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The Scientific Method Gaining results from our questions Stefanie Swanson National University


Abstract The word method is derived from the word methodos which roots from the idea of being cunning or crafty. Later it changed to being the pursuit of knowledge or a way of enquiry. The scientific method is the way that you can focus on a question of what happened, and then constructing a hypothesis from this question, and designing, executing and evaluating the outcome of the experiment in question. Going through this procedure we can come to conclusions of problems that seemed to be difficult to solve.


1. Ask a question: What? Why? Who? Where?...etc. You can ask a question about virtually anything. There are no restrictions on what you may or may not ask it just has to do with whatever you are curious about. 2. Perform some research: Maybe someone has asked the same questions you have and have not been so successful in finding out what the answer to it was and if so, then it is best to research up on your question and find out exactly what the conclusion isnt and what it just might turn out to be. 3. Construct a hypothesis: This would be a guess on what you believe might happen, step by step. 4. Create an experiment: This experiment would test whether your hypothesis is wrong or right. 5. Conclusion: This would show whether the hypothesis is wrong or right. If it is you can go back to step 3, construct a new hypothesis and re-test it. Observation: Plants found in gardens or in the wild can vary to grow bigger and faster than others. Although this may not be uncommon, looking at this brings wonderment about why this happens. Are some plants stronger than others? Or is it just a mixture of nutrients that some might receive but others may not?


Question: How do plants grow? Are there certain cycles it must go through? Hypothesis: Plants cant grow without certain factors such as water and sunlight. The more water and sunlight a plant has does not mean the more a plant will grow. There has to be an equal balance between the two and through trial and error you can find out. Experiment: We start out by planting a seed which starts the cycle the plant goes through to grow, with equal amounts of sunlight and water the plant begins to grow. Some plants though, require less water than others. You cannot overfill it with water; if you do the likelihood of the plant dying is quicker because you do not allow it to soak into the dirt as it is supposed to. Conclusion: After growing the plant in a pot it will stop growing after a certain amount of time because of limited space. The bigger the pot or the bigger the amount of space outside it has the wider the roots will spread causing the plant to grow bigger. Depending on the plant though, which if you buy it as a seed requires plant food and if not it usually just depends on the amount of water and sunlight you give it, it will grow taller or not. The water lily I have at home I have had for the past year. It has stopped growing due to the size of its pot but it continues to stay alive as long as I keep it up. Results: It is true that you need certain things such as water and sunshine but depending on what you are growing is how you should measure those necessities. PART II Question: Why do I follow a daily routine? Hypothesis: Following a routine makes me a more timely person, and in turn helps me be able to balance the workload of having to do school work, go to work, and also be able to catch up with my family and also have a bit of social time. Experiment: Having one day in which I dont follow a routine at all messes with my whole day. If I have no balance I cannot finish what I have started in my day. Conclusion: Having more of a structure in a persons life gives them a better way of how they are able to space out their days. It is not easy to sporadically decide what is more important or what you should be doing that day. If you know your week is going to be packed full then it is best to know that you have scheduled times for almost everything besides certain things that can pop up at the last moment. Results: It is true that it is best to be able to have structure in your life in order to accomplish things according to how soon they should be completed.


References Carter, J. Stein. (1996). The Scientific Method. Clermont College Biology. Retrieved from Science Buddies. (2002). Steps of the Scientific Method. Science Buddies. Retrieved from Nola, Robert, & Sankey, Howard. (2007). Theories of Scientific Method: An Introduction. Great Britain: Acumen Publishing.

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