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DATA DICTIONARY: --------------basic: -----* What is data dictionary? * Features of data dictionary?

* what are the object independ to transport object? * How many types of table are there in dta dictionary? * What are internal tables check table, value table, and transparent table? - In ternal table: It is a standard data type object, which exists only during the ru ntime of the program. Check table: Check table will be at field level checking. Value table: Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is che ck table for carrid. Transparent table: - Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fields. what are the difference between transparebt and pooled table? * what is logical data base? * what is database utility? * what is table maintenance generator? SM30 , SM31 * what is data browser? SE16 * What is the meaning of ABAP/4 editor integrated with ABAP/4 Data dictionary? tables: ----------* what is table? * what is forign key? * what is chek table, value table and foreign key table? * Can u create table without data element? yes * Can u create table without a domain? yes * what is technical settings? the fields in technical settings? * what is delivery class? * what is data class? * what is size catagiry? * How Many types of size categories and data classes are there? * What is the function of the transport system and workbench organiser? * How can we set the tablespaces and extent sizes? * A field containing currency amounts (data type CURR) must be assigned to a re ference table and a reference field. Explain. * What is the significance of Technical settings (specified while creating a tab le in the data dictionary) ? * What is the significance of Delivery Class ? * What is the maximum number of structures that can be included in a table or st ructure * What are the two methods of modifying Sap standard tables ? * What is the difference between a Substructure and an Append Structure ? * What are the two ways for restricting the value range for a domain ? * What is a Match Code ? * What are the two levels in defining a Match Code ? * What is the maximum number of match code Id's that can be defined for one Matc h code object ? * Can we define our own Match Code ID's for SAP Matchcodes ? * What is an Update type with reference to a Match code ID? * What are conversion routines ? * Aggregated Objects? * What is a View ? * How many types of Views are there ? * what is domain? * what is dataelemts? * How many type of data elements are there?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

what is structure? what is table type? Diference between table and structure? what is buffering ? and how many types of buffers are there? expalin? can we join a transparent and cluster? no what is index ? improve the performence of the select statement what is primary index? what is secondary indexes? what is the advantage of index? diference between index and search helps? what is append structure? what is customizing includes? what is the diffbetween cusomizing includes and append stuctures? what will happen when the table is activated in DD?

views: ------* What is view? * Types of views? * What is maintanance view? * What is help view? * What is projection view? * What is datbaseview? * advantages of views? data types: -----------* what is data types? * what are the fields in data types? * what is data element? * what is structure? * advantage of structures? * what is table type? domains: --------* what is domain? search helps: -------------* what is search helps? * what is lock objects: -------------* what is loch objects?

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