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WEATHERCloudy, r e i n t o n i g h t a n d t o m o r r o w . Y C .11.3th Y E A R N o o .^^ D A I L Y RN . e n d SUNDAY

MTb tovprritM. 1PM. THW srbciixa 8sa,- la*.) BROOKLYN

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NewspaperChampion H f 1954

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B e r l i n , M a r c h 11 ( U P ) - A y o u n g H a r v a r d g r a d u a t e disclosed t o d a y h e h a d s m u g g l e d t h e d a u g h t e r s o f his G e r m a n - b o r n w i f e t o f r e e d o m f r o m b e h i n d t h e Holdup Man Accosts Iron C u r t a i n where they were being t a u g h t t o hate America b y their grandfather, Victim at Girl's i 'fanatic C o m m u n i s t leader. promising t o take them t o a P e t e r Grimes, 32, of Belmont, Flatlands Home Mass., braved the threat of ar- by slipping into West Berlin Gregory Peck movie and buy them a police dog in America. By HAROLD PHELAN r e s t and long imprisonment by with the young girls. Soviets i n East Germany t o U. S. officials Grimes had been i n E a s t confirmed And SID FRIG AND rescue t h e t w o girls. Grimes' story of h o w he and Germany four months, 110 Grimes said he entered East his wife, Irmgard, saved the days illegally without a visa, A n off-duty patrolman Germany with a 10-day visa, children from Communism. before some Germans i n t h e b u t remained there four months small town of Nassenhelde be- w a s c r i t i c a l l y w o u n d e d e a r l y While h e a n d his wife w o n t h e Promise Them a Dog came suspicious. Arrest seemed today w h e n he was shot b y children's confidence. Grimes and his wife, IrmT h e n Grimes risked his life gard, won t h e children over by Continued on Page 2 a h o l d u p m a n w h i l e t h e cop's fiancee l o o k e d o n ,ui terror. - ' ' ' . ' " Kiftls P h o t o The girl, Mae Picone of 1331 'WARRIORS' NABBED IN ROUNDUP Some of Borough Park teenagers seized by cops cover up in station E . 40th St., said she was standhouse while others laugh and one, right center, gives photographer a "Bronx cheer.' Scene was a wild, noisy ing on t h e steps of h e r home one, with youths cursing cops and parents, and some o f latter cuffing their sons. at S a.m., waving goodby to I her boy friend, Patrolman Robert LeBlanc, 23, when she W a s h i n g t o n , M a r c h 11 ( U P ) R e p u b l i c a n l e a d e r s t o d a y s o u g h t t o k i l l o f f saw a heavy-set, well-dressed man step out of t h e darkness t h e M c C a r t h y c o n t r o v e r s y b e f o r e i t d a m a g e s t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s p r o g r a m i n and speak t o LcBlanc. Congress a n d t h e party's chances i n t h e N o v e m b e r election. The girl, thinking t h e m a n w a s ^asking directions, turned Senate G. Q. P . Leader Wil Ham F . Knowland said Presi- interviewed on "Station WOR "those few Republicans w h o to e n t e t - t h e hallway*: She said dent Elsenhower knows h e by F u l t o n Lewis J r . a t 7 p.m.] are damning irum hell to s h e did; overhear LeBlanc tell has n o power to "purge" a To Speak Before Nixonbreakfast those of u s who' a r e the" man h e was a'cop." Senator,-since "in past admin* This will give t h e Wiscon- doing this- very unpleasant Sudden B u r s t of Gunfire 1st rations that was tried with- sin Republican a ' chance t o task of digging o u t Commu- Suddenly there w a s a burst >\ ..... -'- , v . .... - -^p ; ' , * . - " . . ' crack back a t Stevenson's Sat- nists," ' < , out notable success." of gunfire. Miss Picone r a n By OWEN FITZGERALD and KEN JOHNSTON McCarthy aimed- t h e stated He said a Congressman also u r d a y s p e e c h ' in advance of back to t h e steps to see the Vice President Richard M. Nix- m e n t mainly a t Senator. Ralph m a n standing over h e r beIs free to say w h a t he pleases. Forty-six teen-age toughs from Borough Park, on's official Republican reply A. Flanders (R., V t . j "One oftrothed, firing point blank at! swaggering and jeering defiantly, were dragged into this Saturday night. Mr. Nix- the finest old gentlemen I F o r a behind the-scene r e - on was selected by t h e Repub- know." Flanders had accused his prostrate body. B r o o k l y n y o u t h c o u r t s t o d a y as a w e l l - t i m e d police \LeBlanc was writhing on port on t h e background a n d lican National Committee t o the Wisconsin red-hunter of r o u n d u p averted a mass g a n g battle. < ramifications of Edward R. make the reply over free radio "doing his best t o shatter" the t h e ground in a n attempt to dodge t h e hail of ballets, but Murrow'a television critique and television time that Mc- Republican party. Police moved fast on a t i p of Senator McCarthy, see TV Carthy also sought b u t was Knowland, speaking i n a one found its mark i n the that two gangs, out to avenge they yelled defiance a t t h e cops and their parents, w h o r i g h t side of his