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This project counts for 100% of your assessment for this module. Instructions: Answer the following question. Submit a word-processed document on or before the submission date. Late submission will NOT be accepted. Task Due Date Name : Effective Team and Performance Management : 27th of April 2012 : Tan Choon Theng

ID Number : 1132612/1 Class Code : BB215011S Date : 26th of April 2012

Warning : Plagiarism (copying the work of other people and claiming to be own) and collusion (allowing your work to be copied by others) are both serious academic offences.

Certificate of Authenticity I certify that the following is entirely my own work, except where credited. I understand that if my work is found to be plagiarized or is the result of collusion, then the marks will be severely reduced. Further action may be taken by the College as appropriate.

. Signature of Student Date

Table of Content
Title Page No.

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Getting To Know Each Other 3.0 Tuckmans Team Development Model 3.1 Forming 3.2 Storming 3.3 Norming 3.4 Performing 3.5 Adjourning

1-2 2 2-3 3 3-4

4.0 Emotional Intelligence 4.1 Self-awareness 4.2 Self-management 4.3 Social Awareness 4.4 Relationship Management

6-7 7-8 8 8-9 9

5.0 Learning and Conclusion


6.0 Reference List


1.0 Introduction At the beginning of our module, whole class of students is allocated into groups of four persons. I was arranged into a group with another 3 classmates from other courses. Our goal is to bring students into a team and to learn about the importances of working in a team to achieve our goal by cooperating with each other. This patchwork text will be inclusive of what I have learn in this module by involving Belbins team roles, Tuckmans team development model, emotional intelligence theory and other team building and performing theory.

2.0 Getting to Know Each Other When the group is formed, I was quite worried when I met new members as I was unfamiliar with them and afraid that the team could not work out but at the same time I was quite excited to meet new friends from other courses. We approached each other and started to talk and get to know each other. Getting to know new people is easy, but it is quite challenging for all of us to do the activities together when we are not familiar with each other.

3.0 Tuckmans Team Development Model Tuckmans team development model (The Teambuilding Company, 2012) refers to the challenges of building up a team. It is quite challenging when I come to meet new people and I need to work together with them while I am not familiar to them. Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning are the five stages in Tuckmans team development model shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Five Stages of Team Development


3.1 Forming The 1st stage of Tuckmans model (MindEdge, Inc., 2007) is forming stage. This stage refers to the meeting stage of all the members where no one is clear about his own roles, responsibility and also what is the mission that they are facing. Each member starts to gather all the information about each other, or information to fulfill the task given on their own. I have faced some difficulties communicating with them because they are quite shy to speak out about themselves; I am the one started all the topics and yet they have nothing much to say. I was quite worried that it might affect the team performance and they are not confident enough to speak out during presentations. But I was quite surprised to find out that they are not as what I have expected. They are just shy when we are still unfamiliar with each other in the group. They can perform well and dare to speak out their ideas and opinions. 3.2 Storming During the storming stages in Tuckmans model (MindEdge, Inc., 2007), team members might have conflicts or disagreement with each others opinions. They are still unsure about what each other want. Some team may have problems in decision making, or might cause conflict as well. We have been given our first activity which is to choose a company and organize an event to show the token of appreciation to the staffs and also farewell to the companys CEO. I was selected by the members as the leader for this task due to the role that I have obtained in Belbins team roles test

(Bales, & Slater, 1955). I was categorized under Plant (PL) and Coordinator (CO) in Belbins team roles (Belbin Associates, 2012), which is someone that can co-ordinate all the tasks that given and organize a team and also good at problems solving. While the other team members got Resource Investigator (RI), Monitor Evaluator (ME) and other roles in Belbins team roles. All the members spoke our own ideas and opinions on how to make the event more interesting and grand, except for one girl, she was quite shy and do not really point out her own ideas like the free rider problems in teams (Asch and Gigliotti, 1991). As a leader, I guided her and made her speak of her opinions instead of just agreeing with our ideas. I have asked her to give her own ideas as well, asking about her past experiences. I have to make sure that there are no free riders in the group, therefore, we have set some rules that agree by everyone, which no free riding is allowed in the group, and everyone has to contribute to the group. 3.3 Norming According to the norming stage of Tuckmans model (MindEdge, Inc., 2007), members start to accept each other in a team, the members are clear about what are their roles and what they should do whenever they receive new task. The leader has to make sure everyone in the group accept the teams goals and plan. We usually share our opinions and ideas, then we will select the best idea, discuss about the pros and cons of the idea before we implement it in our project. When we receive the new task, all of us will start collecting related information about the team objectives through different sources; each member will find information from different sources. After that, we will write down all the data that we have collected as we discuss about it. As the leader of the team, I will get everyone agree with the best ideas and get the major decision to set the goal. I will make sure that the goal can bring the greatest outcome and also everyone team members satisfy with it. We started to understand what each other want and we can work well to achieve our shared objectives, which is to complete all the tasks with our best efforts. 3.4 Performing In this performing stage of Tuckmans model (Mullins, 2010), the team members can cooperate with each other and work effectively in the team to maximize the outcome and give the best performance. During this stage, the team will concentrate on the

