Aviva Easy Life Plus

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Aviva Easy Life Plus | Aviva Life Insurance

Aviva easy life plus is an Endowment Plan that has been planned to help the insured to build up some specific amount after the end of the specific term. This policy has an in built life cover that is meant to offer financial assistance in an unfortunate event of death by accident or permanent disability. Some of the features and benefits of Aviva easy life plus policy are as follows:

The Insurance Policy is very flexile and it allows the insured to choose the amount of premium on their own. Here the sun that has been insured would be ten times the amount of yearly premium. In case of accidental death or disability, the money that would be paid to the insured would be twice the money that has been assured. Investment options are also offered in this policy to the policy holder. In this policy two options of investments are offered; one is With Profit Fund and the other one is the Unit Linked Fund. The former is meant to offer capital guarantee on the investment. On the other hand the Unit Linked Fund is an aggressive one in fund allocation and the returns on this are linked directly to the presentation of the investment. In this policy, if the insured has met up with an accident and therefore he or she might have lost his or her life, then in such a case the Insurance cover would be two times the amount of money that has been assured. In case of natural death 110 per cent of the premium is paid in the first year. In such a case, the sum assured or the accumulated value would be paid to the policy holder and the highest between the two would be paid.

Aviva Sachin Extra Cover Advantage | Features | Benefits

Aviva Sachin Extra Cover Advantage is a hassle-free savings plan that gives you a high life cover without undergoing any medical examination by signing a self-declaration of good health. This plan offers high Life Cover (Sum Assured) in the first 10 years and reduces in the last 10 years balancing your need for high protection during initial years and investment towards maturity.

No medical examination Higher Life Cover Loyalty Additions to boost maturity proceeds Eight fund options including Infrastructure and PSU Fund In-built accidental death cover for enhanced protection

Benefits Death Benefit:

Nominee will receive the Life Cover in-force in the policy year of death or fund value, whichever is higher. In case of death due to an accident before age 60, an additional amount under the in-built Accidental Death benefit shall also be paid.

Loyalty Additions:

You will be eligible for Loyalty Additions, if you continue paying all due premiums. The addition will be 2% of Fund Value at the end of year 15 and thereafter 4% of Fund Value again at the end of the Policy Term. Loyalty additions once allocated will be payable under all events.

Maturity Benefit:

On maturity the fund value along with loyalty addition will be paid.

This illustration is for a male aged 35 years, who pays premiums for 20 years and invests 100% into Enhancer Fund-II:

Jana Suraksha | Aviva Life Insurance

The new Jana Suraksha of Aviva Life Insurance policy is a inclusive financial protection for the dependants or the children of the policy holder. This policy is a low cost life insurance policy. In case if the policy holder dies accidentally the lump sum amount will be guaranteed during the term of the policy. The key features of Jana Suraksha of Aviva Life Insurance policy are as follows:

The entry age of the policy is minimum 18 years and maximum 45 years. The policy terms available under this policy is 5 or 10 years which is a subject to maximum age of maturity of 50 or 55 years. The premium payment term is equal to the policy term. The annual premium depends on the life cover. The premium payment frequencies of the policy are annually, half yearly, quarterly or monthly. Under the Jana Suraksha of Aviva Life Insurance no benefit is payable at maturity.

The benefits of Jana Suraksha of Aviva Life Insurance policy are: As death benefit

If the policy holder dies unexpectedly in an accident or due to any mishap then the entire sum assured will be paid to the nominee. In case of accidental death the double amount of the life cover will be paid to the nominee. In case of the unlucky death of the policy holder the nominee will get the sum insured. In case of an accidental death, twice the amount of the sum insured is paid to the nominee. The policy benefits are available without undergoing any medical test.

