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Free American Newsmagazine

April 2008 575-423-3250 1

Free American Newsmagazine

Is Recruiting Intelligent, Dedicated

Americans who want to Defend the
Constituition, Restore the Bill of
Rights, and do so without bloodshed,
hate, lies, and without compromising
our honor, integrety or morals. By
exercising our rights to assemble, our
freedoms of Speech, exercising the
freedom of the Press, to worship as
we choose, preserve and protect our
families, our property, our towns and
our country. With Jesus as our role
model, we will do it well and responsi-

help bly. using love, logic and language but

without giving up the means to insure
our liberty by always having our Lib-
erty Teeth available, as spelled out by
the Second Amendment. Our Right
I took an oath at 17 years of age, to Bear Arms! We want ENTREPRENEURS
along with soldiers, sailors, police- We will make money by educat-
men, politicians to defend the Con- ing, inspiring, informing our fellow ! Men and Ladies with computers
stitution against all enemies, domestic Americans as Free Americans! and a phone to handle PR and sales
and foreign. I actually read it and real- from the comfort of your own home
ized there was no expiration date. As using your computer and Yahoo
Franklin said when asked what form Messenger in every state. Exclusive
of government they had wrought,”A territories for advertising sales, and
Republic, if we can keep it.” Under our subscriptions and you would be in
new plan there are many ways to work charge of booths at major motor-
with us and make a difference and cycle and patriot events in your
make a dent in the plans of the New area and booking Clay and Eustace
World Order to enslave and regulate and others on local talk shows. Quit
us! Get started, complaining about the New World
Call 888-678-1444. Order and corrupt government and
help us fix it, without stooping to
hate or using the would be rulers
tactics of creating fear to divide and
If you are traveling stop and see us in Bingham conquer. We have created a means
to distribute the truth, allow you to
earn money from your efforts, have
fun and excitement by reviving our
country’s Patriotic Zeal and feel
good about yourself for trying to do
something to stem the rising tide of
tyranny in this country. The biggest
problem facing us is combating evil
in such a way that we do not become
evil ourselves. I believe I have found
it. Call Clay to get started at:


2 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine



© Common Law Copyright, 2008

January/February 2008 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED,
Volume 5 Number 1
Publisher’s Corner...............................................................................4 January 2007
Tribute to Clay by General Bobby Farrell........................................5
Home Grown Terrorism Act............................................................... 6 Publisher/editor
Clayton R. Douglas
Sleeping With the Enemy by the JPFO on the NRA.........................7 Everything Else:
Open Letter to the Military Officers.................................................8 Montie, Emmy, Nicke,
Ron Paul’s 3 Biggest Enemies by Devvy Kidd..................................10 Help Wanted
NAFTA Cementing the North American Union................................12 What can you do?
Does the Queen of Enland Become the Queen here under NAU?...14
Editorial Viewpoint for 2008
Iraqi Veteran Arrested and Drugged.................................................18 The Free American remains committed to
bringing the truth to the American people. We
The Ramos-Compean Affair: They Need Help.................................19 believe that in a free society, it is the job of the press
to be the watchman of the government. It then falls
Liberty is not Free - A little History Lesson......................................21 upon the people, being fully informed, to decide
American Needs A Leader Like This..................................................22 what actions they must take to preserve and defend
their liberty.
A letter to the NRA from A Life Member Quittingr?............................23 The Free American is unabashedly, pro-
American. Too many of our ancestors fought and
Are the Globalists Out to Get Ron Paul?s.........................................2 5 \ died to protect our Constitution, the oldest in the
world, to insure that we would retain those liberties
How One Wicked Nation Can Kill Billions.......................................27 spelled out in our Bill of Rights.
Based on the knowledge we have compiled
Rolling Back Government - Lessons from New Zealland................42 over the last nine years of publication, we believe
there is a verifiable, well documented plan to force
Mark of the Beast - The National ID..................................................37 Americans into a Global Government, complete
with one world banking, a global ID system,
The Lobby.............................................................................................52 an international police force, and a disarmed
populous. This is unacceptable to us personally
The Mossad - The Connection to 9-11................................................57 and incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of
The Right of Self Defense...............................................................................59 Rights.
Those who advocate such a global system and
Israeli Defense Firm Tallies the Iowa Caucus. .....................................60 the dismantling of our Bill of Rights, are either
misguided, uninformed or, if totally knowledgable,
traitors to this country. We will expose them.
FOR ALL THE DAILY NEWS, GO TO - The Free American is not affiliated with any
political party, religious sect, secret society, cult,
club or movement.
Samples of the Free American newsmagazine are $5.00. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: We do not advocate violence but we stress the
CRD PUBLISHING, Highway 380, Box 2943, Bingham, New Mexico 87832. You may purchase right of self-defense and the individual’s right to bear
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April 2008 575-423-3250 3

Free American Newsmagazine

Publisher’s my labor problem created by the isolation

of my remote Bingham location. I am
warned us that the same men would use his
name to try and deceive us in the years to come.
Corner working with other magazine publish- I have always questioned everything I
ers here to increase advertising revenue. was told. Instinctively, I felt uncomfortable
April 2008 Florida has an educated populous and the in the churches as a child and never felt
Free American is being received well. the need to attend as an adult. But that did
I chose the Daytona area for its not mean that I was an atheist or that I had
worldwide renown in the free- chosen any other form of religion. It was
d o m l o v i n g b i k e r c o m m u n i t y. not the Bible or the Word that I doubted,
I still plan to do the first Liberty Vil- but the integrity of the men behind the
lage in Bingham, but I hope to have loca- church, the translations done hundreds
tions here in Florida and other states also. of years ago and the interpretations of
Bette, Clay and The first two novels in my Trevor today’s preachers. In doing this, I was
Bandit & Cameron, Terrorist Hunter series will unconsciously following in the footsteps
Packy ! soon be available here and on Amazon of Jesus himself, who refused to blindly
and bookstores around the country. This follow the Pharisees. His teaching was for
  series will have so much truth woven in a way of life and a faith, guided by truth...
them it will be hard to call them “fiction”! NOT a religion. Religion is man made.
Support the oldest and most My films will reach a much wider For the most part, I have avoided the
consistent Liberty-oriented, audience operating from here and I will subject of Religion and concentrated on the
have the help I need to produce more. political and Constitutional issues of the day.
Constitution Supporting The same can be said for my Ameri- But this is among the changes I spoke of.
P u b l i s h i n g Ve n t u r e can Heritage and Health products and the I have commented on issues, sparked
Miracle 2 soap. We are picking up on the controversy when questioning the Phari-
Aranizer Air purifier product line in this see Saul, aka the Apostle Paul, and noted
Americans voted for change in 2006, and issue and looking for other fine products the media outrage over Christian Identity
they got it! They got it real good if you ask me. that are good for the American people. meetings. The questions raised in my mind
Since voting a Democrat- We a r e r e d u c i n g t h e n u m - by this almost insane fear of a relatively
ic Congress in 2006 we have seen: ber of pages to allow us to come out small sect of Bible Believing Christians
1) Consumer confidence plummet; monthly and to print more copies. have been pretty well answered by my
2) the cost of regular gaso- I hope you will share this issue with friend Eli James in his article I call “Unrav-
line soar to over $3 a gallon; your friends and family and urge them to eling Revelations”. This sect induces fear
3) Unemployment is up spread the news to many others. We need in the false prophets because they have,
to 5% (a 10% increase); the support of a lot of people to counter like Jesus, a clearer understanding of the
4) American households have seen the propaganda put out by the control- messages in the Bible and can expose the
$2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate lers of the mainstream media designed to Anti-Christ organizations and the Beast
(stock and mutual fund losses); move us gradually into their planned one Systems they, as individuals, operate.
5) Americans have seen their home world government and banking system. The mainstream news will tell you
equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars; In this issue the most important of the near collapse of Bear Sterns mad
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure. story comes from the most mystify- their bailout by J.P. Morgan and the
7) The Democratic controlled Congress’ ing book left in the Bible. The Book of Fed but they fail to tell you of the tent
approval rating has tanked to 11% by Revelations has puzzled scholars and cities springing up in California that
the American People, down from 31% pastors for two thousand years. But this current financial crisis precipitated.
two years ago before they took control! Revelations has been unraveled. Only After reading this issue from cover
in today’s technologically advanced to cover, you will understand what the
Change is the keyword in this elec- age could the mysteries and wonders it Bible was written to reveal and what the
tion. Obama uses it a lot. When things do spoke of be comprehended by the masses. Free American has been trying to tell you
not work, intelligent, resourceful men, The bible was given us by God to ease about who has been doing the things that
analyze, adapt, change the things we can, our burdens and to guide us, to enable us threaten to destroy the Constitution and the
abandon pursuit of the things we can’t, and to learn from the past and to illuminate the Christian country our founding fathers cre-
develop the wisdom to know the differ- future. With the teaching of Jesus added ated using the knowledge imparted to them
ence. God grant us the appreciation of what in the New Testament, we were given the by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.
is real and true and never let the battles we insights of a man more closely connected As usual, the Free Ameri-
fight blur the ability to enjoy the good in to God than any before him. He told us that can is years ahead of the media.
our lives though we are surrounded by evil. we would have greater power than he did . END
We are in desperate need of change in our . . and more. This was our salvation. That
world today and I am making changes in was also why the elitist powers of his day Subscriptions $50.00 per year
order to continue this small but important hated, feared and eventually killed him. $100.00 for two years or two subs
crusade to find and disseminate the Truth,
I have moved back to Florida to solve
He knew that they would do that and he
4 April 2008
Free American Newsmagazine

April 2008 575-423-3250 5

Free American Newsmagazine
Fascist America, and political journalist Joe Conason, has tions on our freedoms.
put it, that it can happen here. And that we
in 10 easy steps are further along than we realise. 2. Create a gulag
Conason eloquently warned of the Once you have got everyone scared,
danger of American authoritarianism. I the next step is to create a prison system
am arguing that we need also to look at outside the rule of law (as Bush put it,
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps
the lessons of European and other kinds of he wanted the American detention cen-
From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, his-
fascism to understand the potential serious- tre at Guantánamo Bay to be situated in
tory shows there are certain steps that any
ness of the events we see unfolding in the legal “outer space”) - where torture takes
would-be dictator must take to destroy con-
US. place.
stitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi
At first, the people who are sent there
Wolf, George Bush and his administration
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and are seen by citizens as outsiders: trouble-
seem to be taking them all
external enemy makers, spies, “enemies of the people”
After we were hit on September 11 or “criminals”. Initially, citizens tend to
Last autumn, there was a military coup
2001, we were in a state of national shock. support the secret prison system; it makes
in Thailand. The leaders of the coup took a
Less than six weeks later, on October 26 them feel safer and they do not identify
number of steps, rather systematically, as
2001, the USA Patriot Act was passed by with the prisoners. But soon enough, civil
if they had a shopping list. In a sense, they
a Congress that had little chance to debate society leaders - opposition members, la-
did. Within a matter of days, democracy
it; many said that they scarcely had time bour activists, clergy and journalists - are
had been closed down: the coup leaders
to read it. We were told we were now on a arrested and sent there as well.
declared martial law, sent armed soldiers
“war footing”; we were in a “global war” This process took place in fascist shifts
into residential areas, took over radio and
against a “global caliphate” intending to or anti-democracy crackdowns ranging
TV stations, issued restrictions on the
“wipe out civilisation”. There have been from Italy and Germany in the 1920s and
press, tightened some limits on travel, and
other times of crisis in which the US ac- 1930s to the Latin American coups of the
took certain activists into custody.
cepted limits on civil liberties, such as 1970s and beyond. It is standard practice
They were not figuring these things out as
during the civil war, when Lincoln declared for closing down an open society or crush-
they went along. If you look at history, you
martial law, and the second world war, ing a pro-democracy uprising.
can see that there is essentially a blueprint
when thousands of Japanese-American With its jails in Iraq and Afghanistan,
for turning an open society into a dictator-
citizens were interned. But this situation, and, of course, Guantánamo in Cuba, where
ship. That blueprint has been used again
as Bruce Fein of the American Freedom detainees are abused, and kept indefinitely
and again in more and less bloody, more
Agenda notes, is unprecedented: all our without trial and without access to the
and less terrifying ways. But it is always
other wars had an endpoint, so the pen- due process of the law, America certainly
effective. It is very difficult and arduous to
dulum was able to swing back toward has its gulag now. Bush and his allies in
create and sustain a democracy - but his-
freedom; this war is defined as open-ended Congress recently announced they would
tory shows that closing one down is much
in time and without national boundaries in issue no information about the secret CIA
simpler. You simply have to be willing to
space - the globe itself is the battlefield. “black site” prisons throughout the world,
take the 10 steps.
“This time,” Fein says, “there will be no which are used to incarcerate people who
As difficult as this is to contemplate,
defined end.” have been seized off the street.
it is clear, if you are willing to look, that
Creating a terrifying threat - hydra-like, Gulags in history tend to metastasise,
each of these 10 steps has already been
secretive, evil - is an old trick. It can, like becoming ever larger and more secretive,
initiated today in the United States by the
Hitler’s invocation of a communist threat ever more deadly and formalised. We know
Bush administration.
to the nation’s security, be based on actual from first-hand accounts, photographs,
Because Americans like us were born
events (one Wisconsin academic has faced videos and government documents that
in freedom, we have a hard time even
calls for his dismissal because he noted, people, innocent and guilty, have been
considering that it is possible for us to
among other things, that the alleged com- tortured in the US-run prisons we are
become as unfree - domestically - as many
munist arson, the Reichstag fire of Febru- aware of and those we can’t investigate
other nations. Because we no longer learn
ary 1933, was swiftly followed in Nazi adequately.
much about our rights or our system of
Germany by passage of the Enabling Act, But Americans still assume this system
government - the task of being aware of
which replaced constitutional law with and detainee abuses involve only scary
the constitution has been outsourced from
an open-ended state of emergency). Or brown people with whom they don’t gener-
citizens’ ownership to being the domain of
the terrifying threat can be based, like the ally identify. It was brave of the conserva-
professionals such as lawyers and profes-
National Socialist evocation of the “global tive pundit William Safire to quote the anti-
sors - we scarcely recognise the checks
conspiracy of world Jewry”, on myth. Nazi pastor Martin Niemöller, who had
and balances that the founders put in place,
It is not that global Islamist terrorism been seized as a political prisoner: “First
even as they are being systematically
is not a severe danger; of course it is. I am they came for the Jews.” Most Americans
dismantled. Because we don’t learn much
arguing rather that the language used to don’t understand yet that the destruction
about European history, the setting up of
convey the nature of the threat is different of the rule of law at Guantánamo set a
a department of “homeland” security - re-
in a country such as Spain - which has also dangerous precedent for them, too.
member who else was keen on the word
suffered violent terrorist attacks - than it By the way, the establishment of
“homeland” - didn’t raise the alarm bells
is in America. Spanish citizens know that military tribunals that deny prisoners due
it might have.
they face a grave security threat; what we process tends to come early on in a fascist
It is my argument that, beneath our very
as American citizens believe is that we shift. Mussolini and Stalin set up such
noses, George Bush and his administration
are potentially threatened with the end of tribunals. On April 24 1934, the Nazis,
are using time-tested tactics to close down
civilisation as we know it. Of course, this too, set up the People’s Court, which also
an open society. It is time for us to be will-
makes us more willing to accept restric- bypassed the judicial system: prisoners
ing to think the unthinkable - as the author
6 April 2008
Free American Newsmagazine
were held indefinitely, often in isolation, In Mussolini’s Italy, in Nazi Germany, there is a “list” of dissidents and opposition
and tortured, without being charged with in communist East Germany, in communist leaders: you are targeted in this way once
offences, and were subjected to show tri- China - in every closed society - secret po- you are on the list, and it is hard to get off
als. Eventually, the Special Courts became lice spy on ordinary people and encourage the list.
a parallel system that put pressure on the neighbours to spy on neighbours. The Stasi In 2004, America’s Transportation
regular courts to abandon the rule of law needed to keep only a minority of East Security Administration confirmed that it
in favour of Nazi ideology when making Germans under surveillance to convince a had a list of passengers who were targeted
decisions. majority that they themselves were being for security searches or worse if they tried
watched. to fly. People who have found themselves
3. Develop a thug caste In 2005 and 2006, when James Risen on the list? Two middle-aged women
When leaders who seek what I call a and Eric Lichtblau wrote in the New York peace activists in San Francisco; liberal
“fascist shift” want to close down an open Times about a secret state programme Senator Edward Kennedy; a member of
society, they send paramilitary groups to wiretap citizens’ phones, read their Venezuela’s government - after Venezu-
of scary young men out to terrorise citi- emails and follow international financial ela’s president had criticised Bush; and
zens. The Blackshirts roamed the Italian transactions, it became clear to ordinary thousands of ordinary US citizens.
countryside beating up communists; the Americans that they, too, could be under Professor Walter F Murphy is emeritus
Brownshirts staged violent rallies through- state scrutiny. of Princeton University; he is one of the
out Germany. This paramilitary force is In closed societies, this surveillance is foremost constitutional scholars in the na-
especially important in a democracy: you cast as being about “national security”; the tion and author of the classic Constitutional
need citizens to fear thug violence and so true function is to keep citizens docile and Democracy. Murphy is also a decorated
you need thugs who are free from prosecu- inhibit their activism and dissent. former marine, and he is not even espe-
tion. cially politically liberal. But on March 1
The years following 9/11 have proved 5. Harass citizens’ groups this year, he was denied a boarding pass at
a bonanza for America’s security contrac- Newark, “because I was on the Terrorist
tors, with the Bush administration out- The fifth thing you do is related to step Watch list”.
sourcing areas of work that traditionally four - you infiltrate and harass citizens’ “Have you been in any peace marches?
fell to the US military. In the process, groups. It can be trivial: a church in Pasa- We ban a lot of people from flying because
contracts worth hundreds of millions of dena, whose minister preached that Jesus of that,” asked the airline employee.
dollars have been issued for security work was in favour of peace, found itself being “I explained,” said Murphy, “that I
by mercenaries at home and abroad. In investigated by the Internal Revenue Ser- had not so marched but had, in September
Iraq, some of these contract operatives vice, while churches that got Republicans 2006, given a lecture at Princeton, tele-
have been accused of involvement in tor- out to vote, which is equally illegal under vised and put on the web, highly critical
turing prisoners, harassing journalists and US tax law, have been left alone. of George Bush for his many violations of
firing on Iraqi civilians. Under Order 17, Other harassment is more serious: the the constitution.”
issued to regulate contractors in Iraq by American Civil Liberties Union reports “That’ll do it,” the man said.
the one-time US administrator in Baghdad, that thousands of ordinary American Anti-war marcher? Potential terrorist.
Paul Bremer, these contractors are immune anti-war, environmental and other groups Support the constitution? Potential terror-
from prosecution have been infiltrated by agents: a secret ist. History shows that the categories of
Yes, but that is in Iraq, you could argue; Pentagon database includes more than four “enemy of the people” tend to expand ever
however, after Hurricane Katrina, the De- dozen peaceful anti-war meetings, rallies deeper into civil life.
partment of Homeland Security hired and or marches by American citizens in its cat- James Yee, a US citizen, was the Mus-
deployed hundreds of armed private secu- egory of 1,500 “suspicious incidents”. The lim chaplain at Guantánamo who was ac-
rity guards in New Orleans. The investiga- equally secret Counterintelligence Field cused of mishandling classified documents.
tive journalist Jeremy Scahill interviewed Activity (Cifa) agency of the Department He was harassed by the US military before
one unnamed guard who reported having of Defense has been gathering information the charges against him were dropped. Yee
fired on unarmed civilians in the city. It was about domestic organisations engaged in has been detained and released several
a natural disaster that underlay that episode peaceful political activities: Cifa is sup- times. He is still of interest.
- but the administration’s endless war on posed to track “potential terrorist threats” Brandon Mayfield, a US citizen and
terror means ongoing scope for what are in as it watches ordinary US citizen activists. lawyer in Oregon, was mistakenly identi-
effect privately contracted armies to take A little-noticed new law has redefined fied as a possible terrorist. His house was
on crisis and emergency management at activism such as animal rights protests as secretly broken into and his computer
home in US cities. “terrorism”. So the definition of “terrorist” seized. Though he is innocent of the accu-
Thugs in America? Groups of angry slowly expands to include the opposition. sation against him, he is still on the list.
young Republican men, dressed in identi- It is a standard practice of fascist societ-
cal shirts and trousers, menaced poll work- 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and ies that once you are on the list, you can’t
ers counting the votes in Florida in 2000. release get off.
If you are reading history, you can imagine
that there can be a need for “public order” This scares people. It is a kind of cat- 7. Target key individuals
on the next election day. Say there are pro- and-mouse game. Nicholas D Kristof and Threaten civil servants, artists and
tests, or a threat, on the day of an election; Sheryl WuDunn, the investigative report- academics with job loss if they don’t toe
history would not rule out the presence of ers who wrote China Wakes: the Struggle the line. Mussolini went after the rectors
a private security firm at a polling station for the Soul of a Rising Power, describe of state universities who did not conform
“to restore public order”. pro-democracy activists in China, such as to the fascist line; so did Joseph Goebbels,
Wei Jingsheng, being arrested and released who purged academics who were not pro-
4. Set up an internal surveillance system many times. In a closing or closed society Nazi; so did Chile’s Augusto Pinochet; so

