MATLAB-Tutorial 2 MATLAB-Tutorial 2: Class ESA251

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MATLAB-Tutorial 2

Class ECES-304 Class ESA251 Presented b: : Sh bh P t d Shubham Bh Bhat Presented bybyElmi Abu Bakar t

Polynomials Functions Programming

I. Polynomials - Functions
Polynomial functions : in the MATLAB polyfun directory
yp pp y Type help polyfun

I. Polynomials Representation & Evaluation

Representation : polynomials as row vectors containing coefficients ordered by descending powers.

E l i l function evaluates a polynomial at a i l l i l Evaluation : l polyval f specified value.

Possible to evaluate a polynomials in a matrix sense.

I : identity matrix

I. Polynomials Roots
roots function calculates the roots of a polynomial:

roots function calculates the roots of a polynomial:

poly and roots are inverse functions poly roots functions,

I. Polynomials Derivatives
polyder function computes the derivative of any polynomial.

derivative of the product a*b by polyder with a single output

derivative of the quotient a/b by polyder with two output

I. Polynomials Convolution
conv computes convolution operation

deconv computes deconvolution operation

I. Polynomials Partial Fraction Expansions

residue finds the partial fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials

Also, id converts b k t Al residue t back to polynomial form

I. Polynomials Polynomial Curve Fitting

polyfit finds the coefficients of a polynomial that fits a set of data in a least-squares sense

d t t i i the d data to be fitted, d is x and y are vectors containing th x and y d t t b fitt d and n i the degree of the polynomial to return

A third degree polynomial that approximately fits the data

I. Polynomials - Examples


I. Polynomials - Examples


I. Polynomials


II. Functions Work with M-files

y p , you When you write a MATLAB function or script, y save it to a file called an M-file (named after its .m file extension)

Simple functions in M-file

Function Definition Line


II. Functions Work with M-files

Simple functions in M-file
p y The Function or Script Body : all the MATLAB code that p performs computations and assigns values to output arguments.


II. Functions Work with M-files

Creating a Simple M-file


II. Functions Work with M-files

Example (sind.m)


II. Functions Work with M-files

Example (sind.m)

* fplot : Plot function


II. Functions Work with M-files

Primary M-file functions
y The first function in any M-file

Nested Functions
one or more functions within another function in MATLAB


II. Functions Work with M-files

M-files can contain code for more than one function M-files can contain code for more than one function Each subfunction begins with its own function definition line


III. Programming Operators

Arithmetic operators
p , y q For numeric computations, elements of arrays with equal dimensions


III. Programming Operators

Relational operators
p p p y Relational operators compare operands q quantitatively


III. Programming Operators

Logical Operators
p p g g y Element-wise operate on corresponding elements of logical arrays.

Short-circuit operate on scalar, logical expressions.


III. Programming Operators



III. Programming Control Statements

Conditional control : if, elseif, else
g p if evaluates a logical expression and executes a g p of statements group when the expression is true. The optional elseif and else provide for the execution of alternate groups of statements. g p


III. Programming Control Statements

Example of if


III. Programming Control Statements

Conditional control : switch, case, otherwise
switch executes certain statements based on the value of a variable or expression


III. Programming Control Statements

Example : switch, case,


III. Programming Control Statements

Loop control : for, while, continue, break
p p for : to loop a specific number of times. while : more suitable for basing the loop execution on how long a condition continues to be true or false. continue and break : more control on exiting the loop. loop continue break


III. Programming Control Statements

Example : for


III. Programming Control Statements

Example : for


III. Programming Control Statements

Example : for


III. Programming Control Statements

Example : for


III. Programming - Development

Planning the Program g Using Pseudo-Code Selecting the Right Data Structures General Coding Practices Naming a Function Uniquely The Importance of Comments Coding in Steps Making Modifications in Steps Functions with One Calling Function g Testing the Final Program


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