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TRAD Stair Tower User Guide




TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

PleaseNote Youshouldreadandensureyouunderstandthismanualinitsentirety priortocommencingwork.

Onlytrainedandcompetentoperativesshoulderect,dismantleor modifyTRADStairTowersystemsatanytime.

TableofContents AboutTRADHire&Sales AboutTRADStairTower TRADStairTower&Safety ManualHandling SafetyonSite GeneralRulesforSafety Components ErectionGuidance BasicErectionSequence BasicDismantlingProcedure AnchorageandTying Loading PersonnelCapacities SafeWorkingHeights

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 29 31 31 32 33


ThismanualisvalidonlyfortheuseofGenuineTRADStairTower manufacturedandsuppliedbyTRADHireandSalesLimited.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


TRAD Hire & Sales is one of the UKs market leaders for the supply of system scaffolding,scaffoldtube,fittings,boards, stair towers, temporary roofing systems andassociatedequipment. All the products we stock are of the highest quality and comply fully with all relevantBritishorEuropeanStandards.In addition, with our commitment to exceeding all safety standards, all our products,whethersourcedinternationally or within the UK are subject to thorough testing by qualified external UK testing bodies. From the smallest requirement to complete hire or sale packages our UK wide network of depots have the resources and capabilities to meet the demandsfromthesmallesttothelargest projects. TRAD Hire & Sales Ltd. is a full non contracting member of the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) and is a fully accredited ISO 9001 company.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


TRADStairTowerisanindependentaccessstairsystemdesignedtoprovidesafeanefficientaccess to onsite work locations. The TRAD Stair Tower is comprised of high quality manufactured prefabricatedcomponents.TheStairTowerisassembledfromSteelStandards,LedgerBeams,Purlin Rails / Frames, Stair Flights, Landings, Guardrails and Handrails. The TRAD Stair Tower is a flexible and versatile system designed for use as an independent structure or for integration into other ScaffoldingSystemsorStagings. All components are manufactured from quality galvanised steel conforming to current British and European standards. All components are marked with TRAD identification and month / year of manufacturetoprovidefulltraceability.Componentsaresubjecttoregulartestingbyindependent andapprovedUKtestingfacilities. Thisguidesetsout,fortheuser,thebasicsystemcomponentsandconfiguration.TheStairTower systemisflexibleandversatileinuse.ForfurtherinformationonTRADStairTowercomponentsand applications please contact your nearest TRAD Hire & Sales branch (locations are detailed on the rearcoverofthisguide) TRADStairToweroffersmanybenefitsincluding: Strength TRAD Stair Tower design makes it extremely robust with permissible loads (personnel)exceedingthoseofalternativeStairSystems. Speed: The system design makes the TRAD Stair Tower faster and simpler to build then alternativeStairSystems. Flexibility: TRAD Stair Tower can be used as an independent stair or in conjunction with traditionalTubeandFittingScaffoldingorSystemScaffolding. Cost Savings: The TRAD Stair Tower is easy to assemble and is designed to maximise productivityandimproveefficiencyonsite TRADStairTowerismanufacturedtothehighestpossiblestandardstherebyensuringthequalityof each item. TRAD Stair Tower is tested and designed in line with the ISO 9001 series of quality managementsystems.Furthermore,TRADStairToweranditsassociatedproductsoffercompliance withthefollowing: BSEN12810Part1:2003 Faadescaffoldsmadeofprefabricatedcomponents:Product Specifications BSEN12810Part2:2003 FaadeScaffoldsMadeofPrefabricatedComponents:Particular MethodsofStructuralDesign BSEN12811Part1:2003 ScaffoldsPerformanceRequirements&GeneralDesign BSEN12811Part2:2003 InformationonMaterials BSEN12811Part3:2003 TemporaryWorksEquipmentLoadTesting BSEN39 Part1:2009 MetalScaffolding,CouplersandspecialsCouplersinSteel BSEN74:2007 Couplersforuseinscaffolding



