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January 2008

The Marauder Memo

Newsletter of the Marauder Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, Kingwood , TX

SAREX: ChallengingBut Worth It

Twelve Marauder Composite Squadron cadets and eight senior members took to the field for a realistic search and rescue exercise (SAREX) on Saturday, November 19. Their day began at o7oo as Squadron Commander Maj Al Bryant briefed the scenario. An Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) signal was transmitting somewhere east of Kingwood. Their mission: find the beacons location. Three ground teams were promptly dispatched to the east shore of Lake Houston. Using urban direction finding (UDF) techniques the teams determined that the signal was emanating from a heavily wooded portion of East End Park in Kingwood. The teams linked up at the Park to begin a ground team search. There, an eyewitness who bore a remarkable resemblance to Capt Engelhardt provided information that enabled the team to focus their search. Cadets used radio direction finding gear to (Continued p. 2)

C/TSgt Kellen Bonnette observes as C/SrA Jacob Romero stabilizes Maj Tony Martins fractured ankle prior to transporting him to an emergency helicopter extraction site.

Rocket Launch Draws Crowd

The Marauder Composite Squadron was joined by over 115 guests for its annual October Skies rocket launch on October 27. The annual event was held on the grounds of the Faith Family Baptist Church in Kingwood. Fifty rockets were launched ranging in size from one foot to over six feet long. Some rockets carried integrated video cameras that providing air-to-ground videos. Spectators became participants as cadets helped young guests assemble and launch quick build rocket kits. The October Skies launch is one of the ways the squadron fosters aerospace education within the community. Building and launching the rockets encourages young men and women to learn about aviation and space activities and careers.

Cadet Isaac Acay and his brothers Gabriel, Jonas and Levi.



Lake Houston SAREX Training

narrow the search to a heavily wooded area near the west shore of the lake. Methodical search techniques finally revealed a simulated aircraft crash site, the aircrafts ELT, and a severely injured pilot. Team members stabilized the pilot, recovered the ELT, and proceeded to a suitable emergency helicopter landing zone. Transporting the injured pilot proved challenging as the extraction site was over a half a mile away, and much of the terrain was dense brush and wooded areas. The value of teamwork became increasingly evident as the


exercise progressed. The mission concluded with a debriefing and discussion of the days events with the focus on lessons learned. Squadron members frequently train in search and rescue techniques. The CAP is an auxiliary of the U. S. Air Force. Consequently, emergency services, disaster relief, and search and rescue comprise a major portion of its mission. In any given year, the CAP is responsible for saving approximately 100 people.

Marauder Color Guard Stays Sharp

Marauder Composite Squadron cadets kicked-off a recent Friday afternoon Longhorn pep rally at Riverwood Middle School in Kingwood. The cadets presented the U.S. and Texas flags in military fashion for the benefit of over 500 students and teachers. The team also presented the colors at Timberwood and Creekwood Middle Schools in recent weeks. The Color Guard is a team of five cadets who practice throughout the year to maintain their edge in drill and ceremonies. The Color Guard is available to local organizations who would like to open their meetings with a formal presentation of the colors. The team looks forward to participating in the annual Texas Wing Color Guard competition held at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas. The competition includes inspections, indoor and outdoor drill, written and oral examinations, and a timed one mile run.

Cadets Daniel Shellhouse, Matthew Burrell, Jacob Romero and Kellen Bonnette present the colors.

Air Show: Work and Rewards

Cadets and senior members from the Marauder Composite Squadron joined other Houston area squadrons in providing ground support for the annual Wings Over Houston Air Show. Cadets provided water to aircrews and guests, and assisted in directing pedestrian traffic. The volunteers enjoyed an outstanding view of the air show, and a chance to mingle with the pilots and crew of military and vintage aircraft. Cadets were provided back stage passes to meet the crewmembers of the Canadian Air Force Snowbird Demonstration Team (431 Squadron), and were encouraged to ask questions and inspect the aircraft at close range.

Top: Cadets Thomas LaBurt, Joshua Hansen, Matthew Burrell, front: Isaac Acay, Jacob Romero, Jamie Paul, Ralph Green, Daniel Shellhouse, and Juan Florez in front of a Snowbird CT-114 Tutor.

Civil Air Patrol:

An Auxiliary of the U.S. Air force

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Cadet Power Receives Mitchell Award

Cadet Thomas Power was recently awarded the Civil Air Patrols prestigious Billy Mitchell Award and promoted to Cadet Second Lieutenant. C/2d Lt Power currently serves as the Cadet Commander of the Marauder Composite Squadron. The award was presented by CDR Anthony Spindler, an honored guest of the squadron, who recently returned from a tour in Iraq. The Mitchell award recipients must pass a comprehensive examination which tests their leadership and aerospace knowledge. Since its inception over 30 years ago, less then ten percent of all cadets have earned the award. It also marks the movement of the cadet from the senior enlisted ranks to the CAPs cadet officer corps, and is an entry point to advanced leadership responsibilities. Lieutenant Power joined the squadron in July 2002 and Cadet Power receives his Billy Mitchell Award. From the left, his has served in a variety of billets during his tenure. As the father Lt Col Power, CDR Anthony Spinler, Maj Al Bryant, C/2d Lt Cadet Commander, he is responsible for the cadet Power, and his mother Beth Power. squadrons overall operations and serves as the chief advisor on cadet operations to the Squadron Commander, Major Al Bryant. Cadet Power is a decorated Senior Ground Team Member and a certified instructor in search and rescue operations, land navigation, search methods, emergency transponder detection, first aid, and extraction and evacuation. Additionally, he earned his solo pilot wings CAPs Powered Flight Academy.

Marauder Cadets Conduct Holiday Food Drive

During December 2008 Marauder Composite Squadron cadets knocked on doors throughout Kingwood asking residents to contribute canned foods during their annual food drive. Their efforts were rewarded with over seven hundred food items which Christ the King Lutheran Church of Kingwood will distribute to families in need throughout the holiday season. Christ the King allows the Kingwood based Marauder Squadron to use their church facilities as a headquarters and meeting place. We are very thankful for the churchs generosity. By helping to restock their food bank, the squadron can give something back to the community, noted Major Al Bryant, the Squadron Commander. I am very proud of these young men and women. This is the sort of thing they will remember later in life.

Can I send the MCS Memo to a friend?

Absolutely! If you know a young woman or man aged 12 to 18 who might be interested in the Civil Air Patrol, send them a copy . Are they interested in flying aircraft and aerospace topics? Do they enjoy challenges and opportunities to excel? Would they like to become skilled at emergency services such as first aid, CPR, and search and rescue? Would they benefit from gaining self discipline, leaderships skills, and physical fitness? Or are they simply a good friend who would make a great team member?

Volunteers from left to right: Cadets Daniel Shellhouse, Jamie Paul, Matthew Burrell, Thomas Laburt, Jaime Hernandez. Kneeling: Isaac Acay, Alex Barrett.

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, send them a copy and tell them to visit our website at Send a copy to friends and relatives too. They will pleased to see what you have achieved and how you are serving the community.




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