2ndYearOptionsBooklet 006

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A guide on how to select final year course units for the academic term of 2012/13

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this booklet was correct at the time of printing, changes in staffing means that it is sometimes necessary for discipline area or the relevant School to either cancel course units or teach course units within different semesters.

Examinations Conventions for the BA Econ Examinations Final Degree Classifications Choice of Third Year Units Pathways on the BA Econ Free Choice Course Units Counsellors, Guidance and Advice Course Unit Selection and University Registration BA Econ Programme Structure 2012/13 BA Econ Course Unit selection checklist 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 21

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

We hope you will find the information in this booklet useful in the run-up to examinations as well as using it for course unit selection for next academic session. You will find it is divided into two main elements: 1. Examination information; 2. Registration information for the next session.

EXAMINATIONS The summer examination period will take place from Wednesday 16 May till Wednesday 6 June 2012 inclusive. Your examination timetable is now available on your Student Portal via: http://portal.manchester.ac.uk Please note that misreading your examination timetable is not accepted as an excuse for absence from an examination. The August resit examination will be take place from Monday 20 August till Friday 31 August 2012 inclusive. All students must keep this period free. Details of the Second Year Examination Conventions are on the next page. Please note that your second year marks will count towards the classification of your Final Examination. The second year is weighted as 25% towards your final degree classification. It is based on your results after the first attempt: improved performance in re-sits does NOT count towards your second year average. Other information on examinations and regulations can also be found in the BA (Econ) Programme Handbook (pages 30-37 and 73-78), available from the School Undergraduate Office (G001) and from the School Intranet at: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/handbooks/documents/BAEconhandbook201112_000.pdf ILLNESS AND OTHER PROBLEMS Shau Chan, BA Econ Programme Administrator or Bernadette Julien, BA Econ UG secretary in the School Undergraduate Office (Arthur Lewis Building, G001) should be notified immediately of any illness or other mitigating circumstances affecting the May/June examination performance a mitigating circumstances form must be completed and in all cases supporting evidence must be produced where appropriate. Mitigating circumstances form is available from the School UG office and is also downloadable via: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/useful/ Please read carefully the Guidance for Students in particular Nature of mitigating circumstances points 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. It is most important that before the May/June examination period (except for circumstances that arise during this period), that you notify either Shau or Bernadette in the School Undergraduate Office (Arthur Lewis building room G001) of any such problems. Please do not wait until the results have been published before informing us of any such circumstances. Retrospective evidence cannot be accepted after the examination period and after the publication of results. Do not hesitate to provide information: this will be treated seriously and in the strictest confidence. EXAMINATION RESULTS The confirmed results are expected to be published early July (exact date will be confirmed nearer the time) and you will be able to view your results on the Campus Solutions/Self Service via the My Manchester Portal at: https://my.manchester.ac.uk/ If you have any failed marks which are either core units for your pathway(s) or are non compensatable, you will you be able to access exact details of your resits and/or first sits on the system. Full instructions on how to view your confirmed grades will be sent to your University email account once the Exam Board has met in early July.

CONVENTIONS FOR THE BA (ECON) EXAMINATIONS SECOND HONOURS EXAMINATION To pass the Second Examination as a whole a student must have: (i) Passes in course units totalling 100 units (out of 120 units) - the pass mark being 40% or more; (ii) An aggregate of 480 to compensate for failed course units not exceeding a total unit rating of 20 units (Note: core units for Accounting, Finance, Business Studies, Economics and Development Studies pathways cannot be compensated see below) (iii) A minimum of 30% in a failed course unit. Progression relative to students specialising in Accounting, Accounting & Finance, Accounting & Economics, Economics & Finance or Finance - A student who fails (that is attains a mark of less than 40%) in a mandatory core unit cannot compensate for such a failure and will not be allowed to progress to the succeeding year for any of these pathways; - Core units for progression to the third year are: Accounting BMAN21020, BMAN21040, BMAN21061 and BMAN20081; Finance BMAN23000, BMAN20072 and BMAN20081. Progression relative to students specialising in Economics Single specialisation - A student who fails (that is attains a mark of less than 40%) in a core unit cannot normally compensate for such a failure and will not normally be allowed to progress to the succeeding year; - Core units for progression to the third year are: (ECON20351, ECON20352, ECON20401 and ECON20402) AND either (ECON20281 & ECON20292) or *ECON20110 * Students who have passed either (ECON10001 & ECON10132) or (ECON10071 & ECON10072) must take ECON20110 either in Year 2 or in Year 3. Students who have passed ECON10061 & ECON10062 must take ECON20281 & ECON20292 in Year 2 and take ECON30370 in Year 3. Joint specialisation with Accounting, Finance or Business Studies - A student who fails (that is attains a mark of less than 40%) in a core unit cannot normally compensate for such a failure and will not normally be allowed to progress to the succeeding year; - Core units for progression to the third year are: (ECON20351 & ECON20401) and (an additional 20 units of level two ECON course units). Joint specialisation with all other areas of study (Criminology, Development Studies, Economic & Social History, Politics or Sociology) - A student needs to pass at least 40 units of level two ECON course units. Progression relative to students taking Economics course units - Where a student passes the year as a whole, including where appropriate resits, but fails (that is has a mark of less than 40%) courses which are either area or individual course prerequisites, then progression to the succeeding year would apply but the failed prerequisite units may have the following consequences: Failed area prerequisites would mean that the student would not normally be able to pursue the area of study relevant to the area prerequisites. Note: this refers specifically to Business Studies, Development Studies and Economics specialists. Failed individual course prerequisites would limit the choice of courses available in the succeeding year as those courses for which individual course prerequisites are required would not normally be available to the student. 3

