Pell City Squadron - Mar 2011

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Pell City Composite Squadron 118Alabama Wing Civil Air Patrol

Flight Log

Volume 2, No. 3 Inside this issue: Commanders 1 Corner Calendar


March 2011

Commanders Corner
From The Commander:
Lets Get Together We use this phrase to let someone know that we want to talk to them about something. Getting Together is one of the best ways to make sure that everyone knows what is going on. It reminds us of our goals. It also keeps those goals in focus. We get together often. We have regular meetings. We have professional development classes. We have Emergency Services training. We have SARX training. All of these are opportunities to get together and make sure that we all have the latest information on what is going on.

PAOs Corner 3 Safety Officers W.E.S.S. Personnel and Admin. Cadets Corner Standards and Evaluations

We also know that the best way to get the information is to be there.

Did you Know 9


CAP Trivia

We have a great opportunity to Get Together coming up very soon. The Alabama Wing Conference is rapidly approaching. This is one of the few opportunities for everyone to get together and get the latest information on what is going on in our State, our Region, and our Nation. We can get information on what has happened, what is happening now, and what is going to happen in the future. I would like to encourage everyone to attend the upcoming Alabama Wing Conference. There will be information presented that will be of interest to everyone in CAP. We all like to know what is going on. Lets Get Together. I hope to see you there.



Jim Gosnell Commander AL-118

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AL Wing Conference 11-13

12 Happy Birthday Daniel L Smith 19



20 Years with CAP!
Congratulations Maj. Noel Harvery









25 WESS at Vigilant Warrior

26 Happy Birthday Christian Norwood


CAP Newsletter Deadline



31 Happy Birthday Jon Garlic

PAOS Corner . . .
Newsletter Submission Guidelines:
1. All newsletter submissions must be submitted by a Civil Air Patrol member unless special permission has been granted by our Squadron Commander. 2. All newsletter submissions must pertain to the following areas: A. Cadet and Senior Member Programs and Activities - This includes promotions, achievements, activities such as Iron Man, parades and volunteering at the Air Show and Golf Tournament, and events such as Squadron Christmas Parties.

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B. Aerospace - This includes educational programs, pilot instruction and information, and current e v e n t s . It is very important that when you include facts that you also include references that back up your statements. As PAO and Newsletter Editor, I reserve the right to edit and choose what is or isnt suitable for publication. I will always seek advice from the chain of command when in doubt. C. Emergency Services and Safety - This includes education and information about Wing and National Emergency Service schools and programs.

Photos of CAP activities are usually posted on my flickr page. If you ever need a copy of any of my photos, please let me know. I can email files to you or have them printed. The average cost of having a 4x6 photo printed is $ .15 per copy. Remember that you can access my photos at: If you cant find the photos you are specifically looking for, please contact me. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: or 2nd Lt. Beth Shurbutt Here is a listing of the deadline dates for upcoming newsletters: March 28, 2011 (Aprils Newsletter) April 25, 2011 (Mays Newsletter) Article that appears in the March Issue of the Calhoun Community Press. Thank you, Jack Cavender!

2011 CAP Annual Conference and Winter National Board

Live Streaming on your computer! March 4, 2011 at 0830 and continues through 1200 EST We are excited to invite you to join us this week during our live-streaming coverage of the 2011 CAP Annual Conference and Winter National Board! Our live streaming coverage will begin 4 March 2011 at 0830 and continue through 1200 EST. To view the event you will need the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, which can be downloaded here.

PAOS Corner . . .

Page 4


CORE VALUES Once a year, CAP requires its members to attend a presentation on the subject of Operational Risk OF CIVIL AIR Management (ORM). As a squadron, we have been very diligent in performing this annual task. PATROL However, the recommendations that follow that requirement may have not been adhered to as faithfully, namely, that we have practice exercises during the year to reaffirm our knowledge and use of ORM.
Integrity Volunteer Service Excellence Respect

As you will recall, ORM is a simple process by which we can test the safety and the viability of tasks that we are assigned. For example, if an aircrew is given a task, one of the foremost requirements of the crew should be to assess the risks involved in performing the task. If the crewmembers use the proven ORM criteria, they will not only recognize the significant dangers involved in the assignment, but will also develop a plan to mitigate each and every one of these before launching on the mission. The same logic can be applied to ground missions as well. In fact, we are called upon to perform ORM on every CAP activity that we execute whether it is a training exercise, proficiency activity, or an actual mission.

