Medication List

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1 MEDICATION INFORMATION FORM Name of Medication (Generic & Trade) Ampicillin -Principen Classification antibiotic Reason for Med

penicillin used to fight infections caused by enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, salmonella, shigella, and H. influenza highly active antibiotic against gram-positive bacteria Dose/Route/Frequency oral, IV every 6-8 hours, 2-4gm Nursing Implications Reserve IM or IV route for moderately severe or severe infections or patients unable to take PO; PO: administer around the clock on an empty stomach at least 1 hr before or 2 hr after meal IM: Reconstitute IM doses with 2 mL of with sterile water for injection, inject deep into well-developed muscle mass IV: Monitor site frequently for thrombophlebitis, change sites every 48-72 hrs Direct IV: dilute with serile water; administer slowly over 3-5 min -PO: admin. around the clock. Can be given on a full or empty stomach. Giving food may minimize GI irritation. Shake suspention well before admin. -Contraindication1. Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins 2. Serious hypersensitivity to penicillins -Use cautiously in1. Renal impairment 2. Hx of GI disease (colitis) 3. OB Lacation-Pregnancy and lactation (has been used safely) Category B -Interactions1. Probenecid-excretion Possible adverse effects diarrhea, rash, seizures, pseudomembranous, colitis, allergic reactions

Cefazolin -

First generation cephalosporin

IM or IV every 6-8 hours, 2-12 gm

Seizures, stenvens-johnson syndrome, rash, pain an IM site, phlebitis at IV sire, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

cephalexin * generic Keflex* brand

Anti-infectives, first generation cephalosporins

Treatment for infections by susceptible organisms: skin and skin structure, respiratory tract, otitis media, urinary tract, and bone infections

PO (adults) Most infections-250500mg q 6hr Maximum dose: 4g/day

Seizures (doses), pseudomembreanous colitis, diarrhea, abd ominal pain, N/V, anaphylaxis


2 and blood levels of renally excreted cephalosporins 2. Concurrent use of loop diuretics or aminoglycosides may risk of renal toxicity -Observe for S/S of anaphylaxis -Contraindication1. Hypersensitivity 2. Previous pseudomembranous colitis 3. Severe liver impairment 4. Diarrhea 5. Known alcohol intolerance -Use cautiously in1. Lactation-has been used safely but appears in breast milk and exposes infact to drug and its side effects -Interactions1. Kaolin/pectin-mayGI absorption 2. May enhance the neuromuscular blocking action of other neuromuscular blocking agents -Monitor bowel elimination for diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever and bloody stools

clindamycin*generic Cleocin *brand

Anti-infective, inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria (bactericidal or bacteriostatic)

Treatment for infections of skin and skin structure, respiratory tract, septicemia, intraabdominal infections, gynecologic, osteomyelitis, and endocarditis prophylaxis

IV (adults) 900 IVPB q 8hr

Dizziness, headaches, vertigo, arrhythmias, hypotension, pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, bitter taste (IV only), N/V, rashes, phlebitis at IV site


Erythromycin - E- Mycin, Eryc, EryPed, Erythocin Gentamicin - Garamycin, G-mycin, Jenamicin

3 Metronidazole Flagyl Antibiotic Used to treat bacterial infections of the vagina, stomach, skin, and resp. tract Treat Urinary tract infections. Oral Route 250 mg Every 8 hours for seven days. To give 1-2 hours after meals. Check Blood often. Vaginal itching, discharge, pain, diarrhea, dizziness.