Progression relative to students specialising in Business Studies (single or joint) - A student who fails (that is attains a mark of less than 40%) in a core unit cannot normally compensate for such a failure and will not normally be allowed to progress to the succeeding year; - Core units for progression to the third year are: BMAN20600, ECON20341 & ECON20342. Progression relative to students specialising in Development Studies (single or joint) - A student who fails (that is attains a mark of less than 40%) in a core unit cannot normally compensate for such a failure and will not normally be allowed to progress to the succeeding year; - Core units for progression to the third year are: ECON20321, ECON20332 & (either POLI20511, SOAN20822 or SOCY20162). ******************************************************************************************** Candidates may resit in August any paper(s) failed in January or May/June examinations. Students who pass the second year in May/June with up to 20 units which have been compensated, may be required to take re-sits in August/September, where the units are pre-requisites for later year units, despite passing the year overall. If, after the application of compensation rules and/or any resits, students have only passed in course units totalling 110 or 100 units without compensation, they will have to proceed to the Ordinary Degree in the Third Year. However, in order to regain Honours status, the Board of Examiners will allow students to carry 10 or 20 units of Second Examination course units into the Third Year in addition to the full set of course units for that year. To complete that year successfully, the student must satisfy the usual criteria for the year and reach the unit pass mark for these additional units. Students who fail carried units from the first year or fail more than 20 units of second year courses will proceed to the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor if they meet the following requirements:

reach the overall pass mark (40%) averaged over second year units totalling 100 units (where a student has taken 120 units, the 100 units of highest marks will be used for this calculation but not including any carried units from the previous year); reach the pass mark in individual units totalling at least 60 units; and reach the compensatable fail mark in all remaining units.

STUDENTS WHO DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS STATED ABOVE WILL BE EXCLUDED. Second Examination results count towards the classification of your Final Degree. The average mark for the second year is weighted as 25% towards your final degree classification. This is based on the results after the first attempt: improved performance in resits will not count towards your overall mark for the second year. If a student needs to take resits, the original mark is included in this calculation and not the resit mark. This is to ensure that the resit system is fair on those who have passed modules at the first attempt.

FINAL HONOURS EXAMINATION TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNDERGRADUATE REGULATIONS FROM THE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES WEBSITE AT: http://www.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/humnet/tandl/undergraduate/undergraduateregulations/ 1. OVERALL MARK The overall mark for a programme is a weighted average of the overall marks for different years of the programme. The weights are: Year 1: Zero Year 2: 25% (using the original fail marks where resits were necessary) Year 3: 75% 2. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE FINAL CLASS First, we will look at your average overall mark: For Class 1: an overall mark of not less than 70.0%. passes in at least 100 units of the 120 units required for the final year. For Class 2i: an overall mark of less than 70.0% but not less than 60.0%. passes in at least 100 units of the 120 units required for the final year. For Class 2ii: an overall mark of less than 60.0% but not less than 50.0%. passes in at least 100 units of the 120 units required for the final year. For Class 3: an overall mark of less than 50.0% but not less than 40.0%. passes in at least 80 units of the 120 units required for the final year. If you obtain an overall mark in the range for the class but obtain less than the specified number of passes for the final year you will be awarded the next lower class, or for Class 3 see 3. (Ordinary degree) below. If you dont meet the above requirements, we will then look at the following: For Class 1: an overall mark of less than 70.0% but not less than 68.0%. passes in at least 100 units of the 120 units required for the final year. at least 80 units of the 120 units for the final year in the range required for the Class (not less than 70.0%). For Class 2i: an overall mark of less than 60.0% but not less than 58.0%. passes in at least 100 units of 120 units required for the final year. at least 80 units of the 120 units for the final year in or above the range required for the Class (less than 70.0% but not less than 60.0%). 5

For Class 2ii: an overall mark of less than 50.0% but not less than 48.0%. passes in at least 100 units of 120 units required for the final year. at least 80 units of the 120 units for the final year in or above the range required for that Class (less than 60.0% but not less than 50.0%). For Class 3: an overall mark of less than 40.0% but not less than 38.0%. passes in at least 80 units of 120 units required for the final year. at least 80 units of the 120 units for the final year in or above the range required for that Class (less than 50.0% but not less than 40.0%). 3. ORDINARY DEGREE The Ordinary Degree of Bachelor will be awarded to a student who at the end of the honours programme obtains an overall mark of not less than 40.0%, averaged over final-year units totalling 60 credits, and obtains at least half of those credits with a mark of not less than 40.0%. The Ordinary Degree of Bachelor will be awarded to a student who at the end of the Ordinary programme obtains an overall mark of not less than 40.0% averaged over final-year units totalling 100 credits, and obtains at least half of the credits with a mark of not less than 40.0%.