The steps of the ORM process are as follows: 1. Identify the Hazards. 2. Assess the Risks. 3. Analyze the potential Risk Control Measures. 4. Make the appropriate Control Decisions. 5. Implement your Risk Control Methods. 6. Supervise and Review your progress and Adjust as Necessary. I urge you to apply these criteria to all your assigned activities and, as an exercise to help us get more proficient in ORM, invent potential activities that you can practice these techniques on. I would like to hear about your practice and so would our Wing Safety Officer so please email me your experiences at Thank you for your attention. STAY SAFE! Ron Harlan, Safety Officer

REMINDER: Read the newsletter and receive a Safety Briefing Credit. Please email Ron Harlan at

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W.E.S.S. W.E.S.S. March 2527 2011

(Vigilant Warrior, Titus, Alabama)
Weather Predictions Average high for this time of the year 71 degrees, average low 44 degrees. BASIC (GTM3) - Crash Scene Management / Interviewing Technique Advanced (GTM1) - Crash Scene Management / AirGround Signaling Leader (GTL) - Advanced Crash Scene Management / Search Management ; Interviewing Skills

WESS Dates

March 25-27 April 29 May 1

Civil Air Patrol

Alabama Wing

Look for us on the Web:

Personnel Admin Officers Corner . . .

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From your Personnel/Admin Officer:


This months article is for Senior Members. Almost all of our Senior Members have completed Level 1 so I am listing the requirements to complete Level II. Don't forget to send me copies of any certificates!

Level II, Technical Training Requirements

In this level, the member acquires a technical skill and begins receiving basic leadership and management training. This training provides opportunities to learn new skills for CAP and for individual growth and leadership. CAP presents study material in pamphlets called Specialty Track Study Guides. Each member, in coordination with the unit commander and unit Professional Development Officer, selects a specialty based on individual interests and the needs of the unit. Except for professionals in law or medicine who join specifically to perform these functions. Successful completion of the technician level of the specialty track makes the member eligible for the CAP Leadership Award ribbon. CAP makes provisions to recognize certain mission-related skills, which a person brings to CAP, e.g., appointments relating to pilots, FAA certified mechanics, and communicators. In determining Level II technical specialty rating, the unit commander considers the individual's experience. Leadership should encourage these members to participate in an appropriate functional specialty training track. If, however, individuals enter into a specialty track for which they do not have any background, they should enroll in training that results in award of the technician level of the specialty, regardless of their grade. Squadron Leadership School (SLS), a formal classroom/lecture course, trains squadron-level members to perform their squadron jobs and introduces leadership and management techniques. The SLS is designed to (1) enhance a senior members performance at the squadron level and (2) to increase understanding of the basic function of a squadron and how to improve squadron operations. Level II training also includes the Air Force Distance Learning (AU A4/6) CAP Senior Officer Course. The CAPSOC provides study in areas essential to becoming an effective leader in CAP, e.g., communications, leadership and management. Since CAP deems this course necessary for career development, any CAP senior member who has completed Level I may apply. Completion of Level II results in the award of the Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Award. Senior members who elect to complete the requirements for the Brigadier General Charles E. Chuck Yeager Aerospace Education Achievement Award before or during Level II training are eligible to receive a special Yeager Award embossed seal affixed to their Gen Benjamin O Davis, Jr. Award. 1Lt Jeannie Scott