Nitrofurantoin Furadantin


50-100 mg every 8 hours

Generic- penicillin G aqueous Trade- Pfizerpen


Bactericidal action against susceptible bacteria

5million bits IVPBloading dose then 2.5 million units IVPB every 4 hrs

Give with food or milk to prevent GI upset. Arrange for cbc and liver function test during long term therapy. monitor liver function, monitor signs of anaphylaxis. Drug interactions tetracycline monitor bowel functions, LOC. Teach Pt to report dizziness and malaise to RN. May cause drowsiness. Caution patient to avoid driving or other activities requiring alertness until response to medication is known. -Advice patient that frequent mouth rinses, good oral hygiene, and sugarless gum or candy may decrease dry mouth. Health care professionals should be notified if dry mouth persists >2wk

Vomit, Nausea, Chest pain, skin rash, loss of appetite

seizure,anemia, anaphylaxis

Generic - zofran Trade - ondansetron



Generic - Promethazine Trade - Phenergan, Promethacon

Antiemetic, Sedative/Phenothiazine

Decrease incidence and severity of nausea and vomiting after surgery Sedation during Labor

4mg IVP

headache, diarrhea, dizziness, constipation, malaise

Adults (PO, Rectal, IM, IV) 12.5-25 mg q 4hrs as needed; Initial PO dose should be 25mg. Children >2yr (PO, Rectal, IM, IV): 0.25-1mg/kg (not to exceed 25mg) q 4-6hr.

Confusion, disorientation, photosensitivity, dizziness, hypertension, dry mouth, constipation, respiratory depression in children, GI upset, and hypotension.

4 Sertraline Trade name - Zoloft Antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors -Major depressive disorder. -Panic disorder -Obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) -Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -Social anxiety disorder (Social phobia) -Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMMD) Adults (PO): 50mg/day as a single dose in the morning or evening initially; after several weeks may be increased at weekly intervals up to 200mg/day, depending on response. Children (13-17yr) PO 50mg once daily. Children (6-12yr) PO 25mg once daily. -Instruct patient to take sertraline as directed. Take missed doses as soon as possible and return to regular dosing schedule. Do not double doses -may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Caution pt to avoid driving and other activities requiring alertness until response to the drug is known. -Advice patient to notify health care professional if headache, weakness, nausea, anorexia, anxiety or insomnia persists. Use only insulin syringes to draw up dose; administer regular insulin within 15-30 min before meal Administered once in the morning or divided into 2 doses, with meals to ensure best control and minimize gastric irritation, do not administer after last meal of the day Adjunct to diet to lower blood glucose with type 2 diabetes mellitus in pts Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, confusion, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, sexual dysfunction, increased sweating, tremor.

Insulin Trade names Humulin R, Novolin R, Humulin R Regular U-500 (concentrated) Glyburide Trade names DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab

Antidiabetics, hormones

Control of hyperglycemia in diabetic patients

0.5-1 unit/kg/day in divided doses

Hypoglycemia, swelling at site, allergic reactions



Lowering of blood sugar in diabetic patients (stimulate release of insulin from pancreas)

2.5 5 mg once daily

Photosensitvity, hypoglycemia, aplastic amemia, constipation

Metaformin Trade names- Fortamet, Glumetza, Glucophage, Riomet


Maintenance of blood glucose by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption; Increases sensitivity to insulin

500mg twice daily

Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia

5 Acyclovir Trade name- Zovirax Antivirals Inhibition of viral replication, decreased viral shedding and reduced time for healing of lesions PO: 200 mg every 4 hr while awake IV: 5 mg/kg every 8 hr Should be started as soon as possible after herpes simplex symptoms appear; PO: may be given with food of on an empty stomach with a full glass of water; IV: maintatin adequate st hydration especially 1 2hr suppository to room temperature just prior to use; patient should remain recumbent for 2 hours following insertion; Fetal maturity, presentation, and pelvic adequacy should be assessed prior to administration of oxytocin for induction of labor. Assess character, frequency, and duration of uterine contractions; resting uterine tone; and fetal heart rate frequently throughout administration Monitor maternal blood pressure and pulse frequently and fetal heart rate continuously throughout administration Teach patient that medication should not be given to anyone other than person it is prescribed for Renal failure, stevensjohnsons syndrome, seizures, dizziness, headache, diarrhea

Dinoprostone Cervidil; Prepidil; Prostin E2


Induce of Augment Labor

Vaginal cervical priming, induction, and augmentation of labour

Oxytocin Pitocin

Oxytocic agent

Induces labor at term; controls postpartum bleeding; nasal preparation used to promote milk letdown in lactating females

