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Thmooth (smooth) Thtring (string) Angenes (engines) Perhaps in the future we will have angenes running with the

wind (engines running on wind power) The countries will go straight into the wall/world Carrefour is one of the biggest trust in the world Big bammals The bigger the animal they caught, the more viral they were If you dont care, youre not aware! Complicated means its hardly not solvable Buying land is not nearly the same as buying your neighbor Halfanalf.halfandhalf The more the more Positive is a negative The more the less Man-age Sutsainbilty Lunchs Two yees You are gonna be f you gonna fail Collect as many data as possible Fiji-logical (physiological) Ruleth (rules) Eh-vent If I want to be prudentpruhdent Its a cycle (makes wave motion with hands) Flookshuations Fook-tified One Happle Yoojh We are all like drops in the oceanBut what if a drop doesnt do his job. E-eth-ess Rezoss (resource) Chake (check) elpful Haspects Neigh-zees (Nazis) Pri-zonees (prisoners) Mustnost nost Asterist my question is will be wills this on pluffing two peynn-iss really good smell nose they all have it but more or less. Re-zoning (reasoning) First: which, and what, and when.

Evalleation Your protocol is a bullshit xDDDDD YOU MUST KNOW WHYYOUCOOKAKEHK Hahead (ahead) Nutt-rients. What is a soil You can have a layer at the top of the top orithon hay (Horizon A) top top layer youmooss (humus) leeter (litter) Oklay (ok while readin clay) Its a good news Its a wolf, its not anything else Bad/Sad news: Pumas are extinct (written on the board) Bring thom tails back Has well It-ah-li In France wolves sexually abuse women and girls The two boys who created wolf were grown by wolves (they were planted) The donkeys are big and shout loud. Desicuggrate the ecosystem Small squeerrels coming on boats in the form of the sea. 2000m high in attitude. A fox is about 7cm high. About up to the shoulder for us Rock-ogg-nize Hum-nivorous Show some Hability Fuhd (food) Wolves sing (howl) Patou (=montagne des Pyrenees) to protect the sheeps They are not asked to do the so, they do the so themselves Impussible to see them Really really really pruhddent Roushurr (Russia) Try to find more informations What has having? Open your ears and your mind Diplitingit (depleting it) Something were not supposed to touch to We do an instvengstigetion Taking some animals and serve them Blubox is sutsainabuyield Take a piss on the MSY X of rabbits You have MSY

Dinosuzz Natural HUZZAAHd Ree-fur-ence Deckuntate ?? Cah-roht (carrot) From clay to sand dududududududu Ace-timate Fohmullee Nishisuhsmallplace Re-become Magneeshumm Calshumm How does it goes up, the pedofauna. You need Prokthimutly 18 thuthun yeehs Build a soil When I say Ehrs with a big E Kilo-Metters The deepest type of rock can be found in Blue Barrows (Blue arrows) Stucktuuhd H-our Inv-ace-tigate A-toms This means probably that. (as an end of sentence) Questions to be answered to How you gonna hanswer those two questions now? Japanayuhland Simon, you have a nice hairbrushhaircut Jah-punn Thuth Hydrogene H2O is forms The same hate of must be kept The hate of the wave goes up Its over one spast iPod Center Letsselituhlets say Croffthffing A boat is like a cat in the ocean Both thecondary Earth-shake Atmosphere is mainly gaaaaaaasss Thero point thero sree I faggot one gas Upper above the atmosphere The ozone is not a putting a layer on a table. Moh-lecull

The composition of structure Confusing thems Late-ittude Degrees, my-nuts, and seconds Mathemathlick Ree-frunce Youve got to mansion The earth in an ovwid (a sphere) The America 15 thousand years ago, so yesterday countries like Scandinavia it could be quite fast, quite speed before before (nervous laugh) hehehe zizizit High request for energy consumption Add info on itch Criteriachriterium sorry Homo sapiens have only lived for a few million yearswhich is nothing Sree Measuring Thylinders Piss of my sample Sample two, samesamesame, sample three, samesamesame Youve got to appreciate what is a kilogram Its indiv-dual Youve got to wait the soil to be a funnel Learn the way of the soil (watch star wars much) Once you see that the whore you are observing is in your drawing Looks like a larvae of glasshopper The intro is a wonderful worm. Show me your beautiful worms!!!!!!!!! I am a fish. Fish me without any bait! Once drunk you need to get rid of it Sulfuric acid raining on us. Not so sweet Depo-theeted Thinphlic The river seems more dedicate Not as worse as we had think Birds have wings and feezwuzz Thom bird sing but only somebirdthing They fight by song, they hardly fight by fist Its really easily to hear them If you cant see them you wont know hardly where to look at How is a bird song rockoggnizable Singing and behavioring Bird thong Rockoggnize it by the hate of the note The more you ear the more you will understand Speak Late-in

Hardly more croppable The soil is really poo soil castration Frothen doth not change that much The God Internet Unless you have a really big memory Fo-Cue-zing Diaploma D. Delta like Daniel Resourzuzz Observation is THE keys Deadful Hexagown Sto-RAGES I cant wait tasting it Rephrase it with your hown words A state where things are static or in other words where they are the opposite of static. Its a big mess in you I might not be moving, but inside me there is movement. As we have faggohs The more you are, the more messy it will be on me. Hairy-ya? (area) Competiting TOTAL, the biggest trusts concerning oil We throw away nannies.Naffies. NAPPIES!! YES NAPPIES! Clothes that arent fresh Why not washing it? Coca-cola bottlelike, milk bottlelike, and water bottlelike. We should considerate making bottles into pepper A lot of polluting the environment Rezoing When you hear it, it must ring your bells Steve Jobs said Be simple, I say think simpleand also trust yourself but thats beside the point Elisa said that technology is not that advanced now. KEY WORD NOW! NOW MEANING TIME! Like Queen said, I want it now People hardly dont see what they want is renewable resources Critical mind is the best tools for the IB You dont know how many birds are gonna be outside are gonna be You go outside and you might see a bird of prey. You might think hes looking for some prey. But he might be just flying. Its not A but its not B neither The atmosphere and the Earths of face Youre not able to answer an answer Therefore thus the less the absorption 10 kilojulesperkilometerhourperyear

Butbutbutbut We have to also take into account the deserts (pronounces like ice cream deserts) Where do we dump all the nuclear waste? AFRICA! 3 mullions draw or modelize what you understand lake, ocean, piece of water decrease the cause If you want to die, you go outside Foss-ile Thous of Africa if you wanna relax, close your eyes, its part of the training It doesnt necessarily mean that it is better nor worst It doesnt show the reality of in the field You can evaluate them, but not only. Chatting with each other leads to nothing apart noise Human behavior is hardly not predictable You guys all need a break to (prrr (explosion sound)) New molecule bulls It perhaps wont increase it neither The war of renewable resources is like a bunch of big companies standing around an orange, waiting for someone to jump on the orange so they can all fight for the orange. Decrease using fossil fuels because you are aware When you look at the ants, they cannot all think that they will carry the seed back to the hanthill. They can stand there and sense the seed with their senses. But together they will sense the seed to the hanthill together. You have to think that there is not just one ant governing all the others. A notion is made of drops of water, each water counts. This is what the governments believe Ten years ago you were not prepared to make your BAC. If you were asked when you were 10 or 8 to prepare your BAC you wouldnt have been ready. You got mature, just like society and governments. What makes a change ok is that the majority do that. A, B, C, and D are wrong. But B is less wrong.

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