April 2008 575-423-3250 7

Free American Newsmagazine
does the Chinese communist Politburo in of leading the country to war on the basis Conason is right to note how serious
punishing pro-democracy students and of a false charge that Saddam Hussein had a threat that attack represented. It is also
professors. acquired yellowcake uranium in Niger. His important to recall that the 1938 Moscow
Academe is a tinderbox of activism, wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as a CIA show trial accused the editor of Izvestia,
so those seeking a fascist shift punish aca- spy - a form of retaliation that ended her Nikolai Bukharin, of treason; Bukharin
demics and students with professional loss career. was, in fact, executed. And it is important
if they do not “coordinate”, in Goebbels’ Prosecution and job loss are nothing, to remind Americans that when the 1917
term, ideologically. Since civil servants though, compared with how the US is Espionage Act was last widely invoked,
are the sector of society most vulnerable treating journalists seeking to cover the during the infamous 1919 Palmer Raids,
to being fired by a given regime, they are conflict in Iraq in an unbiased way. The leftist activists were arrested without war-
also a group that fascists typically “coor- Committee to Protect Journalists has rants in sweeping roundups, kept in jail for
dinate” early on: the Reich Law for the documented multiple accounts of the US up to five months, and “beaten, starved,
Re-establishment of a Professional Civil military in Iraq firing upon or threaten- suffocated, tortured and threatened with
Service was passed on April 7 1933. ing to fire upon unembedded (meaning death”, according to the historian Myra
Bush supporters in state legislatures independent) reporters and camera op- MacPherson. After that, dissent was muted
in several states put pressure on regents erators from organisations ranging from in America for a decade.
at state universities to penalise or fire al-Jazeera to the BBC. While westerners In Stalin’s Soviet Union, dissidents
academics who have been critical of the may question the accounts by al-Jazeera, were “enemies of the people”. National
administration. As for civil servants, the they should pay attention to the accounts of Socialists called those who supported
Bush administration has derailed the career reporters such as the BBC’s Kate Adie. In Weimar democracy “November traitors”.
of one military lawyer who spoke up for some cases reporters have been wounded And here is where the circle closes:
fair trials for detainees, while an adminis- or killed, including ITN’s Terry Lloyd in most Americans do not realise that since
tration official publicly intimidated the law 2003. Both CBS and the Associated Press September of last year - when Congress
firms that represent detainees pro bono by in Iraq had staff members seized by the US wrongly, foolishly, passed the Military
threatening to call for their major corporate military and taken to violent prisons; the Commissions Act of 2006 - the president
clients to boycott them. news organisations were unable to see the has the power to call any US citizen an
Elsewhere, a CIA contract worker who evidence against their staffers. “enemy combatant”. He has the power to
said in a closed blog that “waterboarding is Over time in closing societies, real define what “enemy combatant” means.
torture” was stripped of the security clear- news is supplanted by fake news and false The president can also delegate to anyone
ance she needed in order to do her job. documents. Pinochet showed Chilean he chooses in the executive branch the right
Most recently, the administration citizens falsified documents to back up to define “enemy combatant” any way he
purged eight US attorneys for what looks his claim that terrorists had been about to or she wants and then seize Americans
like insufficient political loyalty. When attack the nation. The yellowcake charge, accordingly.
Goebbels purged the civil service in April too, was based on forged papers. Even if you or I are American citizens,
1933, attorneys were “coordinated” too, a You won’t have a shutdown of news in even if we turn out to be completely inno-
step that eased the way of the increasingly modern America - it is not possible. But cent of what he has accused us of doing,
brutal laws to follow. you can have, as Frank Rich and Sidney he has the power to have us seized as we
Blumenthal have pointed out, a steady are changing planes at Newark tomorrow,
8. Control the press stream of lies polluting the news well. or have us taken with a knock on the door;
Italy in the 1920s, Germany in the 30s, What you already have is a White House ship you or me to a navy brig; and keep you
East Germany in the 50s, Czechoslovakia directing a stream of false information that or me in isolation, possibly for months,
in the 60s, the Latin American dictatorships is so relentless that it is increasingly hard while awaiting trial. (Prolonged isolation,
in the 70s, China in the 80s and 90s - all to sort out truth from untruth. In a fascist as psychiatrists know, triggers psychosis
dictatorships and would-be dictators target system, it’s not the lies that count but the in otherwise mentally healthy prisoners.
newspapers and journalists. They threaten muddying. When citizens can’t tell real That is why Stalin’s gulag had an isolation
and harass them in more open societies that news from fake, they give up their demands cell, like Guantánamo’s, in every satellite
they are seeking to close, and they arrest for accountability bit by bit. prison. Camp 6, the newest, most brutal
them and worse in societies that have been facility at Guantánamo, is all isolation
closed already. 9. Dissent equals treason cells.)
The Committee to Protect Journalists Cast dissent as “treason” and criticism We US citizens will get a trial eventu-
says arrests of US journalists are at an all- as “espionage’. Every closing society does ally - for now. But legal rights activists at
time high: Josh Wolf (no relation), a blog- this, just as it elaborates laws that increas- the Center for Constitutional Rights say
ger in San Francisco, has been put in jail ingly criminalise certain kinds of speech that the Bush administration is trying in-
for a year for refusing to turn over video and expand the definition of “spy” and creasingly aggressively to find ways to get
of an anti-war demonstration; Homeland “traitor”. When Bill Keller, the publisher around giving even US citizens fair trials.
Security brought a criminal complaint of the New York Times, ran the Lichtblau/ “Enemy combatant” is a status offence - it
against reporter Greg Palast, claiming he Risen stories, Bush called the Times’ leak- is not even something you have to have
threatened “critical infrastructure” when ing of classified information “disgraceful”, done. “We have absolutely moved over
he and a TV producer were filming victims while Republicans in Congress called into a preventive detention model - you
of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. Palast for Keller to be charged with treason, look like you could do something bad, you
had written a bestseller critical of the Bush and rightwing commentators and news might do something bad, so we’re going
administration. outlets kept up the “treason” drumbeat. to hold you,” says a spokeswoman of the
Other reporters and writers have been Some commentators, as Conason noted, CCR.
punished in other ways. Joseph C Wilson reminded readers smugly that one penalty Most Americans surely do not get this
accused Bush, in a New York Times op-ed, for violating the Espionage Act is execu- yet. No wonder: it is hard to believe, even
8 April 2008
Free American Newsmagazine
though it is true. In every closing society, at Calabria in 1922; people were shopping needs everybody’s help, including that of
a certain point there are some high-profile and going to the movies in Berlin in 1931. Europeans and others internationally who
arrests - usually of opposition leaders, Early on, as WH Auden put it, the horror are willing to put pressure on the admin-
clergy and journalists. Then everything is always elsewhere - while someone is istration because they can see what a US
goes quiet. After those arrests, there are being tortured, children are skating, ships unrestrained by real democracy at home
still newspapers, courts, TV and radio, and are sailing: “dogs go on with their doggy can mean for the rest of the world.
the facades of a civil society. There just life ... How everything turns away/ Quite We need to look at history and face the
isn’t real dissent. There just isn’t freedom. leisurely from the disaster.” “what ifs”. For if we keep going down this
If you look at history, just before those ar- As Americans turn away quite lei- road, the “end of America” could come for
rests is where we are now. surely, keeping tuned to internet shopping each of us in a different way, at a different
and American Idol, the foundations of moment; each of us might have a different
10. Suspend the rule of law democracy are being fatally corroded. moment when we feel forced to look back
The John Warner Defense Authoriza- Something has changed profoundly that and think: that is how it was before - and
tion Act of 2007 gave the president new weakens us unprecedentedly: our demo- this is the way it is now.
powers over the national guard. This means cratic traditions, independent judiciary “The accumulation of all powers, legis-
that in a national emergency - which the and free press do their work today in lative, executive, and judiciary, in the same
president now has enhanced powers to a context in which we are “at war” in hands ... is the definition of tyranny,” wrote
declare - he can send Michigan’s militia a “long war” - a war without end, on a James Madison. We still have the choice
to enforce a state of emergency that he has battlefield described as the globe, in a to stop going down this road; we can stand
declared in Oregon, over the objections of context that gives the president - without our ground and fight for our nation, and
the state’s governor and its citizens. US citizens realising it yet - the power take up the banner the founders asked us
Even as Americans were focused on over US citizens of freedom or long soli- to carry.
Britney Spears’s meltdown and the ques- tary incarceration, on his say-so alone. Naomi Wolf’s The End of America:
tion of who fathered Anna Nicole’s baby, That means a hollowness has been A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot
the New York Times editorialised about expanding under the foundation of all will be published by Chelsea Green in
this shift: “A disturbing recent phenom- these still- free-looking institutions - and September.
enon in Washington is that laws that strike this foundation can give way under cer-
to the heart of American democracy have tain kinds of pressure. To prevent such
been passed in the dead of night ... Beyond an outcome, we have to think about the
actual insurrection, the president may now “what ifs”.
use military troops as a domestic police What if, in a year and a half, there is
force in response to a natural disaster, a another attack - say, God forbid, a dirty
disease outbreak, terrorist attack or any bomb? The executive can declare a state
‘other condition’.” of emergency. History shows that any
Critics see this as a clear violation leader, of any party, will be tempted to
of the Posse Comitatus Act - which was maintain emergency powers after the
meant to restrain the federal government crisis has passed. With the gutting of
from using the military for domestic law traditional checks and balances, we are
enforcement. The Democratic senator no less endangered by a President Hillary
Patrick Leahy says the bill encourages a than by a President Giuliani - because any
president to declare federal martial law. It executive will be tempted to enforce his
also violates the very reason the founders or her will through edict rather than the
set up our system of government as they arduous, uncertain process of democratic
did: having seen citizens bullied by a mon- negotiation and compromise.
arch’s soldiers, the founders were terrified What if the publisher of a major US
of exactly this kind of concentration of newspaper were charged with treason or
militias’ power over American people in espionage, as a rightwing effort seemed
the hands of an oppressive executive or to threaten Keller with last year? What
faction. if he or she got 10 years in jail? What
Of course, the United States is not vul- would the newspapers look like the next
nerable to the violent, total closing-down day? Judging from history, they would
of the system that followed Mussolini’s not cease publishing; but they would
march on Rome or Hitler’s roundup of po- suddenly be very polite.
litical prisoners. Our democratic habits are Right now, only a handful of patriots
too resilient, and our military and judiciary are trying to hold back the tide of tyranny
too independent, for any kind of scenario for the rest of us - staff at the Center for
like that. Constitutional Rights, who faced death
Rather, as other critics are noting, our threats for representing the detainees
experiment in democracy could be closed yet persisted all the way to the Supreme
down by a process of erosion. Court; activists at the American Civil
It is a mistake to think that early in a Liberties Union; and prominent conserva-
fascist shift you see the profile of barbed tives trying to roll back the corrosive new
wire against the sky. In the early days, laws, under the banner of a new group
things look normal on the surface; peas- called the American Freedom Agenda.
ants were celebrating harvest festivals in This small, disparate collection of people

April 2008 575-423-3250 9

Free American Newsmagazine

The Best Argument For Creating

Liberty Villagers Around America!
For thirty years, I have been writing, businesses to thrive. your city home with only one or two hours
speaking, imploring, and begging others The lack of a Federal Reserve System alert time. You may not even have that.
to make rational, concrete plans for a time would have allowed the United States to Practice getting home, loading, and leaving
in life that would offer no quarter, give no remain a creditor nation based on assets at least once. Notify only those in your
mercy, and that would in a word be cata- rather than suffering under a crushing debt group that would be affected. Tell no one
strophic. We are coming face to face with imposed by the feds dictatorial control over else what you are doing. Keep your gas
that moment. You have so little time left the people’s treasury. There are so many tank full and an extra 5-10 gallons.
to do anything that will give you a fighting reasons why we could have avoided all Securing the land with a rugged structure(s)
chance. What are you doing? of this. Thousands of perfectly good rea- and reinforced underground shelter can be
National Guard units are training and sons IF employed by thousands of honest, expensive, however; it is an absolute.
preparing for urban combat. The United moral, representatives who simply could Stocking that domicile with stores of
States has just reached an agreement with have done the citizen’s business the way enduring foods, food components (flour,
Canada’s armed forces to come in to this God and sound governmental practices raw sugar, yeast, salt, etc.) medicines or
country and assume combat roles should demanded would have, should have, and natural remedies (apple vinegar, honey,
they be needed in American cities and could have made the critical difference. olive leaf extract, etc.) an electric gen-
towns. The Federal Reserve’s last ditch Instead, we saw year after year, decade erator and at least 500 gallons of diesel,
effort to stem the “blood loss” in the sub- after decade, and now century after century 100 gallons of kerosene for lamps, tools
prime and other currency markets has of greed, bring ultimate ruin to this mar- you know the drill. There are many sites
failed. The dollar has been abandoned for velous nation called America. Although available to assist you in stockpiling long
Euros. The stock market can’t find its ass we did not want it, we have allowed it to term necessities.
with both hands and a Chinese made, Wal- happen. It resolves nothing and does not You will be happy to know that your
Mart sold ass finder. Israel has demanded buy us a way out, but we must accept our government in Washington has assisted
that all of the financial aid it receives from responsibility for this debacle and now these efforts to protect your family from
Washington (that’s us) be paid for in Euros. prepare for what is coming. ANY kind of disaster by making it a
The ultimate irony and slap in the face. Friends, you must begin NOW if you felony to harbor many items (as listed in
Oil, dairy, wheat, wheat products, gold, have not done so, to protect yourselves and the Patriot Act II). You know, be wise,
silver, copper prices, the list goes on and your family from this pending as the disas- be prepared, but if you go more than a
on, are racing for the stratosphere with ter movies call it “extinction level event” week’s worth, we’ll put you in one of 800
no end in sight. An implosion has begun for our former way of life. If you hesitate, non-existent Halliburton model “stay for
and it has no known method of stopping you will be caught in the maelstrom that a while, we’ll leave the lights on “ Wash-
or reversing until critical mass is reached. is the next six months to five years of life ington style long term family “vacation”
It will be followed by an explosion in the in the US. Pick your poison. If you like detention campsites built with illegal or
economy and the political realm unseen global warming and believe that is going prison labor, right here in the good old US
since the founding of this nation. to do you in, well then, build a refrigerated of A.
The ultimate tragedy is, this was pre- secure basement. If you like the Planet X Moving your money freely will become
ventable. It could have been slowed or scenario, then prepare for 800 mph winds even more difficult as banks begin to re-
reversed at any time if a courageous and and basically a “pole shift” that will leave strict the amounts that can be transferred
morally upright Congress had revealed the nothing at all. If you live in a nuclear from savings accounts and other short-term
root causes for the disaster. If the socialist target city, or worse yet (worse??) yes, in investment vehicles under their immediate
“generals” in Congress had been defeated a sanctuary city, then get out and get out control. Using personal checks outside of
or at least their programs thrown out at the quickly. Here is what you must do. your own community will become increas-
time of their introduction, billions would Consider geography carefully. I don’t ingly difficult, soon. Bank drafts or money
have been saved. If the truth and our first care where you live now, choose your orders will do for a while, but many real
president, General George Washington’s “Ride & Hide” (ride it out and hide from estate, large business or supply companies
advice had been followed, every conflict the enemy-you pick ‘em) location with will require that you jump over difficult
since WWII would have been avoided. great wisdom. Coasts are bad, arid regions hurdles so that they are not left to chase
During the past 60 years, 120,000 Ameri- are bad, rural northern and mountainous you down for payment.
can soldiers would have survived, 500,000 regions are the best. Why? Fewer people Securing advance amounts of medical
would have been physically uninjured, and mean fewer morons to deal with. Weather supplies, especially prescriptions and an-
two trillion in direct costs and the reha- considerations, wild game availability, tibiotics (Tami flu, Amoxicillin, Keflexin,
bilitation money grants to former enemies timber resources, fresh water, tillable soil, etc.) will be very difficult as most insurance
would have been saved. survival off the utility grid is doable, herd- companies will only reimburse for 30 days
The size of the federal government ing small numbers of livestock is possible, or less. If you have any serious dental is-
would be less than half of what it is today, also grazing horses can be kept. Being at sues, (abscessed teeth), surgeries, glasses
the budget of the US government would least 50 miles from the nearest interstate or or other necessary medical needs, get them
be about 500 billion as opposed to two major highway is preferable, the same with done, now.
and one half trillion on a yearly basis commercial airports and nuke plants. Consider transferring available 401K,
and we would most likely be at relative Holing up with really close friends or IRA accounts, or other liquid plans into
peace. Lack of foolish and unnecessary family is the ultimate best so that expenses, gold or silver before their availability or
regulations, taxes, and frivolous lawsuits, work loads and practical skills are shared price are literally beyond reach. A penalty
would have allowed an explosion of small to your best advantage. Be ready to leave for withdrawal is not desirable, but highly

10 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
ire of many morons who were just wait-
ing for this. To you, I say, don’t ever buy
a gun. You would only eventually supply
a criminal with one more weapon. To
everyone else, think shotgun, first. A 12
gauge, 20 inch rifled barrel chambered
for 3” shells. Buy at least 1000 rounds of
OO Buckshot for defense, 1000 rounds of
slugs for large game, and 1000 rounds of #6
shot for small game and birds. These are
all around good loads for most situations.
Professional hunters may argue a bit, but
I tell you from experience hunting and in
law enforcement, this will do it. The make
of the weapon is your choice, but I would
stick with Remington or Mossberg as my
first pick. There are others, check with a
reputable sporting store to assist you. A
Ruger .22 rifle and a 1000 rounds will do
for quieter small game. A .308 and 500
rounds will do for long range whatever you
need to do shooting-if you get my drift. A
Ruger Mini-14 rancher model chambering
.223 with several 20 or 30 round clips and
1000 rounds will be good for when you are
outnumbered, and a .45 Government model
Kimber or Springfield Armory pistol with
10, 10 round clips and 1000 rounds will
do you well. That’s roughly $4500 worth
of weaponry. Cheap in defense of all that
preferable to empty or inaccessible ac- you have. A good four wheeled vehicle of
counts next month or whenever. any kind for off road use rounds you out.
Have GPS chips removed from your I’m pretty good at spending your mon-
That is the absolute truth and the abso-
newer vehicles, laptops if possible, and ey, hmm? Forget the vacation that would
lute facts of life. You will be among the
prepare to leave your cell phones in the have cost you that anyway. Forget the new
first victims of the event or its immediate
lake 100 miles from your retreat. $50,000 truck that you just couldn’t live
aftermath. Roving gangs of real pirates and
Leave your ID chipped pets at the without. You will LIVE if you use that
sadistic tormentors will only seal your fate
humane society and any animals you raise money wisely. You have just weeks or a
in a most cruel fashion.
for food consumption must be newly born few months-MAYBE-to be positioned for
Ask yourself this single question.
and chip free (many good patriots are tell- any possibility. Natural or manmade. If
What do you have now that is so worth
ing the state and federal USDA to, well, I am wrong, sell it in a couple of years to
keeping (suburb mortgaged home, SUV,
you know, but that won’t last much longer someone who still sees the need and you’ll
boat, hockey equipment, a JOB that is
as most states are going into compliance be free to be at risk again.
killing you, etc.) over your life and that
regardless of what the law says, the con- This is the article that many of you
of your family? Is your morning cup of
stitution says, common sense says or what have been pleading with me to write for
Starbucks worth this effort? For God’s
God himself says. The same is true with over six months. I did not want to present
sake, WAKE UP!! If you haven’t really
the REAL ID. That card is also becoming, it prematurely and yet it’s anybody’s guess
cared who or what the Federal Reserve is,
state by state, the final nail in the coffin of as to when it will be too late. There is a risk
well, don’t worry about it now. Just get
personal liberty. Consider it the mark of for the writer of such messages. The risk
your money out and do something with
the beast (I don’t know if it is, but it could is that many will still ignore it, stick their
it while you can. If you haven’t followed
be). The personal ID chip is without a heads in a little deeper or laugh nervously
the presidential debates, then don’t watch
doubt that mark, I personally believe. I will as they dismiss the content with, “he’s a
them now, either. Decide for yourself what
not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES typical right-wing worrier, this just can’t
you are going to do for your family and
take that chip, no matter what it ultimately happen.” Well, I pray to God Almighty you
this nation by becoming independent and
costs me. are right and I am wrong. But then again,
“free” in spite of this and the world govern-
That is why, among many reasons listed no matter what happens, I’m ready, my
ment’s absolute determination to rule you
here, common sense and the urgency that family and I have a good chance are you
completely and forever. Can you let go of
is coming at you like the freight train from ready, do you have any chance at all?
football and beer long enough to answer
Hell, you must complete your personal “You need only reflect that one of the
that single question? I’m ready, some of
retreat plans, NOW. best ways to get yourself a reputation as
you are ready, many of you are not. If you
Are you getting the picture dear a dangerous citizen these days is to go
refuse to get ready, then I bid you farewell.
friends? Laugh at me if you will. Margin- about repeating the very phrases which our
You were never my fellow countryman to
alize me and others who are begging you founding fathers used in their struggle for
begin with. God help you.
to make this effort while you can, but hear independence.”
Your last consideration must be in
terms of self-defense. This will draw the
April 2008 575-423-3250 11
Free American Newsmagazine
Michael Chertoff second interview. “Chertoff is the co-author, along with
One group of 5 Israelis was seen on the Viet Dinh, of the USA PATRIOT Act ,
The Man and His roof of Urban Moving Systems videotap- signed into law October 26, 2001. As head
Star-Crossed Past ing and celebrating the destruction of the of the Justice Department’s criminal divi-
By Jim Kirwan World Trade Center. These Israeli agents sion, he advised the Central Intelligence
were returned to Israel on visa violations. Agency on the outer limits of legality in
These Israeli suspects, and others, who coercive interrogation sessions.”
had apparently transported explosives in One of the little known aspects inside
the New York area, were allowed to return all the secrecy surrounding the vile Nation-
to Israel without being properly interro- al ID Card, the HOMELAND Security Act,
gated, or their presence and activities in and the shadowy FEMA camps that many
the United States having been vigorously believe are about to be used, concerns the
investigated.” other master criminals that Cheney-Bush
What is publicly available about Cher- hired to ensure that Americans will become
toff’s life and his various careers is not as completely controlled a population, as
comforting, if you care about either law or were the people of Communist East Ger-
justice-and it’s especially troubling, if you many or the old USSR.
demand a depth of character from those For Instance: “This “card” (the Na-
who occupy the highest offices in this land. tional ID Card) was designed for Home-
Very few Americans, not directly af- Ah, but then this is the Cheney-Bush Era land Security by the former East German
fected by this man of many faces have no of Empire, so that ‘quaint idea’ is probably STAZI chief, Marcus Wolfe, a master
idea, who really directs the duties of the now completely without merit. of manipulation and intimidation, and
180,000 government employees in DHS: “Chertoff is credited with authoring the Primakov the former head of the KGB in
Duties that this man now holds in his Patriot Act, the 300-plus page blueprint the USSR. These two former spy chiefs
stained and conflicted hands. It seems that for the modern National Security State; are who really run our SECRET National
the variety of controversies which have patterned to great extent on the successes Interior Spy Service. Bush employed them
paralleled Michael Chertoff’s meteoric of the KGB in the Soviet system. He’s specifically for what they brought from
rise in government have been allowed to admired among his Bush cadres for mak- their communist states. Now they decide
languish in the shadows for far too long. ing sure that government surveillance who lives and who dies in America! These
If the public does not soon become famil- operates at maximum efficiency. Under men have not changed. They are who they
iar with who their Director of Homeland his stewardship at the Dept of Justice, the are, and that’s why Bush & the Bandits
Security really is, then they may live to 4th amendment has withered like summer hired them for HOMELAND Security.
regret that oversight. The details of Mi- grass. The long-held belief that citizens If these men appeared for work in the
chael Chertoff’s personal history should have a right to a “reasonable expectation uniforms of their former States, the pub-
have disqualified him for high office, but of privacy” has buckled under the demands lic would be outraged, and rightfully so!
instead, his nomination for this job was ap- of “Big Brother” and the new “intrusive” How is it that the radical right continues to
proved without objection by the Senate. security paradigm.” decry Communism, yet they have allowed
“The Senate voted 98-0 to approve And, Chertoff’s record of failure at Bush to employ top communist counter-
Chertoff on February 15, 2007 Chertoff, Justice is second only to that of Ashcroft. intelligence officers to oversee every facet
51, took the oath of office that night in “a His 4 year tenure hasn’t produced even of our lives?”
private ceremony at the White House.” one identifiable success. (Check out his Throughout this long international
DHS has a $32 billion budget, 180,000 “obstruction of justice” in the John Walker nightmare there remains the still incom-
employees, and jurisdiction over immigra- Lindh case on Democracy Now) Instead, plete tragedy of the insertion of Israel, as
tion, customs and transportation security, his personal ineptitude and his palpable a State, into what was once Palestine. This
the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and contempt for the law have only show- conflicted and war-torn place has been the
the Federal Emergency Management ered more disgrace on the institution of international flashpoint of privilege over
Agency. American justice. That probably explains human rights and bondage over freedom
The question of Chertoff’s dual-na- why he’s being moved up the bureaucratic for over half a century. Flames and blood
tionality doesn’t seem to have concerned dog-pile to the top rung of Homeland Se- from this dispute were ignited by greed and
a single U.S. senator. curity. In Bush-world “failing upwards” is by those dark and destabilizing dreams of
Many have wondered who let the de- more commonplace than cowboy boots at Empire that were beginning even before
tained suspected Israeli agents go back to a Crawford tent-show.” the First World War. The dual Israeli-US
Israel, immediately after 911. Apparently As someone that controls the largest citizenship of our Homeland Security Czar
it was Michael Chertoff. Federal Agency in the US government is incompatible with his position in gov-
“Chertoff allowed scores of suspected the life and accomplishments of Michael ernment today. The USA is large enough
Israeli terrorists and spies to quietly return Chertoff ought to be available and easy to require that all our highest officials be
to Israel . In several cases, Israeli suspects to locate, but that has not been the case. Americans without dual citizenships, or
working for phoney moving companies, Instead the important details concerning conflicts of national interest from any other
such as Urban Moving Systems from Michael Chertoff’s past have been meticu- nation.
Weehawken, N.J., were caught driving lously scrubbed from the net. END
moving vans which tested positive for ex- The basics are available from Wiki-
plosives. On September 14, Dominic Suter, pedia, but the facts surrounding the depth
the owner of the moving company, which of his family’s involvement in the actual
was found to be a Mossad front company, creation of the State of Israel have disap-
fled to Israel after FBI agents requested a peared.