CHOICE OF THIRD YEAR UNITS For Honours degree students, you are required to select 120 units from the Level Three Programme Structure for study and examination in the third year. You can select one or two major pathways of study. If you select one pathway, you will need at least 80 units. If you choose two pathways you will need at least 50 units in each area. For Ordinary Degree students, you are required to select any 100 units within the Level Three Programme Structure. Your choice of pathway will most likely be defined by the choices you made for your second year and the area prerequisites you have therefore completed for pathways within the Level Three Programme Structure. Taking Level Two Course Units Students are only permitted to take up to 20 units of level two/second year units which either appears within Level Two Programme Structure or as Free Choice Course Unit. Students wishing to seek permission to take more than 20 units of level two/second year units in their final year should seek advice from the BA (Econ) Programme Director or Programme Tutors. Please also refer to regulation 10 of the Undergraduate degree regulations in the current BA Econ Programme Handbook for details and via the School Intranet at: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/handbooks/documents/BAEconhandbook201112_000. pdf (page 30). If you are in any doubt about which units to choose, you should consult the Counsellors in each discipline (see page 11). Further information about the syllabus for individual course units can be accessed on the web at: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/ Please note that course units with a quota (marked Q in the schedules of courses). There are a limited number of spaces available on these units and you are strongly advised to register for these courses as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

PATHWAYS ON THE BA ECON Single Honours pathways available are: # - Accounting - Business Studies# - Criminology - Development Studies - Economics - Economic and Social History # - Finance - Politics - Social Anthropology - Sociology Joint Honours pathways available are: -Accounting & Economics# -Accounting & Finance# -Business Studies & Economics# -Business Studies & Politics# -Business Studies & Sociology# -Development Studies & Economics -Development Studies & Politics -Development Studies & Sociology -Economics & Criminology -Economics & Finance# -Economics & Politics -Economics & Economic and Social History -Economics & Sociology -Politics & Criminology -Politics & Economic and Social History -Politics & Sociology -Social Anthropology & Criminology -Social Anthropology & Sociology -Sociology & Criminology BA Econ students who are not on the Accounting, Finance or Business Studies pathways will not be allowed to change to this pathway after the second year of the programme. You CANNOT study for any combination of the following pathways: Accounting & Business Studies Business Studies & Finance.

FREE CHOICE COURSE UNITS Final year students will only be permitted to select a free choice course unit if it is a continuation of a course unit taken in the second year. You will not be allowed to select free choice course unit if you had not taken one in the second year or select any units offered by the Manchester Leadership Programme. This is due to the equal and considerable weighting attached to each individual third-year unit in determining the final BA Econ Degree classification. Third year students who did not take a free choice in the second year, will only be given permission to select a free choice unit in their final year in exceptional circumstances and by permission from the BA Econ Programme Director. If you wish to take a free choice course unit, you should complete a free choice course unit form*, which is available from the School Undergraduate Office, Arthur Lewis G001 or alternatively you can download this form from the BA Econ Blackboard Page and from the School Undergraduate Student Intranet at: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/useful/ Please read the guidelines and return the completed form to the School Undergraduate Office by Friday 29 June 2012 - make sure that you receive approval from the External School/ Discipline concerned and by asking them to sign the bottom of the form. It is very important that you find out for yourself the attendance and examination requirements of the unit concerned. Once you have received confirmation that you can take a free choice course unit of your choice then you can register for this unit online (with the exception of LEAP and BMAP* units) from mid July. In the meantime, if you wish to have more information about particular free choice units, the table below shows the details of offices/websites where you can obtain this: School Environment & Development Law Discipline Planning & Landscape, Geography Location/Office 2nd floor Arthur Lewis Building, UG office. Course unit information can be found at: http://www.sed.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/modul es/ rd Williamson building UG office 3 floor. Full details of all School of Law course units can be found at: http://www.law.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/modul es/index.html Samuel Alexander Building A19. All information about other course units available in AHC available on Faculty of Humanities Course Unit database: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/ahc LEAP - Andres Lozoya, Room SG14, Samuel Alexander Building http://www.langcent.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/leap/ Language studies related courses full information is available in LLC available on Faculty of Humanities Course Unit database: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/llc/ Harold Hankins Building, 8.32. Course unit information can be found at: https://mec.portals.mbs.ac.uk/UGEnterprise/UGEnterpriseunits.as px

Arts, Histories & Cultures

Law (Other course units bearing a LAWS code which are not listed within the BA Econ Programme Structure). All

Languages, Linguistics & Cultures

LEAP (language experience for all programmes) All other courses related to linguistics and language studies Manchester Enterprise Centre course units related to business theory and practical entrepreneurial skills


Manchester Business School

All Non Specialist Business & Management courses. BMAP Business and Management for All Programmes*



Management & Leisure Language, Literacy & Communication Education Mathematics

The procedure for students who wishes to take a BMAP course a BMAP application form must be completed and are available from the MBS UG Office, Room D20, MBS East Building in mid July. Please take the completed BMAP form and ask Shau Chan, the BA Econ Programme Administrator to complete the authorisation section. Full list of BMAP courses are available at: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/mod ulelist.html?department=56 Ellen Wilkinson Building, Devas Street. Course unit information can be found at: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/educ ation/ Alan Turing Building, Ground Floor, UG Office. Full details of all School of Mathematics course units can be found at: http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/ugstudies/u nits/index.html

*If you wish to take up a BMAP free choice unit, you do not need to complete a BA Econ free choice form.