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide



Competence of individuals working at height is now a direct requirement of the current Work at Height Regulations. Consequently, employers have a duty to ensure that all individuals involved in the erection, modificationordismantlingofanyscaffolding equipment have received the necessary trainingtoenablethemtoexecutetheirwork inasafemanner. ThisUserGuideandavailabilityofspecificand dedicated training courses for TRAD Stair Tower system (via our nationally accredited training partners) ensures that all users have access to achieve the requisite level of competence. For further information please contact your localTRADHire&SalesLtd.Depot,detailsof which can be found on the rear cover of this guide. WorkatHeight/Fall

HarnessandLanyardAnchor Points To ensure the safety of TRAD Stair Tower erectors, it is important that fall protection equipment is only attached to those componentsthatarecapableofwithstanding any likely imposed loads. This section details the key components and their ability to take attachment (in preferential order). Please note that all scaffolds must be erected in accordance with this guide to be deemed as acceptableforattachment. Attachment can be made to the following components! TRAD Stair Tower Ledger Beam highest available point and secured at bothends TRAD Stair Tower Purlin Frame / Purlin Rail (highest available point) and securedatbothends Attachmentmustnotbemadeto: - Ledger Beams or Purlin Frames / Purlin Rails not secured at both ends. - Standards

The current edition of the Work at Height Regulations places a duty on employers to protect individuals from harm. Scaffolding inevitably carries a risk of falls from height and consequently, it is of paramount importance that a safe system of work be adopted during any scaffold activity. It is therefore strongly recommended that the procedures outlined in the NASCs guidance noteSG4PreventingFallsinScaffoldingand Falsework are followed. SG4 describes several safe methods of work, including the use of collective fall protection systems such astheadvancedguardrailandthescaffolders step.

TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

RescueofSuspended Casualties

WhilethecurrentWorkatHeightRegulations requires that work at height be carried out safely, they also require that contingency plans be made for any eventuality, this extends to making plans to rescue personnel suspendedbyfallarrestequipment.Provision shouldbemadetoensurethatpersonnelare fully trained to use any equipment that may be required to execute a rescue of any suspendedcasualties. Note: Always refer to NASC guidance notes SG4& SG19 (SG19A Guide toFormulating RescuePlans).


The following basic rules should be adhered to when manually handling the TRAD Stair Tower systemandassociatedcomponents. Plan lay down/storage areas in advance to reduce the distance materials have to be manually handled. Always check the transit route before manual handling to ensure that it is suitable and free from obstructionsandanytrippinghazards. Whenhandlinglongmaterialsbewareofdamagetoproperty,overheadelectriclines,otherpeople andmovingvehicles. Onlytackleloadsthatcanbereasonablyhandledbytheindividualsinvolvedi.e.considerpersonal physicalcapabilities. Manual handling operations should be eliminated where possible by using mechanical handling equipment and manual handling aids whenever possible. These include lightlines, gin wheel, forkliftsandcranesetc. Usethecorrectknotsandhitchesifusingropetoliftequipment. Alwaysusethecorrectkinetichandlingtechnique: Feetonafirmlevelbaseacomfortabledistanceapart.(Approx.300mm) Useyourlegsandnotyourbacktobend. Raiseyourheadslightlyandtuckinyourchintokeepyourspinestraight. Avoidtwistingwiththetrunkofthebody.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

As is the case with any scaffold erection, dismantling or modification, consideration must always be given to those that may be affected by the works being carried out. To ensure that the highest standards of safety performance are maintained, consideration shouldbegiventothefollowing: 1. If the scaffold is on rough or uneven ground, ensure that it is erected on adequate timber sole boards that are properlylevelledandbeddedandthatthe ground is capable of withstanding proposedloadings. 2. All Stage Landings and Stair Flights must befreefromobstructions,triphazardsor projections. Where there are risks of items falling from Stage Landings the TRAD Stair Tower Toe Board should be consideredforuse. 3. Do not load Stage Landings with materials. All materials are to be stored onscaffoldsorloadingtowers. 4. Allscaffoldsrequireadequatebracingand ties.Neithershouldberemovedwithout giving consideration to firstly installing alternative bracing or ties, to ensure the continuedsafetyofthescaffold. 5. All scaffolds must be erected in strict accordance with this user guide any

