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Once there lived a poor miller who had a very beautiful daughter. One day, he had to see the King of the land. Keen to impress the King, the miller boasted, I have a daughter who can spin gold out of straw. The king replied, Is that right? Bring her to the palace tomorrow to prove it, or else, you will be punished for being mean. The miller had no reasons except to agree it. The next day, as promised, the miller brought his daughter to the palace. His daughter was then led to a room filled with straw. The King said to her, Spin this into gold before morning or you will be punished. She pleaded to be excused, for she knew that she could spin no gold out of straw. However, all her pleas were in vain. She was locked in the room, just alone. She wept in a deep sadness. Why must I do all of this? All this straw-spinning work is impossible to do!~ Suddenly, a dwarf comedont know where from asked her, Why are you so sad? The king has ordered me to spin this straw into gold, and I cannot do it. She replied. What will you give me if I do it? The dwarf offered. The girl offered him her necklace. Then, she fell slept. By morning, the king was so delighted that he wanted more. The next night, the millers daughter is locked in a

larger room with more straw. Then, the dwarf appeared again. What will you give me if I work it again for you? The dwarf asked. I will give you my gold ring. In the morning, the king was still not satisfied with what he had. So the girl was locked into the largest warehouse in the palace, filled with even more straw. The king promised her, If you can spin this straw again, I will make you my wife. The dwarf, once more, appeared again to help her, with a return as before. The girl despaired as she had nothing left to offer. In that case, you must promise me your first child when you are Queen. She had no choice but to agree the demand. By next morning, the king is pleased and kept his word to marry the millers daughter. After a year, the Queen gave birth to a lovely child. She was so happy that she almost forgot about the funny dwarf. One day, the dwarf appeared again and reminded her of his demand. Your promised child, please, my Queen. The dwarf said. But I cant bear to part with my child! The Queen cried with grief. Very well, I will give you three days to guess my name. If you succeed, you may keep your son. The dwarf, finally, said.

The Queen stayed all night, making a list of common names she had ever heard. But, Nope, No no! is heard every names she suggested On the second day, the Queen made a list of, even the strangest names she could possibly think. The dwarf just laughed, and said, Youll never be able to guess my name! The Queen sent her servants to scour the kingdom to search for new names; one of them heard a little man singing in the woods: Merrily the feast Ill make, Today Ill brew, tomorrow bake Merrily Ill dance and sing, When the Queens child I bring, Never will she win the game For Rumpelstiltskin is my name! The faithful servant told the Queen and on the third day, when the dwarf came, the Queen asked, Is your name William, or could it be Charles? The dwarf replied, None of these names, except The Queen quickly spoke, Rumpelstiltskin? WHO IN THE WORLD TOLD YOU?? The astonished little dwarf said loudly with anger, and stomped his feed so hard that he made a hole right under him, fell down, moaned and groaned, and then ran away.

Since that time, The King, The Queen, and their child lived happily ever after, never be bothered by the presence of that silly dwarf.

The End.

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