COUNSELLING, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE In the first instance, you should refer to the Humanities course unit database for more information about the course content and by contacting the relevant course convenor. You may also contact your Academic Advisor to discuss your course unit selection. Members of staff in each discipline area will be also responsible for advising students on second year course units. Their names and contact details are listed below in case you wish to seek further advice: Pathways Accounting Business Studies Criminology Development Studies Economic and Social History Finance Politics Counsellor(s) Dr. Anne Stafford Dr. Mario Pezzino Dr. Toby Seddon Mr. Nick Weaver Dr. Chris Godden Dr. Anne Stafford Prof. Inderjeet Parmar Dr. Piers Robinson Prof. Sharon MacDonald Dr. Vanessa May Email anne.stafford@mbs.ac.uk Mario.pezzino@manchester.ac.uk toby.seddon@manchester.ac.uk nick.weaver@manchester.ac.uk Christopher.godden@manchester.ac.uk anne.stafford@mbs.ac.uk inderjeet.parmar@manchester.ac.uk piers.robinson@manchester.ac.uk Sharon.macdonald@manchester.ac.uk Vanessa.may@manchester.ac.uk

Social Anthropology Sociology Economics:

If your query relates to specific Economic courses within these areas please contact: (Econometrics) (Microeconomic Theory) (Macroeconomic Theory) (Environmental Economics) (Development Economics) Dr. Len Gill Dr. Leonidas Koutsougeras Dr. Michele Berardi Dr. Noel Russell Dr. Indranil Dutta len.gill@manchester.ac.uk leonidas.koutsougeras@.manchester.ac.uk Michele.berardi@manchester.ac.uk noel.russell@manchester.ac.uk indranil.dutta@manchester.ac.uk

Any other BA Econ course units and degree programme enquiries: Contact Shau Chan or Bernadette Julien in the School Undergraduate Office, Arthur Lewis building room G001 Shau Chan (BA Econ Programme Administrator): Tel: 01612752500 or Email: shau.y.chan@manchester.ac.uk ; Bernadette Julien (BA Econ UG Secretary): Tel: 01612754822 or Email: bernadette.julien@manchester.ac.uk


COURSE UNIT SELECTION You are required to complete course unit selection from mid-August and we recommend that you complete this process as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Please complete this process as soon as possible as this will assist in preparing next session's timetable and in planning teaching loads. You should go to www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/selfservice to make your course unit selection. This enables you to select your course units, check you are taking a legitimate combination of courses and view your provisional timetable. Please note if you have compulsory/optional resits in August 2012 you will not be able to select any course units in which you have not met the pre-requisites but you will be able to select other units available to you with the programme structure. When you have successfully passed your resit exams you can finalise your remaining course unit selection in September 2012. When choosing your options you should consult the timetabling information held on the Faculty of Humanities course unit database at: http://courses.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/ and http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/useful/ Your co-operation is crucial in enabling us to predict demand for units and book lecture theatres and seminar rooms with enough capacity. DONT FORGET that for course units with a quota (marked Q in the schedules of courses). There are a limited number of spaces available on these units and you are strongly advised to register for these courses as early as possible to avoid disappointment. If you wish to change your pathway on the BA Econ degree, please contact Shau Chan, Programme Administrator at: shau.y.chan@manchester.ac.uk. This request is subject to you successfully passing the required area prerequisite(s) for the pathway(s) concerned. BA (Econ) students who are not the Accounting, Finance or Business Studies pathways will not be allowed to change to this pathway(s) after the second year of the programme. UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION This facility will be available online from beginning of September 2012. This enables you to confirm all your personal details and pay your tuition fees. Full details of this process will be published on the Student Services Centre website and is also available from the School Intranet at: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/intranet/ug/registration/


BA (Economic & Social Studies) Programme Structure 2012-13

The following course units are offered subject to availability, timetabling constraints and, in certain cases, limits on the number of students accepted. Course units available in the first semester are designated by the suffix digit 1, those in the second semester by the digit 2 and those covering both semesters by the digit 0. Any prerequisite is indicated by the letter P and any co-requisite by the letter C. A course unit with a quota is indicated by the letter (Q) next to the course unit title; students should register directly on the self service website at: http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/selfservice/ on a first come, first served basis from mid August. Honours candidates are required to complete course units totalling 120 units, including at least 50 units, and not more than 70 units in any one semester.

LEVEL THREE Third Year Courses. (Course units are listed according to the pathway of study)

Page 14

Students are only permitted to take up to 20 units of level two/second year units which either appear within the Level Three Programme Structure or as Free Choice Course Units. Please refer to regulation 10 under Undergraduate degree regulations (please consult the Programme Handbook for details).