abdomen. Keynotes on Page 15. radio interview, said h e hopes denied. a street "rumble" i n which were called in, a n d greeted As t h e assailant fled, t h e cop Two other prominent Repub there will b e no more floor three of their members were photographers w i t h "Bronx struggled t o a sitting position M Jf B u t h e warned that it is essen- licans Senators Irving M. speeches like Flanders' that and emptied hlr pistol a t the) beaten an<)i scat, were launching cheersA . . tial t o t h e party to end t h e Mc-Ives (N. Y.) a n d George D. will distract t h e Senate from an attack last night on a third Police said the two gangs had escaping thug. He did n o t Carthy storm as soon as pos- Aiken (Vt.)took about t h e its legislative work. Ives said, gang of youthful hoodlums. been out for revenge on t h e know w h e t h e r he hit him. sible. same p o s i t i o n a s Senator however, that the speech was Twenty cops, on foot a n d inDitmas Dukes, with w h o m t h e "I think It would be danger- Knowland i n separate inter- "all right." Emergency Operation ti>iritiiiiittt<iTitfjftrMii|IHllimtil>lll radio cars, swooped down on Hawks clashed in a street batous t o o u r legislative pro- views today. Both applauded At his news conference yes- The girl managed to get Lethe youths as they gathered tle Monday night. gram," h e said, "if these con- Mr. .Eisenhower's appeal yes- terday, Mr. Eisenhower said Blanc into h e r home and called 'DOG TAG'Rounded-up "warriors" of teenage Hawks along 18th Ave. between 55th Those grabbed were all memt r o v e r s i e s continued and t h e terday for an end,to the party Flanders performed "a service" police and a n ambulance. The gang carried membership cards bearing, at bottom, and 58th Sts. and nabbed t h e bers of t h e H a w k s a n d Rebels p a r t y w a s involved i n splits strife. with h i s speech. cop was taken to Coney Island motto "Till death do we part." If may be ungrammatical 46, most of them garbed in and police said most of them of th kind t h a t we couldn't "We a r e supposed to be a gang-war ''battle dress." attended New Utrecht High get a program through." team and not a bunch of grand POPE MAY LEAVE HIS Continued on Page 11 but, police said, the sentiment is all to real. Six of t h e hard-eyed young School, Brooklyn High School But t h e r e seemed little like- stand players," said Senator APARTMENT FOR STROLL sters carried lengths of rubber of Automotive T r a d e s or lihood t h e controversy would Ives. hose. Most wore thick orna- George Westinghouse VocationVatican City, March 11 (U.R) end immediately. Senator Jo- Senator McCarthy a g r e e d . a t mented "gaucho" belts, spott- al High School. Vatican sources said today seph R. McCarthy, center of t h e a news conference late yester ing outsized metal buckles Pope Pius X I I m a y leave his Thlrty-two of t h e youths, furor, will have an opportunity day that t h e G. 0 . P . is sufferused as street-fight weapons. 'ranging from 16 t o 18, were t o asnwer a speech by Adlai E. ing "a great deal of damage" apartment tomorrow, t h e 15th that he would submit his res- Lynch reportedly has dropped In addition t o the belts, t h e booked for conspiracy t o corn* Stevenson i n a national radio but from his critics, n o t anniversary of his coronation, Members of t h e Democratic for the first time since h e be-County Executive Committee ignation today has evoked a out of t h e race, i t is felt In po-"uniforms" i n c l u d e d black mlt felonious assault and were interview tonight. from him. mad scramble for a new leader. litical circles that t h e n e w leaders a n d co-leaders i n the came ill on J a n . 25. leather jackets, tight jeans, locked u p for t h e rest of t h e [Senator McCarthy will be Really a t fault, h e said, a r e checked shirts a n d buckle-type night in cells a t varioua staUnless t h e Pope suffers a set- 24 Assembly Districtsmet to- Chief contenders appear t o beleader, whoever h e may be, back within t h e next 24 hours, day a t 4-5 Court Square, party James M. Power, J a m e s V. must have the patronage bless- boots. tion houses. or if t h e w e a t h e r is bad, heheadquarters, t o select a succes- Mangano a n d F r a n k Nolan. ing of City .Hall. T h e o t h e r 14, all u n d e r 16, Defy Cop*, Parents (For a background resume of sor to Kenneth F . Sutherland "Dark horse" choices include plans t o take a stroll in the were turned over to their James H. Heffernan a n d Alex- the leadership fight see Poli- The young "warriors," menv parents with order* t o appear famed . Raphael Loggia ad- as Kings County leader. berg of two allied gangs styled today i n Children's Court on joining t h e papal apartments. Sutherland's announcement a n d e r ' Hesterberg. John J . tics and People on Page 2.) the Rebels and t h e Hawks, delinquency charges. T h e 32 were hustled off to t h e Borough Park station house where Continued on Page X
i ; | ; , . ; ; : : . ; . . .