12 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
McCain As Our President?
In the year 2008, 71-year-old Arizona
Senator John McCain is the Republican
frontrunner, a clumsy soul who, wherever
he goes objects seem to find a way to run
into him; a man who graces the audience
with rolling his eyes and fidgeting like a
bored teenager and who blinks too much
when he is caught lying.
A man who has promised to “always
tell the truth about his intentions and his
beliefs” and most importantly “straight
All nations, not just Americans, want
their political leaders to be in control and
to carry themselves with dignity. They
take pride in leaders who do not behave
like junior citizens and have no desire for
a bad comedian to govern their country.
There is no reason why anyone should
However, the four-time senator, who
be an easy task then I’m sorry they were question why a US senator sees it as his
is likely to become the next US president,
mistaken, maybe they didn’t know what right to dictate or even suggest what the
fits the stereotype of a showman politician
they were voting for,” he told MSNBC in British military should do? Perhaps he is
who entertains voters by singing “bomb
2007. unaware that the UK has yet to become the
bomb Iran” and does not object to people
His memory was reset to before 51st American state.
asking him “how to beat the b**ch” when
2003 and he no longer knew or could be
referring to his democratic rival and col-
convinced that he was in fact one of the Internal affairs
original supporters of the Iraq war. The long-time civil servant appears
clueless not only about current world af-
Lies in disguise
The bright future fairs but, surprisingly, about critical issues
In 2003, Vietnam vet McCain, a strong
McCain later argued that the handling facing America, the country he believes he
advocate of the war on Iraq, predicted that,
of the Iraq war was a mistake, not the initial has the wisdom to ‘lead’.
‘victory will be rapid, within about three
invasion of the country. In a recent Atlanta meeting he elo-
weeks’ and since then he has been promis-
The senator next informed voters, in quently acknowledged the US financial
ing the American public that the war will
concrete terms, how under his guidance the strain, “So, I would say that, oh, it’s very
soon be over.
USA would continue to wage war, convey- likely, and more and more economists are
“It’s clear that the end is very much in
ing that the best way to export democracy saying that we are probably, quote, ‘in a
sight. … It won’t be long. It, it’ll be a fairly
and lifestyle is at the point of a gun. recession’”.
short period of time,” he claimed in April
In January 2008, in response to a ques- The same day, in a CBS 60 Minutes
tion pointing out that George W. Bush had interview, he declared ‘the fundamentals
“We’re either going to lose this thing
talked about staying in Iraq for 50 years, of the US economy are still very strong’.
or win this thing within the next several
John McCain said ‘make it a hundred’. “A lot of this is psychological. A lot of
months,” he told Meet The Press in No-
His ‘quick victory’ was now a centen- it’s psychological! Because I agree the fun-
vember 2006.
nial stay in which at least four generations damentals of our economy is still strong,”
“My friends, the war will be over soon,
of American youth would have to “will- the Arizona senator said on January 23.
the war for all intents and purposes,” he
ingly” die to satisfy the insatiable greed Strange remarks at a time when the
said in Ohio February 2008.
of politicians and corporations for power United States has reportedly suffered a
However, in January 2007, McCain
and oil. 63,000-job loss just in February and is
had a lapse in his memory. Gone from his
He also let the public know how sorry headed full-speed toward an economic
mind were the remarks he had made over
he was that “there’s going to be other wars. collapse.
the past four years as he stood in front of
We will never surrender but there will be When politicians concede that there is
the camera and said, “the American people
other wars”. McCain stated in Florida in possibility of a recession, it actually means
were led to believe that this would be some
January, “It’s a tough war we’re in. It’s not they are already knee-deep in one and most
kind of a day at the beach which many of
going to be over right away. There’s going likely headed for a major depression.
us fully understood from the beginning that
to be other wars,” Strange to claim ‘it’s all in your head’
it would be a very very difficult undertak-
In Afghanistan, he was hasty to tell when economists say the United States is
not only US officers but also the British facing ‘the most serious combination of
“I knew it was probably gonna be long
troops they should prepare for a 100-year macroeconomic and financial stresses’ in
and hard and tough and those who voted for
commitment in Afghanistan. at least a generation.
it and thought that somehow it was gonna

April 2008 575-423-3250 13

Free American Newsmagazine
America, the beacon of freedom, the Perhaps someone should encourage within reach of the missile launch codes.
self-appointed leader of the free world, him to use the cue-card system invented
is learning fast that things are not so free. for Ronald Regan when he was running The conspiracy theorist
Of course, the country’s massive debt and for office as a means of damage control. There are some who have accused
collapsing economy is nothing to worry the senator of paranoia after he declared
about when credit is always available and Treading on the president’s toes Tehran is attempting to influence the up-
any crisis can be dealt with by shopping, as Old man John is also in a bit of a rush coming general election by increasing the
was suggested to Americans after 9/11. to personally escort Bush out of the White casualties of the US-led war in Iraq.
House and lay claim to the oval office. In “We still have the most lethal explosive
Plan for the youth of America the last leg of his badwill tour, aimed at devices coming across the border from Iran
Senator McCain may not be much of reassuring Americans he is out there do- into Iraq,” said the Arizona senator.
an economist, but he knows enough about ing business for USA Inc, after a meeting
family planning and the threat of over with the French president in Paris he an- Traitor
population to dream up more wars in order nounced: Although he spent six years in captivity
to cull a few. “President Sarkozy has already recom- during the Vietnam War, he is well-known
His plan will provide vocations for the mended that we join together with mean- as a person who has done more than anyone
thousands of unemployed youth by send- ingful sanctions on Iran that would deter else in Washington to bury the POW/MIA
ing them to fight overseas, assisting in the them on their path of acquiring nuclear (Missing Personnel Act) and especially
death of countless innocent civilians along weapons.” the POW/MIA Rescue Act, a bill which
with American and European soldiers. Apparently, the senator has no desire to would have granted political asylum to
A quick troop reshuffle and more un- wait until securing the presidency before any southeast Asian national who brought
employed can be shipped off to fight and starting to shop for allies and it is his turn a living American POW to freedom.
show their patriotism by losing limbs and to insist on determining the fate of other Why would a former POW oppose such
dying for their country. nations as the leader of the United States. a bill?
Bring in oil, fight overpopulation and Even though he likes to present himself
create new job opportunities with war. Temper, Temper as a hero, facts show he violated the Mili-
What better way to kill a few birds with There are others who ask how the fu- tary Code of Conduct four days after being
one stone? ture of America will be if Senator McCain captured on Oct. 26, 1967, in exchange for
becomes president, as he is notoriously hot better medical treatment.
Fantasizing about the world tempered and infamous for his run-ins with The Code specifically orders American
In a trip to Jordan, the presidential other Republican senators. “Everybody on personnel to give the enemy no informa-
nominee-in-waiting claimed with confi- The Hill has a McCain story”. tion other than name, rank, serial number,
dence that it is ‘common knowledge and in Iowa Senator Charles Grassley who and date of birth, yet McCain admitted to
the media that al-Qaeda is going back into was subject to McCain’s “I’m calling you exchanging military information during his
Iran and receiving training and are coming a f****** jerk!” said in an interview that six-week hospital stay in a May 14, 1973
back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. he was so upset by the tirade that he did interview.
And it’s unfortunate’. not speak to him for two years. Government records show that less
“I’m sorry, the Iranians are training ex- Many say Americans should be worried than two weeks after he was taken to the
tremists, not al-Qaeda,” McCain corrected that if he becomes president and turns his hospital, Hanoi’s press began quoting
himself only after Senator Joseph Lieber- temper on the Secretaries, and they refuse specific military information only Admiral
man who was unsuccessful in catching his to speak with him not for two years but McCain’s son could have told them.
attention leaned over and whispered in his merely a few weeks, what will become Records also show that McCain con-
ear. of America amid the subsequent political tinued to collaborate with the Vietnamese
Under sharp criticism, he then resorted chaos. after he recovered from his injuries and that
to the common conservative tactic that “F*** you,” McCain shouted at Texas he conducted several anti-US broadcasts.
his mishap was to blur ‘the differences Senator John Cornyn last year. This could explain why he personally
between groups with different goals and “Only an a****** would put together a traveled to Hanoi in May of 1993 with
ideologies in order to create the illusion budget like this,” the Arizona senator told soon-to-be Ambassador to Vietnam Pete
of a united Islamofascist enemy’. the former Budget Committee chairman, Peterson and convinced the country to
“To think that I would have some lack Senator Pete Domenici, in 1999. agree that they would never make pub-
of knowledge about Sunni and Shia after If McCain’s foreign policy reflects his lic their interrogation files of American
my eighth visit and my deep involvement impulsive temper, will any corner of the POWs.
in this issue is a bit ludicrous.” world be safe from his wrath?
It is ludicrous! It was not the senator’s Some like the Mississippi Senator, Corruption
fault that his aides had not explained po- Thad Cochran, have gone far enough to say The number five of the famous ‘Keating
litical concepts and world affairs to him that the thought of McCain’s presidency Five’, the senators accused of corruption in
in simpler language. The self-proclaimed “sends a cold chill down my spine; He 1989, after a lengthy investigation by the
‘most qualified leader’ is not to blame for is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his Senate Ethics Committee was announced
needing to be schooled in different sub- temper and he worries me.” to have been only ‘minimally’ involved in
jects. What a wonderful person to have the scandal in 1991.

14 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
While ‘minimally’ involved does not chosen running mate will be. and a few POW’s and all the POW’s that
mean not guilty, it also does not mean he I’ve talked to over the years say that John
was acquitted of corruption charges! Change / No change McCain is a lying skunk,” McLamb told
Change has been a key slogan in the the Alex Jones Show.
Losing American jobs current election process. It has been said “He never was tortured - they were
McCain’s role in the US Air Force deci- that if American’s want change, they are there in the camp with him and then when
sion to award a lucrative contract to build looking to the wrong candidate. Intent on he came in....he immediately started spill-
airborne refueling planes to a team, includ- using most of the Bush advisors, the sena- ing his guts about everything because
ing the European parent of Airbus, instead tor is clearly saying his presidency would he didn’t want to get tortured,” said
of the Chicago-based Boeing should not be be an extension of the Texan’s reign. McLamb, contradicting the official story
overlooked. Another question raised is how a person that McCain only offered his name, rank,
The deal would have enabled Boeing who mocks his fellow Congressmen and serial number, and date of birth.
to support some 44,000 new and existing women by dubbing Washington the ‘city “The Vietnamese Communists called
jobs in 40 states. of Satan’ can be respected while he is furi- him the Songbird, that’s his code name,
“Having made sure that Iraq gets new ously campaigning for the position of Head Songbird McCain, because he just came
schools, roads, bridges and dams that we Devil? into the camp singing and telling them
deny America, now we are making sure It is suddenly like a scene from Sara- everything they wanted to know,” said
that France gets the jobs that Americans mago’s novel Blindness, an epidemic has McLamb.
used to have. We are sending the jobs over- broken out and people with no physical McLamb said the POW’s told him
seas, all because John McCain demanded problem fail to see what is happening right that McCain had sustained two broken
it,” said Democratic congressman Rahm under their noses. arms and a leg injury from not pulling
Emanuel. Americans are headed toward electing a his arms in when he bailed out of his A-4
Something to think about as it may well man who says he ‘doesn’t agree with what Skyhawk that was shot down over the
represent the policies he will undertake the majority of American people want’ and Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.
in regard to the American economy, job his favorite punch line is ‘no you can’t’. The POW’s said that McCain made
losses and countless US businesses moving Luckily, we realize the remote is still in 32 propaganda videos for the communist
offshore to maximize profits. our hands, hit the pause button and think North Vietnamese in which he denounced
so much for a government “of the People, America for what they were doing in
Health by the People, and for the People”. Vietnam.
John McCain underwent a melanoma Then without hesitation, we press the “They have these sealed now, our
operation in August 2000 and while experts stop button. government has these sealed, we can’t
have said his health prospects appear fa- get to it, they have it classified,” said
vorable, the 71-year-old senator’s refusal If you have any comments or questions McLamb, adding that in truth “the POW’s
to make public his detailed medical records please contact hedieh.ghavidel@presstv. hate John McCain.”
or even the names of his physicians seems ir
rather suspicious.
A skeptic would ask why all the secrecy
Top Cop Says McCain Was
if there is nothing to hide? Some say that Never Tortured
in his eagerness to fulfill his dream of be- Former Vietnam vet with top secret
coming the oldest man ever to be elected clearance - Republican frontrunner is “a
as first term president, the senator wants lying skunk”
to keep certain issues from the attention Paul Joseph Watson
of the public.
The senator’s mental capacity and A former Vietnam veteran with top
awareness have also come under fire. His secret clearance says he has personally
frequent memory lapses, such as when spoken to numerous POW’s who dispute
he had a 180-degree change of heart only John McCain’s claim that he refused to
“11 minutes” after making a controver- provide information after he was captured
sial statement on MSNBC’s Hardball in and tortured in Hanoi, saying that in fact
2006. McCain’s code-name was “Songbird” be-
The economics-challenged McCain’s cause of his willingness to tell all to avoid
indecisiveness about issues such as torture.
whether the US economy is going strong Jack McLamb served nine years in
or tumbling toward recession has also been secret operations in Cambodia and other
cited. nations before going on to become one of
Many say that, given McCain’s ad- the most highly decorated police officer’s
vanced age and his history of cancer, it is in Phoenix history, winning police officer
not certain that he will serve out his term of the year twice before taking a role as a
if elected, so Americans, and indeed the hostage negotiator for the FBI.
world, should be concerned with who his “I know a lot of Vietnam veterans

April 2008 575-423-3250 15

Free American Newsmagazine

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16 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
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April 2008 575-423-3250 17
Free American Newsmagazine
“Prior to posting the [Virginia CCW] da-
Pitts said he was incensed by a column have been at least partial listings of gun
tabase, we did not give sufficient thought last March in The Roanoke Times that
to the possibility that the safety of certain owners by newspapers in Tennessee, Ohio
focused on concealed weapon permits as and New York in the past three years.
individuals on the list, like law enforce- a way to highlight Sunshine Week, the an-
ment officials and crime victims, could “We believe it’s very important that
nual observance of open government and law-abiding citizens in this country have
potentially be compromised.” public records laws. their rights to privacy protected,” Varner
Debbie Meade President and publisher The Virginia newspaper’s online version said.
The Roanoke Times included a link to the state’s more than Dalglish counters that she doesn’t
135,000 permit holders and their street understand why concealed carry permits
addresses. should be singled out for privacy when all
SC Poised To Close Public “I can hear the shocked indignation of other licenses - whether for beauticians,
gun-toters already: It’s nobody’s business
Access to Concealed Carry but mine if I want to pack heat,” wrote
bars or barristers - are public.
“I think they’re trying to kill an ant with
Permits columnist Christian Trejbal. “Au contraire.
Because the government handles the per-
a sledgehammer,” Dalglish said. “If their
By SEANNA ADCOX Associated Press professed concern is victims of domestic
mitting, it is everyone’s business.” violence, figure out a way to let those
March 23, 2008 The reaction was immediate. The people get a special permit.”
newspaper pulled the link the next day, To obtain a concealed weapon permit
South Carolina is poised to become citing concerns that it might have included
the 28th state to keep secret the list of in South Carolina, a resident must be at
names that should not be public, according least 21, undergo at least eight hours of
residents allowed to carry concealed to a follow-up Roanoke Times article. An
weapons, a move favored by gun owners handgun training, and pass criminal and
editorial noted the paper received com- mental background checks. A permit is not
but opposed by advocates of open govern- plaints - some threatening - from thousands
ment. required for residents who keep a gun in
of readers. their vehicle’s closed glove box, console
South Carolina is among six states with “Prior to posting the database, we did
legislation pending that would close the or trunk.
not give sufficient thought to the possibil- More than 61,300 South Carolinians
information to public scrutiny, according ity that the safety of certain individuals
to the National Rifle Association, which hold permits to carry concealed weapons,
on the list, like law enforcement officials according to the State Law Enforcement
has advocated the measures that represent and crime victims, could potentially be
a battle between privacy and principle. Division, which oversees the permit pro-
compromised,” Debbie Meade, president cess.
Gun enthusiasts such as Rep. Mike and publisher of The Roanoke Times, said
Pitts, who sponsored the South Carolina “It’s just dangerous to seal up state
last year in a statement that the newspaper licenses,” said Bill Rogers, executive
bill, call the publishing of the gun owners’ rereleased Friday.
names an attack on the Second Amend- director of the South Carolina Press As-
Gun activists said the easy access could sociation, who has protested the bill at
ment. have alerted criminals about where to find
“Having a concealed weapon means legislative hearings. “It’s an argument on
guns because permit holders generally principle. Nothing good happens in secret
I’m supposed to have it hidden,” said Pitts, own more than one - or could have given
R-Laurens, a retired law enforcement of- when it comes to government.”
abusive ex-spouses or stalkers the new Advocates for domestic violence vic-
ficer who teaches a handgun safety course address of their victims.
to legislators and their families. “You’re tims said it’s “highly unlikely” that victims
Virginia state Delegate Dave Nutter would have a concealed weapon permit,
not supposed to know I’ve got one.” said he received dozens of complaints,
Open-government advocates counter since they’re discouraged from having
including from women who said they’d guns. Still, they agree with closing access
the government should never dole out taken restraining orders on their husbands
licenses in secret. to protect any who do, said Rebecca Wil-
and from an airline pilot authorized to carry liams, spokeswoman for the state Coalition
“You need public oversight,” said Lucy in the cockpit. Legislation he sponsored
Dalglish, executive director of Virginia- Against Domestic Violence and Sexual
died this year after debate bogged down Assault.
based Reporters Committee for Freedom in whether other records should become
of the Press. “How else will you know “In most cases, what ends up happen-
private, said the Christiansburg, Va., Re- ing is the gun is used against them by the
if the state is issuing licenses in a fair publican.
way?” abuser. Our position is not to have a gun in
Though the Virginia newspaper is the the situation at all,” she said. “But, in any
But the Legislature in gun-friendly one Pitts cites as fuel for his measure, NRA
South Carolina - where one in five legis- case, we don’t want to jeopardize victims’
spokeswoman Ashley Varner said there safety.”
lators holds a concealed weapon permit,
according to a recent review by The (Co-
lumbia) State newspaper - is ready to send
the measure to Gov. Mark Sanford.
His spokesman, Joel Sawyer, said the
GOP governor has not yet reviewed the
The bill would exempt the identities
of permit holders from what’s available
through the Freedom of Information Act
and grant access only to law enforcement
or through a court order.
The House, which passed the bill
unanimously last May, is set to take up
Senate changes to the bill on Tuesday.
They include requiring the state to publish
statistical information yearly on permit
holders and applicants, a change Pitts

