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Contact details tab - Driving directions box should be big I'm still unable to save changes in the property tab after selecting the region and subregion. The save button is not responding Message saying "successfully updated" is still now shown after saving the changes


comment can the text box be a one with scroll so that if there is more data to be entered it will fit

done done every property has a specific check in and check out time. This has nothing to do with the user.

Check in time and check out time fields should be added in the property tab. Let there be a drop down 1-12 numbers and there should be a drop down for AM and PM fix this in Room types - Room image field is there twice. Remove one of it done In seasons - There should be season name and then sub season name. Please refer design doc done

AS mentioned earlier room types, seasons and packages can come under one tab rather than 3 separate tabs Under the room types tab the following table is missing TARIFF INCLUSIONS PACKAGE INCLUSIONS EXTRA BED POLICY FOOD CHARGES OTHER CHARGABLES CANCELLATION POLICY FOOD MENU RESTAURANTS TO EAT MISC INFO property tab - It should be TAC agreed upon not coupon as mentioned in the earlier mail the other tabs are still missing in the property data creation. Refer design doc. 22/03/12 Tariff tab - following fields are missing - Tax type Rs or % (drop down) Next price check (calendar button)


done done done

fix the calender

next price check field is missing

Images tab - Remove the image type drop down. The following fields should be present separately not in drop down. Route map upload choose file Property logo upload choose file Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file fix this Seasons tab - Season name should be a text box. Not a pre defined drop down. It will be manually filled accordingly 23/03/2012 While im navigating in the tabs, if I 1st click on tariffs it shows tariff table. But after that I click on tabs it still shows me tariff's table. Also vice versa if I click on tabs 1st and then on tariff's it still shows me tabs table. Please check this



explained in the mail with the attachments

26/03/12 Activity tab - Only if it is fixed departure then only it should ask to enter date. Otherwise it should allow it to be blank and not throw error while saving Done About field missing in activity tab Done the following fields in the image tab should be separate and not in drop down Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file Done fax no in contact details for both activity and property need not be mandatory. Not every one will have fax. Remove the validation for this field Done Latitude and longitude should not be mandatory fields in both activity and property. Remove the validation Done add accounts tab to activity also Done Itinerary field in tariff should be a text box with scroll so that it will fit as much as data entered Done 27/03/2012 You mean Activity Tariff Name?

activity tab- tariff tab- activity name field is missing after adding a new region and saving it. IT is not displayed in the region list Done

can the region tab be either under utilities or a separate tab. IT shouldnt be a separate tab and yet linked to utility tab (currently it is like that) Done property type tab is same as interest tab. You can remove the interest tab for now Done When I go existing region and click on edit and make changes and save. A mini screen of all tab appears within. I have sent the screen shot in separate mail Done 28/03/2012 Property tab and activity tab -> tariff tab - I can add values only upto 2 digits. There shouldnt be any limit on it. It can be a 5 digit number also Done activity tab - add one more filed in tariff tab called package name Done activity tab - in the tariff tab add these boxes (similar to room types in propperty tab) - tariff inclusions, package inclusions, extra bed policy, food charges, other chargables, cancellation policy, food menu, misc info Done I will included sorting feature for all the in both property and activity tab - if there are 100's of records columns. So you for instance. Can it be alphabetically arranged. Or can we have a can sort based on drop down arranged alphabetically and then select the record. columns. in tariff tab for activity - can we add one more field "pricing mode" and have drop down values as "per person" and "per couple" Done


I am not sure why those fields from Admin Side. Since check in and check out time entered by user right?

We don't have any space issue in current design. Do you still modify? Please let me know






my comment

Check in time and check out time fields should be added in the property tab. Let there be a drop down 1-12 numbers and there should be a drop down for AM and PM done

Images tab - Remove the image type drop down. The following fields should be present separately not in drop down. Route map upload choose file Property logo upload choose file Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file done Property tab and activity tab -> tariff tab I can add values only upto 2 digits. There shouldnt be any limit on it. It can be a 5 digit number also done in both property and activity tab - if there are 100's of records for instance. Can it be alphabetically arranged. Or can we have a drop down arranged alphabetically and then select the record. done 29/03/2012 in the region tab - can we have a back button so that we can always go back to the region list But the back button is overlapping with the frame of the page. Please align it correctly


activity tab/property tab - images tab - It is not mandatory to enter all images for a given property. Please remove that validation so that in case I leave an image blank it wont throw error done also when an image is already present and for instance I change some other value example tariff and then save it. It asks me to add image again. This is incorrect. done activity tab - Accounts tab - its not working. done