configurations out with this guide including sheeting, netting or other similar wind sails should be referred to a person competent in the design of TRAD StairTowers. 6. Any unauthorised interference should be immediately reported to site management with any incomplete or unsafe parts of the scaffold being clearly markedandaccessrestricted. 7. AllTRADStairTowercomponentsrequire visualinspectionbeforeuse.Nodamaged equipment should be used within the scaffold structure. Any equipment found damagedshouldbeimmediatelysetaside inaquarantinedarea,clearlymarkedand senior management informed. Maintenance and repair procedures should only be carried out by qualified / approvedpersonnel. 8. AlwayswearappropriatePPEwithHiVis whererequired.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

Always ensure all risk assessments and method statements have been carried out,communicatedtothoseconcerned andunderstood. Always ensure that there is adequate storageforthematerials. Alwaysensurethatthereisclearaccess totheworkareaandthatthegroundis level and suitable to accept the scaffold. Alwaysensureallwhoerect,adaptand dismantle the scaffold are trained and competenttodoso. AlwaysworktocurrentSG4guidelines. Always ensure that there are adequate tyingpoints. Always ensure that Stair Flights and Stage Landings are free from obstructionsortriphazards. Always ensure scaffold inspections are carriedoutandrecordedaspercurrent legalrequirements. Always ensure that all defects are notified to the site management immediately.



Never remove guardrails or toe boards. Never remove ties without prior approval. Never remove restrictions or warning signsfromthescaffoldstructure. Never undermine the scaffold by diggingtrenchesunderorneartothe base. Neveraddsheetingornettingwithout priorapproval. Never let untrained persons erect, modifyordismantlethescaffold. Neverusedamagedmaterials. Neverallowunqualified/unapproved personnel to repair damaged equipment Never load directly on to the access scaffolds working platform (always usealoadingtower). Never load equipment directly onto theStairTowersystem.

SAFETYISNOACCIDENT DONTRISKIT IFINDOUBTASK! The information given in this TRAD Stair ToweruserguiderelatessolelytoTRADStair Tower equipment supplied by TRAD Hire & SalesLimited.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


Standards TheseformtheverticalmembersoftheStairTower.3.0mand2.0marethecommonsizes.Each standardhasconnection/nodepoints(lugs)every500mm Length Weight Code 159502 3.0m 18.8kg 159503 2.0m 12.45kg .

Beams The TRAD Stair Tower is built using 3.0m and 1.6m ledger beams at platform / landing level. The 3.0mbeamactsasthetransombeamandthe1.6mbeamactsastheledgerbeam.Thelandingsare fittedtotheledgerbeamspriortoinstallationoftheflights. Length Weight Code 159516 3.0m 17.2kg 159519 1.6m 9.66kg


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

PurlinRails Theseprovideasingleguardrailfunctionandareavailablein3.0m,2.16mand1.6msizes. Code Length Weight 149109 3.0m 9.77kg 159544 2.16m 7.95kg 149111 1.6m 5.7kg

PurlinFrames Providedoublehandrailfunctionalityforstairflightsandatthestagelandinglevel.Availablein3.0m and1.6msizes. Length Weight Code 159530 3.0m 13.6kg 159532 1.6m 9.68kg



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

EntranceSteps Providesinitialstepaccesstofirstlevelstagelanding. Length Weight Code 159554 1.6m 16.32kg

StairFlights Provide interconnecting stair access toeach lift of the Stair Tower. Access and egress to the stair flightviaconnectedstagelanding.Availablein2.0m,1.5mand1.0msizes. Length Weight Code 159546 2.0m 53.66kg 159547 1.5m 39.06kg 159548 1.0m 39.21kg

TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

StairHandrails Providesdoublehandrailforallstairflightsizes.Availablein2.0m,1.5mand1.0msizes. Length Weight Code 159549 2.0m 10.73kg 159550 1.5m 9.90kg 159551 1.0m 10.27kg

StageLandings Fittedtotheledgerbeamstoprovideconnectionpointsforstairflights.Provideaccessandegress pointsatworkinglifts. Length Weight Code 159552 1.6m 28.2kg .