Course Subjects & Codes

Codes BMAN ECON HIST LAWS PHIL POLI SOAN SOCS SOCY SOST Course Subject Business and Management (Accounting, Finance and Business Studies) Economics History (Economic & Social History) Law (Law and Criminology) Philosophy Politics Social Anthropology Social Sciences Sociology Social Statistics


Level Three Courses Units

Honours candidates are required to complete course units totalling 120 units. Candidates undertaking a single Honours pathway are required to take at least 80 units from one pathway. Candidates undertaking Joint Honours pathway are required to take at least 50 units from each pathway. Students are only permitted to take up to 20 units of level two course units, which either appear within the Level Two Programme Structure or as Free Choice Course Units. Please refer to regulation 10 under Undergraduate degree regulations (please consult the Programme Handbook for details). 1. Accounting Area pre-requisites: BMAN21020, BMAN21040, BMAN20081, BMAN21061 and BMAN23000A. Compulsory Course Units: BMAN31000 and BMAN23000A if not taken in the Second Year. Course Code Course Unit Title Units Pre/Co-requisites, Notes P: BMAN21020, BMAN21040, BMAN20081 & BMAN21061; P or C: BMAN23000A. Only available for the Accounting pathway. Students on the joint Accounting & Finance pathway must take only one of BMAN31000 & BMAN30190 P: BMAN21020 P: BMAN21040 P: BMAN23000A P: BMAN21020 P: BMAN21061 P: BMAN21061 P: BMAN21020


Financial Analysis of Corporate Performance


BMAN30030 BMAN31040 BMAN30071 BMAN30131 BMAN30151 BMAN30171 BMAN30202 BMAN30211

Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting & Regulation Advanced Management Accounting Share Prices & Accounting Information Accountability & Auditing Advanced Business Information Systems Public Finance & Public Policy Case Studies in Business Information Systems Corporate Governance in Context

20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10

In addition, not more than 20 units of the following Level Two courses may be selected for the Final Examination: P: BMAN10522 or BMAN10552. Pass mark of BMAN23000A Foundations of Finance 20 60% or more in BMAN10552 is required to take this unit 2. Business Studies Area pre-requisites: BMAN20600, ECON20341 and ECON20342; Single Honours Compulsory Course Units: (BMAN33000) AND either (ECON30820 or ECON31000); Joint Honours Compulsory Course Units: BMAN33000 BMAN30021 Marketing 10 Only available for the Business Studies pathway BMAN30042 Human Resource Management 10 Only available for the Business Studies pathway BMAN30060 International Finance 20 P: BMAN23000A BMAN30111 Advanced Corporate Finance 10 P: BMAN23000A BMAN30211 Corporate Governance in Context 10 P: BMAN21020 BMAN30991 International Management of Knowledge & Technology 20 Only available for the Business Studies pathway BMAN31040 Advanced Management Accounting 20 P: BMAN21040 P: BMAN20002 or BMAN20600. Only available BMAN33000 International Business Analysis Project 20 for the Business Studies pathway ECON30311 Operational Research IA 10 P: ECON20281 & ECON20292 ECON30312 Operational Research IB 10 P: ECON20281 & ECON20292 ECON30352 Business Forecasting 10 P: ECON20110 ECON30820 Business Economics II 20 P: 20 units of Level Two ECON courses ECON30852 Money, Banking & Financial Markets 10 P: ECON20401 & ECON20402 ECON31000 Managerial Economics II (Q) 20 P: ECON20000 POLI30101 International Organisation & Global Governance 20 SOST30012 Theory and Methods in Demography 20 ECON32122 Applied Industrial Organisation 10 P: ECON20110 & ECON20351 In addition, not more than 20 units of the following Level Two courses may be selected for the Final Examination: P: (ECON10001 & ECON10132) or (ECON10071 & ECON20091 Operational Research IA 10 ECON10072) P: (ECON10001 & ECON10132) or (ECON10071 & ECON20092 Operational Research IB 10 ECON10072)


3. Finance Area pre-requisites: BMAN23000(A), BMAN20072 and BMAN20081 Compulsory Course Units: BMAN30190 Course Code Course Unit Title BMAN30060 International Finance BMAN30071 Share Prices & Accounting Information BMAN30091 BMAN30111 BMAN30190 Financial Derivatives Advanced Corporate Finance Empirical Finance

Units 20 10 10 10 30

BMAN30242 BMAN30702

Financial Engineering Corporate Contracting and Managerial Behaviour

10 10

Pre/Co-requisites, Notes P:BMAN23000A P:BMAN23000A P:BMAN23000A. Preferable to have a minimum pass mark of 50% or more in BMAN23000A to take this unit P:BMAN23000A P:BMAN23000A, BMAN20072 & BMAN20081. Only available for the Finance pathway. Students on the joint Accounting & Finance pathway must take only one of BMAN31000 & BMAN30190 P:BMAN23000A. Students wishing to take BMAN30242 are strongly recommended to take BMAN30091 in semester one P:BMAN23000A