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Cadets Corner . . .
By Capt. Cindy Bennett
Change is in the air. The temps are warming up, trees are budding and the early spring flowers are blooming. Also changing is the CAPR 52-16. The newest issue became effective Feb 1, 2011. Everyone needs to know about these changes so I will briefly list the most important ones. Chapter 1, Section 1-6 Program Elements there has been added Each unit that has cadet members will conduct at least one AEX activity per quarter. We already fulfill that requirement by our participation in the AEX program. Chapter 2, Section 2-1 Adult Supervision, Standard of Training Because no cadet unit can succeed without adult leadership, every cadet unit should have at least two graduates of the Training Leaders of Cadets course assigned (see paragraph 2-2a). If a unit does not meet this requirement, the commander must develop a plan for doing so. We have one graduate of TLC working with cadets, so we need to add one more. Chapter 2, Section 2-4, Cadets and CPPT. Completion of CPPT is required of all cadets within 6 months following their 18th birthday, or if a promotion is due during that period, prior to the promotion. Cadets become eligible to participate in CPPT upon turning 17 years of age. If you wait until you are 18 to complete CPPT, we are locked out of e- services and cannot enter anything in until it is done. Chapter 2, Section 2-10 High Adventure Activities. This section is suspended for right now. It is under further review. Chapter 4, Section 4-2, Unit Goals. Every cadet unit will establish annual goals that describe the activities, projects, and new endeavors the unit plans to accomplish in support of its cadets during the coming year. Goals are to be specific and measurable. The units leadership team should revisit their annual goals quarterly. For suggestions on how to create SMART Goals see CAPP 52-15 and Figure 4-1 below. Chapter 5, Section 5-1a Sequence and Spacing Cadets complete achievements and milestone awards sequentiallyCadets may complete Achievement 1 any time after joining CAP. They may attempt the Spaatz Award exam any time after completing Phase IV.All other achievements require a minimum separation of 8 weeks (56 days) between each achievement and milestone award No longer 60 days between achievements. Chapter 5, Section 5-7 Drill Tests. . . . Cadets may help proctor drill tests under senior member supervision. Translation is no drill tests without having a senior member present. These are not all of the changes and it would really be beneficial to all of our cadets and seniors who work with them to read through the program. Who knows, you may learn something you needed to know.

The Cadet Oath

I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state, and nation.

Helpful web sites:

Other changes include cadet promotions for February. Congratulations to these cadets and their new rank, Cadet Christian Blankenship to C/A1C, Cadet Alena Scott to C/A1C, Cadet Christian Norwood to C/SrA, Cadet Michael Norwood to C/SMSgt , and Cadet Wesley Morris to C/2Lt. Last months trivia winner was C/CMSgt Daniel Smith who was the first to tell me that the SER commander is Col. James Rushing. Also brownie points go to C/TSgt Jessica Lucy who sent us that information as well but added the two Vice Commanders names as well as the Chief of Staff. Great Job!!!

??????Capt. Bennetts Trivia Question?????

In the new CAPR 52-16, what is the chapter and paragraph that details the physical fitness categories of cadets?
Be the first to EMAIL your reply to: and receive a

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Standards / Evaluations Corner . . .

Leave the Lights On

Some of you may remember the old Motel 6 commercial from the mid-1980s featuring Tom Bodett, the radio host. The first commercial he made included his ad-libbed statement well leave the light on for you. We as pilots need to remember to leave our lights on when we are operating in the area near an airport. While going through a recent flight instructor refresher course I came upon a paragraph that is an important safety item to always remember. We, as CAP pilots, have some extra lights on the CAP aircraft called the pulse lights. Be sure you operate these lights in the airport area. They will help greatly in helping others see your aircraft. You should only turn the strobes and pulse lights on when entering the runway. Do not have these lights on while you are taxing to or from the runway. If you are at a field with a control tower and you get the clearance to line up and wait (do not do this at a non towered airport) then turn your strobes on-- as you enter the runway. However, hold the landing or pulse lights until you have a takeoff clearance. An important reason for waiting to turn on the landing or pulse lights until after clearance is because if an aircraft is crossing the runway down field the pilot will not be concerned that your aircraft is rolling towards them (as long as those lights arent yet onjust the strobes). Heres the quote I referred to in the first paragraph. Its a direct quote from American Flyers FIRC: Operation "Lights-On" is an FAA-established voluntary pilot safety program designed to enhance the see-and-be-seen concept. Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing lights during takeoff, either after takeoff clearance has been received or when beginning takeoff roll. Pilots are further encouraged to turn on their landing lights when operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, especially when within ten miles of any airport or in conditions of reduced visibility, and in areas where flocks of birds may be expected, i.e., coastal areas, lake areas, around refuse dumps, etc. Although turning on aircraft lights does enhance the see-and-avoid concept, pilots should not become complacent about keeping a sharp lookout for other aircraft. Not all aircraft are equipped with lights and some pilots may not have their lights turned on. Maintaining a "Sterile Cockpit" will enhance safety in this area. A "Sterile Cockpit" is maintained by eliminating all unnecessary communication during critical phases of flight such as during ground and low altitude operations. Aircraft manufacturer's recommendations for operation of landing lights and electrical systems should be observed. So dont forget what Tom Bodett says Leave the lights on! Maj. Chris Iddins

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Did You Know? . . . DID YOU KNOW?