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

HandrailPosts Fittedtostagelandingtoprovideconnectionpointsforstairhandrails. Length Weight Code 159553 1.0m 6.18kg

ClipOnPosts Fittedtoledgerbeamandconnectedto2.16mguardrailswhenprovidingaccessoregressatsideof tower. Code Length Weight 159542 1.0m 7.40kg Page13

TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

FoldingGuardFrame ProvidesdoublehandrailonstagelandingatentrancetoStairTower. Length Weight Code 159556 N/A 9.61kg

BaseJack BasejackincorporatingbaseplateprovideslevellingfoundationforthestandardsoftheTRADStair Tower.Providesmeansofverticaladjustmentofthestandardstoensurethattheledgerbeamsare level. Length Weight Code 127005 650mm 3.4kg .
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TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

GuardrailFrame FittedtostagelandingonfinalliftofStairTower.Completesdoublehandrailontopstagelanding. Length Weight Code 159555 N/A 8.5kg .

StairEndToeBoard StairSideToeBoard


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

StairTopToeBoard ToeBoards Fitted to edge of Stage Landing to prevent materials or operatives falling or slipping off the platform. Weight Code StairEndToeBoard 159625 6.5kg StairSideToeBoard 159630 2.9kg StairTopToeBoard 159635 2.2kg AdditionalComponents AdditionalComponentsoutsidethestandardcomponentsetfortheTRADStairTowerSystemmay be required to enable use in accordance with this user guide. These components will normally constitutelooseScaffoldTubecomplianttoEN39standardandScaffoldCouplerscomplianttoEN74 standard.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide



ThissectiondescribesthebasicerectionanddismantlingproceduresfortheTRADStairTower. Aswithallscaffolding,onlytrained,competentoperativesshoulderect,dismantleormodifythe TRADStairToweratanytime. TRADHire&SalesLtd.recommends,thatasaminimum,theworkingpracticesforallscaffold activitiessetoutintheNASCsdocumentSG4PreventingFallsinScaffolding&Falsework,are appliedatalltimes. Priortocommencingwork,makesureallmethodstatements,riskassessmentsandpermitsare inplaceandthatsuitabletiepointsareavailable. Ensurethatthegroundislevel,firmandcapableoftakingtheimposedloadofthecompleted stairtower.Whererequired,usesoleboards/spreaderplatesofasuitablesizetospreadthe loadovertheground. Ensure that the structure against which the tower is erected and upon which it relies for its stabilityisasoundandinherentlystablestructure. SetouttheStairToweraccordingtothegroundlevelsandworkingplatformheightsrequired. Start constructing the tower from the most convenient point and, where practicable, at the highestgroundlevel. It is recommended that work to erect and dismantle the Stair Tower be carried out by a minimumoftwooperatives. If using an advance guardrail or scaffolders step information relating to the use of these productsshouldbeobtainedfromtheoriginalsupplier. Ensure that the recommended harness and lanyard guidance notes are observed at all times (SeesectionTRADStairTowerandSafety).


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


1 For base jacks as shown, set out sole plates at position of standards, ledger beams and transom beams.Placebasejacksontosoleplates,adjusttoestimatedfinalheight.

2 Place standard on base jacks, ensure that pockets are running in direction as shown (low pocket, 1.65mdirection,highpocket3.05mposition).



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

3 Connect 3.05m ledger beam to higher level pockets. Connect 1.65m ledger beams to lower level pockets.

4 Engagealllockingcatchesasyouproceed.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

5 Checkdistancefromstructure.

6 Levelfirstliftfollowingclockwisedirection.Levelbyadjustingbasejacksasnecessary.

7 Checkbaseliftissquareusingatapemeasure.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

8 Place first landing (A), on ledger beams as shown. Place stage landing (B), at opposite end of bay (footlift). Installsecondlevelofledgerbeams.Nextlanding(C),islocatedbyworkingoffstagelanding(B).The landingonthislift,andallfurtherlifts,areinitiallypositionedonledgerbeamsapproximately0.5m fromendofbay.