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F o r m e r Supreme Court Justice Murray Hearn, 55, died in Brooklyn Hospital last night of a heart ailment fftat had troubled him for seyeral years. Elected to the Supreme Court bench in 1947, h e resigned because of poor health last J a n . 15. He k had been In and ont of hospitals o r e r a two-year period, but was nt his home, 24 Monroe Plac*, on Brooklyn Heights, when t h e last acute attack came lat night. H e was rushed to Brooklyn Hospital and died there shortly thereafter. His wife, Norma, was at t h e bedside. Other members of t h e Justice Hearn immediate family were a con> t i n e n f s width a # a y . A. son, Army Lt. J a m e s Hearn, was atrow afternoon and efforts were his post in Ghe>dnne, Wyo. A being made to have t h e lieutenJ daughter, Hh. Patricia Reese, ant and Mrs. Reese flown here ; find one-yeat>old granddaughter by that time. Christine Reese, were at home Active Hens for Years *\in Ix>s Angtlcs. Judge Hearn was for many Tentative plant were to hold years prominently active In u i v a t e funeral servicei tomor- Brooklyn life, as a legislator and judge and in a great variety of civic and community activiToday's Chuckle ties. Politically h e w a s a DemoH: "Whotevrr b*com of crat. HIOM old-fa$hioet#d 0trU who Educated a t St. John'* Milifainted wh*n a bay ki***<f th*m?" tary Academy, t h e Syracuse Sh: "Whotv#r b*corr of University College of L a w and the** !d-f<hln*d boyt wh* Continued on Pag* 11 coutd mok them foint?" J