Aviva Freedom Life Plan | Aviva Life Insurance

This is yet another insurance plan from Aviva Life Insurance in which the insured can choose the amount of security and savings. This policy even allows the policy holder to make certain changes to the policy depending on his or her needs and requirements. Under this policy the term for making the payment of premiums is quite low. Features and benefits of Aviva Freedom Life Plan insurance policy This is one such plan that offers plenty of features and option to the insured and some of them are discussed below:

This is one such policy from Aviva life insurance that offers its policy holder the option to either increase or decrease the insurance premium and the sum that has been assured. There is also a provision to get insurance cover for both husband and wife in one single policy. Riders are available under this policy that is meant to offer improved insurance coverage after making the payment of some additional premium. The riders that are offered in this policy are Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider, Rider Hospital Cash Benefit Rider, Comprehensive Health Benefit and Aviva Payor plus Rider. The term for making the payment of premium is quite limited which is mainly three to five years. There is an option under which the insured can raise the term for making the payment of premium. Investment options on some of the well known funds are also available that assures regular monthly income under this policy and some of them are Protector-II, Balanced-II, Growth-II, Enhancer-II, Infrastructure, PSU, and Index-II Funds.

AVIVA Life Bond Advantage | Features | Benefits

Some more in Aviva LifeBond Advantage is a Single Premium unit linked insurance plan that offers you an opportunity to invest a lump sum for medium to long term together with Life Cover and flexibility to access your money after 5 years, besides the regular tax benefits through:

Eight unit linked funds as well as two options for life cover Extra financial protection through the inbuilt Accidental Death Benefit Systematic partial withdrawal for hassle free structured withdrawal Opportunity for additional investment with a nominal life cover (top-up)

formation about this policy

In this policy the term for making the payment of premium are 3 and goes up to 30 years. The payment can be made either on monthly, quarterly, yearly and half-yearly basis.

People that are between eighteen to sixty years are eligible for making a purchase of this policy. The minimum top up premium for this policy is thousand rupees and the maximum is 25 per cent of the total regular premium.

Home Insurance
Home insurance, sometimes also referred as homeowners insurance, provides a cover for house property against hazards. Now a days people have been going & opting for home insurance due to the recent spate of natural calamities hitting the normal man like earthquakes, tsunami, floods etc. The Home insurance gives you peace of mind by protecting your house and valuables for a long period of time. It secures your property from any uncertain future losses. The covered elements include losses to your home, its contents, or loss of other personal possessions of the homeowner. The home insurance policy is usually a term contract which is for a fixed period of time. Premium is the amount the insured pays to the insurer. If the insured lives in an earthquake zone area then the premium is likely to increase. Therefore the insured must thoroughly go through the terms of contract and insurance agreement details. The insured is given an option to insure the building structure or opt for the contents or both. Usually, fire, malicious damage, earthquake, explosion, storm, cyclone, landslides, rock slides and burglary are covered. In case of theft, the contents of the home are also covered including loss of jewelry, silver articles and precious stones.

Basic Features & Coverage:

The basic feature of the policy is the protection of the building and its contents from hazards, such as fire, lightning, explosion, terrorist acts and earthquake etc. But this cover does not include valuables (such as jewellery). The second feature includes Protection against burglary and cover for jewellery and other valuables. This cover has to be taken separately, over and above the basic feature by paying additional premium. The other features include protection for breakage of plate glass, baggage loss, and breakdown of domestic appliances /electronic gadgets, such as televisions, VCRs and DVD players as well as a personal accident insurance.

Home Insurance is different from Home loan insurance You must know the difference between the two before going for Home Insurance. Home loan insurance cover is a plan that protects your home loan in case of any unforeseen event happens to the borrower. The Home loan insurance cover is for all those people who are burdened with such worries of paying the EMI of their home loans in their absence. In case of any unforeseen event the dependent family members will be supported by the home loan insurance cover, whereas the Home Insurance covers the house & its contents against various hazards. Mumbai: Its a windy day at the beach and cricket maestro Sachin Tendulkar is playing a spirited game with some boys. Hes open to enjoying life more, because hes protected by life insurance. That is the gist of a new television spot from Aviva Life Insurance Co., which starts airing on Tendulkar, who has been scoring runs again in recent months after a slump, already endorses myriad brands across categories for companies such as ITC Foods Inc., Pepsi India Ltd, Canon India Ltd and Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd. His annual ad contracts add up to Rs40-45 crore, estimate some industry experts. While a very well recognized name, using Tendulkar isnt without its risks. I think cricket stars are known to flit around from product to product and Sachin is a promiscuous endorser, says Harish Bijoor who runs a namesake independent marketing consultancy and is not affiliated with the campaign. The cricketers endorsement of Avivas values will serve the limited purpose of creating brand awareness and will not go beyond that. There will be no flaming desire to own the product.