500 mcg intracervical as required 3mg intra vaginal as recommended or after 68 hrs if labour is not established 5-10 units in 250 NS IV infusion every min as recommended

Severe Pain Acute fetal distress Cardiogenic collapse Uterine hypertonus Transient pyrexia Rhinorrhea Hypotension Sinus bradycardia Hypoxia Reflex tachycardia

Misoprostol Cytotec

Gastointestinal Agents

To induce/ augment labor

25mcg vaginally initially; Subsequent dose 25mcg q 3-6 hrs

Risk for uterine rupture May cause anaphylactic reaction;Contraindicated in pregnant women to reduce peptic ulcer risk from NSAIDs; contraindicated for hypersensitivity to misoprostol, prostaglandins, or prostaglandin analogs Dizziness; Rash; Urticaria; laryngeal edema; Hepatotoxicity


Pain relief Analgesics

Acetaminophen Tylenol

650mg or 1g PO not to exceed 4g/day

Should not be administered in conjunction with eltrombopag, exenatide

6 and isoniazid; crosses placenta and is safe to use short term in all stages of pregnancy; excreted in breast milk but is compatible with breastfeeding IV: May be further diluted and infused at a rate not to exceed 25 mg/min

Beneldryl (Diphenhydramine)


Blocks the histamine from binding, sedative effects

25 mg IVP diluted in either NS or D5W 10-50 mg per dose for adults Q 2-6 hr (max of 400 mg in 24 hr) 2-5 mg/kg/24 hr (max of 300 mg in 24 hr) Route: slow IV push or deep IM Adults :PO 2 to 6 tsp (10 to 30 mL), diluted in 1 to 3 oz of water, after meals and at bedtime, or as directed by health care provider. (Systemic Alkalization) Children 2 yr of age and older :PO 1 to 3 tsp (5 to 15 mL), diluted in 1 to 3 oz of water, after meals and at bedtime, or as directed by health care provider. Adults :PO 3 tsp (15 mL), diluted in 15 mL of water, taken as a single dose, or as directed by health care provider. 1-2 tablets PO q 4-6 hours 30 mg Codeine Phosphate 300mg Acetaminophen

Sedation, dries bronchial secretions, blurred vision, headache, palpitations

Sodium Citrate / Citric Acid

Urinary alkalinizer

Buffering and neutralizing gastric hydrochloric acid

PO: Solution is more palatable if chilled, administer with 30-90 mL of chilled water and 30 min after meals or as bedtime snack in minimize saline laxative effect

Generally well tolerated when taken in recommended doses by patients with normal renal function and urinary output. GI: Diarrhea; loose bowel movements.Precautions: patients with cardiac failure, hypertension, impaired renal function, peripheral and pulmonary edema, and toxemia of pregnancy.


Tylenol #3 acetaminophen with codeine

Pain relieving Narcotic

For relief of mild to moderate pain

When combined with opioids do not exceed max recommended daily dose; PO: Administer with a full glass of water, may be taken with food or on an empty stomach

anaphylaxis, shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, fainting, confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior seizures, nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, itching, dark urine, dark-colored stool, drowsiness, mild nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, constipation; headache; blurred vision; or dry mouth.

7 Butorphanol (Stadol) Analgesics Category C during Pregnancy Category D while in labor and delivery Opioid analgesics Opioid agonists Fentanyl (Sublimaze) Used for pain relief, preoperative, relieve of prepartum pain Supplement in anesthesia, decreased pain 1 to 2 mg q 4hrs IVP Regularly administered may be more affective than prn administration; Administer over 3-5 min Anxiety, confusion, dizziness, difficulty speaking, Chest pain, hypotension, Anorexia, constipation, Blurred vision, dry mouth, ear pain, Apnea, bronchitis, cough, dyspnea Confusion, paradoxical excitation/delirium, post op depression, blurred vision, apnea, laryngospasm, arrhythmias, bradycardia, biliary spasm.

