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Subject Class / semester Time Allotment

I. Standard Competence

: Mathematics : IV (four) /1 (one) : 1 x 15 minutes

1. Memahami dan menggunakan sifat-sifat operasi hitung bilangan dalam pemecahan masalah II. Basic Competence 1.2. pengurangan, oenjumlahan, perkalian dan pembagian III. Indicators By the end of these materials, 80 % of the students are able to : Know the definition of addition, substraction, multiplication and division operation. Understand to identify the symbol that is used in addition, substraction, multiplication and divison operation. Do the addition, substraction, multiplication, and division by themselves. IV. Learning Objectives Content Objectives :

1. 80 % studens are able to know the definition of addition, substraction, multiplication and division operation 2. 80 % students are able to understand to identify the symbol that is used in addition, substraction, multiplication and divison operation. 3. 80% students are able to do the addition, substraction, multiplication, and division by themselves.

- Language objectives 1. 80 % Students are able to read the addition, substraction, multiplication, and division operation into the target language.

Character Education : Discipline & independent

V. Learning Materials Addition operation Addition is finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers. Example: 5 + 11 + 3 = 19 is an addition. The symbol of addition is (+) Taking one number away from another. example : If you have 5 apples and you subtract 2, you will be left with 3. The symbol of subtraction is (-) Multiplication

The basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition. For example: 5 3 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 The symbol of multiplication is (x) Division Division is splitting into equal parts or groups. Example: there are 12 chocolates, and 3 friends want to share them, how do they divide the chocolates? Answer: They should get 4 each.we must devided 12 by 3. The result is 4. The symbol of division is ( ) Example: 75: 15 = 5 VI. Learning Media 1. Laptop 2. LCD projector 3. White board / black board

VII. Learning Method 1.Lecturing 2.Class Discussion 3.Questions and Answers 4. Showdown techniques

VIII. Learning Steps :

A. Opening - greeting to students - Checking the attendance - Reviewing the concept of sorting numbers.

B. Core Activities Exploration

In exploration activities, the teacher: can get the main key of definition addition, substraction, multiplication, and division.

Elaboration In the elaboration of activities, the teacher: - Conducting a clear demonstration to do the addition, substraction, multiplication and division in front of the students. - Doing the showdown techniques Confirmation

In confirmation of activities, the teacher: Asking questions about things that are not yet known to the students discipline and self Asking for straightening misconceptions, provide reinforcement and conclusions

C. Closing Activities In the closing activity, the teacher: Summing up the material Evaluating learning activities giving homework and inform the new materials to be discussed on the next meeting

IX. Assesment

Achievement Indikator

Assesment technique

Form of Instrumen


o Reading and writing the Individual and numeral symbols including group assesment their names. o Writing the numeral symbols according to their place value. o Sorting the numbers based on the regular and irregular form.

Weekly report book of home assignment

Complete this line number! ... ...3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 o Read and write the numeral symbols including their names ! o Write the numeral symbols according to their place value! o Sort the numbers based on the regular and irregular form!

Assesment Rubric

PRODUCT ( DISCUSSION RESULT ) No. Aspect Criteria 1. concept * all the answers are right * most of the answers are right * few answers are right * all the answers are wrong PERFORMANCE No. Aspect 1. cognitive

Score 4 3 2 1

critera * often answer the questions rightly * sometimes answer the questions rightly * never participate * high * medium * low

Score 4 2 1


affective 4 2 1

Assesment Sheet No Students name Performance cognitive affective result Total score Final score

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NOTE : SCORE = ( total score : maximal total score ) X 10. X. Learning Sources 1. Textbook of Mathematics for Elementary School Grade 4. 2. Elementary Mathematics for Class IV 3. Mathematics progressive SD Class 4 Main Text 4. Dictionary for Mathematic Semarang, March 22 th, 2012 Mengetahui Head Master Mathematics Teacher

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