Top priority `

We believe that the childs education is the top priority of the parent nowadays. With escalating cost of education, the concern for securing the childs future will gain momentum. It is also an area in which people do not think about cutting costs as the products that the child space offers go beyond mere tax saving devices and have become a necessity for young parents, says Aviva India Director (marketing) Vishal Gupta. This insight for the campaign came from a survey conducted by Aviva and IMRB, which showed that 93 per cent of Indian parents save to ensure good higher education for their children. Education tops the list even with other major preoccupations with parents like retirement and their childrens marriage. Aviva has seen the share of revenues from child plans increase from ahumble 3 per cent to around 15 per cent in the last one year. It expects that with the new campaign, this

segment will grow to 20-25 per cent by 201011. Aviva currently has a market share of around 2.5 per cent in the life insurance industry. According to sector analysts, the child plan market in India is around Rs 35,000 crore annually, which is around 20 per cent of the entire life insurance market. The major players in the child plan market are HDFC Standard Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential and stateowned Life Insurance Corporation. Other players like Aviva and Aegon Religare are new entrants. In the absence of product differentiation, campaigns play a crucial role in the market. Child plans across the sector are formulated along the same lines. Returns and features are more or less similar. All the difference comes in the brand and marketing strategies adopted by companies, says Optima Risk Management Services CEO Rahul Agarwal. An intricate part of the new Aviva campaign is to help parents decide the amount of

money they want their children to receive in the future. The company has come out with an edurator, a tool at the insurers website which provides the indicative premium to parents who want to reach a certain fund value at aparticular age. The company also plans a microsite which will provide an exclusive space for parents to decide on the right child plan. The efforts we are taking clearly go to show that child plans are going to be our primary focus. Child and pension plans constitute nearly half of our overall business. The plan is to keep all other things at their place and bring child plans to the forefront, says Gupta. Persistency factor Moreover, the company is banking on the persistency factor in child plans. Child plans are need-based products and the key to success lies in the persistency of renewal

premiums. Generally, the performance of an insurance company is gauged by the new business premiums. Child plans, which are not fashioned as tax saving plans but needbased products, have more people coming back to pay, Gupta adds. However, brand analysts are skeptical about the campaign as they believe that life insurance companies generally fail to add depth to their products with their campaigns. Insurance is a very serious business and branding in this sector has not really taken off in a big way. Avivas new campaign is also on similar lines. Sports icons can also make the issue of child insurance seem trivial and fail to connect to people as a brand. The point to be seen is whether this campaign can really break the clutter of campaigns in the industry, says brand consultant Harish Bijoor. However, Aviva wants to strengthen its brand in more ways than one. In addition to the campaign, it has launched a widespread corporate social

responsibility and social connect programme which is fashioned around the theme of child education, adding to the brand value of education is insurance. The company has started a causerelated marketing campaign on education for underprivileged children. The joint initiative with CRY is named street to school and is aimed at impacting the lives of 20,000 underprivileged children in ayear. Adding to this, the company is reaching out to parents directly. Aviva has come up with elaborate collaboration plan with a pre-school chain. Under this, the company has launched a series of comic books on the value of saving money. The concept here is that as kids associate with saving, they take the message back to parents who in turn associate saving with Aviva. Moreover, the company has also come together with National Geographic to have a national scholarship programme for children to add depth to their brand and marketing

strategy. Seasonal approach Aegon Religare Life Insurance too has recently launched a campaign which focuses on child insurance plans. The campaign comprises a television commercial as well as digital and outdoor advertising. However, the companys focus is still very seasonal in approach and it believes that there is need to keep shifting focus from time to time in the insurance market. Our strategy is very simple, which is to catch the gaze of the audience. We also want to be cost-effective and are exploring mediums that give us the maximum returns. Even though child plans are important in our scheme of things, we feel insurance products are seasonal in nature, says Aegon Religare Director (branding & communication) Pradeep Pandey. The market leader in child insurance plans,

