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There are states in the Republic who have followed the leading of the Great State of Arizona in attempting to protect their own sovereignty, and provide for the protection and welfare of their citizens. Likewise, there are politicians who have agreed to accept the philosophy of those who are promoting Agenda-21 and the loss of state and national sovereignty. Please read the breaking story below about one such state that chose to stand and fight for their sovereignty, and secure their border against an onslaught of illegals. This information comes from a full-time researcher who selectively sent this alarming development across the country with the hope other 1070-State Legislators will appropriately prepare.

______________________ LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst
The Chamber of Commerce and BigAg are in full-court press mode in all 1070 states. This is pretty obvious. But what they're doing, apparently successfully in Alabama by convincing HB 56 law's author House Majority Leader Micky Hammon to sponsor the HB 56-killing HB 658 which sailed thru the House and will pass the Senate, is simply unbelievable. HB 658 is as expected being amended to where it will tear to shreds HB 56 law if signed by the Governor, a staunch HB 56 fan. However, news reports indicate that his aides say Governor Bentley agrees with the new bill. Worries about lawsuits are bogus as the SCOTUS is about to uphold 1070 and UNblock the blocked provisions (except perhaps the lesser of the two provisions that were blocked by the lower lefty courts). That decision is expected in June. Kansas' Sec. of State Kris Kobach can't stop the 1070 bill there from going down to defeat. The RINOs are keeping it from getting out of committee, the killing tactic. I got this info from today. This is REALLY bad news for Alabamans! Please pass this around. There's still time I think to try to pressure Gov. Bentley to veto HB 658. What the RINOs are trying to do is destroy HB 56 before the SCOTUS decision (expected to be favorable to Arizona/1070) comes down. The Legislature will be out of session before that decision.

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