teams goals and fulfill the purpose of the team. My team has been going through the 3 previous stages and now we have established good relationship with each other. We are getting close with each other that we can joke and also talk about our life before the class start. During the activities, every member will be motivated by the need for affiliation and volunteer themselves to do certain tasks like what have suggested in David McClellands motivational theory (, 2009). After that, we will summarize up our work and discuss about it. We are now motivated when we group up together as we are confidence with each other in the group. 3.5 Adjourning Adjourning in Tuckmans model (Mullins, 2010) refers to the group is going to disband when the goals or objectives have been achieved. The team members are going to leave the team and continue with their own tasks. At week five of the module, when all of the members in my team are familiar with each other and we feel comfortable to be together in a team, our lecturer suddenly announced that we are going to reshuffle the group and everyone have to change group members and form a new team. All four of us were quite shocked when we heard this as we have built good relationship with each other and doing well in a team already. We were quite disappointed with the lecturers decision and we had no choice but to separate and change group members. We missed how we cooperate with each other and helping each other to achieve the team goals. After that, we have to go through with all the stages of Tuckmans model again.

4.0 Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence refers to the ability of someone in controlling, perceiving and also evaluating the emotions of himself (Cherry, 2012). It is about how someone expressing, perceiving or understand the emotions of he himself or other parties. Daniel Goleman (1998) suggested that emotional intelligence should be divided into four components: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management like what have listed in Figure 2.0.

Figure 2.0 - Emotional Intelligence


4.1 Self-awareness According to (Salovey and Mayor, 2009), self-awareness refers to the ability of someone recognizing and understanding the emotions or a persons mood. Some people are good at identifying how other people thinking, and knowing their strength and weaknesses. I usually look around and see how people think about the ideas that I suggested. To see whether are they really agree with the ideas, or if they have certain doubts that can be seen from their expressions, I will ask them to sound out their opinions towards my idea. In animal survival exercise, we need to select an animal, and then search for the information of how it is going to survive. As I joined the team, I can sense that this girl team member of mine is really good at collecting information. In Belbins team roles (Belbin Associates, 2012), she would be categorized as Resource Investigator (RI), which is good in collecting, managing and also selecting the useful information. Then I let her and another team member to search for the information, which I will evaluate and discuss with another member. I am quite

confident with myself, which is why I will cheer up my team members that always have negative thoughts. Self-awareness in emotional intelligence can help us to simplify our tasks and shorten the time to complete it when we can identify some specialist in our members and assign the suitable tasks for them. 4.2 Self-management In self-management is about self-control, flexibility, self-improvement, and also the image that carried out by an individual (, 2009). One that does not know how to control his own emotions cannot cooperate with other people. We should be able to adapt to all changes and also continuously improving ourselves then build a good own image. Having self-management is important in teamwork so an individual can control his own emotions and does not bring his personal issues into the team. During the lost on moon activity where we have to identify and arrange the tools that we need in the moon, I was not feeling well on that day. My mood is not good as I was having headache as well. When the tasks were given, the girl that always act as free rider in my group have actually kept quiet and did not contribute to the group again. I was frustrated with it but still managed to control myself to avoid arguments with my team members. I actually helped that member again by guiding her and asking her questions to make her talk about her opinions. Self-management helps in avoiding unnecessary arguments and conflicts. We should practice this not only during team work, but also individual work. Furthermore, it also reflects the good side of me and shows that I am an educated person. 4.3 Social Awareness According to (Baum, Singer & Baum 1982) social awareness is about understanding how other people think, and then we can sense their abilities and fully utilize it in a task to achieve the team goal. During the negotiation activity in between tenant and landlord, my team has been chosen to be landlord. Then our group starts negotiating with the tenant team. I have observed from some of the other group members expression that they are not willing to accept some of our requirements and terms even though they didnt speak out their thoughts, then I will go loose on certain terms to meet a fair contract for both parties. Being good at social awareness can help us in observing other peoples emotions and then we can achieve a perfect result in negotiation activities for both parties.