4. Development Studies Area pre-requisites: ECON20321 & ECON20332 (& 20 units from either POLI20511, SOAN20822 or SOCY20161/2) Single Honours Compulsory Course Units: ECON30910 or POLI30380 or SOCY30920; Joint Honours Compulsory Course Units: None P: (ECON10041 & ECON10042) or (ECON10081 & ECON30101 The Chinese Economy 10 ECON10082) or equivalent P: ECON20351 AND one of either (ECON20352, ECON30232 Natural Resource Economics 10 ECON20120, ECON10071, ECON10001 or ECON20281) ECON30451 Development Economics III 20 P: 10 units of Level Two ECON courses Only available for the Development Studies pathway. ECON30910 Development Studies Dissertation - Economics 20 Cannot be taken in conjunction with POLI30380 or SOCY30920 P: (ECON20101 or ECON20352) AND either (ECON10001 ECON32111 Climate Change Economics 10 or ECON10071 or ECON20281). Not available to students who have taken ECON20392 in 2011/12 POLI30101 International Organisation & Global Governance 20 POLI30321 Ethical Issues in World Politics 20 Only available for the Development Studies pathway. POLI30380 Development Studies Dissertation Politics 20 Cannot be taken in conjunction with ECON30910 or SOCY30920 POLI30432 Identity and Security in China and East Asia 20 Only available for the Development Studies pathway POLI30691 News Media & International Crisis 20 Only available for the Development Studies pathway POLI30722 International Political Economy 20 POLI30751 Global Justice 20 POLI30792 Gender & International Politics 20 Only available for the Development Studies pathway POLI30822 War & the Politics of Ethics 20 Only available for the Development Studies pathway POLI30862 Africa and Global Politics 20 POLI31021 Border, Identities, Citizenship 20 Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: The 20 SOAN30111 Anthropology of International Development SOAN30162 Cities and Migration 20 SOCY30061 Urban Sociology 20 SOCY30401 Technology & Society 20 P: Either (SOCY20091 or SOST20021) OR (SOCY20111 if taken in 2011/12). Only available for the Sociology SOCY30920 Development Studies Dissertation Sociology 20 pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with ECON30910 or POLI30380 SOCY30972 Empire: Images of Race & British Society 20 SOST30012 Theory and Method in Demography 20 In addition, not more than 20 units of the following Level Two courses may be selected for the Final Examination: P:(ECON10041 or ECON10081) AND either (ECON10061 ECON20101 Economics of Environmental Management 10 or ECON10001 or ECON10071) POLI20612 Chinese Politics Today 10 POLI20881 Freedom & Equality: Contemporary Debates 20 P: POLI10702 SOAN20822 Political & Economic Anthropology 20


5. Economic & Social History Area pre-requisites: Any Economic & Social History course units totalling 40 units from Level One & Two. Single Honours ESH pathway specialists are only permitted to take a maximum of 80 units of level 3 HIST courses Compulsory Course Units: None Course Code Course Unit Title Units Pre/Co-requisites, Notes ECON30780 History of Economic Thought 20 Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31162 America, Europe, and the Cold War, 1944 1960 (Q) 20 pathway. Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31262 The People's Continent: Protest and Politics in Europe (Q) 20 pathway. Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31281 Crisis and Recovery: Britain, 1919-1939 (Q) 20 pathway. From Gutenberg to Google: A History of Knowledge Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31351 20 Management from the Middle Ages to the Present Day (Q) pathway. First Modern Economy and First Industrial Nation: The Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31381 Netherlands, England and the Growth of the Modern 20 pathway. Economy c: 1660-1850 (Q) A Nation of Shopkeepers: Commerce, Corporations and Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31401 20 Capitalism in Britain between 1750 and 1900 (Q) pathway. Conflict and Commerce: War and Trade in Northern Europe, Only available for the Economic & Social History HIST31352 20 1618-1763 (Q) pathway. SOCY30972 Empire: Images of Race & British Society 20 6. Economics Single Honours Area pre-requisites: ECON20351, ECON20352, ECON20401 and ECON20402 AND either (ECON20281 & ECON20292 (P: ECON10061 & ECON10062) or ECON20110 (P: ECON10001 & ECON10132 or ECON10071 & ECON10072)); ECON20110 can be taken in either the second or third year; Joint Honours Area pre-requisites: (Economics with either Accounting, Business Studies or Finance): ECON20351, ECON20401 AND 20 additional units from Level Two ECON course units; (Economics with either Criminology, Development Studies, Economic & Social History, Politics or Sociology): any 40 units from Level Two ECON courses units. Single Honours Compulsory Course Units: (ECON30611 and ECON30612) AND either (ECON30600 or ECON30290 or ECON30320); In addition, either (ECON20110 (if not taken in the second year)) OR (ECON30370 (P:ECON20281 and ECON20292)) must also be taken in the third year; Joint Honours Compulsory Course Units: None ECON30002 Advanced Macroeconomics 10 C: ECON30611 & ECON30612 P: (ECON10041 & ECON10042) or (ECON10081 & ECON30101 The Chinese Economy 10 ECON10082) or equivalent P: ECON20351 AND one of either (ECON20352, ECON30232 Natural Resource Economics 10 ECON20120, ECON10071, ECON10001 or ECON20281) P: ECON20120 or (ECON20090 or ECON20091 and ECON30381 Mathematical Finance 10 ECON20092) ECON30432 Financial Economics 10 P: ECON20120 ECON30451 Development Economics III 20 P: 10 units of Level Two ECON courses P: (ECON20351 & ECON20352) ECON30600 Microeconomics III 20 AND either (ECON10001 or ECON10071 or ECON20281) P: (ECON20401 & ECON20402) ECON30611 Macroeconomics IIIA 10 AND either (ECON10001 or ECON10071 or ECON20281) & C: ECON30612 ECON30612 Macroeconomics IIIB 10 C: ECON30611 ECON30621 International Monetary Economics 10 P: ECON20401 & ECON20402 ECON30780 History of Economic Thought 20 ECON30820 Business Economics II 20 P: 20 units of Level Two ECON courses ECON30852 Money, Banking & Financial Markets 10 P: ECON20401 & ECON20402 ECON30941 Economics of Monetary Integration in Europe 10 P: ECON20401 & ECON20402 ECON31000 Managerial Economics II (Q) 20 P: ECON20000 ECON31011 Financial Econometrics 10 P: ECON20110 ECON32002 Property and Justice: From Grotius to Rawls 20 ECON32012 Economic Policy Analysis 10 P: ECON20110 & ECON20351 P: (ECON20101 or ECON20352) AND either (ECON10001 or ECON10071 or ECON20281). Not ECON32111 Climate Change Economics 10 available to students who have taken ECON20392 in 2011/12 SOST30012 Theory and Method in Demography 20 ECON32122 Applied Industrial Organisation 10 P: ECON20110 & ECON20351 Continues.


