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US History: World War One Test

Multiple Choice
1. What event in Europe sparked World War I? a. The sinking of the Lusitania b. The German-French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine c. Russias quest for a warm-water port d. The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne 2. Which of the following best describes the first few years of World War I? a. Both sides were locked in a stalemate b. The Central Powers had conquered most of Europe c. Victory for the Allies seemed inevitable. d. There was little actual fighting 3. The Selective Service Act was a means of: a. Getting money for the war effort. b. Getting women to take over jobs formerly done by men. c. Drafting soldiers for the war effort. d. Finding jobs for veterans of World War One. 4. Under the terns of the peace treaty, Germany had to do which of the following: a. Give its colonies independence b. Pay reparations to Allied nations c. Break up Czechoslovakia d. Give its weapons to France and England 5. After Wilson presented the treaty to the US Senate, a. The Senate ratified it b. Only the irreconcilables supported it c. The Senate rejected it d. Only the reservationists supported it 6. The Committee on Public Information was established to: a. Supply the troops b. Promote public support for the war c. Finance the war effort d. Recruit troops

7. One of the goals of President Wilsons peace plan was to; a. Seek revenge on the Germans b. Seize German territories c. Increase the arms race d. Eliminate the general causes of war 8. What was the British liner that was sunk by a German submarine in 1915 a. USS Arizona b. Lusitania c. USS Maine d. Sussex 9. An important underlying cause of World War One was: a. Dispute over the convoy system b. The web of European alliances c. Refusal of European countries to build large militaries d. American insistence on neutrality in every dispute 10. World War One could be described as a total war because: a. Every army used land, air, and sea tactics b. Every major power was involved c. Every possible resource was channeled towards the war effort d. Every country in Europe had to take sides 11. What role did the US Government play in the economy during the war: a. Gave industries more economic freedom b. Stripped the corporate world of power c. Lowered taxes to promote economic growth d. Regulated the production of war goods 12. Which of the following was not one of Wilsons Fourteen Points a. Germany should accept all the blame for the war b. Countries should be granted freedom of the seas c. There should be no more secret treaties d. Countries should be fair to the colonial claims of colonial peoples 13. How much did a Reparations Commission say that Germany owed to the Allies after the war? a. 20 billion b. 2 trillion c. 10 million d. 30 billion

True and False

14. True/False: The Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a German nationalist, leading to the beginning of World War One. 15. True/False: The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Russia, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire. 16. True/False: Germanys aggressive policy of unrestricted submarine warfare was a factor that lead to American involvement in World War One.

Fill in the Blank

17. In 1917, Germany sent the _______________________________ to Mexico promising American territory and financial assistance if they joined the German war effort. 18. Pictures, advertisements, and other forms of media that are meant to convince people to think or believe a certain way is called __________________________. 19. World War One introduced a new kind of warfare known as trench warfare. The land in between the trenches was known as ________________________. 20. The _______________________ was the name given to Woodrow Wilsons peace plan. 21. What treaty ended World War One?_________________________ 22. What year did World War One begin? _______________ 23. What year did it end?________ 24. Which country did Germany invade causing Great Britain to enter the war?______________ 25. What were German submarines called?___________________

Short Answer
26. Name 3 Central Powers nations:

26. Name 3 Allied Powers nations:

27. What were three reasons discussed in class why the US entered World War One:

Extended Response
31. Rather than being the result of a single spontaneous event, World War One occurred only after many years of strained relations between the Great Powers in Europe and had pushed countries to the brink of war. Explain how this statement is true by: a. List and explaining the four cause of the war:

b. List and explain the spark that set in to motion the chain of events leading to World War One:

32: Answer the following about the League of Nations A. What was it? Who proposed it, and was this persons major goal with regards to it?

B. What position does the US ultimately take with regards to the League of Nations? Why does it take this position? What effect do you think the refusal of the US to participate in this program had in its success and why?

Examine the following piece of war propaganda:

A: What is the purpose of the piece of propaganda?

B. Who is the hun it is referring to?

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