4.4 Relationship Management Studied on (Bawany, 2012) shows that building a good relationship can maximize the outcome and also avoid possible problems. Relationship management refers to building and maintaining a good relationship in a team or with the team members can generate greater outcome, we can also avoid unwanted conflict or disagreements. Other than just concentrate on our assignments or classes, I have also hang out with my team members and try to know more about them. By doing so, I can generate good relationship with them, so during the debate activity with the topic Should Abortion Be Legalized? I have avoided mentioning my own thoughts of abortion should be legalized if the pregnancy is diagnosed as unstable fetus, where I think my team members will not agree with me and that may lead to disagreements or arguments. That shows how important relationship management is and how it works to maximize the team outcome. 5.0 Learning and Conclusion Through this module, I have learnt how to build relationship with strangers and work together with them. From how we met each other at the beginning, to where we became familiar with each other and work as a team, it will take us some time and efforts to understand each other. Truly there are differences on how people see me and how I see myself (Burda, 2006). I have also learnt not to judge people from the first time you see them as you were not sure who they are and what they are capable of. Firstly, I have improved myself working with all the team members in terms of communication skills where I am now feeling more confident in leading and talking to other people as I studied emotional intelligence (Cherry, 2012). I have learnt to be patient with things that I do not like and to see things different instead of being someone stubborn and obsessed towards what I want without looking at the major decision. Some conflicts and disagreements in a team usually unavoidable, we should not have hard feelings towards team members but we should learn from past mistakes and thus increase the productivity of the team.

Lastly, I have come to realize that working in a team, we should trust our group members, and individual achievements can never be greater than group achievements. We should cooperate with each other to maximize the outcome and meet the goals that we set for ourselves.

In summary, working in a team can reflect on how well you can perform in a team compare to individually. Without the proper team spirit, it will never be easy when we enter a company and work in the future where we need to cooperate with other people and work together in certain job tasks. Therefore, an effective team performance affects an organization critically and it is crucial to have good team spirits.


6.0 Reference List 1. Asch, P., and Gigliotti, G. A., 1991. The Free-Rider Paradox: Theory, Evidence, and Teaching. The Journal of Economic Education, 22(1), p.33-38 2. Bales, R. F., & Slater, P. E. 1955. Family, Socialization, and Interaction Process. New York: Free Press. 3. Baum, A., Singer, J., & Baum, C. 1982. Stress and the environment. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 435. 4. Bawany, S., 2012. Be An Effective Leader- Relationship Management and Emotional Intelligence [online] Available at: [Accessed 13th April 2012] 5. Belbin Associates, 2012. BELBIN TEAM ROLES [online] Available at: [Accessed 10th April 2012] 6. Burda, H., 2006. HOW PEOPLE SEE THEMSELVES [online] Available at: [Accessed 13th April 2012] 7., 2009. David McClelland's Motivational Needs Theory [online] Available at: [Accessed 10th April 2012] 8. Cherry, Kendra., 2012. What is Emotional Intelligence [online] Available at: [Accessed 12th April 2012] 9. Goleman, D., 1998. Working With Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam 10. MindEdge, Inc., 2007. Tuckmans team-building model: forming, storming, norming, performing. [blog] 18th July. Available at: [Accessed 29th March 2012]

11. Mullins, L. J., 2010. Management & Organisational Behaviour. 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson 12., 2009. Emotional Intelligence in Business [online] Available at: [Accessed 13th April 2012] 13. Salovery, P. and Mayer, J., 2009. Daniel Goleman's five components of emotional intelligence [online] Available at: man.htm [Accessed 12th April 2012] 14. Team Building Company, 2012. Forming - Storming - Norming Performing [online] Available at: l [Accessed 6th April 2012]


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