we Method

(Last in a series) New York City's elementary schools today a r e bearing t h e b r u n t of the most violent attacks against t h e system In more than a generation. W h e r s does H go from here, aware t h a t i t l being fought from many sides, and accused of t h e double-barreled sin of coddling r a m p a n t vandaln and being deficient in t h e art of teaching;? No change of policy I* In the wind. Official* of the *>'* tern *dml< It h some shortcomings but Are convinced current method* obtain the most good for the greatest number of atudent*. Nothing I* perfect, U their attitude. World's 'Moat Appraised' "We a r e the most appraised system in t h e world," Florence S. Beaumont, associate superintendent in charge of. elementary schools, answered a question on whether there had been a n y recent evaluation made b y t h e State. "We've got a good bill of health." Unleaa City Father* past out the Word that there'll be. ome change* made, t h e school* will go right ahead on t h e same line. Or, a* critic* Insfct, "full *<*am behind.*4 Mayor Wagner ha* ordered a mobtlbatfon i o fight chool vandalism, which tojrlve t h * Board of Education it* due, first w* spotlighted by them throngh t h e page* of the Brooklyn Eagle, & The Mayor's plar'follow* almost to th letter one adUntitled Document

vanced here a month ago to cope with the problem. Whether it eventually will force any change in school policies remains to be seen.

2 Youths Die Tonight Foi' Grocer's Slaying

Investigations, Legislation Other eventualities a r e official Investigations of t h e entire educational system on t h e city or State level. In-recent years tw&'such demands were thrown Into City Council hoppers. They came to naught. Eric J . Treulich, Councilman from Queens, tells t h e Brooklyn Kagle he soon will introduce another resolution calling for a new evaluation of progressive education. On another front, parents of school children a r e putting pressure on State Senators to do something about their complaints. Some have even gotten to the ear* of their Congressmen. T h e theory is that, since they are called to vote on Federal aid to school? they should do some private inquiry. Should these efforts come to naught, the parentsgrabb i n g a t straws, so t o speakwould be willing to settle for the Stale to insist public school students take the same Regents exams as required of thqse in private schools. "The State guards private school students through these tests, to assure them an adequate education, yet no uc.h provision Is made for elementary public schools," ther point out.

Special to the Brooklyn Eagle eight-day trial and t h e sentence Albany, M a r c h 11 Time was upheld by t h e Court of Appeals, which set this week as trickled away todav for t w o Brooklyn youths scheduled tojthe time for t h e electrocution, go to the electric chair at Slngj Two weeks ago court-assigned Sing tonight for t h e m u r d e r of lawyers appealed for mercy for a Bedford-Stuyvesant grocer. jMartin a n d Allen, asserting There was no word from Gov-; they had killed t h e g r o c e r ernor DeVey that h e wouldiwhile they were u n d e r t h e ingrain clemency to t h e 19-year-|fluence of alcohol and drugs. old killers, Henry Lewis Allen : - - -'and John Martin, w h o wore I N S I D E T h E a g l e iconvictcd l a s t July f o r \ho ___ switchblade-meat ax slaying of grookip, c. P. A' Mark* in BirthGaspare Ingargiola on Nov. 21,1 d?. Plans to* FuturePoq* n . Opposing Toettont CompromU* on According to c u s t o m , t h e . g, J ^ - M ^ . J ^ O , K i , h - P o . I Governor will m a k e n o anPat?* nouncement of his decision on ^ ,p* AS the clemency appeal of jhe.:"**r Ofeit*nrtyi' IT doomed p a i r unices h m 4 , , , | Jp fe#f* 15 mutes their sentences to mm 16-tB ;, imprisonment. i ; s 't!t IS Barring a 1 aftt - m 1 m i t s ' . ' j ^ t ( <-S prievc. Allen and Matrtin #11! fVKy IS IS Wcrnt A<1* die pome t i m e .ftittwefetf. th* 18-22 15 Womn hours .of 11 o Y l o ^ * w n r M ' Ht-Fi N * w i 13, U 23 Horoicop* Has .1 Suggestions night tonlRht. T h e two youths were sen In all the furore over progressiva education, a man w h o 'fenced to death bv -.Countv !/ ?'"* *9A*;J!$8JL! ^ * Continued on f s g e 3yHdge George .1. .In^ce after an ..iin,. **%it CM. OR, .iut.

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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