50 mg IVP Freq: 30-60 mins prior to surgery


Hydroxyzine (Atarax)

Antianxiety agents, antihistamines, sedative/hypnotics

Sedation, relief of anxiety, decreased nausea and vomiting, decreased allergic symptoms

50-100mg single PO IM

*High Alert Drug* Direct IV: Administer undiluted 50 mcg/mL; injections should be administered slowly over 1-3 mins. Administer doses >5mcg/kg over 5-10 min. Neuromuscular blocking agents may be administered concurrently to decrease chest wall muscle rigidity. PO: tablets may be crushed and capsules opened and administered with food or fluids for pts having dysphagia. IM: Admin only IM deep into well-developed muscle, preferably with Ztrack technique. Injection is extremely painful. Do not sue deltoid site. May increase risk for cardiovascular thrombotic events. Contraindicated for CABG peri operative pain. Ketorolac inhibits platelet function and increases bleeding risk. Adjust dose according to the severity of the pain and the response of the patient. Mereridine should be injected slowly when given intravenously in diluted

Drowsiness, agitation, ataxia, wheezing, dry mouth, urinary retention, flushing, pain at the IM site.

Analgesic ketorolac -Sprix, Toradol

Short term management of moderately severe acute pain

Single dose therapy <65 yrs:60 mg IM 3060mg Multiple dose therapy >65 yrs: 15-30 mg.

Prolonged bleeding time Dyspnea Drowsiness Hypertension GI bleeding

Meperidine Demoral


Moderate to severe pain

50-150 mg IM/Sc q 3-4 hrs prn For continuous IV infusion 15-35 mg/hr

Tachycardia Bradycardia Respiratory depression Weakness constipation

8 solution, may cause respiratory depression, apnea and hypotension Use with caution; Life threatening if used near term

Opioid analgesic Morphine MS Contin; Morphine Sulfate Opioid analgesics Nalbuphine Nubain

Pain relief

Pain relief/ anesthesia supplement


Neloxone - Narcan

Antidotes (for opioids)

Reversal of signs of opioid excess

PO, IV, IM, liposomal 10mg/ml ;Epidural: 5-10 mg q/ day, C-Section: 10mg lumbar epidural prior to surgery Analgesic: IV, IM, SC 1020mg q3-6 hr PRN, no more than 160mg per day; Anesthesia supplement: 0.3-3 mg/kg IV over 10-15 minutes, then 0.25-0.5mg/kg PRN PostOp-induced respiratory depression: IV: 0.02-0.2 mg q 2-3 min until response obtained Opiod-induced Respiratory depression during chronic opioid use: IVE, IM SC, 20-40 mcg given as small frequent boluses 10 mg/10ml Inj

Fetal risk;CNS depression; contraindicated hypersensitivity/ opioid non tolerant Risk of serious fetal/neonatal adverse events associated with use during labor and delivery: including respiratory depression at birth, fetal bradycardia, apnea, cyanosis Ventricular arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, nausea, vomiting

May be acceptable during pregnancy if not used for prolonged periods or near term; Should not be used in conjunction with morphine Resuscitation equipment, oxygen, vasopressors, and mechanical ventilation should be available to supplement naloxone therapy as needed

Morphine PF (Astramorph PF)

Opioid analgesics Opioid agonists

Decrease severity of pain

*High Alert Drug*--Dont confuse with hydromorphone or meperidine. Use only preservative free formulations in neonates, and for epidural and intrathecal routes in all pts Use IM route for repeated doses, because morphine is irritating to subcut tissues.

Confusion, sedation, blurred vision, respiratory depression, hypotension, constipation, urinary retention.