Continued Students who have passed ECON10061 & ECON10062 in their first year may also select the following courses: Course Code Course Unit Title Units Pre/Co-requisites, Notes ECON30311 Operational Research IA 10 P: ECON20281 & ECON20292 ECON30312 Operational Research IB 10 P: ECON20281 & ECON20292 ECON30320 Mathematical Economics I 20 P: ECON20281 P: ECON20281 & ECON20292. Compulsory for ECON30370 Econometrics 20 the single Honours Economics pathway Students who have passed either (ECON10001 & ECON10132) or (ECON10071 & ECON10072) in their first year may also select the following courses: ECON30290 Mathematical Economics II 20 P: ECON20120 ECON30341 Cross Section Econometrics 10 P: ECON20110 ECON30352 Business Forecasting 10 P: ECON20110 ECON30402 Time Series Econometrics 10 P: ECON20110 Students who have passed either (ECON10001 & ECON10132) or (ECON10071 & ECON10072) in their first year but not taken either (ECON20110, or ECON20091 or ECON20092) in their second year may select no more than 20 units of these course units for the Final Examination: Compulsory for the single Honours Economics ECON20110 Econometrics 20 pathway, if not taken in the second year ECON20091 Operational Research IA 10 ECON20092 Operational Research IB 10 7. Politics Area pre-requisites: (POLI10702) & (POLI10201/2 or POLI10601) AND (20 units from either POLI20511, POLI20522, POLI20911, POLI20922, POLI20931, POLI20941 or POLI20952). In addition, POLI20881 must be taken by single area specialists in either the second or third year. Single Honours Compulsory Course Units: (POLI20881 (if not taken in the second year)) AND either (POLI30300 or POLI30380). Joint Honours Compulsory Course Units: None POLI20881 Freedom & Equality: Contemporary Debates 20 P: POLI10702 POLI30032 Politics of The European Union 20 POLI30051 Pluralism, Democracy & Citizenship 20 POLI30101 International Organisation & Global Governance 20 POLI30141 Security Studies 20 POLI30242 Election and Voters 20 POLI30272 Political Morality and Dirty Hands 20 Only available for the single Honours Politics POLI30300 Dissertation A 40 pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with POLI30380 POLI30321 Ethical Issues in World Politics 20 POLI30361 Political Ideologies In Modern Britain 20 Only available for single or joint Honours Politics POLI30380 Dissertation B 20 pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with POL30300 POLI30432 Identity and Security in China and East Asia 20 Only available for the Politics pathway POLI30452 The Politics of Hate 20 POLI30691 News Media & International Crisis 20 Only available for the Politics pathway POLI30722 International Political Economy 20 POLI30751 Global Justice 20 POLI30792 Gender & International Politics 20 Only available for the Politics pathway POLI30822 War & the Politics of Ethics 20 Only available for the Politics pathway POLI30841 Politics of Social Policy 20 Only available for the Politics pathway POLI30862 Africa and Global Politics 20 POLI30891 Terrorism and Political Violence in Europe 20 POLI31021 Border, Identities, Citizenship 20 POLI32011 Democracy in the European Union 20


8. Criminology Area pre-requisites: LAWS10421 and a further 40 units of Level Two Criminology course units Compulsory Course Units: None Course Code Course Unit Title Units LAWS30602 Drugs and Society 20 LAWS30620 LAWS30631 LAWS30642 LAWS30661 LAWS30711 LAWS30792 LAWS30811 LAWS30871 LAWS31052 Short Dissertation Crime Prevention & Community Safety Comparative Studies in Crime & Criminal Justice (Q) Managing Offenders in the Community (Q) Counter Terrorism Victims, Crime & Justice Organising Crime: Migration, Trafficking & Smuggling Psychosocial Controversies in Criminology Criminology & Mass Violence 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Pre/Co-requisites, Notes P: 20 units of Level One Criminology courses. Only available for the Criminology pathway

