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London, United Kingdom e: stevenhollidge@hotmail.

com m: 07882 83 92 01

Analyst Programmer with over fifteen years experience developing Enterprise solutions with Microsoft and Oracle technologies across Europe. Early adopter specialising in XAML based Metro style Silverlight and WPF applications with server side WCF and REST application services. Highly focused, disciplined and results driven with a can do attitude to both business and technology. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer for .NET since 2004.

Microsoft Stack (C#.NET 4.0 since 1.0 beta, VBA since 1995) SQL Server 2012 (2008, 2005, 2000, 7, 6.5) inc SSIS, SSRS, SSAS ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Knockout Agile, Lean, Kanban, TDD, BDD, SOA, Web Services, XML, XSD, XSLT Xaml Technologies: WPF and Silverlight, MVVM Hg/Mercurial, Git and Subversion

16 years 16 10 6 4 4

Blog with over 50,000 annual page views Home page Silverlight Debugging Tool (OSS) WPF Metro Toolkit (OSS) WCF Application Server (OSS) Microsoft Certifications IKM .NET 3.5 Independent Skills Test

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Lead Developer for Silverblade Technology

Based in London and Asia Freelancer between November 2010 and current

Achievements Next gen Metro style Xaml applications for Silverlight out of browser and WPF applications Creation of WCF App Server to remove dependency on IIS for hosting C# .NET services WCF performance tuning using binary protocol serialization for bare metal performance TDD / BDD with IOC coupled with TeamCity integration server to tackle brownfield projects Technologies C# 4.0 WPF Silverlight NUnit StatLight SpecFlow MOQ MEF PRISM MVVM JSON Rx REST Ninject Azure Protobuf RabbitMq MemCached AgileZen NCrunch TDD BDD Mercurial Microsoft partner focused on bringing the latest Metro and Xaml technology to the City of London. Key design tenants include asynchronous, multi-threading with low network latency using Beta and CTP Microsoft software. Custom libraries, toolkits and controls are used to give users an unparalleled experience both in and out of the browser. As well as new development projects, brownfield development solutions were tackled. Through the identification and isolation of problem areas I created unit, functional and integration test harnesses that could be automatically executed by the TeamCity Continuous Integration server. This allowed developers to update and maintain code safe in the knowledge they would not be introducing any new bugs. Other projects include high performance, highly optimised and scalable WCF service architecture to maximise available computing power. This was achieved through the design of a WCF App Server utilising Protocol Buffers boosting standard .NET WCF performance by over 25%.

Team Developer for Ellis Financial Systems

Based in Covent Garden, London Contractor between May 2008 and November 2010 Clients included: RBS, Coutts, HSBC, Merrill Lynch, SEI and BNY Mellon Achievements Development of CGCalc Manager helping to win a multi-million pound contract with RBS following a processing time reduction of up to 400% using a distributed computing model Introduction of TeamCity CI server and automated test cycle on developer check-in Technologies C# 4.0 WCF WPF Silverlight NUnit IIS SQL Server Crystal Reports SVN ASP.NET JavaScript Worked within a team of developers on the creation of a highly scalable, secure and reliable web software suite to provide global fund managers the ability to calculate, model and analyse Capital Gains and Income Tax liabilities based on complex client portfolio asset trade movements. The project featured a highly configurable Xml rules based calculation engine written in C#. The core business requirements included an extensible calculation engine allowing for plugins written by business analysts containing the latest changes in government taxation law. Techniques such as multi-threading, stateless class design for functional programming, queued messaging and Chain of Responsibility design pattern with IOC has resulted in a highly efficient and optimised SOA solution.

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Lead Developer for Objective Services

Based in London, United Kingdom Contractor between October 2002 and May 2008 Clients included British Heart Foundation, Unison, Pasta Reale and UCLH Achievements Architect and design of business systems used by over 1,000 people Mentoring of junior developers and introduction of techniques such as IOC and Agile SCRUM Technologies C# VB.NET ASP.NET SQL Server VBA HTML CSS JavaScript VBScript SSRS Design and development of loosely coupled componentised .NET and SQL solutions to manage regional donations, events and letters for the second largest charity in the UK. Data warehouse using SQL Integration (SSIS) with ETL workflow and SQL Reporting (SSRS) Services. Data exchange application providing integration of disparate membership systems for Unison, Britains largest trade union with over 1.3 million members and British Association of Occupational Therapists. Order processing, despatch and invoicing system for Pasta Reale (annual turnover 30m). Other solutions included a multi-threaded .NET Win app, ASP.NET web apps, Outlook Add-In built using VSTO 2005, compact .NET framework for smart device apps and a Windows service for file management.

Lead Developer for Thales Group

Based in Aldgate, London Permanent between September 2000 and September 2002 Clients included Deutsche Bank and AON Achievements Design and development of slick graphical user interface to help analysts interpret data feeds Technologies VB 5 / 6 ActiveX Oracle SQL Server Excel VBA Crystal Reports UML Rational Rose Erwin Lead VB and Oracle developer in charge of the analysis, architectural design and development of a Data Ratings Manager application for Deutsche Bank. The system merged data feeds from ratings suppliers Moodys, Standard & Poors and Reuters. Featuring N-tier architecture, ActiveX controls were developed to manipulate data within the data store for Asterisk - a credit risk ratings application suite. Application modelled and designed in UML using Rational Rose with ClearCase version control system. Reports were created using Crystal Reports along with the setup and configuration of a data warehousing universe using Business Objects. Other projects included a VB data application written for AON, using embedded Excel with Office automation and SQL Server backend.

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Developer for Countrywide Assured Group

Based in London, United Kingdom Freelance between May 2000 and September 2000

Achievements Introduction of website for use by 1,000 branches across the UK Technologies ASP.NET VB.NET SQL Server Ms Access VBA Crystal Reports HTML ASP Lead web developer using ASP / HTML then ASP.NET (from Beta) for the leading provider in the residential property and related financial services markets across the UK.

Developer for Objective Services

Based in London, United Kingdom Permanent between March 1996 and May 2000

Achievements Building and fostering excellent relationships with existing customers Technologies VB SQL Server MS Access VBA Crystal Reports EDI Customer facing Analyst Programmer role writing and maintaining business solutions using Visual Basic 5 and 6, SQL Server 6.5/7/2000, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) within MS Access and MS Excel interfacing with electronic data interchange (EDI) for a wide variety of types of business.

Developer for RS Services

Based in London, United Kingdom Freelance between August 1995 and March 1996

Achievements Approaching and winning new business from the local small business community Technologies VB VBA MS Excel MS Access MS Word Helped local businesses embrace technology to improve processes and productivity through the development of key mission critical systems. Using VBA systems written bespoke for their needs, a local accountancy, solicitors, golf club and gardening firm moved from paper based systems to Windows based applications. Training was also provided for staff on how to use Microsoft Office 95.

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