9 Fitentrancesteptotower.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

10 Thestairtowermustbeanchoredtothestructuresateachplatformlevelonbothends(innerand outerstandards)usingscaffoldtubeandcouplers.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

11 Stair flight is positioned vertically and located into pockets of lower landing (11A & 11B). Flight is thenloweredontolandingabove(11C)andpushedalong(11D)untiltopofstairflightisfullylocated intopocketsofupperlanding(11E). Note: At this stage check top and bottom of stair is fully engaged into both landing pockets. Stairflightsshouldbeerectedforaclockwiseascent.

12 Fitguardrailframesandguardrailstotheoutsidefaceofthestairflight.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

13 Uppermosterectorclipstomidpointofledgerbeam.Botherectorsthenfixstairhandrailpostinto top and lower landings. Then, stair handrail is located into pockets of posts and locking catch engaged.

14 Fitfoldingguardframeintohandrailpostandstandardatentranceofstair.

15 Repositionstagelandingontonextliftdirectlyabovelowerlanding.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

16 Erector 1 proceeds up stair flight and fits temporary clipon post to ledger beam close to stage landing. Erector 1 then hooks to ledger, and, using clipon post for support, he climbs onto stage landing. Note:Cliponpostisonlyusedtofacilitateclimbingtoexposedlanding.

17 Erector2proceedsupstairflightontolanding,hooksontoledgerbeamclosetostandard.

18 Next standards are added to all four legs. Temporary clipon post may now be removed to a safe placeuntilitisrequiredagain(e.g.end1.65mledgerbeam).



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

19 Fitguardrailframestofaceandendoftowerasshown.Fitledgerbeamstonextliftrequired(1.5m or2.0m).Rehooktoupperledgernearstandards.

20 Tiesshouldbefittedtostructureandtowerateachlevelbeforeerectingnextlift.

21 Forfurtherliftsrepeatprocedures8,1113,1520untilreachingfinalexitlevelormidexitpoints.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

22 Entrance/exitattopoftower.Erector1issafelystandingonlandingandhookedonto1.65mledger beam,fits3.0mguardrailframewitherector2safelystandingonstagelandingatoppositeendof tower,hookedonto1.65mledgerbeam.Erector1thenfitstopguardframeintohandrailpostand landingasshown.

23 FORSIDEEXITErector1issafelystandingonlandingandfitscliponposttoinsideledgerbeam. Erector2standingonstagelandingatoppositeendoftowerhookedonto1.65mledgerbeam.Both erectorsthenfit2.16mguardrailsor2.16mguardrailframeintocliponpostandstandardensuring lockingcatchesareengaged.Meansofaccess/egressatsideoftoweristhencomplete.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


FOR END EXIT Erector 1 is safely standing on landing. Erector 2 standing on stage landing at
opposite end of tower hooked onto 1.65m ledger beam. Both erectors fit 3.0m guardrail frame at each side of tower. Remove 1.6m guard from landing position. Means of access/egress at end of toweristhencomplete.ForconstructionoftheTRADStairTowerwiththe3.0mfaceparalleltothe structureorscaffold(sideexits).Usingtubeandcouplers,thetowershouldbetiedtothestructure beloweachliftposition(exceptfirstlift)throughbothinsideandoutsidestandards.

ACCESS POINTS It is only possible to have a side access point (3.05m) in a 2.0m lift. Access
to/fromendoftower(1.655m)isnotrestricted,but1.65mledgerbeam Mayhavetoberaisedtocreateheadroomwhenaccessliftislessthan2.0m.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

25 ToeBoards ToeBoardsareoptionalandcanbefittedoncompletionoftheInstallationofthestagelandingand theupperandlowerstairflights.SidetoeboardsarehookedovertheledgerbeamsbytheErector andtheEndtoeboardsarefittedtotheStairTowerstandardsbyInsertingtheendhooksintothe lugs. Toptoeboardsarefittedtobymeansofconnectingthetoeboardhooksaroundtheguardframe andintothelugsofthehandrailpost.