P: LAWS20412 P: LAWS20131 P: 20 units of level one Criminology course is desirable but not essential

In addition, not more than 20 units of the following Level Two courses may be selected for the Final Examination: LAWS20041 Psychology, Crime and Criminal Justice II 20 P: LAWS10432 LAWS20051 Policing & The Police 20 LAWS20131 Contemporary Debates in Criminal Justice 20 LAWS20412 Explaining Crime & Deviance 20 LAWS20692 Understanding Punishment 20 9. Social Anthropology Area pre-requisites: 20 units of Level Two Social Anthropology course units Compulsory Course Units: None SOAN30061 Medical Anthropology SOAN30082 Exhibiting Cultures Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: The SOAN30111 Anthropology of International Development SOAN30162 Cities and Migration SOAN30172 Borders SOAN30200 Arguing with Anthropology SOAN30342 Anthropology of Sound SOAN30352 The Anthropology of the Modern State SOAN30600 Dissertation B 10 SOAN30601 Writing a Dissertation Proposal 30 SOAN30612 SOAN30791 SOAN30811 Dissertation A Screening Culture Anthropology of Vision, Senses and Memory 20 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

C: 80 level three SOAN units. Only available for the single Honours Social Anthropology pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with SOAN30601 and SOAN30612 C: SOAN30612 Only available for the single Honours Social Anthropology pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with SOAN30600 C: 90 level three SOAN units including SOAN30601. Only available for the single Honours Social Anthropology pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with SOAN30600


10. Sociology Single Area pre-requisites: SOCY10421 & SOCY10432 and one further Level Two Sociology course unit Combined Area pre-requisites: Either SOCY10421 or SOCY10432 and one further Level Two Sociology course unit Compulsory Course Units: None Course Code Course Unit Title Units Pre/Co-requisites, Notes SOCY30042 The Sociology of Human-Animal Relations 20 SOCY30061 Urban Sociology 20 SOCY30301 Society & Culture in South Asia 20 SOCY30401 Technology and Society 20 SOCY30412 Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis 20 SOCY30461 Power and Protest 20 SOCY30842 Sociology of Family Life and Intimacy 20 P: Either (SOCY20091 or SOST20021) OR (SOCY20111 if taken in 2011/12). Only available SOCY30920 Dissertation A 20 for the Sociology pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with SOCY30930 P: Either (SOCY20091 or SOST20021) OR (SOCY20111 if taken in 2011/12). Only available SOCY30930 Dissertation B 40 for the Sociology pathway. Cannot be taken in conjunction with SOCY30920 SOCY30972 Empire: Images of Race in British Society 20 SOCY30981 Gender, Time and Change 20 SOST30012 Theory and Method in Demography 20 11. Other Course Units The following course(s) may be selected: LAWS20301 Business Law II PHIL30011 Special Author: Russell PHIL30211 Metaphysics PHIL30311 Philosophy of Language PHIL30331 Issues in Epistemology PHIL30551 Philosophy of Action PHIL30711 Personhood & Freedom of the Will PHIL30022 Philosophy of Social Science PHIL30252 Wittgenstein PHIL30362 Philosophy of Psychology PHIL30632 Philosophy of Music

10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

P: LAWS10302 P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses P: 40 units of Level Two PHIL courses

12. Free Choice Course Units In addition to the above you may take up to 20 units of other course units subject to approval by the BA Econ Programme Director. Final year students will only be permitted to select Free Choice Course Units if it is a continuation of a course unit taken in their second year. Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP) course units can only be selected in the second year.


BA Econ course unit selection checklist It is your responsibility to choose the correct course units that are within your pathway and programme structure. Please note the following points when making your final year course unit selection. Your choice of course units represents your final proposed decision; There are, to the best of your knowledge no timetable lecture and tutorial clashes; There should be an appropriate balance between first and second semester course units, a 60-60, 50-70 or 70-50 split. You should count year-long course units as 10 units per semester. If you are taking either BMAN30190 or BMAN31000 (both 30 units year long courses) you should count this as 15 units per semester; Course units available in the first semester are designated by the suffix digit 1, those in the second semester by the digit 2 and those covering both semesters by the digit 0. Your course unit selection meets your requirements and you have made sure that you have chosen all the basic core units required for your chosen pathway(s); You have the appropriate subject pre-requisite(s) for the course unit you have chosen; You have chosen at least 80 units in one area if you are taking a single specialism or at least 50 units in each area if you are taking a joint specialism. If a course unit appears within two pathways, you should count this under one pathway only (eg, ECON30451 appears under both Development Studies and Economics). In this case you should count this course unit within one pathway and not both. You cannot duplicate or overlap any courses that appears under two pathways; If you are taking level two course units which appear either within the Level Three Programme Structure or as Free Choice Course Units, you should make sure that you select up to 20 units of these course units. Please refer to regulation 10 under Undergraduate degree regulations in your BA Econ Programme Handbook for full details.

************************************************************************************ Your final year course unit selection: Pathway of study (1)___________________ Pathway of study (2) (if applicable)________________

First semester Course code Units

Second semester Course code Units

Total units =

Total units =


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