Bupivacaine with Fentanyl

Epidural local anesthetics, anesthetics (topical/local)

(Bupivacaine) Local or regional anesthesia or analgesia for surgical, obstetric, or diagnostic

Solutions containing preservatives should not be used for caudal or epidural blocks Epidural (Adults and Children >12 yr): 10-20 mL

Systemic toxicity: Assess for systemic toxicity. Report to physician or other health care professional

CNS: seizures, anxiety, dizziness, headache, irritability EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus

9 procedures.
of 0.25% (partial to moderate block), 0.5% (moderate to complete block), or 0.75% (complete block) solution. Administer in increments of 3-5 mL allowing sufficient time to detect toxic signs/ symptoms of inadvertent IV or IT administration. A test dose of 2-3 mL of 0.5% with epinephrine solution is recommended prior to epidural blocks. Caudal block (Adults and Children >12 yr): 15-30 mL of 0.25% or 0.5% solution. A test dose of 2-3 mL of 0.5% with epinephrine solution is recommended prior to caudal blocks. Peripheral nerve block (Adults and Children >12 yr): 5 mL of 0.25% or 0.5% solution (max dose = 400 mg). Sympathetic nerve block (Adults and Children >12yr): 20-50 mL of 0.25% solution. Dental block (Adults and Children >12 yr): 1.8-3.6 mL per site of 0.5% with epinephrine solution. Local Infiltration (Adults and Children >12yr): 0.25% solution infiltrated locally (max dose = 175 mg).

Monitor BP, HR, and respiratory rate continuously while patient is receiving this medication Monitor for return of sensation after procedure

CV: cardiovascular collapse, arrhythmias, bradycardia, hypotension GI: nausea, vomiting GU: urinary retention Derm: pruritus F and E: metabolic acidosis Neuro: circumoral tingling/numbness, tremor Misc: allergic reactions, fever



Calcium Glucontate

mineral and electrolyte replacements/suppleme nts

PO, IV: Treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia. PO: Adjunct in the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. IV: Emergency treatment of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemi a and adjunct in cardiac arrest or calcium channel blocking agent toxicity (calcium chloride, calcium gluconate).

Hypocalcemia (dosed as calcium gluconate): PO (Adults): 0.5-2 g daily in 2-4 divided doses. PO (Children and Infants): 500-725 mg/kg/day in 3-4 divided doses. PO (Neonates): 500-1500 mg/kg/day in 4-6 divided doses. IV (Adults): 2-15 g/day as a continuous infusion or in divided doses. IV (Children and Infants): 200-500 mg/kg/day as a continuous infusion or in 4 divided doses. IV (Neonates): 200-800 mg/kg/day as a continuous infusion or in 4 divided doses. Cardiac arrest and calcium antagonist toxicity (dosed as calcium gluconate): IV (Adults): 500-800 mg (max 3 g/dose). IV (Children, Infants, and Neonates): 60-100 mg/kg/dose (max 3g/dose). Tetany (dosed as calcium gluconate): IV (Adults): 1-3 g may be administered until a response occurs. IV (Children, Infants, and Neonates): 100-200 mg/kg/dose over 5-10 min, may repeat after 6 hr or continuous infusion up to 500 mg/kg/day.

Calcium supplement/replacement: Observe patient closely for symptoms of hyocalcemia (paresthesia, muscle twitching, laryngospasm, colic, cardiac arrhythmias) -Monitor blood pressure, pulse, and ECG frequently throughout parenteral therapy. -Assess IV site for patency. Extravasation may cause cellulitis, necrosis, and sloughing -Monitor patient on digitalis glycosides for signs of toxicity. Monitor serum calcium, chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, albumin, and parathyroid hormone concetrations before and periodically during therapy for treatment of hypocalcemia -Assess patient for nausea, vomiting, anorexia, thirst, severe constipation, paralytic ileus, and bradycardia. Take apical pulse prior to administering. PO: If <50 bpm or if arrhythmia, withhold med. Administer with meals or directly after eating IV: administer undiluted 5mg/mL, administer slowly

CNS:headache, tingling CV: syncope, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, bradycardia GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting GU: calculi, hypercalciuria Local: phlebitis


Labetalol - Trandate

Antianginal, antihypertensives

Decreased blood pressure by blocking stimulation of beta1 and beta 2adrenergic receptor sites

