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Is Business:

Dunya ?
Or Deen ?

Why ? When ? How ?

Islam: submission to Allah Muslim: one who submits to Allah Deen: the total system of submission to Allah

Scope of Deen
All Jaiz human activities
All roles of Life


Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Verily, my Salh (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allh, the Lord of the worlds. He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims Al-Anaam 163

The continuous and total obedience to Allah, out of love and reverence for Allah

And I (Allh) created not the jinn and mankind except for (My continuous) worship. Adh-Dhariyat 56

Purpose of Life: Ubudiyyah (Allahs obedience)

Object of Life RidhaAllah (Allahs pleasure)

Al Khair Vision
To transform Perceptions, Objectives and Practices of

from Material Base to Ubudiyyah Base

Al Khair Mission
Organization wise: A. To establish and sustain a business organization based on: Islamic & Professional excellence.

Product wise: B. To provide humanity with beneficial products aligned with a healthy and meaningful lifestyle

AK Core Values
Islamic Excellence
Benevolence Professional Excellence
Eman / Yaqeen Ikhlas / Naseeah Shariah Compliance Spirit of sunnah Character / Morals (Akhlaq)

Personal Management / Discipline Initiative Creativity / Innovation Teamwork

Care and Development of all associates: 1. In organization 2. Suppliers/service providers 3. Customers 4. Community 5. Industry 6. Country 7. Humanity

Vision / Mission oriented life Honesty/ Integrity Continuous quest for knowledge Continuous quest for excellence Dedication / Commitment (Azm) Consistency (Istaqamah) Cleanliness

To Contribute to Al-Khair
of the beginning

To Establish & Sustain

A Business Organization

Islamic & Professional



of the beginning

BY (Dept. Vision )



General Department
Contributions to Al Khair Vision 1. To develop within the department the culture of AKs Vision / Mission / Core Values 2. Continuous focus on identifying what Islamic and Professional standards are needed within the department, then developing, implementing and monitoring them and assessing their effectiveness, and their refinement.

General Department
Contributions to Al Khair Vision 3. Working in harmony as a team member with all the other departments for a joint effort to realize the AK Vision and Mission 4. Ultimately creating a department worthy as a role model of Islamic and Professional excellence for others to adapt.

Personnel Services (PS)

Contribution to AK Vision 1. To facilitate the development of all associates of the organization towards Islamic and Professional excellence by:
a) Developing and overseeing the implementation and progress of systems and methods for:
i. The development of all associates in five areas
Spiritual Intellectual Emotional Physical Adaptation of a visionary life

b) The development of the Al Khair Vision/Mission culture focusing on the inculcation of AKs core values and qualities

PS Contribution
2. Efficient and effective management of administrative activities related to personnel in line with the best Islamic and Professional practices such as:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recruitment / Orientation Writing JDs Attendance Monitoring / Instituting benefits Maintenance of personnel files Evaluations

Procurement Dept.
Contribution to AK Vision

1. To optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire procurement process in line with the best Islamic and Professional practices 2. Striving to acquire the most suitable materials to optimize the benefit of AKs products, for both the Consumer and the Company

Procurement Dept. Contribution

3. Maintaining the concern, not only for the interests of the Company, but also the interests of the Suppliers, their Communities, their care and development

Production Contribution
1. To perform the basic function of production in line with the best of Islamic and Professional excellence which includes optimum:
a) b) c) d) Quality Time frames Cost Overall efficiency

Production Contribution
2. A focus on the responsibility and critical role of Production in accomplishing AKs Mission of beneficial premium quality products

Marketing and Sales Contribution

1. To contribute to the betterment of lives of people by facilitating them to use Al Khairs beneficial products

Marketing and Sales Contribution

2. Core Aspects:
To identify real needs of the people which are aligned with AK Mission statement and generating functional appeal Marketing mediums to be Shariah Compliant and with the spirit of Sunnah Promoting the culture of mutual benefit (abundance of resources) as against scarcity of resources (cut throat competition)

Accounting & Finance

Contribution to AK Vision

Providing timely financial information to facilitate better informed business decisions Accurate assessment of business performance to help facilitate higher levels of professional excellence Developing, implementing and monitoring AK Policies and Procedures, leading towards Islamic and Professional Excellence

Key Concepts

Our primary product:

Our people

Key Concepts
AL Khair premises (work place)
should also be a center for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ibadah Tazkiah/Tarbiah Learning (General, Specialized) Research Charity

Key Concepts

Product is for Man NOT Man is for Product

Key Concepts

The Task is there to develop the Man

The Man is there to perform the Task

Ultimate Vision
To transform Perceptions, Objectives and Practices of

Engineering Agriculture Education Business Government Medicine

from Material Base to Ubudiyyah Base


AK : Core Values
and their Qualities
Islamic Excellence Professional Excellence Benevolence

To Contribute to Al-Khair
of the beginning

A business organization

1. Establishing, and 2. Sustaining

BASED ON 1. Islamic, and 2. Professional



Start (Dept. Vision )

of the beginning



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Al Khair - Vision
Ultimate Objective: the Pleasure of Allah Ultimate Purpose: to establish total Ubudiyyah in ourselves and all of humanity Ultimate Vision:
To transform Perceptions, Objectives and Practices of Business

from Material Base to Ubudiyyah Base

In 1997: 2000 Miswaks In 2009: 5,000,000 Miswaks Export: more than 35 countries Local: throughout Pakistan Target for 2011 12: 8,000,000 Miswaks

Continuous focus on identifying what Islamic and Professional standards are needed within the department, then developing, implementing and monitoring their presence and effectiveness.

AK Core Values
Professional Excellence
Islamic Excellence
Emaan/Yaqeen Ikhlaas/Naseehat Shariah Compliance / Spirit of Sunnah Character/Morals (Akhlaq) Honesty Consistency (Istiqamat) Cleanliness Vision/Mission Oriented Life (Meaningful Lifestyle) Personal Management/ Discipline Initiative Creativity/Innovation Teamwork Integrity Continuous quest for excellence Dedication/ Commitment (Azm)


Care and Development of all associates

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