18 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
Is Cheney betting on nomic Plan” is anything more than a scam and inflation.
aimed at looting the public till. The whole Did Americans really think they’d be
Economic Collapse? deal is intended to shift the nation’s wealth spared the same type of economic colo-
from one class to another. It’s also clear nization that has been applied throughout
that Bush-Cheney couldn’t have carried the developing world under the rubric of
this off without the tacit approval of the “neoliberalism”?
thieves at the Federal Reserve who engi- Well, think again. The American
neered the low-interest rate boondoggle economy is barrel-rolling towards earth
to put the American people to sleep while and there are only enough parachutes for
they picked their pockets. Cheney and the gang.
Reasonable people can dispute that The country has lost 3 million jobs
Bush is “intentionally” skewering the from outsourcing since Bush took office;
dollar with his lavish tax cuts, but how more than 200,000 of those are the high-
does that explain Cheney’s portfolio? paying, high-tech jobs that are the life’s-
It doesn’t. And, one thing we can say blood of every economy.
with metaphysical certainty is that the Consider this from the Council on
miserly Cheney would never plunk his Foreign Relations (CFR) June edition of
money into an investment that wasn’t a Foreign Affairs, the Bible of globalists
sure thing. If Cheney is counting on the and plutocrats:
dollar tanking and interest rates going up, “Between 2000 and 2003 alone,
then, by Gawd, that’s what’ll happen. foreign firms built 60,000manufactur-
The Bush-Cheney team has racked up ing plants in China. European chemical
another $3 trillion in debt in just 6 years. companies, Japanese carmakers, and US
By Mike Whitney The US national debt now stands at $8.4 industrial conglomerates are all building
Wouldn’t you like to know where trillion dollars while the trade deficit has factories in China to supply export mar-
Dick Cheney puts his money? Then you’d ballooned to $800 billion nearly 7% of kets around the world. Similarly, banks,
know whether his “deficits don’t matter” GDP. insurance companies, professional-ser-
claim is just baloney or not. This is lunacy. No country, however vice firms, and IT companies are build-
Well, as it turns out, Kiplinger Maga- powerful, can maintain these staggering ing R&D and service centers in India to
zine ran an article based on Cheney’s numbers. The country is in hock up to its support employees, customers, and pro-
financial disclosure statement and, sure neck and has to borrow $2.5 billion per duction worldwide.” (“The Globally in-
enough, found out that the VP is lying to day just to stay above water. Presently, tegrated Enterprise” Samuel Palmisano,
the American people for the umpteenth the Fed is expanding the money supply Foreign Affairs page 130)
time. Deficits do matter and Cheney has and buying back its own treasuries to hide “60,000manufacturing plants” in 3
invested his money accordingly. the hemorrhaging from the public. Its ut- years?!?
The article is called “Cheney’s bet- ter madness. “Banks, insurance companies, profes-
ting on bad news” and provides an ac- Last month the trade deficit climbed sional-service firms, and IT companies”?
count of where Cheney has socked away to $70 billion. More importantly, foreign No job is safe. American elites and
more than $25 million. While the figures central banks only purchased a meager corporate tycoons are loading the boats
may be estimates, the investments are not. $47 billion in treasuries to shore up our and heading for foreign shores. The only
According to Tom Blackburn of the Palm ravenous appetite for cheap junk from thing they’re leaving behind is the insur-
Beach Post, Cheney has invested heavily China. mountable debt that will be shackled to
in “a fund that specializes in short-term Do the math! They’re not investing in our children into perpetuity and the care-
municipal bonds, a tax-exempt money America anymore. They are decreasing fully arranged levers of a modern police-
market fund and an inflation protected their stockpiles of dollars. We’re sinking surveillance state.
securities fund. The first two hold up if fast and Cheney and his pals are manning Welcome to Bush’s 21st Century gu-
interest rates rise with inflation. The third the lifeboats while the public is divert- lag; third world luxury in a Guantanamo-
is protected against inflation.” ed with gay marriage amendments and type setting.
Cheney has dumped another (esti- “American Celebrity”. Take another look at Cheney’s invest-
mated) $10 to $25 million in a European The American manufacturing sector ment strategy; it tells the whole ugly sto-
bond fund which tells us that he is count- has been hollowed out by cutthroat corpo- ry. Interest rates are going up, the middle
ing on a steadily weakening dollar. So, rations who’ve abandoned their country class is going down, and the poor dollar
while working class Americans are loos- to make a fast-buck in China or Mexico. is headed for the dumpster. The country
ing ground to inflation and rising energy The $3 trillion housing (equity) bubble is is not simply teetering on the brink of fi-
costs, Darth Cheney will be enhancing his quickly loosing air while the anemic dol- nancial collapse; it is being thrust head-
wealth in “Old Europe”. As Blackburn lar continues to sag. All the signs indicate first by the blackguards in office and their
sagely notes, “Not all ‘bad news’ is bad that the economy is slowing at the same satrapies at Federal Reserve.
for everybody.” time that energy prices continue to rise.
This should put to rest once and for This is the onset of stagflation; the
all the foolish notion that the “Bush Eco- dreaded combo of a slowing economy

April 2008 575-423-3250 19

Free American Newsmagazine


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subject, yet most Christians are unaware of
20 April 2008
Free American Newsmagazine
Israel in the latter days, Paul, at Romans
*THE 8TH BEAST OF THE APOCALYPSE* 11:25, has this to say:
“I would not, brethren, that you should
be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should
be wise in your own conceits [secular
humanism]; that blindness in part has
happened to [Anglo-Saxon] Israel, until
the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.”
Paul is talking about a future time
when nations shall have outlived their
time. That time is now, for the interna-
tional corporations would have us all be
“citizens” of a global corporate state. This
marriage between global corporations and
global government is called “governance,”
and the elite bureaucrats, politicians and
businessmen of the world see this as the
“answer” to the “chaos of nationalism.”
Hold on to your seatbelts, because the ride
is going to get rough.
Jesus also gives us a very specific
prophecy about the last days. We know we
are in the last days because, as prophesied,
the Gospel has been preached throughout
the world, even to countries we have never
heard of. The Bible has been translated into
over four hundred languages. We are in
the days of tribulation. Two World Wars,
Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the Yugo-
false Christs and false prophets and shall
By Eli James slavian Wars, including the Kosovo con-
show great signs and wonders; insomuch
flict, and numerous other conflicts, large
that, if it were possible, they shall deceive
The Bible is full of prophecies, among and small, especially the ongoing chaos
the very elect.” The modern world is filled
which many have come to pass and many in Africa, Latin America and the Middle
with almost magical technological won-
which have yet to come. It is up to us to East, demonstrate that the 20th Century
follow Biblical guidelines as well as the was the Century of Tribulation; and the
things unimaginable in Christ’s time: tele-
plain language contained in the Bible so Twenty-First Century is picking up where
vision, radio, automobiles, space travel, the
that we might accurately interpret these the last one left off: Afghanistan and Gulf
atomic bomb... Along with these techno-
prophecies. War II, and now, the Orwellian “perpetual
logical developments, there has emerged a
An example of a fulfilled prophecy is war for perpetual peace” called the “war
new faith. It is called Secular Humanism.
Matt. 24:14, which states, “And this gospel on terrorism,” which has no end in sight.
It preaches evolution, agnosticism, and
of the kingdom shall be preached in all the We Christian Israelites are certain that this
deliverance by science and technology.
world for a witness unto all nations...” tribulation will end only by the judgment
Its high priests are university presidents,
This prophecy has taken close to 2,000 of God in the form of both man-made and
academics, rebellious priests, and sundry
years to be fulfilled. Christian missionar- natural disasters.
political activists.
ies and preachers have indeed reached the Matt. 24:29,30: “Immediately after the
The highest ideal of Secular Humanism
entire world either through their personal tribulation of those days shall the sun be
is “global peace” through a One World
travels, or through, more recently, radio darkened, and the moon shall not give her
Government. On the face of it, this is a
and television, and now, the internet. In- light, and the stars shall fall from heaven,
laudable goal; but upon further inspec-
deed, the Gospel has been preached “in all and the powers of heaven shall be shaken:
tion, we see that what is invisible is not as
the world,” just as Jesus had prophesied; And then shall appear the sign of the Son
admirable as what is visible. In reality, this
and the Bible has been printed in over four of man in heaven: and then shall all the
One World Government is a creature of the
hundred languages, showing how thor- tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall
international corporations and its purpose
oughly this prophecy has been fulfilled. see the Son of man coming in the clouds
is to promote profits and the politics of
But the very same verse concludes with, of heaven with power and great glory.”
trade. The sovereignty of nations, and the
“and then the end shall come”! If part one On September 11, 2001, the citizens of
body of law which protects citizens from
of that statement has been so reliable, what America had their illusions of invincibility
obtrusive government, will be a thing of
about part two? shattered. They were led to believe that a
the past if this OWG, also called the New
The end of what? As the popular song small band of terrorists armed only with
World Order, becomes a reality.
says: “It’s the end of the world as we know knives shook heaven and earth. Yet they
Concerning the deliverance of True
it.” Matt. 24:24: “For there shall arise still do not understand why this event took

April 2008 575-423-3250 21

Free American Newsmagazine
place and why the earth must be shaken. quered the Medo-Persian Empire in 330 represents a group of people, a group of
It is paramount that we understand what B.C. Of this Brass Kingdom, Daniel further people who were present and operating
is happening because we want to be on the prophesied that this kingdom would be di- behind the scenes for every one of the
side of righteousness when “the stars shall vided into four parts. (Dan. Chap. 11.) The seven beasts of Revelation. This ethnic
fall from heaven” (Matt. 24:29). We must extreme accuracy of this prophecy defies group will be identified later.
make sure that we will stand with Christ tremendous odds, as Alexander’s empire, The angel further explains to John
and not after his death, was indeed divided into the meaning of the image of the Scarlet
against Him when the Judgment Day four sub-kingdoms, namely: Greece, under Woman: “And here is the mind which
comes. In order to assure that Christ’s Cassander, Thrace, under Lysimachus, hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
Kingdom survives into the post- Syria, under Antigonus, and Egypt, under mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Tribulation Millennium, we must preserve, Ptolemy. And there are seven kings: five are fallen,
above all, the Bible and its teachings. The legs of iron, therefore, must rep- and one is, and the other is not yet come;
The Second Coming will help us to ac- resent the Roman Empire which defeated and when he cometh, he must continue a
complish that goal. In the meantime, we Greece in a series of wars between 197 and short space.” -- Rev. 17:9,10.
must understand who the Anti-Christ is 146 B.C. And the division of the Roman The image of the Scarlet Woman refers
and what organizations serve the Beast. Empire into two separate empires occurred to Seven Kings upon whom she sits, that
The answer lies in the Books of Daniel in 395 A.D., when Byzantium, the Eastern is, over whom she has power and control.
and Revelation. Empire split off from the original Roman Five are fallen and one is. The one that
Empire. is obviously the Roman Empire because
NEBUCHADNEZZAR’S DREAM AND The legs of iron are the symbol for the John, the author of the Book of Revelation
THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST Roman soldiers marching all over Europe, (Apocalypse to Catholics) lived in Roman
When Nebuchadnezzar had his first ter- Asia Minor, and North Africa; and the feet times. Tracing backward in time, we know
rifying dream, he asked Daniel to interpret of iron and clay symbolize the end of the that previous to Rome were Greece, Medo-
the dream for him. In the dream, he saw Roman expansion after the split between Persia, and Babylon, three empires which
the image of a statue of a multiple beast the Eastern and Western Empires. Once were also mentioned in Daniel as part of
which had a head of gold, breast and arms these two feet were planted, they were Nebuchadnezzar’s image.
of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of stuck in the mud or clay. But there were two empires before
iron, and feet of iron and clay. This com- So far, Daniel’s image of the beast has Babylon which were also great. These were
posite image was, in the dream, completely been both chronologically and descrip- Egypt and Assyria. So, in chronological
destroyed by God. Daniel interpreted the tively accurate. But there are yet more order, we have six great empires who are
dream in this way: He said that he, Nebu- beasts to come. directly under the control of the Scarlet
chadnezzar and his kingdom, was the Woman of
head of gold. After him, there would come THE BEAST WITH SEVEN HEADS Revelation. These are:
other kingdoms symbolized by the other AND TEN HORNS 1: Egypt, dating from approximately 3100
elements of the image. The final kingdom “And there came one of the seven an- BC, which was conquered by
would be divided into two parts, which is gels which had the seven vials, and talked 2: the Assyrian Empire, which was re-
symbolized by the legs and feet. with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I placed by the
It was during Daniel’s presence in will show unto thee the judgment of the 3: Babylonian Empire in 538 BC. Then,
Babylon that the first shift in power, from great whore that sitteth upon the many wa- 4: the Medo-Persian Empire, followed by
gold to silver in the image, took place. ters:...So he carried me away in the spirit 5: Greece.
Darius, King of the Medes and Persians, into the wilderness: and I saw a woman These five had already fallen by the time
invaded Babylon and conquered it, slaying sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of of John the Revelator who lived in the first
Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar. “In names of blasphemy, having seven heads century AD.
that night was Belshazzar the king of the and ten horns... And upon her head was a According to the angel in John’s vi-
Chaldeans slain. And Darius the Median name written, Mystery Babylon...” -- Rev. sion, one “is.” That is, one kingdom is
took the kingdom, being about threescore 17:15. contemporary with John. That empire is,
and two years old.” -- Dan. 5:30,31. The In Bible interpretation, the waters and obviously,
historical date of this event is 539 B.C. seas represent the peoples of nations, and 6. Rome.
We can see that the meaning of the dream heads represent rulers or governments. Revelation 17:10 says that “the other
image is that of successive kingdoms or In this case we are talking about the cor- is not yet come; and when he cometh, he
empires, starting with Babylon, the head rupt and brutal governments of the “great must continue a short space.”
of gold, succeeded by Medo-Persia, the whore,” the Scarlet Woman of Mystery Remember, Rome was divided into
breast and arms of silver, and who else? Babylon. There is a reason why this spirit two empires: Byzantium and the Western
Since Daniel did not live long enough to is of the female gender. Although she is Empire (the two legs of Daniel?s vision),
record the next kingdom, we must turn to directly related to Lucifer and Satan, her both of which survived well into the future,
the history books to find out who is repre- spirit is one of submissiveness to her even until today. Byzantium survives as
sented by the lower aspects of the image. spiritual master. Just as true Israel is repre- the Greek Orthodox Church and related
The Kingdom of Brass (belly and sented as a woman, as the “bride of Christ,” churches, such as the Russian Orthodox
thighs) was realized by none other than Mystery Babylon is represented as woman, and the Serbian Orthodox Churches; and
Alexander the Great of Greece, who con- for she is Lucifer?s concubine. She also Rome reorganized itself as the so-called

22 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
Holy Roman Empire, with a succession that the Rome of the Caesars should be emperors were disappearing, the ground-
of Popes replacing the succession of em- considered as one empire and the Rome work was being laid for the emergence of
perors. Having been raised in the Catholic of the Popes another. The fact is, however, the popes, who claimed to be the “vicars
faith, I can attest to the fact that the Catho- that Papal Rome was still a secular power. of Christ”.
lic Church does not teach its faithful about It adopted Christianity merely as a matter The foundation of this re-emergence
the Inquisitions, the wholesale slaughter of of convenience to both placate and deceive was laid by Emperor Justinian I, who drove
innocent Christians who disagreed with the early Christians into thinking that it was the invading tribes out of Italy. In addi-
Papal doctrine (such as the Waldenses, becoming “holy”. Although Constantine tion, Justinian I commanded 10 jurists to
Albigenses, and Huguenots), nor about the put an end to the martyrdom of Christians compile Roman Law into the Corpus Juris
corruption of the priesthood which led to during his reign when he issued his Edict Civilis,
the Protestant Reformation. Catholics must of Toleration, it is a recorded fact that he or Body of Civil Law. Although historians
learn about these things on their own. (For did not personally convert to Christianity say that Justinian was a Christian, it is a
a detailed account of the Roman Church’s until he was on his deathbed. Perhaps the bit much to presume considering the long-
persecution of non-Catholics in Europe, then-current Bishop of Rome talked him standing policy of placating and co-opting
you should obtain a copy of *Fox’s Book into an attempt to save his soul. In addi- of Christian principles. Easter Sunday
of Martyrs*.) tion, he retained the pagan title of /Pontifex and Christmas are both examples of this
Papal Rome was as brutal a dictator- Maximus/ even while he presided over the “Christianization”. Easter is named after
ship as the world had ever seen, but, in Council of Nicea, where the books of the “Astarte,” the Roman goddess of “love”.
addition to brute military force, the Papacy Bible were decided upon. The title of / And Christmas is the continuation of the
had developed a system of mind control Pontifex Maximus/ was used by all of the pagan new year celebration of the winter
and social control which all of the previ- previous Roman Emperors and it signified solstice. This is how Rome combined
ous beasts would have envied. Not unlike the High Priest of Jupiter, the ruling god of pagan celebrations with Christian events,
the Hindu caste system, the Holy Roman the Roman pantheon. thus retaining both, while never repudiat-
Empire kept people in their places by a “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, ing the former.
very rigid social and economic structure and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, hav- THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST: 666
from which there was no escape. In the ing seven heads and ten horns, and upon There is an even more powerful reason
name of Jesus Christ, the Papacy dictated his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads to consider both Imperial and Papal Rome
what religion should be. The Holy Roman the name of blasphemy.” ;Rev. 13:1. as one empire, and that reason concerns the
Empire even went to the absurd length Many Bible prophecy scholars have number, 666. “Here is wisdom. Let him
of forbidding individuals from owning interpreted the seven heads to be the seven that hath understanding count the number
personal copies of the Bible. The Papacy hills upon which the city of Rome is built. of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
was afraid that people would read it and But, these seven heads are the same as the and his number is six hundred threescore
understand that much of Catholic doctrine seven beasts of Rev. 17. In this particular and six.” ? Rev. 13:18. If we take the name,
cannot be found in the Bible. Such prac- vision, the beast with seven heads is seen Nero Caesar, who was “a man,” and use
tices as selling indulgences, confession, as one entity having seven heads and ten the Hebrew letters for the title, we have,
priestly intercession, and the deification of horns. Then, what are the ten horns? Most according to the Hebrew letter-number sys-
Mary were sore points for Protestants who likely, the ten horns are the ten European tem, the following: Nero Caesar = NRWN
could find no such teaching in the Bible. nation-states which eventually formed a KSR. (Vowels had no numeric value in
But the league with Rome after the city of Rome the Hebrew system.) Observe: N = 50, R
invention of the printing press put an was sacked by the Germanic tribes. These = 200, W = 6, N= 50, K = 100, S = 60, R
end to the Papacy?s monopoly on Bible ten nations or tribes were the 1. Franks, = 200. 50+200+6+50+100+60+200=666!
ownership. 2. Huns, 3. Vandals, 4. Visigoths, 5. Os- There is no doubt that Nero was an anti-
If Martin Luther were not an honest trogoths, 6. Alans (and Sueves), 7. Bur-
priest who tried to make the Bible acces- gundians, 8. Odoacer’s Italian kingdom of
sible to the people, Rome might still be a several tribes, 9. Saxons, 10. Lombards.
military power today, but the Reformation
made the Bible a #1 bestseller in spite of THE HEALING OF THE DEADLY
the efforts of the Popes to stop it. Recently, WOUND
the Papacy has admitted to these and other “And I saw one of its heads, as it were,
“errors”, but this does not mean that the wounded to death; and his deadly wound
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April 2008 575-423-3250 23
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24 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
Christ. expected to adhere to this tradition. The might led to a period of internal reform
At the same time, the title for the Pope, site was the Cathedral of Notre Dame. during which a few good Popes actually
in Latin, is “Vicarius Filii Dei.” This title As Pope Pius VII was preparing to crown held office, notably, Pope Pius XII; but the
is engraved on the Papal mitre. It means him, Napoleon grabbed the crown from the pretensions of the office were never repudi-
“Vicar of the Son of God.” According to Pope?s hands and crowned himself, thus ated by any Pope, so the Papacy’s role as
the Roman Numeral System, V=5, I=1, signifying that he, and not the Papacy, was an anti-Christ still remains today in spite
C=100, the true power. of what faithful Catholics believe about
A=0, R=0, I=1, U=5 (U and V have the When Napoleon came to power in their “Papa”. The Papacy continues today
same value), F=0, I=1, L=50, I=1, I=1, France, he relieved the Papacy of its real as a still very powerful, but second-rate
D=500, E=0, I=1. estate holdings in that country, namely the political force. Catholics of the industrial-
Adding these numbers, we get: monasteries. This was about 25% of the ized world routinely ignore Papal edicts
5+1+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500+1=666! land in France. In 1809, Napoleon com- about abortion and birth control, thus
The two hidden codes reveal the connec- pleted the takeover by annexing the Papal demonstrating its lack of power even over
tion via the number 666. States. The Papacy was stripped of both its its own flock. To put it bluntly, the Pope
When the Emperor Constantine made military and political might, but never its today dances to a Zionist tune. This will
Christianity the state religion during the spiritual might. be demonstrated later.
300’s, the office of the Bishop of Rome At this point, Napoleon?s power was at Obviously, the 8th beast is one of the
became firmly established. In 451, Pope its height. But in 1815, only six years later, previous five. But which one? Let us go
Leo the Great convened the Council of his empire was defeated by Wellington at back to the Book of Daniel.
Chalcedon at which 630 bishops attended. Waterloo. Regarding the seventh beast,
This Council was an attempt to salvage the Bible says: “...and when he cometh, NEBUCHADNEZZAR?S SECOND
the split between the Eastern and Western he must continue a short space.” Indeed, DREAM
Churches. Although the Council failed to Napoleon?s reign of 17 years was the Daniel 4:4,5: “I, Nebuchadnezzar
reunite the two, it succeeded in strengthen- shortest of any of the 7 beasts. The last was at rest in mine house, and flourishing
ing the papacy in Rome. Leo the Great then beast of the prophecy, then, is 7: Napo- in my palace: I saw a dream which made
added to the prestige of the office when he, leon. me afraid, and the thoughts upon and the
in 452, convinced Attila the Hun to save This brings us up to the year 1815. visions of my head troubled me.”
the city of Rome from plunder. He saved History records no clear successor to As with the previous vision, the Baby-
Rome again, three years later, when he Napoleon, yet the Bible tells us that there lonian priests had failed to reveal the mean-
similarly dealt with Genseric, leader of the is to be another beast, _the 8th Beast_! ing of the dream, so Nebuchadnezzar was
Vandals. Rev.17:11: “And the beast that was, is not, forced to turn to Daniel again. But before
At some point, the title, Pontifex Maxi- even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, Daniel began his interpretation, the king
mus, was assumed by the popes, who are and goeth into perdition.” The beast that revealed a few more details of the dream.
still known as “Pontiffs” today. Thus, the “was, is not,” and yet “is the eighth” is to Daniel 4:10-15: “Thus were the visions
deadly wound which was administered to be one of the five previous to Rome. of my head upon my bed; I saw, and behold,
the pagan emperors of Rome was healed Why is this true? a tree in the midst of the earth... The tree
and the popes took their place. Imperial 1. It cannot be Rome that is to be resur- grew, and the height thereof was great...
Rome and Papal Rome are one continu- rected. The angel clearly tells John that it, And, behold, a watcher and an holy one
ous entity symbolized by the number 666. the 8th beast, “is not,” meaning it is not in came down from heaven; He cried aloud
_This combined beast is, therefore, the power at the time of John the Revelator. and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut
sixth beast of the Apocalypse_. Logically, therefore, it cannot be Rome off his branches... Nevertheless leave the
because Rome “is.” stump of his roots in the earth, even with
THE SEVENTH BEAST 2. Although the verse says that the 8th a band of iron and brass.”
The fact is that the sixth beast was de- beast is “of the seven,” it cannot be num- Daniel then told him that the tree is
throned by a seventh beast, just as the Bible ber seven because the verse says to John Nebuchadnezzar’s empire, Babylon. The
prophesied. Papal Rome was ultimately that the 8th beast already “was.” That is, cutting of the tree is the vanquishing of
relieved of power by none other than Na- the 8th Beast is one which existed previ- Babylon at the hands of the Medes and
poleon Bonaparte in 1798 as commander ously to Rome but is to be reincarnated Persians, and the banding of the tree stump
of the French army. In May of 1804, Na- later. So, we have ruled out beasts six and refers to a future rebirth of Babylon. “And
poleon was declared Emperor of France by seven as possible candidates for the resur- whereas they commanded to leave the
the French senate. In December of the same rected eighth beast. Although many Bible stump of the tree roots, thy kingdom shall
year, the still acting Pope was to crown him prophecy interpreters teach that Rome is be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have
Emperor in an official rite. As a symbol to be revived, they are clearly wrong. The known that the heavens do rule.” - Dan.
of Rome’s power over all of Europe, the language of the Bible is so clear on this fact 4:26.
reigning Popes had crowned the kings that it can be categorically stated that the Now this dream had a personal mean-
and queens of the European monarchies Papacy is not a candidate for the 8th Beast. ing for Nebuchadnezzar in that he was
for centuries. This was an established rite The Papacy will, however, fulfill another driven insane for seven years, after which
which was begun by Pope Leo III when prophetic role entirely. he regained his sense and declared the God
he crowned Charlemagne in the year 800; Actually, the decline of the Roman of Israel to be the One, True God. . But in
and Napoleon, a thousand years later, was Catholic Church’s military and political those days, the king and his empire were