30/03/2012 back button is not implemented for activity. Please do the same. Align the back button in such a way that there is no overlap on the frame . done 31/03/2012 Regions tab-> There are 2 Sub regions tab. Make the other tab as distance details done when I try to navigate to a tab which has too many items in the list. It gets cut off due to frame work. Can you move the whole frame a bit down. Sent you screenshot for the same. 9/4/2012 In property tab -> Can there be a check box after the property name field and property code fields. This is needed coz which ever I tick that field should be displayed in the main page for each property in the web page -> you have put the regions section next to slide show which is incorrect. It should be named as "Vacation by Interest" and it shouldnt be displayed on main page, it should be on the explore page. property tab -> Add property there is a field called main category. If a getaway needs to be featured in the explore section (in the main page) how do I do it. Explore section should mainly list all the states in india and each state should show regions and sub regions in the state and this in turn will show all the properties listed. Currently I have created a type called getaways and I'm adding all properties under it

sent you screen shot

Chk this link to get an idea http://www.signatureholiday . When you click on expolre it will list the states and regions

Contact Info Reservation Contact person Mobile no Landline no Email ID Fax no Address State Pin code Property Contact person Mobile no Landline no Email ID Fax no Address State Pin code Driving direction Contact info modification The below fields will be common for all room types for a given property. This need not be entered for each room type. modify the design accordingly. TARIFF INCLUSIONS PACKAGE INCLUSIONS EXTRA BED POLICY FOOD CHARGES OTHER CHARGABLES CANCELLATION POLICY FOOD MENU RESTAURANTS TO EAT MISC INFO done Add one more field called Account name and city in the account details tab


In the TABS tab is there any limitation on the content that can be put? Coz its not allowing me to enter a big para having about 10lines. Ideally there should be no limitation and remove validation if any. Its not allowing more than 2 lines currently done

Activity tab ->Tariff tab- In the itinerary field it doesnt allow me to put a para of 12 lines. There should be no limit on this content and remove validations for characters for any such fields in any tabs. Currently only 2 lines are allowed done In the fixed departures tab please add the following fields - Itinerary, Tariff Inclusions, Other charges, Cancellation policy, Other info done 10/4/2012 In the seasons tab - I would like the seasons to be linked to room tariff and packages. Explained in detail in the mail In contact details - The driving direction tab doesnt allow more than 2 lines. Change this without limitation and remove validation for characters if any

Error Day 1- Arrive at Camp Roomon-the-Roof by Eight AM. Post breakfast, depart for WHITE WATER RAFTING ON THE YAMUNA for 2 hours Parameter name: Invalid value for Itinerary Actual value was Day 1- Arrive at Camp Room-on-the-Roof by Eight AM. Post breakfast, depart for WHITE WATER RAFTING ON THE YAMUNA for 2 hours

Sent a different mail


in all the HTML text boxes can you include font, font size and formatting done Activity tab -> contact details -> driving direction field should be big without limitation and validation done

activity tab- tariff tab -> itinerary field and description field should not have any limitation or validations. Make the text box big done featured tab-> corporate getaways-> Add the following fields itinerary, tariff inclusions, Other chargables, Extra bed policy, Food charges, cancellation policy, misc info done featured tab-> corporate getaways-> make the description box without limitation and validation. 4/11/2012 Utilities tab -> Region -> display the state name rather than region code in the table. Property tab - You need not display the latitude and longitude in the table. Instead display the property type Property tab- room types-> Is it possible to remove the image size limitation for image upload? It will become very difficult to resize everytime Images tab - > The following fields are common for a given property Route map upload choose file Property logo upload choose file Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file I'm having these text box size and validation issues in everything. Please rectify it.


Images tab -> Image upload and display field is missing. Refer design doc property tab- contact details tab-I should be allowed to enter multipe mobile no and email ID's property tab - property details tab- in the region and sub region drop down can you sort it alphabetically

your comment

Seasons and validity Seasons Season 1 (01/04/2012 - 14/06/2012 ) Season2 (15/06/2012 - 11/10/2012 ) Season 3 (12/10/2012 - 25/11/2012 ) Packages are as below Package name Spirit of Coorg (3N/4D) Exotica(2N/3D) Fresh and Green Coorg(3N/4D)

County Cottage Rs. 19000 Rs.17100 Rs. 19000

Room types and tariff Presidential Villa Private Pool Villa Rs. 23000 Rs. 31000 Rs.20700 Rs.27900 Rs.23000 Rs.31000

Validity 01/04/2012 - 14/06/2012 01/04/2012 - 14/06/2012 15/06/2012 - 11/10/2012

County Cottage Presidential Villa 47999 55999 38999 46999

Kings Court Rs. 37000 Rs.33300 Rs.37000

Private Pool Villa Court Kings 71999 89999 55999 59999 74999



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when I try to navigate to a tab which has too many items in the list. It gets cut off due to frame work. Can you move the whole frame a bit down. Sent you screenshot for the same. done Currently in the design doc I have mentioned that property code should be displayed in the main user web page. But I want a provision in case I have checked property name I want that to be displayed in the main webpage instead of code.