PO: 100 mg twice daily IV: 20 mg initially, additional doses of 40-80 mg may be given q 10 min as needed

Fatigue, weakness, arrhythmias, bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary edema, constipation anxiety, dry eyes

11 over 2 minutes Magnesium Sulfate Mineral and electrolyte replacements/supplemen ts Treatment/preven tion of hypomagnesemia, Anticonvulsant associated with severe eclampsia, pre-eclampsia; preterm labor Management of adrenocortical insufficiency, therapy in adrenal insufficiency Inflammatory, allergic, hematologic endocrine, neoplastic, diagnostic agent in adrenal disorders Anticonvulsant, preeclampsia, eclampsia, Eclampsia/pre-eclampsia - IV, IM: 4-5 g by IV infusion with up to 5 g IM in each buttock then 4 g by IV infusion Perenteral nutrition: IV: 4-24 mEq q/day IM: Administer deep into gluteal sites, dilute to a concentration of 200 mg/mL prior to injection Continuous Infusion: Infuse over 2-4 hrs Direct IV: administer at a rate not to exceed 150 mg/min IM shake suspension well before drawing up. Do not dilute with other solutions of admix IM does should not be administered when rapid effect is desirable. Do not dilute with other solution or admix Diarrhea, drowsiness, decreased respiratory rate, muscle weakness

Corticosteroids Betamethasone Celestone

IM adults 0.5-9 mg/day 12 divided doses

Cataracts, hypertension, peptic ulceration, euphoria, adrenal suppression

Dexamethasone Decadron


IM 0.75-9 mg daily divided doses q 6 6-12 hr.

Depression, hypertension, peptic ulceration, thromboembolism

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt)

Electrolyte, anticonvulsant

IM/IV INF 4-5g; with 5g IM in each gluteus, then 5g q4hr or 4g IV INF, then 1-2g/hr cont INF. Max 40g/day or 20g/48hr in severe renal disease Adult:PO 0.5-2g bid-qid; IV 0.5-2g at 0.5ml/min(10%sol); Max IV dose 3g Child:PO/IV 500mg/kg/ day in divided doses


Calcium Gluconate ( Kalcinate)

Mineral, Electrolyte replacement

Prevention and treatment of hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia, neonatal tetany, cardiac toxicity caused by hyperkalemia, lead colic, hyperphosphatemi a, vit d deficiency, osteoporosis prophylaxis, calcium antagonist toxicity

Assess Mg toxicity: thirst, confusion, and decrease in reflexes. Common side effects: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, cramps Pregnancy cat. A and B Pregnancy Cat. C Monitor ECG for decreased QT interval and T wave inversion. Monitor Calcium levels. Assess cardiac status

Respiratory depression/ paralysis, circulatory collapse, hypothermia, Flaccid paralysis

Cardiac arrest(IV), HYPERCALCEMIA, Burning at the IV site

12 Nifedipine -Adalat CC, Afeditab CR, Nifedical XL, Procardia, Procardia XL Antianginals, anthihypertensives; Calcium channel blockers Systemic vasodilation, resuling in decreased BP 10-30 mg times daily (not to exceed 180 mg/day) PO May be taken without regard to meals. May be administered with meals if GI irritation becomes a problem. do not open, break,crush, or chew extended released tablets. Avoid administration with grape juice. Sublingual use is not recommended due to serious adverse drug reactions Administer subcut injections in lateral deltoid area. Do not sue solution if discolored. Additional pressure is needed on all punctures of skin to prevent bleeding; SC: administer deep into Subq tissue, alternate sites IV: administer over at least 1 min. IV has 10 times the antidiuretic effect of intranasal; Intermittent Infusion: Dilute each dose in 50 mL of 09% NaCl for dults and children >10 kg and in 10 mL in children weighing <10kg max = 0.5 mcg/mL Obtain a careful history of previous response to local anesthetics. Monitor the BP and P. Assess for rash or skin irritation. Dry the area with a swab where the medication is to be applied. Tell patient to watch for an allergic reaction and side Headache, abnormal dreams, confusion, blurred vision, cough, dyspnea, arrhythmias, chf, peripheral edema, increase liver function tests, paresthesias.