April 2008 575-423-3250 25

Free American Newsmagazine
considered one; so, there is a secondary of the earth are waxed rich through the secretly practiced by the high priests of
meaning which involves the empire, Baby- abundance of her delicacies.” ;Rev. 18:3. the World Council of Churches, another
lon. As his empire was cut down as a tree, “...for thy merchants were the great men UN entity. It is through the World Council
so was the stump of that tree banded. (This of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all of Churches that the 8th Beast has been
banding of a tree stump to prevent the dy- nations deceived.” ;Rev. 18:23. propagandizing denominational Christian-
ing of the roots is still practiced today.) And It is an absolute fact that all nations are ity and other world religions to the point
since the stump represents the empire as currently being deceived into an unholy where they are all “worshiping the beast”
well as the king, Babylon is to be reborn. alliance with the United Nations Organi- of one-world-government. The name of
So, in fitting symbolism, Nebuchadnez- zation. The 8th Beast is diverse from the this new world religion is Secular Human-
zar “died” and was reborn after seven years previous seven in that it is dominated not ism, which proclaims that man has no
just as the 8th beast, Mystery Babylon, by a king, but by merchants who control need for God. Secular Humanists worship
formerly the 3rd beast, is to be reborn after the commerce of the world. This kingdom human reason above all things and believe
seven kingdoms. of merchants, as we will see, was originally that human beings can resolve all problems
headed by the Rothschilds and now by the without resorting to appeals to a Supreme
MYSTERY BABYLON: ZIONISM, Rockefellers. The sales pitch by which Being. Its essence is faith in Man; and this
THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE these megabanking families have decieved is why we have a world-wide, ongoing at-
8TH BEAST the world is their propaganda of world tack against biblical morality, especially
Returning to Revelation, we find that peace for all nations via the outlawing of the Ten Commandments. But in the spirit
Babylon, indeed, has been reborn: “And sovereign nationhood, but the real business of ecumenism, all of the world’s leading
there were voices, and thunders, and light- of the United Nations is money, power, and religious bodies, including Judaism, the
nings; and there was a great earthquake, influence, hence we have GATT, NAFTA, Catholic Church, Protestantism, Hindu-
such as not since men were on the earth, the WTO and a host of other international ism, Buddhism, etc., have turned a blind
so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And “treaties” which do nothing but remove eye to this atheistic philosophy and have
the great city was divided into three parts, legal obstacles to profits for the interna- compromised with the Beast because they
and the cities of the nations fell; and great tional corporations and the international have allowed themselves to be convinced
Babylon came in remembrance before God, bankers. of the UN’s promises for world peace. The
to give unto her the cup of the wine of the The United Nations is an organization name of this religion is Secular Humanism,
fierceness of his wrath.” Chap. 16, vs. 18, conceived by and operated by merchants, but, as we can see from the behaviors that
19. who, through the World Bank, the Bank of it promotes, its roots lay in ancient Baby-
This can be a literal earthquake or International Settlements, the International lon.
it can be the final World War, neither of Monetary Fund, and other UN organiza- “And the beast was taken, and with him
which has happened yet, but it is clear tions control world commerce and, thereby, the false prophet that wrought miracles be-
from the prophecy that the world will be all nations. No other entity has such power fore him, with which he deceived them that
divided into three parts just before the Day as the United Nations, which, at the dawn received the mark of the beast, and them
of Judgment. This could be a reference of the new millennium, is poised to yet that worshipped his image. These both
to the Trilateral Commission, which was reach its full and enormous, Orwellian were cast alive into a lake of fire burning
instituted by the Rockefellers to divide potential. with brimstone.” ;Rev. 19:20.
the world into three main economic units: The ancient Babylonian religion includ- Having lost its role as the sixth Beast,
the Americas; Europe; and the Far East, ed such practices as abortion, infanticide the Catholic Church now plays second fid-
headed by Japan. (sacrificing children to the fires of the god, dle to International Zionism. This is clearly
It could also be a reference to the “three Molech, then; partial birth abortion today), demonstrated by all of the concessions
worlds” of industrialized society: the first prostitution, homosexuality, drunkenness, which modern Rome has been making to
world being the industrialized West; the witchcraft, occultism, and magic. We see the Zionists, such as absolving the Jews
second world being the so-called “emerg- all of these practices coming back today as of the guilt of Christ’s trial and murder.
ing industrial nations,” mostly in the east; the merchants of international commerce Actually, Rome’s agent, Pontius Pilate,
and the third world of countries with little promote all of these activities through washed his hands of the entire dispute
or no industry. Whatever tripartite division business, entertainment, the media and the and turned Jesus over to the rabbis, who,
is implied by the Bible, we have these public schools. All of these blatantly anti- indeed, tried and executed Jesus Christ.
two and probably more to choose from. Christian activities are being promoted by Pilate had declared Jesus innocent of any
Observe, however, that Revelation clearly various agencies of the United Nations. crime and suggested to the Sanhedrin that
foretells a time during which corporate This includes the so-called “New Age they crucify Barabbas instead of Jesus.
“global governance” is an established movement,” which is being partly financed Here is what the Bible records:
fact. by the United Nations, through the Lucis “But the chief priests and elders per-
The essence of the prophecy is that the Trust. The Lucis Trust was formerly known suaded the multitude that they should ask
world has entered into a period of global as the, you guessed it, Luciferian Trust. Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. The governor
economy in which the nations are ruled by Public relations, no doubt, prompted the answered and said unto them, Whether of
merchants: “For all nations have drunk of name change. the twain will ye that I release unto you?
the wine of the wrath of her fornication, These are the “fornications” of Mystery They said Barabbas. Pilate saith unto
and the kings of the earth have committed Babylon (Rev. 17:5); and it is these prac- them, What shall I do then with Jesus
fornication with her, and the merchants tices which are either openly promoted or which is called Christ? They all say unto

26 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
him, Let him be crucified. And the governor Passion Play in Germany. After nearly that is what the Bible actually says. Can
said, Why, what evil hath he done? But two centuries of cloak and dagger warfare the Pope contradict Scripture and avoid
they cried out the more, saying, Let him between the Freemasons (a secret society the charge of anti-Christ? What about
be crucified. When Pilate saw he could financed by Jewish money) and the Jesuits those who conspire to have him make
prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult (a Catholic secret society), Vatican II was anti-Scriptural pronouncements, namely
was made, he took water, and washed his a watershed mark, signifying the ascen- the Zionist Jews? Then Pilate, in disgust,
hands before the multitude saying, I am dancy of Jewish power over the Catholic symbolically washed his hands of the
innocent of the blood of this just person: Church. John Paul II even went so far as to whole affair, disavowing
see ye to it. Then answered all the people, excommunicate French Archbishop Mar- any responsibility, and turned Jesus over
and said, His blood be on us, and on our cel Lefebvre for his refusal to absolve the to the Jews. The Jews continue to maintain
children.” (Matthew 27:25.) Jews of the guilt of deicide. This occurred the fiction that the Romans killed Christ.
What part of “I am innocent of the in 1988. Not so.
blood of this just person” is so hard to un- Paul verifies that it is the Jews, not These and other historical develop-
derstand? And the Jews said: “His blood be Rome, who are the guilty party: “For ye ments put the Catholic Church, and
upon us.” That’s how determined they were brethren, became followers of the churches ecumenism as a whole, in the role of the
to get rid of Him. Is there any lack of clarity of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: False Prophet, still pretending to speak in
here as to who has declined responsibility for ye also have suffered like things of your the name of Jesus Christ, but doing only
and who has accepted responsibility? (It is own the will of the 8th Beast, which is the
this clear admission of rabbinical guilt that countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Zionist-inspired New World Order. John
Mel Gibson was forced to delete from the Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their Paul II has become a leading spokesman
script of his Movie, “The Passion of the own prophets, and have persecuted us; for globalism?s religious side venture: ecu-
Christ,” due to Zionist pressure.) and they please not God, and are con- menism. The modern ecumenical move-
Since the Sanhedrin, the early high trary to all men: Forbidding us to speak ment has grown out of the World Council
council of the rabbis of Judaism, would to the Gentiles that they might be saved, of Churches, an organization which has
not accept Jesus Christ as their King, they to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is been financed by the pro-Zionist Rock-
insisted that He be crucified. The Jews in- come upon them to the uttermost.” I Thes. efellers from its inception. The essence
sist that it was Rome that crucified Christ, 2:14-16. of modern ecumenism is watered-down
but the Bible says otherwise. Rome had a Now, notice very carefully the distinc- Christianity and capitulation to Zionist
long-standing policy of allowing local eth- tions which Paul makes when talking about demands.
nic groups the right of practicing their own gentiles, Jews, and Christians. First of all, The land on which the United Na-
religion as long as they paid tribute and the word “gentiles” means nations. Paul tions structures sit was donated by the
were relatively submissive. Pilate did not clearly distinguishes the followers of Rockefeller family. What interest does
have the power to overrule this policy so Jesus Christ from the nations in which they this wealthy banking family have in do-
he gave in to the chief priests and elders. lived. From this it is clear that a Christian ing this? A video propaganda piece by
More recently, the Jewish leadership is not a gentile. Although the term “Chris- the Rockefellers claims that the land was
has constantly pestered Rome to issue tian” was first used by the followers of worth virtually nothing at the time it was
decrees absolving them of the guilt of the Jesus at Antioch in western Asia Minor, donated to the United Nations! If you be-
Crucifixion; but who is the Pope to dis- they considered themselves full-blooded lieve that, I?ve a bridge over the desert to
agree with what the Bible says? _Is he not Israelites. Paul also distinguishes the Jews sell you. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds
also anti-Christ who betrays his King_? In from both gentiles and Christians. have been meddling in war and politics
our present era, what the Beast wants, the So, for the sake of clarity, we have for generations. Their war profiteering is
Beast gets. Ever since the Second Vatican three distinct groups of people: gentiles, a matter of public record, and so is their
Council, the Jews have been pressuring Christians, and Jews. The gentiles are meddling in the affairs of governments, al-
the Popes to renounce Jesus Christ?s simply those nations which have not yet though very few mass media outlets bother
denunciations of the Jews as contained in accepted Jesus Christ. The Christians are to inform us of this record. Instead, we
the Gospels. In this regard they hope to the followers of Jesus Christ. The Jews are are daily inundated with the praises of the
rewrite the Gospels so that their guilt is those who reject Jesus Christ. It has been United Nations and the economic benefits
not so obvious. this way since the crucifixion. of globalism.
Of course, this is all done behind the In the vain hope of avoiding the wrath And who are the people who run the
scenes. “Evil always works in darkness of our God, Yahweh, the Jews wish to United Nations? The merchants of inter-
until it becomes emboldened by the pre- be absolved of their guilt by the “Holy national commerce, just as the Book of
sumption of victory --and is documented Father” so that they can continue to ap- Revelation says! The United Nations is
in a book entitled, *The Hidden Pope*, by pear blameless. After Pontius Pilate asked nothing more than a quasi-governmental
Darcy O’Brien. Although Paul VI is said the multitude whom he should release institution and by this is meant simply
to have resisted Jewish-inspired changes -- Jesus or Barabbas -- Pilate expected that, although many of its representatives
in Catholic doctrine, both John XXIII the multitude to release Jesus because he are appointed by governments, the fact
and John Paul II have done nothing but himself had found no fault in Him. “But is that not a single voting member of the
capitulate to Jewish demands, including the chief priests and elders persuaded the United Nations has been elected to that
the removal of Jewish blame for the death multitude that they should ask Barabbas office. They are all appointees. So much
of Christ in the annual Oberammergau and destroy Jesus.” ? Matt. 27:20. Now, for the United Nations being a democratic

April 2008 575-423-3250 27

Free American Newsmagazine
institution. Who appoints them and who they would have lost several fortunes, not on his part sufficed to bear or bull an issue.
approves them? The answer is obvious: to mention all of Consols fell. Nathan leaned and
the merchants of international finance and the influence they had accumulated through leaned, and sold and sold. Consols dropped
international commerce. Anyone who as- their banking and mercantile activities. But still more.
sumes that the United Nations was created the complete story of the Battle of Waterloo “Rothschild knows” the whisper
for the good of humanity rather than the is rarely told. The fact is that Napoleon rippled through the Change. “Waterloo is
profit of merchants is not paying atten- had fought Wellington to a stand-off. It lost.”
tion. wasn’t until the Prussian reinforcements “Nathan kept on selling, his round face
THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD arrived that Napoleon’s fate was sealed. It motionless and stern, his pudgy fingers
In 1815, the very year in which Napo- was the charge of the German cavalry that depressing the market by tens of thousands
leon Bonaparte was defeated at Waterloo by carried the day! of pounds with each sell signal. Consols
a British army financed by the Rothschild As a result of Wellington?s Victory, the dived. Consols plummeted until, a split
banking family, the very first attempt was Rothschild family made the first of many second before it was too late, Nathan sud-
made to create a One World Government. huge killings in the British stock market denly bought a giant parcel for a song.
It was called the Congress of Vienna. The by spreading the rumor the Wellington Moments afterwards the great news broke,
Congress was conceived by the Emperor had been defeated at Waterloo. According to send consols soaring.”
of Austria, but the Rothschilds and other to popular reports, Nathan Rothschild had (Talk about insider trading, not to
Zionist banking families of Europe co- already learned by carrier-pigeon message mention greed and chutzpah! There’s
opted the Congress and turned it to their that Wellington had won. According to the no telling how many investors and their
own ends, with nightly receptions for the book “The Rothschilds, a Family Portrait”, families were ruined by this Rothschild
delegates held in the homes of prominent by Frederic Morton, here is what actually stratagem.)
Jewish bankers and merchants. These ends happened: After Wellington?s Rothschild-financed
were for the long-range goal of “For thirty hours the fate of Europe army defeated Naploeon at Waterloo, Na-
overcoming nationhood and establishing a hung veiled in cannon smoke. On June 19, than Rotshchild had demonstrated his eco-
One World Government. The Emperor of 1815, late in the afternoon a Rothschild nomic might by nearly bankrupting Great
Austria wanted to unite Europe in order agent named Rothworth jumped into a Britain so that he could make a huge killing
to prevent another Napoleon from coming boat at Ostend. In his hand he held a Dutch in the stock market, thus further profiting
to power; but the Rothschilds had bigger gazette still damp from the printer. By the from the war. The Rothschild Money Pow-
motives. dawn light of June 20 Nathan Rothschild er has secretly and relentlessly conspired to
The Rothschilds had become unimagin- stood at Folkstone harbor and let his eye rule over the nations ever since, setting up
ably rich “billionaires” during the Napole- fly over the lead paragraphs. A moment privately-owned central banks that dictate
onic Wars because they had lent money to later he was on his way to London (beating economic terms to these same nations,
all of Napoleon’s enemies. In fact, Nathan Wellington?s envoy by many hours) to tell although this is a secret only to the public.
Rothschild privately organized the financ- the government that Napoleon had been America’s Federal Reserve System is just
ing for Wellington?s army while he was crushed. Then he proceeded to the stock such a privately-owned bank, operated for
fighting against Napoleon in Spain for two exchange. the profit of the bankers, not the good of the
years before the battle of Waterloo. At that (NOTE: By this time, the Rothschilds nation. The Rothschilds and other interna-
time, the British government was reluctant had central banks located in Frankfurt, tional banking families have always been
to fund Wellington because they were still London, Vienna, Naples, and even in Paris, the inspiration for all subsequent attempts
reeling from a second military defeat at the with each of Meyer Amschel Rothschild?s to create a One-World-Government.
hands of the United States on the other side five sons in charge of a branch. Because The sycophants in the kept press and
of the Atlantic during the War of 1812. At of all these spread-out locations, the Roth- the court politicians know what is going on,
the same time, Napoleon had lost his navy schilds had developed a system of secret but few have the courage to challenge the
at the Battle of Trafalgar, so the consensus couriers who could deliver messages more Money Power. Two who did were Abraham
in the government was that Napoleon could quickly than even the military messengers Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both were
never strike across the English Channel of Europe?s various armies. Napoleon assassinated because they tried to free
to harm Britain. Unless things changed had standing orders that these messengers America from the economic clutches of
dramatically, Napoleon Bonaparte was should be detained wherever they might the international bankers. Lincoln defied
the mainland’s problem. In addition, Great be suspected. Having received news from them when he printed the greenbacks
Britain was selling goods to both sides in one of his own couriers of Wellington?s (thus by-passing private bank notes). And
the struggle, so she was victory, Nathan Rothschild went and told JFK tried to defy them when he issued
profiting handsomely from the war and had certain members of the government the $4,000,000,000 in gold-backed US Notes
no incentive to stop it or to commit herself truth, but what he did at the stock exchange in competition with the Rockefeller-Roth-
militarily. The more the continental pow- was a different matter. Read on.) schild monopoly of Federal Reserve Notes.
ers battled each other, the stronger Britain “Another man would have sunk his If you want to know who assassinated
would become. worth into consols [British securities, E.J.]. President Kennedy, this is the trail that
But the Rothschilds saw that But this was Nathan Rothschild. He leaned should be followed. Lee Harvey Oswald’s
Wellington?s army was their trump card in against “his” pillar. He did not invest. He widow said as much. As Meyer Amschel
saving their European economic and politi- sold. He dumped consols. “His name was Rothschild put it so bluntly: “Give me the
cal investments. Had Napoleon prevailed, already such that a single substantial move power to issue a nation?s currency and I

28 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
care not who makes its laws.” Few people seem to realize that the Is- pretense of descent from King David must
The International Money Power is raeli State was created by a UN resolution be exposed now because it is the principal
much more nefarious than all of organized in 1948. If the UN is owned and operated deception by which the State of Israel ex-
crime put together. That is why those who by Zionist and pro-Zionist individuals, ists. The global tyranny of Zionism is based
understand their operations call them how can you ever expect a serious vote on the myth of Jewish descent through
“banksters.” These banksters play dice to take place against the crimes of the King David. This, and other Jewish lies,
with nations and their economies, and the State of Israel, a country which has more must be exposed for what they truly are:
United Nations Organization is their pet weapons of mass destruction than all of deception on a grand scale.
project which will put us all under their the Arab states put together. Our military
fist. The international bankers are the true action against the nation of Iraq is sheer THE FOUR PILLARS OF
power behind the United Nations. hypocrisy because Iraq was in violation of CHRISTIAN IDENTITY
As the Money Power proceeds with its only seventeen U.N. resolutions. Israel, as
plans for the New World Order, the United of 2002, was in violation of at least 60 UN For those who have never heard of the
Nations is making plans to take over the resolutions and nobody was pressuring our Christian Identity Movement, let this be an
world?s various armies, so that no nation President to open Israeli nuclear plants for introduction.
can resist the will of the U.N. “...and they our inspection. International Zionism and the religion
worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like There is also a widespread deception of Judaism have been at war with the Chris-
unto the beast? Who is able to make war concerning the UN’s mission as a peace- tian Identity Movement in America for
with him?” ? Rev. 13:4. Saddam Hussein keeper. The Korean War was a UN opera- about fifty years. Its foremost exponents
of Iraq found out the hard way. Osama Bin tion. Although led primarily by American are preachers such as Pastor Sheldon Emry,
Laden has also learned about the power of forces, the Gulf War was a UN operation. Pastor Robert Miles, Dr. Wesley Swift,
this Beast. If Osama Bin Laden did indeed The Bosnian Wars were a UN operation. Bertrand Comparet, and Nord Davis. These
attack America on September 11, 2001. There have been literally hundreds of UN Christians have tried very hard to reveal the
something which was never even remotely operations in Africa, most of which get truth about True Israel and False Israel. In
proven by the Bush administration, it was little or no publicity; and former Presi- short, False Israel is the Jewish religion.
because America is in the clutches of the dent Clinton was doing his utmost to turn True Israel is Anglo-Saxon Christendom.
Zionist Eighth Beast. America’s armed forces over to the UN. Fundamentalist Christianity is error
When Pat Buchanan said that “Wash- And now look what they are trying to do: when it teaches that the Jews are the “cho-
ington D.C. is Israeli-occupied territory,” create a standing UN army! The United sen people.” These ministers are simply
he spoke of the profound power of Zionist Nations is in the process of taking full echoing the ages-old propaganda of the
money and all of the lobbying organiza- military, economic, and religious control rabbis of Judaism, who are the spiritual
tions which Zionism owns or controls. of the world. Who, indeed, can make war and intellectual inheritors of the religion of
Among these are the World Jewish Con- against this beast? the scribes and Pharisees. The Bible tells
gress, the American Jewish Congress, Americans paid scant attention as a us: “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees,
the Anti-Defamation League. There are lone soldier, by the name of Michael New, which is hypocrisy.”
literally hundreds of such Zionist front refused to don the United Nations blue hel- The four pillars of Christian Identity
organizations all of which engage in the met, the same shade of blue which adorned are these indisputable facts:
lobbying of America’s congressmen in the shingle hanging above the doorway A. Jesus was not a Jew.
order to exact ever more “aid” to Israel, a of the first Rothschild family bank in B. The Jews are not Israelites.
country which would not even exist were Frankfurt, Germany. The six-pointed C. Judaism is not the religion of the Old
it not for America?s $6 billion per year Star of Rothschild is today the symbol of Testament.
in aid. Americans seem to forget that the terrorist State of Israel. There is no D. The Anglo-Saxons, Celts, and related
Israel is not a democracy, but a theocracy, a such thing as a “Star of David.” The star peoples are True Israel
marriage of State with Religion. This form was always associated with David’s son
of government is antithetical to the U.S. Solomon. It was Solomon who eventually Let’s take these four propositions one
Constitution which says that government fell into idolatry through his non-Israelite at a time.
should have no influence on religion. But concubines and adopted the pagan symbol
Israel is just such a government. Why are of the six-pointed star. The Freemasons and A: JESUS WAS NOT A JEW
we supporting a theocratic state, especially other secret societies trace their traditions The word “Jew” has three possible defi-
an anti-Christian one? back to Solomon, not David. Before the nitions: 1.) one who practices the religion
The ADL is especially insidious be- creation of Zionism and the Israeli State, of Judaism; 2.) one who belongs to the
cause it engages in the suppression of free it was known as the Seal of Solomon. It is ethnic community of the Jews whether or
speech and quickly labels anyone as “anti- most correctly referred to as the “Star of not he or she actually practices the religion;
Semitic” who dares to question the wisdom Rothschild” because it was the Rothschilds and 3.) a Judahite.
of Zionism. The ADL also illegally spies who adopted it for the symbol of Zion- Jesus was definitely not a Jew in the
on American citizens and our government ism. first sense. If you read the four Gospels,
has yet to discipline the ADL for this The reason why the Zionists chose to you will find that there is an intense and
practice even though numerous lawsuits call it the Star of David is to perpetuate the bitter rivalry between Jesus and the scribes
have been filed against the ADL for this myth that the Jews are the descendants of and Pharisees. There is not a page of the
practice. King David. This is not true. The Zionist four Gospels which does not deal with this

