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Austland small coastal town Population: About 14,000.

. Dominant Alignment: Lawful Neutral Important Individuals Auron Von Keimer Leading Noble Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class: Level 3 Aristocrat Auron is a tall, thin man who fears the power others hold over him. He remains unflinchingly loyal to the leader of the Valkyrian Empire to avoid having his power taken from him. Although he doesnt particularly approve of the choices Lord Renold has made in recent years, he continues to obey. Auron prefers to let the chief of military handle negotiations for him. Gerald Flemmings Leader of the Iron Cross Alignment: Neutral Evil Class: Level 4 Fighter Gerald Flemmings doesnt take bullshit from anyone, especially about his name. Hes killed many people and is renowned for his strength and bad attitude. He leads the Iron Cross with a tight fist and makes sure newcomers are aware of the towns laws. At times, it seems like he is in control of Auron Von Keimer, not the other way around. He handles negotiations and most public meetings, and may just be the de facto leader. Its well known that he hates non-humans, especially Elves. Reverend Averus Reverend of the Church to Hextor Alignment: Lawful Evil Class: Level 3 Cleric Almost fanatical in his worship, Averus fails to understand why others arent as consumed by Hextor as he is. He spends most of his days either preaching or in prayer, and wont hesitate to fling a spell at you if you dare disrespect his God. Everything he does is in Hextors name. Important Groups The Iron Cross Austlands military Led by Gerald Flemmings. The Iron Cross is heavily associated with the local church of Hextor, Hextors Thorn. They work under joint direction of Hextors Thorn and the Auron Von Keimer, though its at times difficult to tell who is really in charge. The Iron Cross enforces Austlands laws, roughs up newcomers, and has been alleged to be waging ethnic war against non-human locals, which may be why most non-humans have left Austland in mass exodus. At the very least, the group is known to be extremely racist.

Hextors Thorn Church to Hextor Led by Reverend Averus Hextors Thorn has been the only church in Austland for six years, now. There was once a small church to Pelor and even a church for the Correllon, but both of these churches were demolished and replaced with homes quite a while ago. Although daily prayer is not a de jure necessity, The Iron Cross will show up your door if you repeatedly miss prayer. Most people attend, and few complain. Taverns: The Bleeding Boars Inn Owned by Jerald Vallus, the Bleeding Boars Inn is not the nicest inn in town, and theyve been known to be a bit pricey, too. Things can get a bit rowdy at times, but Jerald keeps things under tight enough control to prevent any real accidents. Theres a rumor that Jerald has been harboring Elves illegally. The Black Opal Far nicer and even more expensive than The Bleeding Boar, Marina Gall owns the Black Opal. Some say shes a temptress, others say shes a bitch, and still others claim shes a whore. She keeps the place well run, though, and only offers the best services. The Black Opal serves as a tavern, an inn, and a brothel all in one. Magic Items in stores: Minor Wondrous Items: Feather Token, Whip Slippers of Spider Climbing Ioun Stone, Clear Spindle x2 Lens of Detection Boots of the Winterlands Periapt of Wisdom +2 Hand of the Mage Minor Magic Weapons: +1 Warhammer +2 Heavy Mace Minor Magic Armor: +1 Buckler +1 Full Plate

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