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OMC Server Backup

Prepared By: Alaa Abbasi

GTSS - Motorola


Author: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Alaa Abbasi Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature: Date: 18, Sep, 2003 Date:

GTSS - Motorola


...............................................................................................................................................3 Introduction :................................................................................................................................4 How to organize your backup :....................................................................................................4 Backup procedures :.....................................................................................................................4 OMCR Server Backup; UNIX file system backup:.................................................................4 Backing up CM and PM Informix DB:...................................................................................5

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Introduction :
Backups is the most important operation that you should do on a daily bases so you can recover once you have any kind of data losses.

How to organize your backup :

To have a the best backup method you may use the following : 1- Run the backup procedure on daily bases. 2- Keep one backup tape for each week per each backup procedure. 3- At the end of the month you can keep one tape which represent this particular month and you can use the tapes which you previously used to represent each week again. 4- At the end of each year, you will have 12 tapes which represent your 12 months in that particular year.

Backup procedures :
OMCR Server Backup; UNIX file system backup:
A backup can be performed automatically by using the backup_splat utility. Use the following procedure to back up the file systems on the System Processor. 1. Log in to the System Processor using the login id: root. 2. Insert a new tape (DAT) into the tape drive, ensuring it is not write-protected. 3. Change to the /usr/gsm/current/sbin directory by entering the following command: cd /usr/gsm/current/sbin. 4. Enter the following command to run the backup_splat utility: ./backup_splat The following prompt is displayed. Is there a writable DAT tape loaded in the Tape Please enter YES to continue : 5. Enter YES to continue. The following prompt is displayed: Enter Backup Tape Device: 6. Enter the backup tape device name as /dev/rmt/0n. 7. Press RETURN, the following message is displayed: REWINDING TAPE.... 8. Check to see if the tape is error free: dd if=/dev/rmt/0n of=/dev/null bs=96k 9. Check each partition by entering the following command: ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0n <x> where x is the number of partitions to be backed up. The ufsrestore prompt appears. 10. To list all the contents of the /root directory enter the following:

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ls 11. To quit enter: q 12. To forward to the next partition enter the following command, incrementing each time to the next dump block: ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/ 0n 2 Note: This backup should be done on daily bases.

Backing up CM and PM Informix DB:

To back up the PM and CM databases to DAT drive the following procedure should be performed on the System Processor. 1. Login to the System Processor using login id informix. 2. Set the following environment variable: setenv TERM vt100 3. To set the correct environment for the database archive enter one of the following commands. For the PM database, enter the following alias: omc_env For the CM database, enter the following alias: mib_env 4. Start the archive by entering the following command: ontape s L <archive_level> where <archive_level> is the level of archive as described above. To start a level 0 archive, for example, enter ontape s L 0. Output similar to the following is displayed: Please mount tape 1 on /dev/rmt/0 and press Return to continue The archive can be terminated at any point by pressing the interrupt key. This is usually CTRL-c or the DELETE key. If the archive is interrupted, then the archive copy is corrupted. Note : choose the archive level as 0. 5. Press RETURN. Output similar to the following is displayed: 10 percent done 20 percent done n percent done n percent done 100 percent done Please label this tape as number 1 in the archive tape sequence. This tape contains the following logical logs: 3 Program over 6. If the archive requires more than one tape, the user is prompted when a change of tape is needed. The tapes must be labelled 1, 2, 3, and so on, to indicate the sequence in which the tapes must be mounted if used to restore the database. 7. If an error occurs during the archive, an error message is displayed followed by the message:
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Please mount tape and press Return to continue The archive procedure can be interrupted to fix any problems before pressing RETURN. 8. When the archive is complete, a message indicating which tapes are required to restore the database to its present state is displayed. The message also indicates the logical log at which to start to restore the system after the backup tapes have been mounted. (The logical log information can be ignored as logical logs are not currently used.) 9. For each of the PM and CM databases, confidence check the tape using the following UNIX command: dd if=/dev/rmt/0 of=/dev/null bs=64k 10. If successful, write protect, label and store the tape(s). If an error is returned, the faulty tape should be replaced and the archive procedure repeated from Step 3. Note: This backup should be done on daily bases. Also note that this procedure is for two backup types, CM and PM so you should perform the above steps twice.

GTSS - Motorola


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