April 2008 575-423-3250 29

Free American Newsmagazine
the significance of this rivalry. It is based One of the main themes of the Bible,
on this fact: Jesus repeatedly accuses the B: THE ISRAELIS ARE NOT ISRA- especially the Old Testament, is the theme
scribes and Pharisees of pretending to prac- ELITES of pure-blooded descent from Adam down
tice the Law of Moses while in fact they The second option, namely that Jesus to the Messiah. Indeed, the main purpose
practice a religion of their own making. He is a Jew by descent, is also a lie. Matthew, of the circumcision of the foreskin was to
refers to this religion, variously, as “the tra- Chapter 1 begins with these facts: “The distinguish
dition of the elders,” “the commandments book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Israelites from other peoples. This kept
of men,” “the leaven of the Pharisees,” and son of David, the son of Abraham.” These Israel distinct from the surrounding pagan
“the synagogue of Satan.” This religion is are the famous “begats,” the 42 generations populations. Had this bloodline not been
today known as “Judaism.” from Abraham to Jesus Christ. Obviously, kept pure, Jesus Christ would never have
Dear Christian, READ THE GOS- Matthew thought that the genealogy of Je- been born.
PELS! Don’t let your Pharisaic pastor tell sus Christ was important enough to begin From its origins, through the Greek oc-
you what it says. Read it for yourself and his Gospel with. (See also Mark, Chapter cupation of Palestine, and into the Roman
understand the truth that Jesus was not a 3 for the 77 generations from God to Jesus occupation, the nation of Judea (which was
Jew. In essence, Jesus accuses the Phari- Christ.) Indeed, Jesus had to be of Abraham located in southern Palestine) was known
sees of using religion as a brainwashing and David in order to fulfill the prophecy simply as Judah. The inhabitants were
tool for their own aggrandizement. They that the Messiah would come from that known as “Judahites,” not as “Jews.” These
make a great pretense of piety when, in generation (line of descent). Jesus was a Judahites were pure-blooded descendants
reality, they are hypocrites who exploit pure-blooded descendant of King David, of the Tribe of Judah. But the nation of
their flock for the purpose of keeping their of the Tribe of Judah, through both of his Judah also included a large number of
priesthood in power. The reason that Jesus parents, Joseph and Mary. The fact is that Benjamites and some Levites, both Isra-
overturned the money tables in the temple this is something that no Jew is capable of elite tribes. These were lumped together
is because these Jews were gaining person- demonstrating. and named by God Himself as the “House
al profit via exploitation of their position of The obvious similarity between the of Judah.” These people practiced the Law
trust as priests and lawyers. To these two words “Judahite” and “Judean” and the of Moses and they were descendants of Ja-
monopolies they added moneylending and now routine identification, in the public cob, whose name was changed to “Israel”
moneychanging as part of their repertoire mind, of the two in the word “Jew” are after Jacob battled against an angel and
of control and deceit. In those days, a rabbi the factors contributing to the false belief overcame the angel.
was the consummate lawyer/priest/banker. that Jews are Israelites (of the Tribe of Ju- Around 150 B.C., King John Hyrcanus
And they still hate Jesus for exposing their dahites). The rabbis exploit this confusion (Hyrcanus II) of Judah made a pact with the
con game and spoiling their racket. knowing full well that their true identity non-Israelite nation of Idumea which was
“Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and is half Idumean and only half Judahite; just south of Judah. These two nations were
to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and but this half-breed status automatically enemies throughout most of their history
Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore disqualifies them from the line of descent. but Hyrcanus II thought he could win their
whatsoever they bid you observe, that The reason for this is that God repeatedly loyalty by accepting them into the fold of
observe and do; but do not ye after their forbids the Israelites from intermarrying Judah as long as the males submitted to
works: for they say and do not. For they with the surrounding tribes, including the circumcision. A treaty was concluded and
bind heavy burdens and grievous to be Edomites, Canaanites, and other tribes. many Idumeans suddenly became “Juda-
borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; But the Jews have always practiced racial hites” by agreement. But this agreement
but they themselves will not move one of intermarriage throughout their history; was contrary to God’s Law of separation of
their fingers. But all their works they do for therefore, only one conclusion is possible: His people from the surrounding pagans. It
to be seen of men: they make broad their Jesus was neither a Jew by religion, nor is this event which began the influx of non-
phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of was he a Jew by descent. By virtue of Israelite blood into the priesthood and into
their garments, And love the uppermost having married into the Tribe of Judah, the population in and around Jerusalem.
rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the the Idumean Jews claim to _be_ the Tribe The combined state of Judah and
synagogues, And greetings in the markets, of Judah, but this is history’s oldest and Idumea eventually became known as
and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But biggest lie. Of course, they still teach this Judea. From this point on, historians
be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your lie today; and the Christian world has been called this nation Judea and the people
master, even Christ...” ; Matt. 23: 1-7. thoroughly deceived by this beast. were called Jews. But a huge mistake has
In virtually every chapter of the four “For there are many and vain talkers been made by historians who pre-label the
Gospels, Jesus is at odds with the scribes and deceivers, specially they of the circum- Hebrews and Israelites calling them “Jews”
and Pharisees and condemns them as cision: Whose mouths must be stopped, when, in fact, they NEVER referred to
hypocrites and agents of the devil. Their who subvert whole houses, teaching things themselves as such. Nowhere in Scrip-
religion, He tells the multitude, is an they ought not for filthy lucre’s sake...Not ture is Abraham, Moses, Isaac or Jacob
abomination. It is full of lies, deceit and giving heed to Jewish fables, and com- referred to as a “Jew.” This designation
trickery. mandments of men, that turn from the is retroactively applied to these patriarchs
Of this fact we can be sure: Jesus was truth. Unto the pure all things are pure; but by confused historians and deliberately
not a Jew by religion. unto them that are defiled and unbelieving misapplied by the rabbis for their own,
Nor was He a Jew by ethnicity. He was is nothing pure; but even their mind and devious purposes. This would be like re-
a Judahite. There is a difference. conscience is defiled.” ;Titus 1:10-16. ferring to citizens of our original thirteen

30 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
colonies as “Indians.” The application is they invented the religion called Judaism. tance. Now, suppose that at the reading of
erroneous, confusing, and deleterious to The other surviving tribes of Canaanites the Will, the illegitimate son of a liaison
a true understanding of history. Up until and Edomites of the Middle East and Asia between your father and a mistress pre-
150 B.C., the Hebrews and Israelites were Minor probably intermarried with the sented himself and claimed to be the true
divided into Two Houses: the House of Arabs and most of them would today be heir; and, further, he demanded the he was
Judah (the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, Muslims. the only heir. To make things even more
plus some Levites) and the House of Israel The other, far larger group of Jews interesting, let’s suppose that the true son
(the Ten “Lost” Tribes). today are the Ashkenazim. The Ashkenzim and true heir was missing and could not be
It was during this time, from about are those Jews who descended from the found. Well, pertinent to our story, the true
150 B.C. to 70 A.D, that the sect of the nation of the Khazars, an entirely non- heir is still alive and well, but the pretender
Pharisees contended with the Sadducees Semitic people. The Khazars trace their has done all he possibly could to keep him
and the Essenes for the hearts and minds lineage back to Japheth, one of Shem’s from attending the proceedings. The true
of the people of Judea. But the Tribe of two brothers. The Ashkenazim today heir is suffering from an advanced case of
Benjamin was located north of Jerusalem; make up about 90% of the world?s Jewish amnesia and is not aware that the Will is
and the Benjamites did not associate with population. They do not have a single drop being contested. As you will shortly begin
the Idumeans as did the Judahites. It is a of Semitic blood in them. In light of this to understand, this is the remarkable story
very important fact that all of the Apostles fact, it is ironic that they call their enemies of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
were Benjamites, except one, Judas. Judas “anti-Semites.”
Iscariot (Ish-Kerioth) was a mixed-blood In the 8th Century A.D., the Khazar C: JUDAISM IS NOT THE RELI-
Jew from the village of Kerioth near the nation was converted to the religion of GION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT
border of Idumea. The Benjamites were Judaism by their king, Joseph; and Joseph “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees,
pure-blooded Israelites who, unlike the himself claimed descent from Japheth, not which is hypocrisy.” ;Luke 12: 1.
scribes and Pharisees, maintained the Shem. (This story is told in great detail by When the Jews claim that they invented
religion of the Old Testament which Jesus the Jewish author, Arthur Koestler, in his monotheism, they lie. The fact is that Juda-
refers to as “the law and the prophets” book, *The Thirteenth Tribe*. This book ism is a distortion of the Old Testament, not
(Matt. 22:40). is available at most bookstores.) a continuation of it. Biblical Christianity is
The scribes and Pharisees pretended It is from this group of Ashkenazim that the true continuation of the Mosaic Law.
to follow the Law but in reality rejected Zionism originated. The Sephardic rab- With regard to the Law of Moses, Jesus
the Law and the prophets in favor of their bis originally resisted Zionism, but since said “I am come not to destroy, but to
own tradition. It is this tradition which is Zionism was backed by the wealth of the fulfill” (Matt. 5:17). Jesus, as the Messiah,
known even today as Judaism. Because the Rothschild family and other Khazar bank- was the fulfillment of numerous old Testa-
Idumean members of the priesthood had ing families, the Warburgs and Schiffs, for ment prophecies, so there is no doubt that
long had an association with the Edomite- example, the Zionists were able to buy He was the Messiah. But the Jews were ex-
Canaanite priesthood of Babylon, they off any resistance to their diabolical plan pecting another David, a warrior-king who
began incorporating these pagan teachings of pretending to be Israel, which is what destroy their enemies by the sword. This
into their tradition. This oral tradition they Zionism is. By pretending to be Israel, the warrior-king would be expected to throw
referred to as the Mischnah. When this Zionists hope to steal back the inheritance his support behind the existing priesthood;
oral tradition was written down, it became which Esau sold to Jacob for a mess of but this priesthood, by Christ’s time, was
known as the Babylonian Talmud, because pottage. And to the extent that the present totally corrupt. There was no way that
its origins lay in Babylon, not in Judah. world believes their charade, we have been Jesus was going to support these liars and
It was these Judeans and their modern- deceived by the Beast “which deceiveth the thieves.
day descendants and followers who are whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old
properly called “Jews.” It suits Zionist Jesus was not a Jew, either by religion Testament; and those who oppose him also
purposes to pretend that Jesus was one or race. He was a Judahite. Since there is oppose the Old Testament. It was the sect
of them because it immediately raises the no common ground whatsoever between a of the Essenes that held fast to the Mosaic
sympathy and loyalty level of gullible Judahite and a Jew, the word “Jew” should Law. The Pharisees denied it whenever
Christians who believe that the “Jews never be applied to a Judahite. A Judahite is their interest or profit might be adversely
are the chosen people.” The brainwashed one who practices the Law of Moses (and, affected by it. (For proof of this, just read
masses of Fundamentalist Christianity by extension, Christianity, because Jesus the Gospels. If your pastor has not ex-
must never find out the truth or the Israeli Christ was the fulfillment of the Law) and plained this aspect of the New Testament to
State is doomed. also one who is a pure-blooded descendant you, then your pastor is either ignorant or
Thus far, we have described the Sep- of the House of Judah. The Bible is explicit insincere about this most important theme
hardic branch of Jewry. The Sephardim about this matter. It is only Jewish pretense of the New Testament.)
are those Jews who descended from Cain which has clouded this issue. “And he said unto them, Full well ye
(who slew Abel) and Esau (who tried to kill If this matter of descent and inheritance reject the commandment of God, that ye
Jacob). The descendants of Cain are known is not clear to you, then consider this ex- may keep your own tradition...Making
as Canaanites and the descendants of Esau ample: the word of none effect through your tra-
are known as Edomites. The Edomites of Suppose, that you wrote in your Will dition, which ye have delivered...” : Mark
Idumea and their descendants constitute that only the direct descendants of you 7:11-13.
the largest group of the Sephardim because and your wife were to receive your inheri- The Pharisees had developed their own

April 2008 575-423-3250 31

Free American Newsmagazine

All 50 states and the District of Columbia

offer some form of financial incentives
to help you “save green” when you “go
green.” As of January 1, 2004, California
provides a $3.20 per Watt rebate and a
7.5% tax credit on residential systems.
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the system’s total purchase price. In other
states, the incentives can be even more gen-
erous. New Jersey currently offers rebates
of $5.50 per Watt, resulting in net savings
of as much as 70%. For specific up-to-date
information on federal, state, and local in-
centives available in your area, consult the
Database of State Incentives for Renewable
Energy, funded by the U.S. Department of
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Spins Backwards with Net Metering. Net
metering programs in 38 states and the
District of Columbia help increase your
savings. With net metering, your electric
meter tracks your net power use, spinning
forwards when you use electricity from the
Liberty Villages are still in the planning and development utility, and backwards when your system
generates more electricity than you need.
stages. Our goal is to provide temporary and permanent Your local utility or can
housing that is smaller, affordable, energy efficient with a give specific details of the net metering
healthy life style and environmentally safe community that program in your area.
is rural, where residents and guests are self sufficient. By buying these smaller ATHENS
Where residents and tourists are treated to the beauty of structures, a family would save themselves
nature, and can experience the benefits of the self sufficient hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest
family farm or ranch, eat fresh laid eggs for breakfast and alone over the next thirty years.
buy their hormone-free food, antibotic free range fed beef in The villages would grow the food and
the restaurant and buy their staples at cost plus 10% in the harvest the beef from participating ranches,
Village Cooperative Store. Where they can run their home supply the residents and serve the food in
based businesses without having to commute and pay high the Liberty Village Restaurants, which
gas prices and live in a crime free community, home school would double as meeting rooms/Lecture
Halls. Permanent Residents would contrib-
their children, and grow a large percentage of their food in ute labor and talent, selling their goods or
the nearby community garden. Joining forces with innova- creations through the Liberty Village ads
tive builders, using more efficient building materials, and in the Free American or through the other
companies like Athens has created structures that are either Liberty gift shops around the country.
considerably more cost effective than residential homes
and some may even be moved to another Village. Now let
us show you how you can cut the strings to the local power
company and even collect from them by generating your CALL THE FREE
own power. These units may be used in town or rural set- AMERICAN
tings. The Free American highly reccomends breaking the
chains the energy companies have put upon us. CRD
32 April 2008
Free American Newsmagazine


The concept for Liberty Village is to lease or rent
small cabins on rural parcels of land where we will rent
them out to tourists, truckers, travelers and hunters. We
will use existing, older farms and ranches, invigorat-
ing them by turning a portion of the land into a type of
rural motel/resort replicating an old western mining or
frontier town using Cavco Industries modern, mobile,
movable homes slightly larger than standard RVs. We
will start here in the old mining town of Bingham and
gradually expand around the country. By locating these
Villages on main secondary highways, we will be able
to provide a show room for the affordable cabin homes
and provide over night accommodations to entice
travelers to put one or more of the cabins on their land,
or to move in to become a permanent resident of the
replicated villages.

Each Liberty Village will be unique, a tourist attrac-

tion reflecting the history of the area with a restaurant
and a gift shop/educational center, with books, films
and American made crafts, to inform people of the
heritage of America and the significance of our form of
government with its emphasis on Freedom, Liberty and
individual rights.

Each Liberty Village will be located in a rural set-

ting, a minimum of thirty miles from the nearest town.
They will begin on old, small ranches and farms in sce-
nic parts of the inland America, and will accommodate
travelers, tourists and hunters.

Each village will consist of a minimum of

fifteen structures, expandable to the limits set by acre-
age. Maybe a half dozen of the larger structures will be
occupied by permanent residents. A small grounds fee
would go to cover the costs of the land. Spaces would
be available to RVs and each “Village” would have a
restaurant and coffee shop.

A bunkhouse would house homeless Veterans and

other economically distressed individuals and families.
The villages, with their mixture of animals, young cou-
ples with children, their affordability, and emphasis on
community, will prove attractive to older folks looking
for a homey atmosphere to retire to. By using ranches
and existing farms we preserve the knowledge of how to
produce and care for the food supply. We would take a
giant step forward to restoring the basis of all successful
civilizations, which author Richard Kelly Hoskins calls,
“The Self-Sufficient Family Farm”

April 2008 575-423-3250 33

Free American Newsmagazine
version of the Mosaic Law which was a disagree, the Talmud overrules the Old be the reason for their total lack of com-
compilation of their own opinions about Testament. And the only reason that the passion for the suffering of the Palestinian
the Law, not the Law itself. As explained rabbis can give for such n arrangement is people?
earlier, these rabbinical opinions were that it is their tradition. A full discussion of the diabolical
eventually written down and they are The Babylonian Talmud is the most teachings of the Babylonian Talmud is
known today as the Babylonian Talmud. chauvinistic document ever conceived by contained in Elizabeth Dilling?s *The Plot
The Babylonian Talmud is the essence mortals. It justifies Jewish contempt and Against Christianity*. The Jewish author,
of Judaism, and it is a pretended form of vengeance toward all non-Jews, espe- Benjamin Freedman, reveals the distasteful
Mosaism. Contrary to the daily barrage of cially towards Christians. Orthodox Jews character of
“Judeo-Christian” propaganda, Judaism are required by the Talmud to spit and the Talmud in his book, *Facts Are Facts*.
is NOT the religion of the Old Testament. curse whenever they walk by a Christian Martin Luther, since he was a student of
But don’t take my word for it. Let me quote church. Hebrew, was so repulsed by the Talmud
three Jewish experts on this subject: The Talmud approves of homosexuality that he wrote a book entitled *The Jews
“This is not an uncommon impression and incest. And it claims that the Jews, as and Their Lies*.
and one finds it sometimes among the the Chosen People, have the right to cheat Yet, barely one in a thousand Protestants
Jews as well as Christians ; that Judaism and fool the goyim whenever and wherever is aware that he ever wrote such a book.
is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of they can get away with it. Is it any wonder The various seminaries of Protestantism,
course, a fallacious impression...Judaism is why the Jews are despised wherever they after hundreds of years of accepting Jew-
not the religion of the Bible.” Rabbi Ben land? They are just practicing their religion ish money and Jewish suggestions, have
Zion Bokser, *Judaism and the Christian of exploitation, debauchery, and theft. relegated Martin Luther’s true opinions of
Predicament*. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, Here are some examples from their the Jews to the memory hole.
1967, p.59. “holy” book: Catholicism is in the same boat today.
“You will notice that a great differ- “When a grown up man has intercourse After two millennia of doing battle with
ence exists between the Jewish and the with a little girl it is nothing, for when the the Jews, the Catholic Church finally suc-
Christian religions. But these are not all. girl is less that this [footnote says 3 years cumbed to Jewish money and intrigue at
We Judians consider the two religions so old], it is as if one puts the finger in the Vatican II. Vatican II, besides being a sell-
different that one excludes the other...we eye.” Book of Kethuboth, 11a-11b. out to international communism, destroyed
emphasized that there is no such thing as “A woman who has intercourse with traditional Catholicism and instituted a
a Judeo-Christian religion...There is not a beast is elligible to marry a priest.” ;Ye- policy of capitulation to Jewish demands,
any similarity between the two concepts.” bamoth, 59b. [By “beast” here is meant a such as absolving the Jews of the murder
Rabbi Maggal, President, quoted in the Na- goy, not an animal.] of Christ.
tional Jewish Information Service, August “Mar said: Jesus seduced, corrupted Here is a brief comparison of Christi-
21, 1961 and destroyed Israel” ? Sanhedrin, 107b. anity versus Judaism. You be the judge of
“Judaism: The religious system, doc- “God created them in the form of men whether the two can be merged into one.
trines, and rites of the Jews. Judaism is, for the glory of Israel. But Akum [goyim]
specifically, the religion of a Jewish com- were created for the sole end of ministering Christianity Judaism
munity living among Gentile peoples and unto them [the Jews] day and night. Nor Forgiveness Vengeance (Just look at
is to be distinguished from the religion of can they ever be relieved from this service. the State of Israel today and compare their
ancient Israel.” ; *Standard Encyclopedia, It is becoming the son of a king [a Jew] that attitude of retaliation to the teachings of
Vol. 14*, “Judaism.” animals in their natural form and animals in Jesus Christ. They still believe in “an eye
Of course, the Zionists and their rabbis the form of human beings should minister for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”)
do not broadcast such statements to the unto them.” Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d).
world of the goyim (non-Jews). To do so (This statement should reveal to you the “Love thine enemy”/Kill thine enemy
would be to arouse suspicion of the “Judeo- true motivation behind Zionism.)
Christian” mythology being promoted by “The sexual intercourse of a Goi is Old and New Testaments/ Old Testament
the Zionists and the “Christian” Pharisees like that of a beast.” ? Sanhedrin (74b) plus the Talmud
on television, in print, and elsewhere. Tosephoth.
The Mosaic Law existed for centuries According to the Talmud, killing Chris- Spiritual Inclusiveness / Ethnic Exclusive-
before a single rabbi ever issued an opinion tians is acceptable (Sepher Or Israel, 177b; ness
about it; therefore, for a rabbi to say that the Ialkut Simoni, 245c; Abhodah Zarah,
Jews invented monotheism is tantamount 26b, T). Jews must hide their hatred when (Salvation for all through Christ) / (Salva-
to saying that blacks invented basketball. celebrating together with Christians ( Iore tion is of the Pharisees.)
They might play it better than whites, but Dea,
it was white people who invented it. Of 148, 12h). The captivity of the Jews will Usury forbidden / The foremost practitio-
course, no black person makes any such end when all Christian princes are dead ners of usury
claim. The Jewish claim has even less (Zohar II, 43a). Incest between a mother
legitimacy. and her son of less than nine years of age Homosexuality forbidden / Homosexual-
Of paramount importance is this fact is permitted (Sanhedrin, 69b). ity approved
about rabbinical, Talmudic Judaism: Wher- One can see that Orthodox Jews do not
ever the Talmud and the Old Testament consider the goyim to be human. Could this Incest forbidden / Incest acceptable

