGERIAL Table: 2.9 Options Most essential Moderate Least essential Total Chart: 2.9

No of respondents 46 17 4 67

Percentage of respondents 68.65 25.37 5.97 100%

Most essentials


Least essential

25.37% 68.65%

INFERENCE This question was an attempt to bring out the type of training which is more essential for overall development of oil. As per the respondents view, 68.65% think technical is most essential, 25.37% feel it is moderate and 5.97% feel it is least essential.

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HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT Table: 3.1 Options Most essential Moderate Least essential Total Chart: 3.1

No of respondents 17 30 20 67

Percentage of respondents 25.37% 44.77% 29.85% 100%

Most essential


Least essential




INFERENCE This question was an attempt to bring out the type of training which is more essential for overall development of oil. As per the respondents view, 25.37% think technical is most essential, 44.77% feel it is moderate and 29.85% feel it is least essential.

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Q.12. Post-training evaluation method is like on the job training which is a long term methods is more beneficial in order to analyze any job changes/improvements in comparison to the short term methods(e.g. immediate feedback methods) Table: 3.2 Options Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Chart: 3.2 No of respondents 20 39 8 0 0 67 Percentage of respondents 29.85% 58.20% 11.94% 100%

Percentage of Respondents
strongly agree disagree 58.20% agree strongly disagree somewhat agree

29.85% 11.94% 0 strongly agree agree somewhat agree disagree 0 strongly disagree

INFERENCE This question was asked with an attempt to know whether long term evaluation method (post training) is more beneficial than short term evaluation method( immediate feedback). In response to the above question 58.20% of respondent agree whereas 29.85% are strongly agree and 11.94% of respondents are somewhat agree with it.

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Q13. Please rate the quality of training under the following category in oil India limited (E: excellent, G: good, A: Average, S: satisfactory). Table: 3.3 Options Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Total Chart: 3.3 No of respondents 12 35 14 6 67 Percentage of respondents 17.91% 52.23% 20.89% 8.95% 100%

Percentage of Respondants

Good Average Satisfactory

INFERENCE This question is an attempt to know the quality of training provided to various employees and executives of Oil India. From the response we can know that the training is good as 52.23%. 17.91% think the training is excellent, 20.89% percent feel that it is Average, where as 8.95% of the respondents feel that is just satisfactory.
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Q14. How satisfied are you with the training provided? Table: 3.4 Options Satisfied Not satisfied Partially satisfied Partially not satisfied Total No of respondents 30 13 16 8 67 Percentage of respondents 38.80% 19.40% 23.88% 11.94% 100%

Chart: 3.4

Satisfied Partially satisfied

11.94% 23.88%

Not Satisfied partially not satisfied


Inference: In response to the above question 38.80% are satisfied with the training provided, 19.40% are not satisfied where as 23.88% are partially satisfied only 11.94% are not satisfied with the training provided.

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Q.15 Do you think that training & Developments nomination process for incountry and overseas training is free from bias? Table: 3.5 Options Yes No Total No of respondents 45 22 67 Percentage of respondents 67.16% 32.83% 100%

Chart: 3.5

Percentage of Respondents

Yes No

Inference: 67.16% of the respondents believed that Training and Development Departments nomination process is free from bias, while 32.83% of the respondents think that nomination process is biased and need to be checked.

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Q16. Would you like to give any suggestion(s) for the improvement of the training evaluation method of Oil India Limited? This question was an attempt to obtain ideas, suggestion and recommendation for the improvement of training and Development programme in Oil India. Here are some of the suggestions which the respondents have given for improvement. 1. Training should be regularly conducted 2. Training should be provided as per the requirement and for the betterment of the company. 3. Selection of training should be impartial. 4. Right training for right person.

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SUGGESTIONS: Training programme should be conducted periodically and ensure that all them attend at least one training programme Additional training should be given on the aspect of the subject upon which training gas already given, so that it will help the executive to implement their assign projects in an effective manner. A detail need based training analysis should be conducted and personal should be given training accordingly. The organization must ensure that proper training is imparted before each promotion. Eminent trainers from corporate world have to be brought in order to enhance training quality. Impart initial entry level training to all the executives to get acquainted with about the organization, its goals and strategy and the rest so as to have improvement in their efficiency in work and increase in the productivity of the organization. After training programme a booklet of the same should be given for future reference. Training classes should carry more practical example and they should try to involve trainee in their work for better knowledge. On job training is more important hence more interest should be given for this type of training Ensure that trainers who are called for session are experts and have sound knowledge in the subject. As the trainee acquire new knowledge, skill, and attitude and applied them in work situation. They should be appraised ad reward for their efforts. Try to seek the opinion of the trainees expectations before the training programme and collect their views regarding the attainment after training.

