Newsletter Dec. 2011 - March 2012

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Months Dec.

2011 March 2012

It has been over four months since we sent out a newsletter! Time flies when you are busy! God has been good these months. We have had good volunteers to help us and the children are doing great with school. We are getting closer to many of the children and some have given there hearts to Jesus! Praise the Lord. Deborah and I are also getting to know one another better. We are spending more time together and with the Lord. Deborah and I got to spend the holidays in the states this year with our families. We had a wonderful time and we even got to see snow.

December 2011
Christmas - We has a great Christmas with the children as always. We were able to get the children some nice gifts and some special meals to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We also were blessed enough to celebrate Christmas with our families in the U.S. Goats We got goats! 3 goats to be exact. One pregnant which has since had her kids. We now have 5 goats. We have been milking the mom, getting about a liter or so a day. Outings with the Kids Doing family outings is a bit harder than in the past now. With seven children under the age of two, a whole family outing is a bit hard. We do them though and the kids love having new places to explore.

January 2012 January

No School! The kids were off school when we got back from the U.S. We got to do some family outings and play with the kids. We brought all the kids stockings with things from the U.S. as well. Dental work This month we got all the kids teeth done. Many of them had bad teeth b/c of poor diet before they got here. After two trips across the lake and more than 30 cavities later we are still not done. Lucky for us, dental care is much more affordable here. Water Issues We had some problems here with our water. The springs have stopped producing water as they used to, people are cutting the line, and animals have been eating the line. However, God is providing enough for us. We are planning on drilling a well this year.

February 2012
Water park outing Lucky for us we have an American friend here that is willing to baby sit six kids under the age of two and two special needs kids. We took all the older kids, Rosa on up, to a very nice water park. They had a lot of fun and so did Deborah and I. Growing babies The babies are growing and we are preparing ourselves for the fun task of potty training. We have already started with three of them. Van Update Praise the Lord our van has been repaired just in time for rainy season. We had to transport it to the city after our friend put it back together to get it all worked out at the dealer. School change Josh and Donna took over the schooling of the children. They moved to the other house and they also moved the schooling over there. It has been going very well. We will need a teacher who can speak Spanish for next year (Jan-Oct 2013) as Josh and Donna are leaving in October.

March 2012
Church We have found a church in the town near us that we started attending every other week. We are still helping lead the local church near our house every week as well. The kids love the kids programs and we really enjoy the worship. We cannot understand the message as it is in the local Indian dialect, but we enjoy going. The services are 3-4 hrs long though. This makes it a little tough with our two babies. (The rest of the babies stay home with Josh and Donna.) Martina Starts school- We found a nice special needs school near by. Martina attends five days a week for four hours a day. She seems to be liking it. Garden progress Our garden is doing wonderful. We have around ten or so types of veggies growing. Expand? We have been asking God to show us if we should expand. In the past two weeks we have been offered four houses around our house. Some of them are all prices to sell at the moment. We are still waiting for God to send volunteers to stay in these houses. As you know we hope to start a home for abused girls. We also have hopes of starting a school/day care center. If you are interested in coming down or helping support the purchase of a home please let us know. Also please pray that God will give us a clear view and understanding of what His will is for His ministry here.

Please see bottom pages

Child Highlight

Name: Saul Orlando Armira Aquino Age: 11 Sex: Male Home Town: Guatemala, Guatemala Arrival Date: Nov 30, 2007

Story: Saul along with his brother and sisters has been bounced around since he was born. Their mother is very irresponsible and played the system never taking responsibility for any of her 7 children for more than 6 mos at a time. They were raised in 4 different childrens homes. Since coming to us they have been able to start school. Saul is very studious and after I taught him the alphabet, he pretty much taught himself to read. He is now in the 5th grade and gets very good grades. Saul loves to be taught and listens very well when Dave teaches the Bible. He answers questions and asks thought provoking questions. He likes to build with legos and is currently raising a fish he caught in the lake. Saul has been placed permanently in our home. Saul is growing to serve the Lord despite his past. Please pray he will continue to have a heart sold out for God.

Sabina Update: Sabina is now living in Antigua working at a restaurant. She is getting some tutoring for her entrance exams for a medical school in Guatemala City. Her aspirations remain the same, she wants to become a doctor and work at medical clinics all over the world. Please pray that she passes her exams.

Prayer Requests below

We had safe travels to and in the United States Deborah and I are getting closer with each other and the children God sent a great counselor for the children God has been providing volunteers For safety in travel and with weather Our garden is flourishing and the goat is giving milk That support is continuing to come in and for all the people who pray for us Lord, He Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good Psalm 136:1

Please Pray
For continued safety in this rainy season and from robbers That God will give Deborah and I wisdom as to whether or not to purchase more land for more of Gods work here in Santiago Atitlan That God will give Deborah and I wisdom and Patience to raise the children and manage the house That the children will share their hearts openly with the new counselor so he can help them be healed by God For one or more couples to commit to the ministry here for the girls home and school That the Lord will provide a teacher for the children And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith Matt. 21:22

Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-5024407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a monthly basis or to give one time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write our names on checks. Attach a note with the check as to who it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e- mails. God Bless.

Contact info below

How to Contact us
Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages: Dave and Deborah Reichard APDO POSTAL #35 San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala. For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to and send to: Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale 584 Colebrookdale Road Boyertown , PA 19512.

Contribute online @

FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion Web site Our web site is finally done! Check it out! Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on. Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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