34 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
Jewish people would realize that they have deport them, to expel and burn them, to
Anti-Communist / Pro-Communist been manipulated by their own priesthood have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out
only for the benefit of the priesthood and from underneath the feet of the Diaspora
Teaches Truth / Teaches Deception the upper class of Jews, the wealthiest Jews, so that they will be forced to run to
bankers and merchants, whose predatory us crying...What your lot don’t understand
Doctrine Made Public / Doctrine Kept business practices are the legend of the is that the dirty work of Zionism is not
Secret (Until the last century, with the business world. Middle class and lower finished yet, far from it,” the Israeli daily
publication of translations of the Talmud, class Jews benefit by receiving special newspaper, *Davar*, Dec. 17, 1982.
only scholars who knew Hebrew could privileges exacted through local politicians Here we are twenty years later; and
peruse the contents of the Talmud.) and they receive table scraps from Jewish Sharon has kept his promise to keep doing
relief organizations; but this same class the dirty work of Zionsim. So, how is it
Honesty / Hypocrisy of Jews has historically borne the brunt possible for a barbarian like Ariel Sharon
of the reaction (pogroms and purges) to to be received by civilized politicians the
Humility / Public Displays of “Piety” the exploitative tactics of the rabbis and world over if these meetings are not ar-
(Such as “dovvening” at the Wailing Wall, the Zionist bankers. Lower and middle ranged by Zionist money? The Beast has
Chutzpah) class Jews are, therefore, the human shield the money; and money talks.
by which the Zionist bankers and rabbis And the Jewish people think that “lead-
Still think there is such a thing as protect themselves from the inevitable ers” like Ariel Sharon are acceptable? Can
Judeo-Christianity? Can God and Satan reaction to their gangsterism and intrigue. these programmed people realize their own
join together to form one religion? When the pogroms start, the bankers depart gullibility and madness? In vain do the
The four pillars of Christian Identity to safety or hide behind the walls of their false prophets of Christian Zionism predict
demonstrate what a serious dilemma the estates, protected by the police. (This is ex- the latter-day conversion of the Jews to
world is in today. This is the scenario in a actly what happened in France during the Christianity. Unless we start praying for
nutshell: French Revolution where the Rothschilds an end to the rule of this world by the 8th
A group of people who call themselves were protected from angry mobs by the Beast, then life on planet earth will only get
Jews falsely claim to be “Israel.” This is gendarmes.) worse. Realize now that the Israeli State,
the claim by which they have invaded The time has come for these manipu- far from being “the regathering of Israel,”
Palestine and attempted to steal that coun- lated Jews to decide whether all of this is in fact the abomination of desolation.
try away from its peaceful inhabitants violence and hype is worth it. The BIG LIE Has it not been desolation since 1948?
-- inhabitants who never harmed the Jews is the excuse that all fanatical Jews use to What good has occurred there in the last
in any way. Using the pretense of their murder innocent Palestinians and anyone fifty years? Only rape, murder and may-
“chosen people” propaganda, the Zionist else -- like the anti-Zionist American pro- hem. In a word: genocide.
International promotes the State of Israel testor, Rachel Corrie, who in 2003 was It’s time to wake up and face real-
as the main reason for Jewish existence deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli ity. Zionism is the spiritual product of
and justification. It is simultaneously the bulldozer, who gets in the way of the Zion- the Babylonian Talmud. It is the secular
only hope of a Jewish state while at the ist International. The only way to unravel realization of religious chauvinism. It is
same time the cause of much Jewish suf- this diabolical situation is to promote the organized crime hiding behind a religious
fering. The Jewish people are exploited by truth as fast as possible so that facade. Talmudism is the religion which
both their Zionist and rabbinical masters. the brainwashed masses of Jewish people the scribes and Pharisees instituted and
They are the “cannon fodder” which is can see the handwriting on the wall: the end developed in Judea by incorporating Baby-
necessary to promote both the mythology of this Zionist crime spree will be the Judg- lonian customs and teachings into Judaism.
and the politics of Zionism and Talmudic ment Day; and it is coming very soon. As the Idumeans weaseled their way into
Judaism. These brainwashed fanatics believe the priesthood, it became gradually more
By reason of the intense, cradle-to- that killing their perceived enemies is a and more corrupt. For this reason, Jesus
grave brainwashing endured by the Jewish rational, Jewish response to the problem Christ called the scribes and Pharisees
people, they sacrifice themselves ? some of Palestine. How else can you explain a “children of the devil.” In fact, he totally
knowingly, some unknowingly -- for the lone Jewish gunman going on a rampage disavowed them when He said to them:
self-aggrandizing schemes of the rabbis in a Mosque in Hebron (25 Feb, 1994), “Ye are not of my sheep...My sheep hear
and the Zionists. Both the rabbis and the killing twenty-nine Muslims and wound- my voice, and I know them, and they follow
Zionists know that the Jews are not Israel, ing many more? How else can you explain me.”, John 10:26,27.
but they cannot admit this publicly for their Ariel Sharon in 1982 (16 Sept.) standing The rabbis hate Jesus Christ because
world-wide criminal, mafia-style enterprise by while a group of “Christian” Phalang- He was the first person who exposed the
would be ruined by such an admission. It ists methodically massacre 2,000 unarmed reality of mind-control as practiced by a
would be like Al Capone telling Elliot Ness refugees? Sharon was censured by an corrupt priesthood, thus exposing their
how he runs his rackets. Israeli court for his responsibility for this false religion. If you are a Christian and
Both Judaism and Zionism would act but he was not punished for it. this message is a surprise to you, then I
collapse in a heartbeat if this truth were Later that year, an unrepentant Sharon urge you to ask your pastor why he has not
spread abroad. Public support for both had this to say: “Even today I am willing taught you this most important message of
“Israel” and Zionism would evaporate to volunteer to do the dirty work of Israel, the Gospels. Jesus said “Take heed that no
like a bead of water in a frying pan. The to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to man deceive you. For many shall come in

April 2008 575-423-3250 35

Free American Newsmagazine
my name, saying I am Christ; and shall Sheep of the House of Israel, because these You can read about these migrations
deceive many.” ? Matt. 24:4,5. Is your pas- lost sheep were not living in Palestine!!!! and settlements in books such *as The
tor one of these false teachers who equate Who were these people? They were the History of the Anglo-Saxons* by Sharon
the synagogue of Satan with the chosen dispersed of Israel. Turner and *The Story of Celto-Saxon
people? The shepherds of Christendom Starting around 745 B.C., deportations Israel* by W.H. Bennett. These books are
have abandoned their flocks to the wolves; of the ten northern tribes of Israel by the not available at your local Beast-sponsored
but Jesus is coming back to restore Truth King of Assyria sent them to the region in bookstore. You can only get them from
and Justice; and to judge the Pharisees, Media just south of the Caucasus Moun- Christian Identity sources. Now you know
both Christian and Jewish. tains. The book of II Esdras describes why the Zionists are so afraid of the Chris-
It has already been demonstrated herein this group of Israelites as becoming “an tian Identity Movement and the American
that the Jews of Judea were a mixed stock immense multitude.” From there, in order Patriotic Movement. We know the truth
of Judahites plus Idumeans who had ac- to escape from the Assyrians, the Israelites and they are frantically trying to shut us
cepted circumcision; and Herod was the made their way up through the Caucasus up. But we have news for them. They are
first king of this mixed stock to rule over and then westward into Europe and as well not going to shut us up.
Judea. But there is another side to this tale as straight west into Asia Minor. Every day the actions of the Zionists
of betrayal, pretense, and treachery. It is the North of the Caucasus Mountains, and world Jewry demonstrate what an
story of the House of Israel. their first settlements were in the Crimea abomination Zionism is. It is only their
and what is today southern Russia. From money which has kept their sycophants
D. THE ANGLO-SAXONS ARE there, they migrated in covered wagons quiet. When the economy collapses again,
TRUE ISRAEL up the Danube River (named by the Tribe they will run out of hush money, and true,
If the Jews are not His sheep, then who of Dan) and from there spread throughout biblical Christianity will defeat their em-
are is sheep? When Jesus instructed the Europe. In the Mediterranean area, these pire of lies.
twelve apostles as to where they should go same Israelites had already founded the
and to whom they should preach, He said, very cities which are mentioned in the writ- THE MARKS OF ISRAEL
“But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the ings of the Apostles: cities and places such For those who think that it is quite im-
House of Israel” (Matt. 10:6). After His as Thessalonia, Macedonia, Capernaum, possible for the Anglo-Saxons to be True
death, this is what they did, including Paul, Corinth, Colossia, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Israel, then here is the biblical proof. The
who traveled to Asia Minor, Italy, Spain, etc. Old Testament is full of prophecies regard-
and even Britain, preaching to the Lost

36 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
ing the future of the Tribes of Israel. The Zedekiah of Judah had his eyes put out They are now known by their new name:
covenants and promises to Abraham, Isaac, and was taken captive to Babylon. But the the Anglo-Saxons, or Caucasians.
and Jacob were made by God exclusively prophet Jeremiah escaped with the King’s
to them and their descendants; and the two daughters, Scota and Tea, first to Egypt Mark #3: Israel will have a new
fulfillment of prophecy is the proof as to and then to Ireland. The Irish legends tell covenant.
who is the real descendant. Will the real of how two fair maidens, who came from Yes, Jesus came to forgive our sins,
Israel please stand up? Egypt with Jeremiah, founded the royal but He also came to rid us of the old rites
Mark #1: The throne (dynasty) of King houses of Ireland and Scotland. Jeremiah of sacrifice which the rabbis held so dear.
David will never end. remained in Ireland until his death and Instead, a whole new idea of self-sacrifice
The word of God came to Nathan the there is still a statue commemorating was to be implemented, taking the place
prophet, who uttered these words to King him in Dublin Square. His tomb is also of the old.
David: “And when thy days be fulfilled, and in Ireland. This is just a small sample of “...behold, thy King cometh unto thee:
thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set Anglo-Saxon Israel’s forgotten heritage. he is just, and having salvation;lowly, and
up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed The Christian Identity Movement has riding on an ass, and upon a colt the foal of
out of thy bowels, and I will establish his researched this history and is making it an ass...and he shall speak peace unto the
kingdom. He shall build an house for my available to all who will listen. heathen: and his dominion shall be from
name, and I will stablish the throne of his Elizabeth II and all of the monarchs sea even to the sea, and from the river even
kingdom forever.”, of Europe are descended from this Royal unto the ends of the earth.”, Zechariah,
II Samuel 7:12,13. House. The various kings and queens of 9:9,10.
Jeremiah, Chapter 33, puts it even more Russia, Germany, Austria, France, Po- “For this is the covenant that I will
strongly: “For thus saith the Lord: David land, Sweden, etc. are all related to this make with the house of Israel after those
shall never want a man to sit upon the Royal House. Throughout history, the days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into
throne of the house of Israel...Thus saith various monarchs of Europe have made their mind, and write them in their hearts:
the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of pronouncements declaring their descent and I will be to them a God, and they shall
the day, and my covenant of the night, and from the House of David, yet this seems be to me a people.” ? Hebrews 8:10.
that there should not be day and night in to be a terrible secret. Why? Who owns the The New Covenant was made with
their season; Then may also my covenant publishing houses which keep these facts Israel by Jesus Christ at the first advent.
be broken with David my servant, that he from us? Although we have forgotten His Law, we
should not have a son to reign upon his Mark #2: The Israelites will forget their will relearn it and take it to heart. The Jews,
throne.” ? Jer. 33: 17, 20 heritage as the sons of Abraham, Isaac, on the other hand, through their adoption
Now, the Fundamentalists are re- and Jacob. As part of God?s judgment of of the Babylonian Talmud, have neither
nowned for saying that every word of the the Ten Lost Tribes, they were taken cap- the old nor the new covenants. They have
Bible is true. But there is a problem here. tive to Media. From there they escaped a totally separate tradition which is not of
God tells us that as long as there is day and northward and westward into Europe and God.
night, there will always be a descendant Asia Minor. The prophet, Hosea, tells us The New Covenant is called Christi-
of David sitting on a throne somewhere. that this punishment includes a period of anity, but real Christianity has yet to be
Well, we have day and night since the forgetfulness. written in our hearts. This will happen
crucifixion, haven’t we? So, if the Jews are And I will cause all her mirth to cease, when Jesus comes again to establish the
Israel, where is the King of the Jews? If the her feast days, her new moons, and her millennium of peace on earth.
fundamentalist understanding of the Bible sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts...For
is 100% correct, then where is the unending I will take away the names of Baalim out Mark #4: Israel will be a mighty, seago-
chain of Jewish monarchs? Indeed, of her mouth, and they shall no more be ing people. (Gen. 22:17; Num. 24:7;
the Jews did not even have a nation of their remembered by their name.” ? Hosea 2: Deut. 33:13,19; Psalms 89:25, Isa.
own between 70 A.D. and 1948! The last 11, 17. 60:5)
king of Judea was Agrippa II, the grandson Indeed, the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Brit- Have you ever heard of a Jewish navy
of Herod. When General Titus of the Ro- ish, Germanic peoples have forgotten their or even a Jewish sailor? The Anglo-Saxons
man Army destroyed Jerusalem, that ended Israelite feast days and traditions, as well have always had the world’s largest navies
the succession of kings of the Jews. as their original name, Israel. and fleets of vessels. America, Britain, Ger-
What? Does God lie to us? Now, the Jews, as false Israel, have many, Sweden, Holland, Poland, Russia:
No, He doesn’t. There is another link always claimed to be Israel. “...I know All of these Israelite nations are mighty,
to the future in the dynasty of King David. the blasphemy of them who say they are sea-going people.
The present Queen of England, Elizabeth Jews [Judahites], and are not, but are the
II, has in her possession a genealogical synagogue of Satan.” ; Rev. 2:9. Mark #5: Israel will be a multitudi-
chart which traces her ancestry back to Before John wrote the Apocalypse on nous seed whose population will be
King David. The Royal Family of Britain the Isle of Patmos, didn’t Jesus tell us that increased so that it would be difficult
has always been aware of this genealogy; the Pharisees and their followers are the to number. Israel will father many na-
but they do not publicize it for fear of of- “children of the devil?” That’s why he tions. Gen. 13:16; 17:14; 18:18; 22:17;
fending the Zionist Mafia. told the Apostles to instead go to the “Lost Hosea 1:10.
When the House of David was taken Sheep.” These Caucasians are no longer
captive to Babylon around 596 B.C., King remembered by their old name, Israel. The Anglo-Saxons today number in

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the hundreds of millions. The Jews, on “For with stammering lips and another (“Gentiles”) are nearly over. The 8th
the other hand, have always been an eth- tongue will I speak to this people.”;Isa. Beast of the Apocalypse has decreed that
nic minority. They have never even had 28:11. sovereign nations must be replaced by the
a nation to call their own until 1948; and “And these signs shall follow them New World Order. We patiently await the
even this nation cannot survive on its own, that believe; In my name shall they cast Second Coming of Jesus Christ to set the
without the tribute-derived blessings of the out devils; they shall speak with new world right again.
Anglo-Saxons. Here is even more proof tongues.;Mark 16:17.
that the Jews are not a blessing, because Although the Anglo-Saxons have many THE RESTORATION OF TRUE
our support of the Israeli state is creating new tongues (German, French, Spanish, ISRAEL
nothing but hatred for us from the rest of Russian, Polish, Greek), the main tongue of It is to these “lost sheep of the house of
the world. our people is English. It is English that has Israel” to whom the entire New Testament
eclipsed all of these other languages and is addressed. By the time of Christ these
Mark #6: “In Isaac shall thy seed be has become the universal language of the Israelites had spread all over Europe. All of
called.” ;Gen. 21:12. world. It is a fact that all of these languages Paul’s epistles are addressed to these lost
God told Abraham that his descendants maintain Hebrew root words which show sheep. James begins his wonderful little
would be named after his son, Isaac. In that they all have had some past association book with these words:’
early Hebrew, the accent fell on the second with Hebrew. It may surprise you to know “James, a servant of God and of the
syllable and was pronounced Ish-SHAK. that of all modern languages, the one most Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes scat-
The early Greek and Roman historians all like ancient Hebrew is tered abroad, greeting.” ? James 1:1.
tell us that the people they called Scythians, Welsh. It is no accident that Europe was so eas-
who are today known as the Anglo-Saxons, Since our argument is that the Anglo- ily converted to Christianity, for these
were originally known as the SAKA. They Saxons are descended from Hebrews and Israelites were His “sheep.”
probably never heard of Isaac, but, in He- Israelites, it only makes sense that one This is Biblical proof that the Israelites
brew, Beth-Sak means “House of Isaac.” of our ethnic tribes has retained much were already scattered abroad. These Is-
Can the Jews trace their heritage back to Hebrew; and this is the Welsh people. But raelites never practiced the religion called
Isaac? Are they named after him? “In Isaac Welsh is a minority language which only Judaism. As already demonstrated herein:
shall thy seed by called.” Saxons = Isaac’s goes to provide double proof that the An- Judaism was developed in Judea by a
Sons. The Jews never quote this verse of glo-Saxons are True Israel. First, we speak combination of Edomites and apostate Ju-
the Bible because they know they are not with new tongues, and, second, one of our dahites known as the scribes and Pharisees.
descended from Isaac, nor do they wish minority groups speaks better Hebrew than Jesus referred to them as the “synagogue
that the eyes of the Anglo-Saxon people the Jews. Yiddish is not Hebrew. Yiddish of Satan”. They took the Mosaic Law and
be opened to their true heritage. is primarily German with a lot of Khazar altered it to suit their needs. Judaism has
and Hebrew thrown in. Although the Jews always been an admixture of the Mosaic
Mark #7: “And in thy seed shall all have done more than we have in preserving Law and the Babylonian pagan tradition.
the earth be blessed; because thou hast Hebrew in their universities, it only goes to This even includes the Jewish calendar,
obeyed my voice.” ; Gen. 22:18 prove the prophecy that we would lose our which is BABYLONIAN in its origin,
Abraham’s seed is said to be a blessing original language and develop new ones. NOT Scriptural. The Jews never practiced
to the earth. The history of the Jews shows pure Mosaism; only the Israelites ever did
that wherever they have gone, they have Marks 9 through 999: The preceding are that. It is their tradition -- an evil admix-
been a curse. Through their practice of only a small sample of how the Bible ture of Babylonian and Mosaic teachings
usury (moneylending), they have impov- has been misconstrued, misunderstood, -- which Jesus condemned in the most
erished native populations wherever they and deliberately distorted. An honest, vehement way. In fact, the four Gospels
have settled. Through the practice of their straightforward reading of the prophecies have one overarching theme: the
chauvinistic religion, they have antago- of the Old and New Testaments proves continuous and relentless conflict between
nized neighbor after neighbor. Jokes are conclusively that the Jews are impostors Jesus and the rabbis plus Jesus’ scathing
made about them because of their greed pretending to be Israel and only Anglo- and overwhelming denunciation of their
and their exclusiveness, their smell and Saxon Christendom qualifies as the “seed traditions. This theme has been utterly
their lack of cleanliness. Does this sound of the promise.” suppressed by Churchianity. The Jews
like an ethnic group which is considered The Anglo-Saxon Caucasians are the were not scattered abroad until 70 A.D.,
to be a blessing wherever they go? “Lost Ten Tribes” of Israel. Consider them when Titus, the Roman general, destroyed
Neither have the Jews obeyed God’s to have been found. This is bad news for Herod’s temple; so Jesus, in 30 A.D.,
voice, because, as has been amply demon- the Zionists. could not possibly have been referring to
strated herein, they do not obey the Law of “For I would not, brethren, that ye the Jews as “the lost sheep of the house
God. Rather, they obey only the opinions of should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye of Israel.”
the rabbis, who by their corrupt tradition, should be wise in your own conceits; that The Jews, on the other hand, would not
please not God. blindness in part is happened to Israel, receive his message. After they repeatedly
until the fullness of the Gentiles be come rejected His explanations of the Law, He
Mark #8: Israel will have a new lan- in.” , Romans, 10:25. had no choice but to condemn them. Here
guage. Our blindness to our identity is be- is a sample from John, Chapter 8: “Ye nei-
ginning to lift. The times of the nations ther know me nor my Father...Ye are from

38 April 2008

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beneath; I am from shall die in and sold it for a mess of pottage. (The Jews heavy hand of Zionism has forced Jews to
your sins...I know that ye are Abraham’s also pretend to be Semites, but ongoing embrace its ideals or be expelled from the
seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my intermarriage with non-Semitic peoples club while the rabbis teach them to hate
word hath no place in you....If God were makes that claim laughable.) The Jewish the name of Jesus Christ; and the
your father, ye would love me: for I pro- leadership knows that they are Edomites. Zionist-conceived United Nations Organi-
ceeded forth and came from God...Ye are of This is just another one of their dirty little zation is the political propaganda vehicle
your father the devil, and the lusts of your secrets: “Edom is in Jewry.” ,Jewish En- by which millions are deceived. Zionism,
father ye will do. He was a murderer from cyclopedia, 1925, Volume 5, p. 41. It is the Israeli State and the UN (“the Unholy
the beginning...he is a liar and the father in their own literature, but have you ever Trinity”) are the current incarnation and
of it.” heard them admit this fact in rebirth of the old Babylonian Empire, just
These phrases describe only one group the company of the deceived Christians? as prophesied by John in the Apocalypse.
of people today: the murderous fanatics “But I have made Esau bare, I have un- These three forces together are the current
who rule the terrorist State of Israel, those covered his secret places, and he shall not 8th Beast, which will be “cast into the Lake
who say they are Judahites but are not, “but be able to hide himself: His seed is spoiled of fire”and which will “go into perdition”
do lie.” How can there be such a thing as [he is not a genetically pure Israelite], and (Rev. 17).
“Judeo-Christianity” when the Talmud and his brethren, and his neighbors, and he is Given this understanding, you should
the Bible are diametric opposites? not.” ? Jer. 49 10.) And it was Esau’s de- watch both the United Nations and the
The proof that these scribes and Phari- scendants, the Edomites, who, for several State of Israel very carefully, for both are
sees are not of Israel but of Esau/Edom is generations before the birth of Jesus Christ, part of the Great Deception which blinds
also contained in John, Chapter 8. When tried to take the birthright back by stealth, people of all faiths and no faith into be-
Jesus spoke these most famous words, “Ye first, by submitting to circumcision, and lieving that global government and global
shall know the truth, and the truth shall second, by infiltrating the Judahite priest- ecumenism are the answer to the world’s
make you free,” the Jews understood Him hood. By problems. They are quite the opposite.
not, for they replied, “We be Abraham’s this continued historical pretense, the Jews They are the fruit if the evil seed, the
seed, and were never in bondage to any still claim, falsely, to be Israelites! synagogue of Satan. Think about that the
man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made Point #2: Many leading Jewish au- next time the Israeli State launches another
free?” thorities admit that rabbinical Judaism terrorist attack upon those innocent
Point #1: All Israel was in bondage is a continuation of Pharisaism, which Palestinians and other innocent Arab states
to the Pharoah in Egypt. When the Jews has its origins in BABYLON. “Jewish who were just minding their own business
admit that they were never in bondage, life was regulated by the teachings of the and who did absolutely nothing to deserve
they are admitting that their ancestors Pharisees: the whole history of Judaism the fate which Zionism has dealt them.
were never in Egypt. Abraham had a son was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point How can so many people be so blind to
named Ishmael by Hagar; and the Arabs all of view...Pharisaism shaped the character such enormous evil? Is propaganda the
agree that they are descendants of Ishmael. and thought of the Jew for all the future.” only thing that people believe?
Abraham also had six sons by Keturah ;Dr. Josef Kastein, *History and Destiny The Zionists are counting on it.
(Gen. 25:1,2). These sons were given gifts of the Jews*, p. 69. “Pharisaism became
by Abraham and then sent away by him Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval SIGNS OF HOPE.
so that they would not interfere with the Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism There are indications that the Jewish
inheritance that was to be bestowed upon became Modern Rabbinism...throughout people of the State of Israel are growing
his son, Isaac. Sarah was Isaac’s mother; these changes in name...the spirit of the weary of their own behavior. A resistance
and it was through Isaac and Rebekah that ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered.” ; movement within the Israeli army has
the Israelite seedline was sown through Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, *The Pharisees, developed in which the members refuse to
Jacob. Since the Jews admitted that they the Sociological Background of Their harm civilians. The Israeli army, through-
were never in bondage, they were never in Faith*, p. 21. out its history, has indiscriminately and
Egypt; hence, they are not Israelites. They This is the deep, dark secret of Juda- summarily executed defenseless men,
can only be descended through Hagar or ism. It is the antagonist, the adversary of women and children; but, of course, these
Keturah. They are Abraham’s seed alright, Jesus Christ. The one thing that unites all defenseless people are “terrorists,” aren’t
but they were not Sarah’s or Rebekah’s, Jews is their denial of and hatred of Jesus they? We will see if this movement has any
so they could not be Israelites. All of the Christ. By claiming that “Jesus was a Jew,” effect on the orthodox
other tribes surrounding Israel were either the rabbis fool Christians into thinking that rabbis and their chauvinistic attitudes.
Canaanites, Arabs, or Edomites. In this there must be some commonality between American Jews are not all knee-jerk
way, Jesus had tricked them into admitting themselves and Jesus Christ; but this is a Zionists. Many of them see that something
that they are not Israelites, but Edomites ruse. is morally wrong in the callous attitude of
from Idumea! (This is also the reason why Jesus taught the Law of the Old Testament. Jewry toward Palestinians and other goyim
the Jews reckon Jewishness through the The Jews teach the Talmud. (non-Jews). An internet article by the Jew-
MOTHER and not through the FATHER, The TALMUD is the written codi- ess, Kim Chernin Tikkun, entitled “The
because their mothers were of the Cainites fication of Judaism’s precepts, most of Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial,” shows
and Edomites.) which are designed to make the rabbi that not all Jews have had their consciences
It was Jacob’s brother, Esau, who had and rabbinism the supreme lord over and erased by the rabbis. She argues that there
despised his birthright (Semitic heritage) mind controller of the Jewish people. The are seven intellectual obstacles in Jewish

