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Rathika Ramasamy

Digital post processing

Downloading the files to computer

Name the folder and files

Open the images ,check the focus,and select the best shot
Photo editor- Photoshop, Aperture , lightroom

Step 1- Open your raw file into camera software editor. Correct white balance,exposure .

Step 2.Sharpen raw file

Raw file itself apply USM 50.5.4 Save as 16 bit or 8 bit Tiff, or jpg if its only for web or small size print.

Step 3-Working space ProPhotoRGB /Adobe RGB

Edit menu=>Convert profile to ProPhoto RGB or Adobe RGB ProPhoto RGB is a bigger color space than Adobe RGB

Step 4 -Use clone tool

Left side top part of tree branch is distracting,use clone tool to remove.

Step 4- Image menu=> Adjustments =>Levels

Bring both left and right sliders to where the histogram starts.

Step 5- Local contrast enhancement

Filter menu=>Sharpen=>Unsharp Mask ,Amount 20,Radius 50 Threshold-0

Step 6- Image menu=> Adjustments =>Hue/Saturation

Increase 5 to 10, you can increase the selective colour too.

Step 7- Use crop tool

If your bird is small in the frame you can crop now.Select crop tool,put the required size.
Avoid heavy crop.,you will lose the details.

Step 8-Save the Tiff file

Sharpening the process is last step. Depends on requirements. If its for print resize for the print and apply USM Amount 150,Radius 1.3-1.5,threshold 2
For web resize the file. File=>Save for web There put the size Height 600 *width400 Jpeg, Quality maximum

Step 9- For web -L channel USM

Image menu=>Mode=>convert RGB to Lab colour Select L channel,apply USM For web 70.5.1,comeback RGB mode

Step 10- Boost Contrast

Apply contrast 5-10 depends on the pic. You can do contrast adjustments using CURVES too. Apply one more USM bring back black ,USM 20.10.0

Step 11- Dodge or Burn tool

Use dodge tool to bring out the eye details.

Step 12- Use Sharp tool

Use sharp tool sharpen eye part. Clean the background ,using blur tool to blur,artefacts becomes smooth.

Animal processing- only sharpen the subject.

Animal like Lion or Tiger sharpen only body part..Like sky environment dont apply USM

Original image

After PP Final image

Neat image -Noise removal

Apply neat image only on back ground. Copy the file paste on top of the processed file. Use erase tool ,erase only on subject to bring back the details in the subject

PS Blending mode tips

Blending Modes for Tone and Contrast The key Blending modes are: Multiply-increase density of entire image if underexposed (better than Darken mode). Screen-lightens image Soft Light, Overlay, Hard Light- increase contrast progressively Luminosity-selects light areas only

All the best and happy clicking.

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