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


Priortocommencingwork,makesureallmethodstatements,riskassessmentsandpermitsarein place. Step2 CheckthattheStairTowerisstillintheproperlyerectedcondition.Makesurethatallcomponents andtieshavenotbeeninterferedwithandallplatformsareclearofanyloosematerialanddebris priortodismantling.Reportanyproblemstositemanagementimmediately. Step3 Decideonthesafeloweringmethodbywhichthecomponentsshallberemovedtotheground,for examplehandtohand,crane,hoist,forklifttruckorhandline. Undernocircumstancesshouldbombingbeusedtolowerequipment. Once the components are safely on the ground they should be stacked neatly ready for transportation. Step4 All components fixed above the top platforms guardrails should be removed. Components should thenbeloweredtogroundlevel. Step5 The top working platform can now be dismantled paying particular attention to the current NASC guidancenoteSG4PreventingFallsinScaffoldingandFalsework.Ifusinganadvanceguardrailor scaffolders step information relating to the use of these products should be obtained from the originalsupplier. Step6 Removeanytoeboardsandassociatedbracketsandagaintransfertotheground. Step7 Removingallguardrailsandanytoppedoutstandardsasyougo,moveprogressivelytowardsthe stairflight.Componentsshouldthenbeloweredtogroundlevel. Page31

TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

Step8 Removehandrailpostsandhandrailsimultaneously(twoerectors)andlowertogroundlevel. Step9 Unhookthestairflight,removeandlowertogroundlevel. Step10 FromErectionPlatform/Stagelandingremovetheupperlevelstagelandingandlowertoground level. Step11 Unsecure the thumblocks of the ledger beams. Remove all four ledger beams progressively and lowertogroundlevel. Step12 Repeatsteps5to12dismantlingandloweringthecomponentsinthesequencedescribed. Note:Tiesshouldonlyberemovedwhentheypreventfurtherdismantling. Step13 At ground level, work progressively towards the final stage landing and entrance step. Remove ledgerbeamsandpurlinrails/purlinframeswhilstholdingstandardssothattheydonotbecome unstable. Removethestandardsfromthebasejackswhentheyarenolongerattached. Step14 Ifanyelementofthisdismantlingsequencecannotbecompliedwithpleaseseekadvice.
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TRAD Stair Tower User Guide



TheTowershouldbetiedtothisstructureateachlift(i.e.2mverticalcentres)usinghorizontal tiesateachsidethatsecurelyfixtotheexistingstructureandtotheinnerandouterstandards. Where the shorter 1.6m face of the Tower is constructed parallel to the existing structure, additionaltiesarerequired.Thesetiesshouldbeappliedateachliftfromtheouterstandardsat 45degreesbacktotheexistingstructure.Theseadditionaltiesaretobesecurelyfixedtothe existing structure and this fixing is assumed to be capable of resisting horizontal forces both parallelandperpendiculartotheplaneofthewall. Allaccessscaffoldswillimposeforcesuponthestructuretowhichtheyarefixedthroughtheir ties.Thereshouldbeaninitialassessmentwithregardstotheabilityofthestructuretosustain the loads either globally, due to its own instability, or locally as a result of defective finishes. Loadingsfromthetiesintothesupportingstructurearedependantupontheliveloadingtothe working platforms, the height of the scaffold and, in the majority of cases, the wind loading imposeduponthescaffoldanditscladdingstatus.Forguidancewithregardstothedesignof ties into building facades we would refer you to Section 5 of TG20:08 or to the TRAD Hire & SalesLtdTechnicalServicesDepartmentoracompetenttemporaryworksdesigner.

Standardtubeandfittingsareusedtoformthetieconnectioninconjunctionwithaproprietary tie system. Appropriate length tubes are to be fitted to both the standards of the TRAD Stair Towerstructure. Inadditiontomasonryanchors,boxties,throughtiesorgirdermayalsobeusedtoensurethe stability of the TRAD Stair Tower system. (Where suggested configurations cannot be used, qualifieddesigninputmustbesought).


