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ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan



We, the Bangsa moro people, under the guidance of the Almighty in our continuing quest for self-determination, envision a peaceful, progressive society through social justice, human equity, responsive governance with empowered people, distinct cultural heritage and identity, sustainably-managed patrimony, and with established international amity.

Promote lasting peace and security, ensure access to quality social services with emphasis on the poor and the disadvantaged, and sustain economic, political and socio-cultural gains within the context of good governance, humane environment and sustainable development.


The Autonomous Regional Government aims to achieve stable peace and security, institutionalized good governance, economic progress, equitable social services towards sustainable development. .


The following are the macro-economic targets of the autonomous region: a) Increase the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at an average annual growth rate of 3.5 percent during the planning period. b) Manage annual population growth rate of the region at an average of 3.0 percent from 2011-2016. c) Reduce poverty incidence from 55.3 percent in 2006 to 43.3 percent in 2016. d) Increase percentage of population in the labor force from 57.2 percent in 2008 to 70.0 percent in 2016 and sustain the average employment rate 97.0 percent.


ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


4.5 SECTORAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 4.5.1 Goals 4.5.2 Social Development

By 2016, the Autonomous Regional Government (ARG) shall: o be able to sustain comprehensive delivery and universal access to adequate and quality social services

4.5.2 Objectives Social Development

a) To achieve health-related Millennium Development Goal -Max (MDGmax) targets. b) To improve access to quality education and health care services and facilities. c) To improve beneficiary access to the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP). d) To increase access to employment opportunities; ensure and promote the protection of rights, interests and welfare of the workers; maintain industrial peace; and foster entrepreneurship development. e) To develop and produce globally competitive, culturally sensitive and God fearing middle level skilled workers, professionals and scholars. f) To provide a comprehensive and responsive social welfare programs and services. g) To protect and promote the rights and welfare of women and children in need of special protection, persons with disabilities, poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and families. h) To maximize the role of women, children, youth and indigenous people in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of social policies, programs and projects. i) To empower individuals, families and communities in partnership with all development stakeholders including the preservation and promotion of their religious & cultural beliefs, practices and traditions. j) To provide decent and affordable housing and core shelter for the regions constituents. 116

ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


k) To promote sports development, competitiveness and physical fitness related activities.

4.5.3 Strategies
Cross-cutting Strategies a) Complement health personnel and enhance their capability to ensure timely delivery of quality health and nutrition services. This entails the hiring of additional service providers such as nurses and midwives to be able to cope up with the demand for health and nutrition services at the community level. Presently, the regional government has already started to hire nurses and midwives under the Midwives in Every Community in ARMM (MECA) and Nurse Assigned in Rural Service (NARS) programs. Capability enhancement of these newly hired nurses and midwives were also done. However, despite these efforts, there is still a felt need to hire additional staff complement and conduct continuous capability building activities. Capacitating the health service providers
including the newly hired personnel in the provision of maternal and child health care and nutrition is necessary to ensure the timely and quality delivery of health and nutrition services in the

communities. b) Forge partnership, strengthen linkages and collaboration with national counterpart, donors and other stakeholders to maximize utilization of funds for the implementation programs and projects. Forging of partnership between the ARG, ODA, LGUs and other partners shall be
strengthened to generate more support for programs and projects that will greatly benefit the regions populace. Likewise, convergence and collaborative efforts among regional agencies, national

counterparts, ODA, LGUs, NGOs and concerned institutions shall be strengthened especially in the conduct of outreach programs, construction, upgrading and renovation of social infrastructures at the regional and local levels and the pursuance of scientific health research and regulations on food safety measures and other related services to be able to ensure universal access to social services and improve delivery of programs and services especially in far-flung areas/ communities. Also, as part of social development strategies, the ARG shall pursue the establishment of an effective coordination and reporting mechanism especially for those programs with external funding that are poorly coordinated to avoid duplication of services, wastage of resources and to maximize limited funds. Along this line, the conduct of a multi-sectoral forum or development partners meetings that will serve as venue for project updating and feed backing shall be undertaken. c) Strengthen or expand provision of scholarship program and other educational assistance to poor and disadvantaged constituents. The ARG is currently implementing various programs projects benefiting poor but deserving student regionwide. However, given the limited scholarship slots allocated, the regional government needs additional scholarship slots to be able to cater to all the needs of our disadvantaged constituents in the region. Hence, the ARG will try to work-out with the national counterpart for an institutional mechanism that would allow more scholarship program to students. 117

ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


The ARG shall also ensure the efficient and effective utilization of funds for the provision and expansion of scholarship programs for the poor and the disadvantaged in the ARMM to include vocational and technical education scholarship programs. To increase access to all existing science and technology scholarship programs, the DOSTARMM will conduct massive information dissemination to optimize availment of the program among ARMM students. d) Participation of the DepEd, TESDA, and CHED to the policy-making bodies of the national counterparts. Article 14, Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9054 provides that the management, control and supervision of the regional educational subsystem shall be the primary concern of the Regional Government. Hence, DepEd, CHED and TESDA of the Regional Government shall participate in policy and decision-making activities of their counterparts of the central government or national government in matters that affect the regional educational subsystem. Presently, this provision of RA 9054 is not yet realized. Hence, the ARG is strongly advocating to the national counterpart to allow Regional secretaries of DepEd, TESDA and CHED to participate in the policy making bodies of their national counterparts. e) Implement appropriate policy measures against all forms of exploitation and discrimination against women and ensuring their representation in the decision and policymaking bodies. The Regional Government recognizes the role of women in nation building and regional development. It shall promote their well-being and ensure their fundamental rights and equality with men. Hence, appropriate policy measures against all forms of exploitation of and discrimination against women shall be implemented. The Regional Government shall also ensure the representation of women in appropriate decision and policy-making bodies. f) Fast track the formulation, approval and dissemination (IEC) of the IRR of the ARMM Gender and Development Code (MMA Act 280). In December 2010, the Regional Assembly has approved Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 280 providing for the Gender and Development Code for the ARMM. The said law endeavors to establish mechanisms strengthening existing societal structure to promote equity and equality among women and men, boys and girls in the ARMM. This is the first regional landmark legislation that promotes and protects womens rights in different areas and responds to gender issues and concerns affecting women and children in ARMM. With the passage of the ARMM GAD Code, the Regional Subcommittee on Gender and Development (RSCGAD) being chaired by the Regional Commission on Bangsamoro Women (RCBW) will then pursue the preparation of the ARMM GAD Code Implementing Rules and Regulations to clearly define the roles and functions of the ARG, concerned line agencies, LGUs and other stakeholders to operationalize the provisions of the law.


ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


Dissemination of the ARMM GAD Code and its IRR shall also be undertaken to inform the constituents on the different provisions of the law and promote its localization and implementation at the local level. d) Ensure implementation of policies that protect the rights of children, women, persons with disabilities, senior citizen and other disadvantaged groups. Despite the passage of the various policies protecting the rights of women, children, PWDs and other disadvantaged groups, there are still a perceived increasing number of cases involving violation of their rights. This may be attributed to the lack of awareness among constituents on the existence of laws protecting this particular group. Hence, massive information dissemination shall be done especially in the community level to be able to provide awareness and deeper understanding about the laws protecting children, women, PWDs and other disadvantaged groups. This also aims to lessen the incidence of violence committed against these particular groups. Sub-Sectoral Strategies a) Health and Nutrition Development Expand enrollment of the poor in the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) to improve national and regional benefit delivery ratios Encourage availment of quality services provided for out-patient and in-patient through reformed capitation and no balance billing arrangements for sponsored members under LGU scheme Promote fiscal autonomy and income-generating scheme of government hospitals and health facilities Strengthen referral network to address the fragmentation of services Ensure adequate health vigilance and preparedness to respond to the emerging diseases Upgrade and renovate hospitals and other health facilities to improve delivery of health services thru Public-Private Partnership b) Education Development Continuing review and reformulation of regional education policies, programs and projects to be relevant with national education policies and consistent with R.A. 9054 and responsive to the regional concern Strengthen educational management system through decentralization, favorable learning environment and adequate educational infrastructure Adopt a peace education policy in all curriculum and intensify Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) of education specially in emergency situations Development and pooling of qualified trainers guided by Philippine TVET Qualification Social Framework (PTQF) Strict registration requirements, regulation and monitoring of ladderized course offerings in ARMM technical and vocational institutes (TVIs) to ensure relevance with the industry and labor market demands 119

ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


Institutionalizing center of excellence in selected technical vocational institutes (TVIs) and course offerings Provision of appropriate support to Higher Education Institutions; Provision of institutional and technical assistance to tertiary madaris and its teachers Pursuit of indigenization of higher education curriculum Provision of support to higher education including Bangsamoro Culture Collection of updated data from HEIs for institutional planning and policy formulation c) Labor and Employment Strengthening collaborative efforts among labor, management and government for the welfare of the workers and industries Strengthen local and international networks for potential job market/ opportunities/ overseas works and the like that would guide job-seekers and placement agencies about demand for labor Strict enforcement of general labor and occupational safety and health standards and establishment of social safety nets mechanism for both local workers and OFWs d) Cultural Heritage and Sports Development Strengthen preservation and promotion of the regions indigenous arts and crafts thru festivals, trade fairs, symposia, cultural sports competition Revival and teaching of indigenous culture and arts thru the establishment of Cultural Learning Centers In-depth research and study of the history of Muslim Filipino people including inventory and assessment of historical land marks in the region. Adopt a policy promoting native products, delicacies, customs, handicrafts, sports, music, and arts. e) Social Welfare and Development Enhance capability of social workers, para-professional social workers and volunteers Strict enforcement of policies and laws protecting the rights of the IPs and their ancestral domain/lands and customary laws Provide policy support to the youth to enhance their participation in regional development and nation building and consequently mold them as future leaders

4.5.3 Priority Programs and Activities a) Social Development

Health and Nutrition Development Program Education Development Program Comprehensive and Integrated Social Welfare and Development Program 120

ARMM Medium-Term Regional Development Plan


Labor and Employment Program (LEP) Culture and Arts Development Program Regional Gender and Development Program (RGDP) Development Program for Peoples with Disability Youth and Sports Development Program

4.5.4 Legislative Measures a) Social Development

Enactment of ARMM Labor Code Anti-Illegal Recruitment Law Migrant Workers Law ARMM Health Code


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