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The Newsletter of Sutton Coldfield Archery Club

Issue 5 – Dec 08

Another year gone

It does not seem so long ago the our Christmas Fun Shoot took place, and low and behold it is that time again. The
intervening period has witnessed some highs and lows, the lowest being the untimely death of Lawrie Willey a club
member and former treasurer. On the upside were the successes in the BA Frostbite Postal league by the B team, Jack
Brooks, Natalie Gee and Jon Richmond being selected to shoot for the county and the achievement of Bowman status
for both Natalie and Jon. Several other club members also achieved successes in various external competitions.
As most of you are aware SCAC was founded in 1966, and I have had the pleasure of meeting with the founder Mr
Harry Taylor who informed me that he was made a life member and asked if a visit to his club was possible sometime-
he was given an open invitation. The discussions (and reading old newspaper cuttings) with this 90 year old gentleman
have helped fill in several historical gaps in the foundation years of SCAC with members names and how the badge
was designed.
The club has had a successful year with regards to fund-raising and promotion of the sport to a wider community
including events at Village Fetes, School Fetes, Company family fun days, and the WI. These activities are also
carried out to satisfy the constitution of the club and conditions imposed upon SCAC by the Awards For All grant,
secured a few years ago. I believe that the majority of club members who assisted in the events obtained some
satisfaction from demonstrating their knowledge and skill (which is often greater than they seem to think) and seeing
complete novices hitting the target before leaving the shooting line with a big grin on their face.
I will take this opportunity to thank all who took part in such events and to wish ALL club members a Merry
Christmas and a Happy new shooting year.

Derek Smith.

King Edward III - decreed the Archery Law in 1363 which
commanded the obligatory practice of archery on Sundays and
holidays! The Archery Law "forbade, on pain of death, all sport
that took up time better spent on war training especially archery

Oh dear...I might regret printing this next one.......(ed)

King Henry I - later proclaimed that an archer would be

absolved of murder, if he killed a man during archery practise! -
please note practice nights are not open season on club

and one for Frank & Steve.........

In 1542 another Act established that the minimum target

distance for anyone over the age of 24 years was 220 yards! - I
know what you are thinking Frank... can I fit 220 yards on the
back field?..stop will never fit in the overshoot!
SCAC Forum

This section is for members ask questions or comment on items

in the newsletter. (please keep things clean I will be censoring
any responses)

To start things off two questions from the editor

Q: What is the history behind GNAS 5 zone scoring and FITA

10 zone scoring.

Q: How far does the scoring system go back - did English

longbow men argue over line cutters

If anyone knows the answers please let me know and I will print
them in the next newsletter

Editor: Rob Whitmore email: D:\data\Documents\scac news 5 v2.odt

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