HDFC Standard Life, too has just concluded a campaign catering to child plans. It too has used various means of advertising and came under the sar utha ke jiyo (hold your head high in life) campaign. The child plan campaign which we just concluded was under the broader brand built on the concept of self esteem. Products offered by all companies are more or less the same. It is the approach strategies that differ, says HDFC Standard Life Executive Vicepresident Sanjay TJeevan Bharti
This plan is exclusively designed for women considering their needs and provides funds at regular intervals so that they can be utilized on occasions such as marriage, sickness, education etc. The plan also provides for Accident Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit and Congenital Disability Benefit as optional Riders Features Encashment of Survival Benefit as and when needed This is a money back plan providing periodic return of sum assured with facility to encash at will. Flexibility to pay premiums in advance The mode of premium payment is half yearly only, but if the policy holder wants to pay premium for next year in advance, he can pay in installments (max up to 3 installments) during the year. Options to receive maturity proceeds in the form of an annuity The rate of annuity will be based on the annuity rates prevailing at the time of stipulated date of maturity Auto Cover Life cover continues for 3 years despite non-payment of premium. However this facility is

available only if at least 2 years premium have been paid. The auto cover shall not be available for rider benefits

LIC New Janaraksha Plan | LIC Life Insurance

What is the nature of this policy? LIC New Janaraksha Plan is appropriate for the farmers and the workers. Since farmers depend upon the nature of weather and workers are subjected to the changes in trade cycles, strikes, labor disputes etc. It provides complete life insurance for 3 years even when the premiums are not paid. What are the premium and the age entry level of this policy? Non-medical premium is acceptable up to the limit of Rs.2, 00,000 for 45 years people and Rs.1, 00,000 for the people between 46 to 50 years. What is the accident benefit of this policy? Even accident benefit is also available in LIC New Janaraksha Plan without payment of any additional premium. What are the special features of this policy? The non-medical limit is exclusive for this type of plan and also dual accident benefit is provided to people. The special characteristic of LIC New Janaraksha Plan is that it provides full life insurance cover to the assured people for 3 years continuously even when the premium payments are blocked due to the specific reasons. But, they would have received at least 2 years of premium. The survival of LIC New Janaraksha Plan includes the basic sum that was assured plus the vested bonus which falls under the with-profit plan. What are the benefits of this policy? The additional benefits of the plan are: If the 2 year premiums are paid under the policy then the insurance policy is continued for 3 years even in the case when premiums are defaulted. This feature can be used for many times and no need to create the evidence of health policy. It is also suitable for accidental benefits. The assured sum is paid also during the survival of the term or on

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Largest private insurer in terms of policy count in as of 31st Mar 2011 4th largest private player in terms of Individual Premium Amongst the fastest growing Companies for 4 years in a row

Continuous increase in market share over 4 years; from 1.9% in 2005-06 to 10.26% in 2009 -10 RLIC has achieved a growth rate of 21% while the private industry has grown at 13% One of the Fastest to reach the 7 million policy mark 1248 branches, over 1,89,000 Advisors RLIC continues to be amongst the foremost Life Insurance companies in India to be certified ISO 9001:2008 for all the processes. AAA rating by Brickworks Ratings, a SEBI licensed rating agency, for Enterprise Wide Risk Management and Financial Strength Winner of Best Non-Urban Coverage Award at Indian Insurance Awards 2011 Won the Celent Model Insurer Award 2010 in the area of Service Won the CMO Asia Award for Best Campaign-Financial Category and Brand Excellence - 2010 Amongst the Top 3 Most Trusted Service Brands in the Insurance category as per the Brand Equity s Most Trusted Service Brands 2011 Survey Awarded the Jamnalal Bajaj Uchit Vyavahar Puraskar 2007- Certificate of Merit in the Financial Services category by Council for Fair Business Practices (CFBP). The Company has also won the DL Shah Quality Council of India Commendation Award in the services category in feb 2008 for its work on promoting 'self help channels for service'

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