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Thanks for reading my comics. Dont understand French and/or Haitian Crole ?

Here is a handy translation guide for 36/20. (Plus a mini-erratum) Translation guide:

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Haitian Creole is a bastardization of French, so many words resemble French. Tan Pri please I beg you. Tan is pronounced like ton in English but no n sound at the end. Equivalent to the French pronunciation of temps. Pri is pronounced like the word free except it is a p instead of an f. Equivalent to the French pronunciation of prix Judas slang for traitor. Pronounced like in English except that the s is silent so you are saying Juudaaa Vin Wem literally translates into come and see me but it means come over here. Vin is pronounced like seen except it is a v instead of an s. Wem sounds like the word way except you put an m sound at the end. So it sounds like way-m Trt Chien Mourri literally says traitor, dog decayed it is another slang for traitor. Trt is pronounced like tray but with a t at the end. Chien is just like the French word so you say She-yen. Mourri is pronounced moo ree the ree is the sound from the word free Ti mon moins la caille My child is at home Ti = tea, mon = moon, la caille = la kayell

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Trt nap fw pas rans ak nou: literally translated means Traitor, well show you not to mess with us nap is just like the English word nap. Fw is pronounced foo-way. Rans is pronounced ran-say. Ak is pronounced aahk with an emphasis on the k

sound. And nou is just like the French word nous pronounced like mooo(like a cow) but it is an n instead of an m Mais comment a tu reussi de tenfuir ? : (French) How did you manage to escape ? Grace a la vierge Marie: (French) By the Grace of the Virgin Mary.

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Que est qui cest arriv: (French) What happened ? Erratum: I made a grammar mistake there should not be a t in front of the word arriv

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Misricorde a slang word related to Roman Catholicism. Its a plea to god.

Pages 14 15
Ha ! Ha ! Sale Negres !: (French) Ha Ha Dirty Niggers !! Prends a ! Le Noir !: (French) Take that ! Black man ! Erratum: There should not be an e at the end of Noir because since they are addressing Robin, the word noir must be masculine not feminine.

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I forgot to write I mean nothing in the last panel. I feel that without those three words the transition between the last two panels is not as smooth.

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The is an to missing when Bonald is talking in the first panel. It should read: it takes you over an hour for you to draw a page

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