In property tab -> Can there be a check box after the property name field and property code fields. This is needed coz which ever I tick that field should be displayed in the main page for each property in the web page -> you have put the regions section next to slide show which is incorrect. It should be named as "Vacation by Interest" and it shouldnt be displayed on main page, it should be on the explore page.

property tab -> Add property there is a field called main category. If a getaway needs to be featured in the explore section (in the main page) how do I do it. Explore section should mainly list all the states in india and each state should show regions and sub regions in the state and this in turn will show all the properties listed. Currently I have created a type called getaways and I'm adding all properties under it Contact info modification done In the seasons tab - I would like the seasons to be linked to room tariff and packages. Explained in detail in the mail 4/11/2012

Chk this link to get an idea http://www.signaturehol . When you click on expolre it will list the states and regions

Sent a different mail

Utilities tab -> Region -> display the state name rather than region code in the display table. Property tab - You need not display the latitude and longitude in the table. Instead display the property type Property tab- room types-> Is it possible to remove the image size limitation for image upload? It will become very difficult to resize everytime

Images tab - > The following fields are common for a given property Route map upload choose file Property logo upload choose file Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file Images tab -> Image upload and display field is missing. Refer design doc property tab- contact details tab-I should be allowed to enter multipe mobile no and email ID's property tab - property details tab- in the region and sub region drop down can you sort it alphabetically, so that it will be easy to select from drop down

Utilities tab -> Region -> Currently the way the data is being displayed is very complicated since the list is running into many pages. Can you make a provision so that there are states in drop down; once the state is chosen it will display all the regions for that state and in turn if a region is chosen it will display all the subregions.

ContactPerson is not a parameter for procedure usp_PropertyContact



my comment

In property tab -> Can there be a check box after the property name field and property code fields. This is needed coz which ever I tick that field should be displayed in the main page for each property done

refer attachment 1.2 refer attachment 1.1 I'm still able to see the section on main web page. It should be visible only in the explore section. Also the vacation by interest should mainly display the "property type" I had mentioned this in the screenshot also. Currently the regions/subregions are being listed in the vacation by interest, Which is incorrect. This display is cluttering the whole web page

in the web page -> you have put the regions section next to slide show which is incorrect. It should be named as "Vacation by Interest" and this shouldnt be displayed on main page, it should be displayed on the explore page. not fixed correctly

property tab -> Add property - If a getaway needs to be featured in the explore section (in the main page) how do I do it?? Explore section should mainly list all the states in india and each state should show regions and this inturn should list properties in each region . Currently I have created a type called getaways in main category and I'm adding all properties under it which is not what I want. In the seasons tab - I would like the seasons to be linked to room tariff and packages. Explained in detail in the mail Utilities tab -> Region -> display the state name rather than region code in the display table. done Property tab - You need not display the latitude and longitude in the table. Instead display the property type

Chk this link to get an idea . When you click on expolre it will list the states and regions Refer attachement 1.4

Sent a different mail earlier. IF you have any questions about the logic get back to me

Can you remove the region code display from the main table. Its not necessary to display it.

Refer attachment 1.6

Property tab- room types-> Is it possible to remove the image size limitation for image upload? It will become very difficult to resize everytime

Getting an error when I upload an image. Refer attachment 1.7

Images tab - > The following fields are common for a given property . It is not required for every image upload Route map upload choose file Property logo upload choose file Main image Upload choose file Image in search result upload choose file Featured image upload choose file

Images tab -> Image upload and display field is missing. Refer design doc property tab- contact details tab-I should be allowed to enter multipe mobile no, landline and email ID's. Also note its not mandatory to enter all fields. Remove validations if any done property tab - property details tabin the region and sub region drop down can you sort it alphabetically, so that it will be easy to select from drop down done

Let these fields remain optional but I dont want the fields showing up for every image addition. Please change the design for this. Refer attachment image details. A given property will have many images which will go into slide show of each property. Hence I will need these fields to upload those images. Refer attachment image details.

refer attachment 1.3

Utilities tab -> Region -> Currently the way the data is being displayed is very complicated since the list is running into many pages. Can you make a provision so that there are states in drop down; once the state is chosen it will display all the regions for that state and in turn if a region is chosen it will display all the subregions. done

refer attachment 1.5

your comment


Changed Text, That section will display only when user click on Explore menu

We don't have any Statement Name column In Region Table

In the table? Means?


All the images are optional now.

NO need those fields






property tab -> Add property - If a getaway needs to be featured in the explore section (in the main page) how do I do it?? Explore section should mainly list all the states in india and each state should show regions and this inturn should list properties in each region . Currently I have created a type called getaways in main category and I'm adding all properties under it which is not what I want. this is still not fixed correctly. You can call me for clarifications currently im adding properties under "getaways" section but this shouldnt be the case

my comment

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Chk this link to get an idea . When you click on expolre it will list the states and regions Refer attachement 1.4

refer attachement 1.15

Issue After the property name you have sourced prop desc below. Please remove it Why is region name underlined under the prop name


my comment

Before the slideshow where currently there is prop desc, can you put Tariff heading and once you click on it there should be a translucent box which comes up displaying rooms and packages details with the amount If a photo is uploaded for the rooms I would want that photo to be displayed Where is the calender for check in and check out dates? Also I didnt want the whole display to be copied

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