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Software Requirement Specification Placement Automation System

By: Matrika Rohatgi Shashvat Aditya

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the project. It will explain the purpose and the different features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to user input. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system.

1.2 Scope of Project The project will have two major users:1. The student who wishes to upload his resume details to the system. 2. The company representative (manager (hr) ) who will then select the student who seems the most appropriate to him for the company.

1.3 Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms Term Definition:PAS Placement Automation System Login ID a unique ID given to each user so as to uniquely recognize him when he attempts to access the system. Password each user shall be given a secret code which the system will use to confirm the user. Software Requirements Specification - A document that completely describes all of the functions of the proposed system and the constraints under which it must operate. Stakeholder - Any person with an interest in the project who is not a developer. Majorly, the people who have money invested in it and other prospective profit makers. User - A person who wishes to use the proposed system. In this case it shall either be a student or a company representative (Any person who has created and account and loggedin.)

1.4 References No formal documents have been referred to for documentation.

1.5 Overview of Document The next section of this document gives an overview of the various functionalities of the product. The third section of this document is mainly written for the developers and describes in technical terms the details of the functionalities of the product. Both sections of the document describe the entire software product. It is also to be duly noted that only this document needs to be and should be referred in case there is a doubt regarding the functionality or operation of the product. Only what is described in this document or its revisions is to be taken as the final word. This document shall also be used as an agreement between the developers and the customer.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective The Placement Automation System is an application which will make placements and allotting companies to students a smooth and effective process. It gives students the easy option of entering/updating his/her resume details on the system. A company official assigned legally by the company will have the option of reviewing these students and choose his top choices for interview and further rounds of the selection procedure. 2.2 Product Functions LOGIN: The user can login in to the application under the strict condition that he has a valid user id and password. A user, who wishes to use the application if he is not an existing user, has the option of registering into the application as a new user. In the process it shall be made sure that he chooses a unique login ID and a valid password. Entering the wrong password leads to an error message popup. ENTER/UPDATE PERSONAL DETAILS: Only the student himself will have the authority to update his information. It is allowed to update his/her details including name, age, gender, branch, photo, and resume information like his CGPA, internships, preferred companies and the other activities he has been a part of. ENTER/UPDATE SELCTION CRITERIA AND REQUIREMTNS: Only the company officials shall be given the authority to update the companys information like the various posts offered by the company, the branches qualified for each post, the criteria for each post, and the package offered for each post SEARCHING: The recruitment manager of the company shall be given the authority to search students based on his specified requirements.

NOTIFY COMPANY HR: The company official (hr) in charge of selection is notified about the results of the search he conducts. SELECTING STUDENTS: The company personal in charge of the selection can select his top choices from the search results. NOTIFY STUDENTS: The outcome of the placement procedure shall be notified to each student (user) whenever he logs into the system the next time. 2.3 User characteristics The user is assumed to be computer-literate and well versed with contemporary browsing methods. 2.4 General Constraints The Software should work on all systems having operating system Windows XP or above. Also, the application should be platform independent. All compatible systems should be able to install the software. 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies It is assumes that the user is computer-literate, and compatible systems will be available for installing the software.

3 Requirements Specification
3.1 External interface requirements 3.1.1 User interfaces The user will be computer literate & will have a valid user ID & password. 3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces The computer has a keyboard & a mouse to take inputs from users. 3.2 Functional Requirements Login SRS 001 SRS 002 The user can login using a valid user ID & password. If the user does not have a valid account, he/she can register.

Information uploading/updation by students SRS 003 The students will be given authority to update their personal information on the system. Students who are users will be allowed to enter/update resume details and

personal information like cgpa, name, address, photo, personal identification, internships, extra-curricular activities.

Updation of company details SRS 004 company has to offer. Company officials can update the number and types of posts their

SRS005 Company officials can update the eligibility criteria for each post, including the branches that are eligible.

Searching of students SRS006 Company manager (hr) will be given the authority to search all students with requirements specified by him.

Selection of students SRS007 Company officials will be able to select the top choices of the company from the search results. The chosen ones can then be made eligible for interviews and further rounds of selection.

Notifications to students SRS008 Whenever a student logs into the system he will be notified by the system on his current status in the selection procedure of each company he has applied for. Rejection and selection will also be notified here.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

3.3.1 Security The system will identify the user through the user ID & password. No bypass access will be granted.

3.3.2. Performance Requirements

Response Time The system will give a response at a maximum delay of 2 seconds.

Design constraints The software will be developed using netbeans. It should be able to run on Windows XP and above.

3.3.3. Availability The system shall be available all the time.

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