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thinking which prevent Jews from sympa- techniques very well but she does not see of history.
thizing with the plight of these innocent what we outsiders can see; and she cannot This is a demonstration, oh children
Palestinians: understand what Jesus Christ understood: of Israel, that Yahweh God is expecting
that the rabbis have been using her for you to return to Him as you recognize His
1. A conviction that Jews are always in their own ends. They know that what power and authority. But you must stop
danger, always have been, and therefore they are teaching their own flock is false. rebelling against Him as the Jews do. The
are in danger now... They are only doing what they do best: Judgment Day and the Second Coming are
2. The insistence that a criticism is an at- lying, cheating, stealing, and flattering ? nigh upon us; and the parable of the wheat
tack and will lead to our destruction... in short, manipulating. For twenty-one and the tares describes the punishment of
3. The supposition that any negativity hundred years, they have perfected their the wicked. God is using history to separate
towards Jews (or Israel) is a sign of anti- manipulative skills, and they aren?t about the wheat from the tares. Which one are
Semitism and will (again, inevitably) lead to abandon them now, especially since the you?
to our destruction... world is ripening under their influence and
4. Survivor’s guilt... is getting ready to fall into the hands of GOD’S CURSE UPON ESAU AND
5. A hidden belief that we can change the their triple JERUSALEM
past... monstrosity: Zionism, the Israeli State and “And in that day will I make Jerusalem
6. An even more hidden belief that a suf- the UN, the 8th Beast of the Apocalypse. a burdensome stone for all people: all that
ficient amount of suffering confers the right The only obstacle they see is Islam; and burden themselves with it shall be cut in
to violence... to avoid being too obvious, they use, pieces, though all the people of the earth
7. The conviction that our beliefs, our ide- through Zionist bribery and influence, the be gathered together against it.” ;Zech.
ology (or theology), matter more than the American military to destroy the Islamic 12:3.
lives of other human beings.” - p. 2. nations one by one. The Muslim dominoes The expression, “in that day,” always
must fall! refers to some prophetic date. In this case,
Jews and goyim alike should read her we are being told about our own time, just
article. The address, if it still available, THE BIBLE’S PROPHETIC WARN- before the Day of Judgment. Jerusalem has
is ING indeed become a burdensome stone with
It is a revealing look at the workings of the Muslims and Jews contending for that
the Jewish mind. But even Ms. Tikkun is It has been the purpose of this article to small area of real estate. That the Christian
not willing to concede that the rabbis of demonstrate the chronological succession world has burdened itself over it by sup-
Babylonian Talmudism are simply using of the eight Beasts of the Book of Revela- porting the Zionists is a crime that Yahweh,
her and her people as cannon fodder in tion (Apocalypse). The first seven were our God cannot overlook. Because we sub-
the grandiose scheme of the 8th Beast. primarily military empires while the eighth sidize the terrorist Israeli state to the tune of
This would be, presumably, too much to is an economic and religious empire. All $6 billion or more per year, we, America,
bear; like suddenly finding out that your of these empires used religion as a means are as guilty as the Jews for oppressing the
trusted Catholic priest is a pedophile or a of controlling their people. Nothing has Palestinians; and the World Trade Center
sodomite. Catholics are in denial too. changed. attack is only the beginning. The battle of
Ms. Tikkun’s article, if you read be- The Rothschild family, the Rockefeller Armageddon is not far off as the deceived
tween the lines, reveals the two-pronged family, and numerous other enormously Christian masses of this planet blithely line
rabbinical technique of mind control. It is wealthy Zionist families have all been fore- up behind Satan as Esau tries to steal the
a centuries-old carrot and stick method of most in the establishment of a One World birthright which belongs to Jacob-Israel.
brainwashing. It goes like this: Government. First, it was the Congress There is prophetic Scriptural confirma-
The Carrot. The Carrot is the flattering of Vienna, then the League of Nations, tion of this fact as well, for after Isaac had
philosophy of the “chosen people” whose now the United Nations, globalism, and blessed his son, Jacob, Esau became jeal-
destiny is to have the goyim serve them the New World Order. This is the beast ous and demanded a blessing also. Here is
once they have achieved world dominion. “that deceiveth the whole world.” These what happened:
This philosophy inflates their egos to the wealthy Zionists have as their inspiration “And Esau said unto his father, Hast
point of distraction, especially since only the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud, thou but one blessing my father? Bless me,
a few Jews have ever realized this dream. the evil book which calls Jesus an impos- even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted
A dream, no matter how false, is still a tor and Mary a whore. Indeed, Babylon up his voice and wept. And Isaac his father
powerful tool. has been reborn. Understand that the Bible answered and said unto him, Behold, thy
The Stick. The Stick is “persecution.” prophecy regarding the 8 Beasts has been dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth,
The rabbis go on and on repeating to the fulfilled to the letter by your God, Yahweh. and of the dew of heaven from above; And
hapless Jews how they have been perse- If this is not a clear demonstration to you by thy sword shalt thou live, and shall serve
cuted time and again by the unapprecia- of His power over this evil world, then thy brother; and it shall come to pass when
tive goyim. Pogroms and purges are an you do not comprehend the purpose of thou shalt have the dominion, that thou
inevitable part of being Jewish, so they His servants, the PROPHETS. Remember, shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.”
must stick together, follow the lead of Jesus referred to the Old Testament as “the ;Gen. 27:38-40.
their rabbis, because there is strength in law and the prophets.” Their prophecies are Indeed, Esau, whose children became
numbers. just as important as the Law because their merchants, doctors, lawyers, teachers,
Ms. Tikkun illustrates both of these fulfillment shows that God is in command scribes, and priests, have always had ma-

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terial wealth because of their mercantile tribute money; and the Arabs of the world anti-Christs. “Little children, it is the last
skills and because of their tight-knit or- perceive this fact as plainly as the nose time: and as ye have heard that antichrist
ganization. No other group of people has on Ariel Sharon’s face. How is it possible shall come, even now are there many an-
ever possessed more wealth on a per capita that Americans, especially Fundamentalist tichrists; whereby we know that it is the
basis. Down through the centuries, Esau’s Christians, can be so willfully ignorant and last time.” ;1 John 2:18. The anti-Christ
descendants, as bankers and advisors to blase about the enormous suffering of the is a spirit, a spirit which dwells within the
Israelite kings, queens, and statesmen, Palestinian people? Does Satan rule the human breast, a spirit which people give
have indeed served Jacob. The yoke of pulpits? themselves over to. They do this out of
Jacob was thrown off Esau’s neck at the There is no doubt that God?s judg- ignorance and pride.
near-simultaneous creation of the United ment is falling upon America for her blind “He is antichrist that denieth the Fa-
Nations and the Israeli State. support of the terrorist Israeli State. In es- ther and the Son.” ? 1 John 2:22.
At that point, the Christian nations sence, the Christian world has been duped There is only one group of people who
began paying tribute to both of those or- into following Lucifer?s plan for world routinely deny Jesus Christ. These are the
ganizations which were created by Zionist domination when we should be follow- Jews. To be a Jew is to deny Christ. This
Jews. The prophecy of Genesis 27:38-40 ing God?s plan for the redemption of the is the one thing they all freely admit. The
was then fulfilled. human race. As the Zionists expand their rabbis insist that Jesus is not the Messiah.
violent takeover of Arab lands, I cannot Even Hindus and Muslims recognize that
THE SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS OF help but feel that the Judgment Day and the Jesus was at least a prophet and great
TRUE ISRAEL battle of Armageddon are at hand. Pray for healer. The Jews deny all of this. They will
On September 30, 2000, a 12-year-old America?s awakening, but prepare for the not have Him over them; for to accept Jesus
Palestinian boy was murdered by an Israeli worst. “But when ye shall see the abomina- would be to deny their worldly ambitions;
sniper. This murder was caught on video tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the and they seem to be pridefully incapable
by a French film crew. As I sat in front prophet, standing where it ought not (let of doing this. Consequently, the Talmudic
of the television set watching the video him that readeth understand), then let them rabbis and all Zionists, collectively, are
of this macabre event, horrified at was I that be in Judea flee to the mountains.” the Anti-Christ. They are the ones who,
seeing, I was even more disturbed by the ;Mark 13:14. historically and currently, deny Yahweh
lack of media outrage at this tragic event. The abomination of desolation is the and Jesus Christ; and they hate what Jesus
The boy’s name was Mohammed Jamal Israeli State_. It stands where it ought symbolizes: submission to the authority of
Aldura. We should honor his memory as a not, Jerusalem. And it is about to meet its a higher
martyr against Zionism. fate. Those who think that this prophecy power, Yahweh God. Since they refuse to
How is it possible that the world’s me- was fulfilled in 70 A.D. are correct. It was rise above self-worship, they are doomed
dia have no compassion for this innocent fulfilled then. Jerusalem’s Christians had to perdition, because God can tolerate a
boy and no outrage at the Zionists for this fled because they were warned about the cancerous growth in the spiritual body
blatant act of murder? Obviously the Jews coming of the Roman army. 1930 years only for so long. God has given them 2000
who control Reuters, the New York Times, later, it is about to be fulfilled again, as the years to repent.
the Washington Post, and all of our major Talmudists have again occupied Jerusalem, Time’s up.
television networks do not want the world as part of the last days just before the Day For years, the Jews have been promot-
to see the true nature of Israeli torture and of Judgment. ing the fiction that they are a blessing to
brutality. I could not help but feeling that The rhetoric from all of the talking the world, usually quoting Genesis 12:3:
this assassination of a little boy was an heads in the Judas press swirls around how “I will bless them that bless thee, and I will
ill omen of Armageddon. Sure enough, we have to beef up security, hire more air- curse him that curseth thee: and in thee
just a year later, the Twin Towers and the port personnel, spend a few more billions, shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Pentagon were attacked. and, in effect, learn to live with terrorism But, I would ask you to name one country
We Americans must pause and reas- and martial law, as the Israelis do! On the in the history of planet earth which has
sess our blind support of the terrorist Is- contrary, all we have to do is pull the plug ever been blessed by the presence of the
raeli state. The Zionists will not stop their on the Israeli State; and all these proposed Jews. The exact opposite always happens.
genocidal rampage until America pulls the measures will be unnecessary, because the Wherever the Jews settle, corruption fol-
plug on aid to Israel. We have provided the cancer will be allowed to shrivel up and lows. _Everywhere they go, they are such
Israelis with all the tools necessary to make die; and the Muslim world will no longer a blessing that they invariably complain
war upon an innocent people: rockets, jets, hate us. Normalcy, and peace, blessed about “anti-Semitism_”! They moan and
tanks, helicopters, heat-sensing technol- peace, would return to our lives. groan about “persecution” while they
ogy, etc. Who is more guilty: the one who advance in the theater, sciences, banking,
pulls the trigger or the one who provides THE ANTI-CHRIST education, politics and commerce. Surely,
the weapons? Much debate has gone on in prophetic they have been blessed by the host nations
Do you understand now why the Ar- circles as to who is the anti-Christ. Too where they have dwelt; but the Jews never
abs and Muslims hate us? Their hatred much focus has gone into trying to find bless them in return! They have always
is justified. If America ever regains its one super-evil individual, some devil- repaid the kindness of their host nations
conscience, then we will have the power to in-human-form who leads the world to with exploitation and corruption. This is
put an end the rule of the 8th Beast. Israel destruction. This is but another deception. the indisputable fact. They admit this fact
is a bankrupt nation without America’s The Bible tells us that there are many every time they bring up their so-called

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“persecution.” Why has this tribe of vaga- (Bolshevism), usury, monopoly, nepotism, all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and
bonds so often suffered “persecution?” war-profiteering, secrecy, corruption, trea- the day that cometh shall burn them up,
What is it about them that always results son, pornography, treachery, debauchery, sayeth Yahweh of hosts, that it shall leave
in “anti-Semitism?” and exploitation, to scratch the surface ? them neither root nor branch.” ;Malachi
“Anti-Semitism,” they complain, “It all of which are Babylon’s old tricks. Truly, 4:1.
follows us wherever we go!” I wonder they are the people of God’s curse. Obvi- “Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and
why. Could it be because the essence of ously, the Anglo-Saxons have made their deliver every man his soul: be not cut off
their religion is deception and exploitation share of mistakes; but we can at least say in her iniquity; for this is the time of the
with a smile? If you are a blessing indeed, that they have done some good along the Lord’s vengeance; he will render unto her
your hosts will love and respect you, not way. The world, at one time, respected us... a recompense. Babylon hath been a golden
hate you. until we started supporting Zionism. Now cup in the Lord’s hand, that made all the
It is a contradiction to be a blessing we are hated just as much as the Jews. earth drunken: the nations have drunken of
and a curse at the same time. God does not “For the indignation of YHWH is upon her wine; therefore are the nations mad.”
contradict himself. Yahweh is the God of all nations, and his fury upon all their ;Jer.51:6,7.
Truth, not lies. Only THE ANTI-CHRIST armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, We Anglo-Saxon members of the
can promote such a glaringly obvious he hath delivered them to the slaughter... Christian Identity Church have a right
falsehood. As Jesus said, their father was For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: to ask of our Fundamentalist brothers
“a liar from the beginning.” And the real behold, it shall come down upon Idumea and sisters: Are you too drunk to see
shame is that so many “Christian” pastors [Edom], and upon the people of my curse, reality? ;that Babylon is in our midst
promote this “blessing” myth, shoulder- for judgment.” :Isaiah 34:2-5. Herod was and seducing you and your children
to-shoulder with the Anti-Christ. “Behold, the first Idumean king of Judea. Wasn’t it with her pleasures? Time to wake up,
I will make of them the synagogue of he who slaughtered the innocents in order children, before it?s too late. Admit that
Satan, which say they are Judahites, and to try to kill baby Jesus? The Jews have you have been deceived and come back
are not, but do lie...” Rev. 3:9. Can the never repudiated this act of Herod. to true, Biblical Christianity. The climax
synagogue of Satan be the same as the “And I hated Esau, and laid waste his of history is upon us. Awaken from your
“Chosen People”? Open your eyes and mountains and his heritage waste for the amnesia and reclaim your inheritance.
see the light. Obviously, the vast majority dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom It does not belong to the Jews. They are
of Christian ministers have to rethink their saith, We are impoverished, but we will trying to steal it from you by keeping
blind support of the Jews. If they do not, return and build the desolate places: Thus you blinded to your true identity.
then Churchianity will go down in flames saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build,
along with the Anti-Christ. but I will throw down; and they shall call THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON
Consider the fact that Anglo-Saxon them, The border of wickedness, and The The Battle of Armageddon began on
Israel has in fact been the people of the people against whom the LORD hath in- Sept. 11, 2001. The World Trade Center
blessing, who have given the world so dignation forever.” ;Malachi 1:3,4. Is not and Pentagon attacks are being used by
much: Wherever the Anglo-Saxons have the “border of wickedness” the border of the Zionist International as the excuse to
gone, they have brought with them art, the Israeli State? Is not the declare war against the Muslim Dominoes.
literature, agriculture, the trades, medicine, Israeli State the attempt by the Zionists to Expect this war to expand. After Afghani-
science, technology, sanitation, literacy rebuild a “desolate” place? stan and Iraq will come Syria, Iran, and all
and education, and a higher standard of “Also Edom shall be a desolation: ev- the rest, unless the American people wake
living. Spiritually and intellectually, the eryone that goeth by it shall be astounded, up and stop doing the will of the
Anglo-Saxons have blessed the world with and shall hiss at all the plagues thereof.” 8th Beast. When the 8th Beast has bank-
such concepts as jury trials, the Magna ? Jer. 49:17. rupted America, due to this very expensive
Carta, the Declaration of Independence, Esau/Edom/Jewry is the abomination hyper-militarism, then the United Nations
the Constitution of the United States; not of desolation. Wherever Esau goes, he will take over military operations. But at
to mention, the GOSPEL. “In thee shall all makes the land desolate through usury, that point, the Zionists will have to start
the families of the earth be blessed.” political agitation (liberalism, feminism, dipping into their own pockets in order to
These things have been true blessings to homosexuality), debauchery (Amnesty pay the mercenaries. The only question is:
humanity. International has repeatedly condemned Will the Zionists run out of money before
Can the Jews even remotely claim to the slave-trade for prostitution going on the last Muslim Domino falls?
have provided such blessings to humanity? in the Israeli State), political assassina- When you see the blue helmets of the
I ask you: Who is True Israel? tion (even their own, such as the moderate U.N. soldiers come marching, know who
The Jews have actually fought against Prime Minister Rabin), and other forms of sent them. They are not of God. Certainly
these advances! They were on the side of corruption. Can these possibly be “God’s when this development comes to pass,
the British during the Revolutionary War. chosen people?” ? or have we succumbed very few people will doubt the power of
They were his bankers and advisors! They to their two millennia of propaganda? Who the Beast of Revelation. Now the time has
have always promoted oppressive and else could it be that “deceiveth the whole come for us to declare ourselves. Alert your
exploitative banking practices, such as the world”? friends and family. Do not allow them to be
Federal Reserve System. What have the It is time to face facts. deceived any longer. Look at how civiliza-
Jews brought with them wherever they go? “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall tion is collapsing before your very eyes as
Chauvinism (Talmudism), communism burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and the Money Power loots the treasuries of

42 April 2008

Free American Newsmagazine
nations, destroys morality, and It bears repeating:
institutes dictatorial bureaucracies and cor- “If my people, which are called by my
porate armies, all in the name of “peace.” name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
Your eyes have been programmed to look and seek my face, and turn from their
at evil and perceive it as good. “And Satan wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,
himself is transformed into an angel of and will forgive their sin, and will heal
light.” Wake up and then wake up your their land.” ; II Chronicles 7:14.
brothers and sisters...and return to your If you think that modern man is going
true heritage. to get himself out of these troubles by more
For True Israel, there is only one so- technology and more socialism, you?ve got
lution to this world’s problems: “If my another guess coming. It is man?s rebellion
people, which are called by my name, against God which created this mess and
shall humble themselves, and pray, and no more sophisticated rebellion is going
seek my face, and turn from their wicked to solve our problems. Our problems are
ways; then will I hear from heaven, and spiritual, not technological. Any fool can
will forgive their sin, and will heal their see that, but the academics and politicians
land.” ;II Chronicles 7:14. can?t see through the haze of their own
Our nation is sick, terribly sick. We ambition.
have abandoned God and the Bible to athe- Denominational Christianity has erred
ism, “science,” technology, psychologists, by turning a blind eye to biblical prophecy
psychoactive drugs and the Anti-Christ. and letting the Jews and their “Judeo-
We have turned our backs on God?s Law, Christian” cheerleaders have a monopoly
and, like hypocrites, we cry “God bless on biblical interpretation. The /Great
America.” We are now paying the price Apostasy/predicted by Paul is upon us. We
for our duplicity. have repudiated our biblical heritage and
When asked to explain the parable of have listened to the modernists who have
the wheat and the tares, Jesus has this to been telling us that the Bible is no longer
say: relevant. Nothing could be further from
“He that soweth the good seed is the the truth. Are you listening, brothers and
Son of Man; The field is the world; the sisters? The day is coming very soon when
good seed are the children of the kingdom we will have to decide whose side we are THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED
[the House of Israel and those who do not on. SAXON
deny Christ ; E.J.]; but the tares are the The choice is clear: Jesus Christ or
children of the wicked one; The enemy that Babylon. by Rudyard Kipling
sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the
end of the world; and the reapers are the It was not part of their blood,
angels. As therefore the tares are gathered It came to them very late,
and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the With long arrears to make good,
end of this world. The son of Man shall When the Saxon began to hate.
send forth his angels, and they shall gather They were not easily moved,
out of the kingdom all things that offend, They were icy -- willing to wait
and them which do iniquity; And shall cast Till every count should be proved,
them into a furnace of fire: there shall be a Ere the Saxon began to hate.
wailing and a gnashing of teeth. Then shall
the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Their voices were even and low.
kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to Their eyes were level and straight.
hear, let him hear.” ? Matthew 13:37-43. There was neither sign nor show
I hope that this message has given When the Saxon began to hate.
you “ears to hear.” Given this prophetic
understanding of the times we are living It was not preached to the crowd.
in, it is very important that we understand It was not taught by the state.
what God expects of us, because we are No man spoke it aloud
headed for the /Great Day of the Lord/. In When the Saxon began to hate.
order to assure ourselves that we are right
with God and that we will be spared the It was not suddently bred.
“wailing and gnashing of teeth” that Jesus It will not swiftly abate.
promises will come, we must reestablish Through the chilled years ahead,
biblical Christianity, and that means return- When Time shall count from the date
ing to His Law and His morality. Nothing That the Saxon began to hate.
else will do.

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44 April 2008

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