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Pollution Pollution is harmful alteration of the natural state of half following the introduction of an agent oblivious to that environment

(pollutant), causing instability, disorder, harm or discomfort in an ecosystem, in the physical environment or in a living .1 The contaminant may be a chemical, energy (as sound, heat, or light), or even genes. Sometimes the contaminant is a foreign substance, a form of energy, or a natural substance. Pollution can be classified according to type of source is given. Or the type of pollutant emitted or contaminated medium, eg air pollution, water, soil, genetics, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal, etc.. There are many pollutants, such as chemicals (including pesticides, cyanide, herbicides, heavy metals, dioxins, etc..), Municipal waste, oil and its derivatives, ionizing radiation. All of these produce many diseases and damage to nature. There are also many gaseous pollutants that are generating acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer and global warming. . Effects of pollution. The effects are manifested by alterations in the ecosystem in the generation and spread of disease in living organisms, mass death and, in extreme cases, the disappearance of animal and plant species, inhibition of production systems and, in general, degradation of quality of life (health, clean air, clean water, recreation, enjoyment of nature, etc..). 2. Polluters. The pollutants that cause or may be chemical, physical and biological. chemical contaminants refers to compounds from the chemical industry. They can be very marked adverse effects, such as toxic minerals (compounds of iron, copper, zinc, mercury, lead, cadmium), acids (sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric acid), alkalis (potash, caustic soda), organic solvents ( acetone), detergents, plastics, petroleum products (gasoline, oils, dyes, diesel), pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides), detergents and synthetic fertilizers (nitrates, phosphates), among others. Physical contaminants refer to disturbances caused by radioactivity, heat, noise, mechanical, etc.. Biological contaminants are organic waste to decompose ferment and cause pollution. This group includes the feces, blood, waste from breweries, paper, sawdust, forest industry, drains, etc.. 3. Forms of contamination. It manifests itself in several ways: Air pollution is caused by air or fumes (vehicles and industry), aerosols, dust, noise, odors, atomic radiation, etc.. Is the perturbation of the quality and composition of the atmosphere by substances foreign to their normal constitution. Water pollution is caused by the dumping of sewage or black (urban and industrial), mine tailings, oil, fertilizers, pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, etc.), detergents and other products. Soil contamination is caused by pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, petroleum and its derivatives, garbage, etc.. Contamination of food affects the food and is caused by chemicals (pesticides, etc.) or biological (pathogens). Is the presence in food of substances hazardous or toxic to the health of consumers and

is caused during production, handling, transport, industrialization and consumption. Agricultural pollution is caused by solid waste, liquid or gaseous farming. This group of pesticides, fertilizers' barn waste, erosion, dust from plowing, manure, and other bodies. Electromagnetic pollution is caused by the emission of radio waves and microwaves by modern technology, such as radar, television, radio stations, high voltage power grids and telecommunications. Also known as ergomagntica pollution. The optical contamination covers all aspects affecting visual sight complacency. It is produced by strip mining, deforestation, uncontrolled, garbage, advertisements, tangled power lines, the poor appearance of buildings, styles and striking colors, the proliferation of street vendors, etc.. The advertising is caused by advertising, which exerts external pressure and distorts consciousness and behavior of human beings to acquire certain goods or services, enhancing ideologies, variations in the socioeconomic structure, changes in culture, education, customs and even in religious feelings. Radioactive contamination is the result of the operation of nuclear power plants, nuclear accidents and the use of such weapons. Also known as neutron contamination, being caused by neutrons, and is very dangerous for the damage that occurs in the tissues of living beings.

The cultural pollution is the introduction of undesirable customs and culture demonstrations outside by people and media, and are source of loss of cultural values. This leads to the loss of traditions and serious problems in the values of ethnic groups, which may come into identity crisis.

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