Terbutaline - Brethine, Bricanyl, Brethaire, Terbulin


Bronchodilators Adrenergics anticoagulant

Management of preterm labor (tocolytic) Prevent DVT, PE, MI, anticoagulant in transfusion, thromboembolitic disorders

0.25 mg subq or 0.125 mg Subq and 0.125 IVP

Nervousness, restlessness, termor, angina, arrhythmias, HTN, N/V, hyperglycemia Hematuria, hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, anemia, anaphylaxis

Heparin - Hep-Lock, Hep-Lock U/P

Adult IV BOL-5000-7000 units q 4hr. Child- IV INF 50units/kg q4hr

Von Willebrandsdisease

Desmopression acetate

Pituitary hormone

Hemophilia, Von Willebrands disease, nocturna enuresis

IV 0.3 mcg/kg in NACl over 15-30 min

Drowsiness, increased BP, cramps, heartburn, tachycardia,vulval pain


Trade: Dermoplast Spray Generic: Benzocaine Topical

Local anesthetic

Pain reliever after an episiotomy

Spray four times a day to episiotomy

Trade: Epsom Salt Generic: Magnesium

Mineral, Anticonvulsant, Saline Laxative

Treatment and prevention of pre-

30ml to sitz bath four times a day X 20 minutes

- Allergic reaction - Do not use benzocaine topical if you have ever had methemoglobinemia. - An overdose of numbing medications can cause fatal side effects if too much of the medicine is absorbed through your skin and into your blood. - Allergic reactions: shortness of breath, hives, swelling of

13 sulfate eclampsia effects including bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, gas and increased thirst. Topical- after bowel movement and at bedtime. Adults and childrenapply as needed (not to exceed 30 g/day in adults and 7.5 g/day in children) Can be used 3-4 times daily Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, active untreated infections of affected area, not to be used in the eye, should not be used in children under 2 years there is an increased risk of toxicity in small children. Use caution in Pedi- risk of systemic toxicity safety not established. Use smaller doses due to potential for methemoglobinemia Contraindications: if pt has hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, symptoms of appendicitis or acute surgical abdomen, or fecal impaction. May be excreted in breast milk (class C). Admin. With a full glass of water None signigicant drug interaction vitamin C, monitor intake, check for anemia the throat, face or extremities.

Topical/local anesthetic dibucaine*generic Benzocaine*trade

Inhibits initiation and conduction of sensory nerve impulses. Indicated for the relief of pruritis or pain associated with minor skin disorders including hemorrhoids.

decreased or absent gag reflex if used orally. Topical use can cause burning, edema, irritation and urticaria. Anaphylaxis.


docusate*generic Colace*trade

Softening and passage of stool

Prevention of constipation

PO (adults and children >12) 100mg capsule by mouth twice a day

Throat irritation, mild cramps, diarrhea, rashes

Ferrous Sulfate - ED-IN-SOL, Fe50, Feosol, Feratab, Fergen-sol, Fer-in-sol, feriron, slow FE Prenatal Vitamin

Iron Products

Treatment & prevention iron deficiency anemia

325 mg 1 tab PO daily

N&V, GI irritation, constipation, stomach pain, dark stools, tooth discoloration Upset stomach, unpleasant taste, headache


Specially formulated multivitamins that make up for any nutritional deficiencies in the mother's diet

1 tab PO daily

Liquids when taken, no dairy products, other vitamins must be taken 2hrs before or after prenatal vitamin, watch for allergic rections

14 Diphenhydramine - Allergy Medication Benadryl, Midol PM, Sominex



Relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release

25 mg IV slow push every 4hours

Check allergic reactions, Respirations, elderly at fall risk precautions, given at daytime,

Sedation, confusion, cognitive function, thick sputum, pharyngeal dryness, anticholinergic effect

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