InaccordancewiththerequirementsofBSEN12811theDesignloadfortheTRADStairToweris 1kN/m2,or1.5kNpositionedinworstcasepositionforelementoftowerunderinspection.

ThroughoutthecalculationsforthemaximumdesignloadonanystandardfortheTRADStair Towerhasbeentakenas45.24kNwherethe3mfaceisparalleltothestructureand29.07kN wheretheshort(1.6m)faceisparalleltothestructurebasedupontheuseofLedgerBeamsto bothlongandshortfacesofthetowerateverylandinglocation.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


ThePersonnelCapacitiestablesaredesignedtoprovideguidanceontherecommendednumber ofpersonnelpermittedontheTRADStairTowerbytheheightofthetower. For the purposes of this table one person is assumed to weigh 100kg, exerting a force of approximately1kN.


TRADSTAIRTOWER StairTowerHeight 2m 4m 6m 8m 10m 12m 14m 16m 18m 20m 22m 24m 26m 28m 30m 32m 34m 36m 38m 40m 42m 44m 46m 48m 50m

MaxNo.Personnel 28 35 40 47 53 59 65 71 77 84 90 96 102 108 114 121 117 117 113 112 108 106



TRAD Stair Tower User Guide


TheTRADStairTowerSafeHeightTablesarebasedonamaximumheightof30m,heightsabove thisarepossiblebuttheseshouldbereferredtoacompetenttemporaryworksengineer. This TRAD Stair Tower User Guide utilises wind loading in the preparation of its safe working heighttablesforaccessscaffold.ThesetablesarelimitedtoSvaluesabove20andbelow40. Where localised conditions result in S values outside of these parameters the wind velocity pressuresmayeitherbelowerthanorexceedthoseutilisedwithinthecalculationsfromwhich the tables are derived. Scaffolds located to the edges of cliffs or escarpments, in coastal locationsortotallstructuressurroundedbyothertallstructures,whichmaycausefunnellingof the wind pressure, are all susceptible to significant increases in wind pressure due to local effects. In these instances it is recommended that advice is sought from a competent temporaryworksengineer.

For the purposes of thisguide the Stair Tower isassumed tobe uncladand free from netting andsheeting,suchthattheonlyareapresentedtothewindisthatofthecomponentsofthe StairTower. ThesafeheighttablesandsectioncapacitiescontainedwithintheThisTRADStairTowerUser Guidearebaseduponliveloadingfromtheintendeduseonly.Additionalloadingmayaccrue ontheworkingplatformsorcomponentsasaconsequenceofatmosphericprecipitationssuch asice,snow,sandanddust.Theworkingprocessesmayalsocausedebrissuchassand,gritor demolition debris to accumulate on the working platforms or components, which will also increasetheliveloadingabovethatallowedfor.Wherethisisseentooccurorisknownwill occur further guidance should be sought from a competent temporary works engineer, which mayresultinadowngradingoftheLoadClassofthescaffold. TownSites Anysitethatisatleast2kminsideatownterrain,shieldedbybuildingswithin100manwhere theaverageheightofthesurroundingbuildingsare5mormorethenthissiteisclassifiedasa Townsite. CountrySites AnysitethatfallsoutsidethescopeofthedescriptionoftheTownsite. Procedures and guidance for determining maximum safe heights are available in TG20:08 Volume1.


TRAD Stair Tower User Guide

3.0m(Long)FaceParalleltoBuilding MaximumTowerHeight(m)

Valuetobeascertained subjecttosite 20 30 30 24 30 30 28 24 24 32 6 8 36 4 40 DerivedfromOutofServiceConditionCriticalupto30m 1.6m(Short)FaceParalleltoBuilding MaximumTowerHeight(m)



Value to be ascertained subjecttosite InCountry


20 30 30 24 30 30 28 30 30 32 30 30 36 30 30 40 20 20 DerivedfromOutofServiceConditionCriticalupto30m



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