Did you know that Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure? Stop snickering. I know you know that. But do you know what actually causes sunburn? Or what can help prevent it? What about how to treat it? Did you know it can send you to the hospital? There are lots of questions. Lets see if we can answer

some of them. First of all, Sunburn can be caused by the Sun or by a Tanning bed. Sunburn is a burning of the skin tissue. It is caused by over exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation. It is usually called UVA and UVB rays. Soaking up the rays can be fun and relaxing but, you can start burning in as little as 30 minutes. The problem is, you usually dont realize that you are burning until long after the damage has been done. But you know all that. Light skinned people or people with light colored hair will usually burn quicker. Recent sun exposure or skin injury puts you at more risk of burning. However, limited amounts of sun will provide you a good source of Vitamin D. But you know all that. Mild cases of sunburn cause redness and some irritation. It usually takes 2 to 6 hours with the full affects in 12 to 24 hours. In rare cases it can cause shock. Severe sunburn can cause what is known as Sun Poisoning. Some of the symptoms are chill, fever, nausea and vomiting. You may even have flu like symptoms. Sun Poisoning is dangerous and will probably need the care of a doctor. It can even be considered an emergency and require hospitalization. If you have severe pain, severe blistering, headache, confusion, fainting or nausea and vomiting, go to the emergency room. What do you do if you think you are getting a sun burn? Well first let us say that an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. The best thing you can do before you get under the sun is to put generous amounts of sunscreen on exposed skin. The more likely you are to get a sunburn, the higher SPF rated sunscreen you should use. If you dont burn easily then maybe an SPF20 is okay. If you are light skinned, you may need SPF40 or above. Of course staying out of the sun helps even more. Now about that treatment. Aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen may help with the pain. Cool or cold compresses help also. Check with your pharmacy for lotions such as aloe that are helpful as well. Of course if in doubt about treating any medical problem, always consult your physician. He may suggest any of these or prescribe something a little more affective. Everything I have told you is available on the internet. All you have to do is search for the word sunburn and you will find out all you want to know. And now you know. Eddie Shurbutt, 1LT

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CAP Trivia Corner . . .

Last Months WinnerRachel

Shurbutt (Cadet Member) and

Eddie Shurbutt (Senior Member)

Last Months Question: How is Civil Air Patrol involved in the Super Bowl XLV Game? Answer: WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2011 Military fighter jets will be busy this week preparing to protect the skies
around Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, during Super Bowl XLV on Feb. 6. Amalgam Virgo 11-05A, a North American Aerospace Defense Command air defense exercise, will allow interagency partners the chance to practice procedures in response to airspace violations, officials said. The Amalgam Virgo exercise comprises a series of training flights held in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, Customs and Border Protection, Civil Air Patrol, and the Continental United States NORAD Region's Western Air Defense Sector, officials said. Residents in the area can expect flights to begin around 9 p.m. Feb. 2 and to continue for about an hour and a half.

This information came from:

This months question:

What is CAPs regulation on attendance for cadets and where can this regulation be found?
The first cadet and senior member to send in their answer along with where they found the answer (do not use Wikipedia), will win a special prize chosen by the editor. Email your answer to:

Alabama/Mississippi Summer Encampment

13 Active Cadets should consider ALMS Encampment this summer. Encampment is a requirement before beginning Phase 3. If you are in Phase 2 and have not gone, you should begin preparing for this now. It will be in Alabama this year!

Promotions . . .

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Promotions for January and February

C/A1C Christi Blankenship

C/TSgt Jessica Lucy

C/SrA Christian Norwood

C/SMSgt Michael Norwood

Also . . .
C/2dLt Wesley Morris Billy Mitchell Award and Maj. Noel Harvey who celebrates 20 years with CAP March 15, 2001. C/A1C Alena Scott

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