12 AP Lit TRGG Banquet Guidelines

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Costello AP Lit Toast, Roast, Gift & Grub Banquet Its the end of the school year.

Lets take a look back. Brave New World Never Let Me Go Spring The Widows Lament In Springtime I felt a Funeral, in my Brain The Convergence Of the Twain The Panther Those Winter Sundays To Autumn London Bright Star I taste a liquor, never brewed Pink Dog Toads A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning Dream Deferred February The Joy of Cooking Much Madness is divinest Sense Barbie Doll Ozymandias Batter my heart, three-personed Dog Sorting Laundry Mr. Z next of course god America i APO 96225 My mistress eyes Crossing the Bar The Apparition Dover Beach Getting Out Hazel Tells LaVerne To His Coy Mistress That time of year Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night Death, be not proud Lonely Hearts Edward Delight in Disorder Elegy For My Father, Who Is Not Dead How I Met My Husband Interpreter of Maladies A Rose for Emily Everyday Use Hunters In the Snow Bartleby, the Scrivner Eveline A Worn Path Once Upon a Time Miss Brill Pauls Case The Lottery The Drunkard Youre Ugly, Too Popular Mechanics Othello As You Like It The Glass Menagerie Death of a Salesman Raisin In the Sun Frankenstein [your novel choice]

To celebrate a year of great literature and discussion, well be having a two-day banquet on Wednesday, May 16th and Friday, May 18th. Each student will be required to contribute to the banquet in 4 ways : Toast, Roast, Gift, and Grub. Class time to work on project: Wednesday, May 9th and Friday, May 11th (access to laptops on May 11th only)
You must use this class time for this project, unless you have turned in all components of the project.

Costello AP Lit
Toast [25 pts.] From any work we covered in class this year, choose a character or author that you appreciate and/or admire. Then write a toast that explains why you appreciate/admire them, which you will recite at the banquet. Requirements of the toast include: On Monday, May 15th, one copy of the poem must be turned in. It must be typed and fill an entire 8 X 11 piece of paper. Feel free to use decorative borders, fonts, etc. But they should be clear and easy to read. On your assigned day, you must bring a 2nd copy to the banquet to recite. It must be written in the style of a poem of direct address, meaning you will recite as if speaking directly to them. It must be written in the form of a 10-line ode (guidelines to the structure are included in this packet) It must be titled. Roast [25 pts] From any work we covered in class this year, choose a character or author that you disagreed with, were annoyed by, or were glad to see reach their demise! Then, write a roast, letting them know why you found them to be so despicable, which you will recite at the banquet. Requirements of the toast include: On Monday, May 15th, one copy of the poem must be turned in. It must be typed and fill an entire 8 X 11 piece of paper. Feel free to use decorative borders, fonts, etc. But they should be clear and easy to read. On your assigned day, you must bring a 2nd copy to the banquet to recite. It must be written in the style of a poem of direct address, meaning you will recite as if speaking directly to them. It must be written in the form of a 10-line limerick (guidelines to the structure are included in this packet) It must be titled. Gift [25 pts] From any work we covered in class this year, choose a character or author to which you want to give a gift. Perhaps its something they could have used during their journey, or something that they earned (for better or worse!). Requirements of the gift include: On Monday, May 15th, you must turn in a gift tag which will include the traditional To: and From: labels on one side, as well as a brief (4-6 sentence) explanation of the gifts significance on the other side, written on a folded notecard (Costello will provide notecards). On your assigned day, you must bring the gift to the banquet on your assigned day o While bringing in the physical gift will give you the best grade, if thats impossible (you want to give them a Porsche), you may bring in a photograph/picture of the gift, though it will result in a lower grade. Grub [25 pts] From any work we covered in class this year, choose a food that has some connection. Then bring in a bit of that food, enough to feed 2-4 people only. Maybe you can track down some Frankenberry cereal. Maybe you come up with a play on words, or bring some almond cake for Ms. Brill! Requirements of the grub include: On Monday, May 15th, you must turn in a food tag which will include your name and the name of the work that inspired the food on one side, as well as a brief (4-6 sentence) explanation of the gifts significance on the other side, written on a folded notecard (Costello will provide notecards). On your assigned day, you must bring in the food, as well as any plasticware/plates/etc. necessary for eating. o The food must be dropped off before 1st period. Passes will not be written excusing tardiness to 1st period. o Any serving trays, containers, silverware, plasticware, leftover food, etc. must be picked up at the end of the day you bring your food. Not doing so will result in a significantly-lowered grade for this portion of the project.

Costello AP Lit Ode Structure Must be titled Must be 10 lines long There must be a rhyme scheme o But you may create your own, such as: ABABABABAB ABCABCABCA ABCBDEDEFF Try as best you can to follow a pattern in terms of how many beats are in each line o 1 beat = two syllables o Try to have a similar number of beats For example, 5 beats per line o Or have a pattern 5 beats in the oddnumbered lines, 3 beats in the evennumbered lines Limerick Structure Must be titled Must be 10 lines long (2 5-line stanzas) Must follow a traditional limerick rhyme scheme o AABBA o 2nd stanza can be AABBA or CCDDC Must follow a traditional limerick beat count o Lines 1, 2, and 5 include 4 beats (8 syllables) o Lines 3 and 4 include 2 beats (5 syllables)

In the end, more well-structured poems will reflect more time/effort/skill put into the assignment, thereby receiving a higher grade.

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