Graffiti in Germany Radio Play

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Graffiti in Germany Radio Play By: Arthur E. Arthur E.

A True Story

Cast of Characters Derrick: Derrick creative graffiti artist, he likes to play it safe. Appie is a compelling graffiti artist, Is a risktaker Police officer, describing the incident of Derrick and Appie



GRAFFITI IN GERMANY RADIO PLAY SCENE:INT. TRAIN TRACKS A.M.) TRAINS PASSING BY: DERRICK: I found some paint...... I think its blue! APPIE: Great, Great, Ill find us a train to paint on. DERRICK: Alright I found us enough paint for tonight. APPIE: Perfect! Derrick come look at this. DERRICK: What! APPIE: See this train, its untouched....Its beautiful, Derrick lets paint it now. DERRICK: Are you crazy! Its way too risky, and especially in broad day light, have you lost your mind? APPIE: Your right, lets go home and plan what we are going to draw tonight. NARRATOR: Appie and Derrick walk home with their half filled spray cans they begin to draw their graffiti for the night in their head. SCENE:EXT AT HOME WAITING FOR MIDNIGHT - 11:30 DERRICK: Appie! I just found the graffiti piece that we should draw tonight. APPIE: What is it, cause Im out of ideas. DERRICK: Why not draw the war in Yugoslavia, and Mama all injured in front to show that there still is poverty and war everywhere in the world. 7 :30




APPIE: Great, Get some sleep for tonight cause your going to need it. DERRICK: Alright, Wake me up when its time to go. APPIE: Okay. SCENE:EXT AT HOME WAITING FOR MIDNIGHT - 11:30) APPIE: Derrick wake up bro. Its time to head out. DERRICK: SOUND: GRUMPY MOAN Whats going on, Oh right lets go. Dont Forget to grab the paint. APPIE: I already got everything. SCENE: INT BY THE TRAIN TRACK SCOUTING THE AREA FOR POLICE PATROLS. - 12:08 APPIE: VOICE: WHISPERING Alright I think its clear. DERRICK: SOUND: WHISPERING Lets make sure that it actually is. APPIE: SOUND:WHISPERING OKAY LETS HEAD OUT. REMEMBER S18. VOICE: WE NOW BRING YOU OUR COMMERCIAL, ALPHA SHOES, THEYRE CHEAPER, BETTER, AND LAST LONGER. BE SURE TO BUY A PAIR TO SEE FOR YOURSELF. WE NOW BRING YOU BACK TO OUR RADIO PLAY ON GRAFFITI IN GERMANY.




NARRATOR: Derrick and Appie scattered the train station looking for the s18 train, They passed by the s4 train, Not a single sound of noise came from their mouths as they stayed there gazing upon the clean trains, tempted to paint them. Appie rushes to the s4 train and takes out a can of paint. DERRICK: Appie! What do you think youre doing this is a s4 train, we are going to get caught. APPIE: Dont worry one quick tag wont hurt anyone, and plus what are the chances of getting caught anyway. DERRICK: True. But be quick, I dont want to run from the train patrol again. APPIE: Okay all done. Happy now? DERRICK: Yes, Now can we please go. APPIE: Okay you knoAPPIE: Shh, did you hear that. DERRICK: Hear What, Appie what did you just hear. APPIE: Derrick weve gotta get out of here now SOUND: DOG BARKING TRAIN POLICE: Theyre by the S4. APPIE & DERRICK: run. NARRATOR: As the police patrol man came closer and closer to Derrick and Appie, they were trying to find a place to hide. derrick hid behind the toll booth and Appie underneath the S4 train. The patrol dog passing by was sniffing for the vandals, It started the tug on the leash and barking. (CONTINUED)



SOUND: DOG BARKING TRAIN POLICE: Lead me to him boy. NARRATOR: The dog starts barking at the train, the Train Police kneel down and look uderneath they stop Appie. Derrick throws a can of paint at the officer. DERRICK: RUN APPIE! NARRATOR: Appie rolls over and starts running whilst looking back to make sure the cop is not chasing him, The officer is too distracted by derrick and starts to chase him. A passing train the s5 is passing by, Appie still distracted by the Officer finally look forward only to see a full speed train a meter a away in front of him. The train honks its horn and stops the train driver steps out of the train only to see blood all over the front of the train. TRAIN POLICE: Stop you vandal. DERRICK: (WHERE IS APPIE?) NARRATOR: The train police stops chasing derrick and derrick runs off to meet up with appie. SOUND: HEAVY BREATHING DERRICK: Appie!, Appie! where are you? NARRATOR: Derrick arrive on a train still in the middle of the tracks, only to find Appies chain from Yugoslavia. Derrick sights small puddles of blood and before he sees the front of the train he knows that he will never see his brother again. DERRICK: how could this have happened.


SCENE:EXT AT HOME WAITING FOR DUSK 4:47 A.M. DERRICK: I will never forget Appie, a true grafftiti artist doing it for the real reason, to spread awareness and to get global issues into peoples head, not just to get his name out on the street. Uhhh why did you have to go. NARRATOR: Trying not to cry and stay strong. Derrick slowly and calmly fell into a deep sleep and depression. He found himself waking up in night terrors knowing that he was the only one from his family, alone in a 1 room shabby apartment for the rest of his life. SCENE: INT. ON TOP OF THE APARTMENT ON THE LEDGE 11:30 A.M. NARRATOR: Derrick was stading on the ledge of the top floor with a white robe on and ready to jump, he couldnt bare the fact of living without his brother for the rest of his life. Seconds before he was about to jump a thought occurs in his mind. DERRICK: Why not before I die too I commemorate Appie by Bombing the biggest graffiti piece with his name on it. NARRATOR: Derrick had run down to the paint store and spent all of his brothers and his savings on many canisters of paint. SCENE:EXT. ON A SKYSCRAPER 3:00 A.M. DERRICK: Alright little bro, this is for you, I will be with you soon. NARRATOR: Derrick takes out all of the a canisters of paint and begins to paint the whole face of the building spelling this is for appie in graffiti text.


SCENE:EXT. READY TO JUMP 5:00 A.M. DERRICK: I will soon be with you brother. NARRATOR: Derrick throws all of the paint of the window whipper machine and throws himself down with a smile on his face. SOUND: HIT CAR (THANK YOU SO MUCH TO LISTENING TO OUR RADIO PLAY ABOUT GRAFFITI IN GERMANY) NARRATOR: Something suddenly felt so weightless for Derrick. He felt so warm and finally in a long time, he actually felt happy. The closer he got to the bright light the better he felt. He saw a few faces, as he came closer he noticed that they where his family.He quickly ran towards them. DERRICK: Appie! i missed you so much. Mama, Papa, i am so happy to see you! NARRATOR: Derrick, Appie, and their family calmly walked off into the bright light together and happy once again, and for all eternity. (THANK YOU SO MUCH TO LISTENING TO OUR RADIO PLAY ABOUT GRAFFITI IN GERMANY)

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