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Training for executive are conducted in MTDC whereas Training for workers are conducted in ETDC Only Executive gets the opportunity to go for Overseas Training at least once in four year. In-house training are conducted with the internal and external faculties Its mandatory for the every new employees to go for one year training Most of the training conducted is oil based. The Oil used only two evaluation method out of the four prescribe in the training book both are short term evaluation method. Various department of Oil submit Annual training Plans on the basic of which T&D prepare annual training plan, Annual training calendar and annual training budget for the organization. Oil follows three of training namely, In-house, In-country and Overseas Oil has well defined training policy which was implemented in 2007. Oil also provides training to other company employees and university students.

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CONCLUSION Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the context of oil India limited. It is a brief study to understand about the training effectiveness and evaluation method in oil India. Every Organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or social, Old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification, skill, suitability for the job etc. thus no. organization can choose whether or not to train employees. Training is not something that is done once to new employees. It is used continuously in very well run establishment. Further, technological changes, automation, require up-dating the skills and knowledge. From the report it can be well identified that the organization has adopted a well and distinguish training and evaluation method which is unique in itself. The process is continuously reviewed and updated as per the need. The process reflect a systematic training need assignment in various departments, preparation for annual training calendar, nomination for various external training programs evaluation of training etc necessary to complete in the marketplace and achieve the companys goal. The study helped to obtain suggestion for the improvement of the better training evaluation program and also helped in finding out the satisfaction and improvement of the executives. I have carried out my study on training effectiveness and evaluation in context of oil India limited. I have felt that the company has come forward to apply new skills and techniques in order to improve the training programs. The project work is very beneficial for me and the guidance and support receive from all during the course of my project was very encouraging. If you wish to plan for a year sow seeds, if you wish to plan for ten years plant trees, if you plan for life-time develop men.

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Questionnaire, Annexure and Bibliography

Questionnaire: I am the Student pursuing MBA, this questionnaire is an attempt to collect primary data for the purpose of my research and currently undergoing a project on Training Effectiveness and Evaluation Method in the Context of Oil India Limited I would be highly obliged by your assistance in filling up the questionnaire. Thanking you

Yours Sincerely Y. Abraham Konyak Name: Grade: Qualification: For how many years you have been working in oil?............................... Q1. Are you aware of the term training effectiveness and Evaluation? Yes No Department:

Q2. Training and Development programs are very essential for overall development of individuals and Organization as a whole i. ii. iii. iv. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree
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Strongly disagree

Q3. To whom the training is given more in your organization i. ii. iii. iv. New staffs Seniors staffs Juniors staff Based on requirement

Q4. What are the purposes of training evaluation method? i. ii. iii. iv. Feedback Research Control Improvements

Q5. Benefits from effective training and development programme may be as underi. ii. iii. iv. Enhance job performance Job knowledge Career development Personality & Skill development.

Q6. How do you judge Oil India limiteds present Training and Development activities towards improving the performance of the organization? i. ii. iii. iv. Excellent Good Average Poor

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Q7. Please rate the following training evaluation method in terms of the scale given below-(Most: 1. Moderate-2, Leaast-3) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Questionnaire Personal interaction/ verbal feedback Pre/post test On the job Observation

Q.8. the time duration given for the training period is sufficient? i. ii. iii. iv. Sufficient To be extended To be shortened Manageable

Q.9. Do you think Training Evaluation method is an important step in the overall Training of the companyi. ii. iii. iv. v. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q10. Evaluation of Training programme enable us to analysis the followingi. ii. iii. iv. Quality of faculty Effectiveness of the materials/faculty knowledge Presentation skill of the faculty Programme benefit to the presets job.

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Q.11. In your general view what type of training is more essential for overall development of Oil? i. ii. iii. iv. Technical Behavioral Managerial Health, safety environment.

Q12. Post- training evaluation method is like on the job training which is a long term method is more beneficial in order to analyze any job change/ improvement in comparison to the short term methods (e.g. Immediate feedback methods) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q13. Please rate the quality of training under the following category in oil India limited (E: excellent, G: good, A: Average, S: satisfactory). Q14. How satisfied are you with the training provided? i. ii. iii. iv. Satisfied Not satisfied Partially satisfied Partially not satisfied

Q.15 Do you think that training & Developments nomination process for incountry and overseas training is free from bias? Yes No

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Q16. Would you like to give any suggestion(s) for the improvement of the training evaluation method of Oil India Limited?

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