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Wife Por Ramon de Souza

INT.BAR CHERRY - NIGHT This first scene is entire in black and white. A CLOSE UP shows the face of DORETH SILVYA; a twenty five years old woman, with a chanel style haircut and eyes filled with makeup. We cant see what shes wearing. DORETH drinks something in a little decorated glass cup, and she smokes a cigar. After a few seconds, we can hear footsteps of some people, and shadows darken DORETH face. MYSTERIOUS MAN (O.S) Excuse me, lady. By the way, you would be Doreth Sylvia? DORETH (in simpatic voice) Yes, Im. What you want? MYSTERIOUS MAN (O.S) Its about a theft of ten thousand dollars and a slaughter of forty eight man in the last year, in El Paso. DORETH smokes deeper. DORETH I think theres a mistake here, sirs. I never traveled to El Paso. But if you guys really wants to talk about it, we can do this drinking a beer. MYSTERIOUS MAN (O.S) Of course we can, lady. But not here. I know a place that have splendid drinks, good barmans, and it still opened twenty four hours in a day. DORETH Really? Where? MYSTERIOUS MAN (O.S) In hell, lady. Three guns aim at DORETH head. The screen darken, and we hear guns firing.

2. 2 INT.DORETH BEDROOM - MORNING FADE OUT... The entire scene (also in black and white) shows a silhouette of a woman sitting in a bed. An opened windows let the sunlight enter. The woman smokes. Credits of movie creators are appearing and disappearing fast, and the music theme is playing. TITLE CARD: THE LADY IN THE BLACK DRESS FADE IN TO... 3 INT.RUBY CABARET - NIGHT A PANORAMA shows the pub and cabaret RUBY, where a lot of people drink, smoke and eat. Someones are watching a woman dancing in sexy clothes. Most people are already visibly drunken. In the corner of the cocktail lounge, two man are talking and drinking. DENOVAN, the first one, looks like a typical Don Juan: well groomed hair, blue eyes, pale skin and wearing black tie; the kind of man that ever girl wish for. The other is a little fat, also wearing black tie costume and with his hair also well arranged. His name is ESCOBAR and he looks nervous. ESCOBAR No, i dont wanna do this. Its too risky. DENOVAN Yeah, you always says that, but were already here anyways. Relax Escobar, were just taking a peek, kay? ESCOBAR Listen, palooka. I dont wanna hear your stupid plans, or whatever you wanna say about what youve learned in the Italian mafia. Ill not going through this shit. DENOVAN Cmon, Escobar... We just need a girl. Only one, ya? ESCOBAR Yes, lets get any girl, put him in this fuckin business and let she die after the robbery.




DENOVAN This is exactly what were going to do. ESCOBAR Do this alone, bullshit. DENOVAN (sarcastic) Why youre acting like a children? Fuckin hell! ESCOBAR Every times, i ever say that i dont like putting innocents in those jobs. DENOVAN put a hand in your pocket and take something. Its tobacco and paper; he rolls a joint and start puffing away. DENOVAN (slowly) You know that were... ESCOBAR (saying together) Were talking about ten thousand dollars? Yeah, Im fuckin know it. The camera shows a beautiful girl entering in the cabaret and taking all attentions. PAN SHOT shows his high-heeled shoes and his black, luxurious dress. The came dont reach his entire face; we just can see his lips, that are with black baton. The camera shows Denovan and Escobar again. DENOVAN See. This is the kind of girl that we need. Very sexy, is not? ESCOBAR (looking away) Denovan, forget it. Goddamn day that Ive accepted work with you. DENOVAN Look the way she walk. So... Glamorous. No one could resist. I bet that she have about eighteen... ESCOBAR I dont care.




DENOVAN (with a funny voice) Cmon, take a peek. Youll like. ESCOBAR begins turning to look, reluctant. The camera takes his POV and PAN UP slowly to the girls face. The moment that we see the Doreths face (visibly more young)... THE SCREEN DISSOLVES...AND CUT TO: 4 INT. DORETH BEDROOM - MORNING CLOSE UP in DORETH face, that sudden wake up. She looks scared. The room is the same that weve seen before; a empty, unattractive bedroom, with just a little bed, a writing-desk and a wardrobe. She runs to the wardrobe, open it and look for something. She finds a cigar box, pick one, light it up and start smoking. She looks calm now. CUT TO: 5 EXT.CHICAGO STREETS - MORNING Doreth is now dressed and well-groomed. She walks at

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