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A Case study of: Urban redevelopment / Urban regeneration Economic decline and regeneration In migration into an area and its impact An urban planning scheme


Where are the London Docklands?

In the East End of London. Docklands covers an area of 2200 hectares, (21 sq kms) over 5 boroughs, Newham, Tower hamlet, Southwark, Lewisham and Greenwhich. The area covered by the London Docklands Redevelopment Corporation stretches from Wapping and Tower Bridge in the west to The City Airport and Becckton in the east.

Why did the London docklands decline?

1. 2. 3. 4. An increase in the size of the ships meant that the docklands were too narrow and shallow. An increase in Londons traffic lead to access roads and aterial routes being congested. A progressive decline of the upstream docks resulted in closure and dereliction Many industries, which used to be around the docks moved to other areas where there was more space e.g along M1, North Circular Road, M25. 5. New docks were developed down stream at Tilbury and at the channel ports.

Why did the London Docklands attract site business development?

The growth and development of London docklands has traditionally been tied down to the growth and wealth of central Londons cities.

The LDDC -What is it ? What powers was LDDC given ?

LDDC stands for London Docklands Development Corporation. It was set up in 1981 by the government, funded by the government. The LDDC has been given complete planning control for the areas worse affected by dereliction. It had powers of Compulsory Purchase.

Main achievements

Creation of Isle of Dogs Enterprise Zone 8,000 new jobs 15,000 new homes millions of square feet of new office space New image for business TV companies, newspaper companies, Computer technology, Insurance and Bank headquarters, Public Relations and Media companies, Docklands Light Railway STOLPORT M11 extension into eastern end transport infrastructure improved

New office complexes such as Canary Wharf, Jubilee Line extension

Isle of Dogs Enterprise Zone

Special status given to Isle of Dogs south of the East India Dock Road (u shaped tongue of land). Being designated as an enterprise zone involves a 10 year period free of rates building grants and loans for site preparation grants for buildings and machinery planning applications from companies wishing to locate are given top priority tax relief given to companies who locate there

What were the London docklands gains and losses for economic, social and environmental developments?


New jobs created new skills for young. New image of modern, hi tech business centre. New transport infrastructure (STOLPORT airport, DLR light railway, Jubilee Line, Limehouse Link road) Property values rose quickly. New income from tourism New leisure facilities e.g. watersports, London Arena, millenium dome ! New shopping facilities. Improved transport / access around east end of London. Community Action groups formed and this increased sense of community.


Skills mismatch for local residents of area Poor loose out, because they cannot afford new housing at 200,000 - 500,000 Local residents often didnt have skills / qualifications to take new jobs. Some families lost homes through compulsory purchase.


Tension between extremes of wealth & poverty. Restricted access to riverside area Much new shopping targeted at rich daytime occupants Poorer local residents feel free health services will be pushed out e.g. hospital closures & new hospitals will be private ones. Resentment of government action local people were not consulted and Peoples Plan was rejected.


Improved visual quality Attractive buildings Sharp reduction in derelict land Image improved Housing improved in quality & appearance, some new heating, windows, security

Increased cases of asthma when Canary Wharf was built dust affected health & bronchitis cases increased (successful court action against developers) Complaints that funds for council house improvements were used only for cosmetic facelifts unhealthy housing still exists. Funding slowed in recession eastern areas still neglected & derelict

Noise pollution increased & complaints about airport noise and accident risk.

How could the development have been done differently ?

Consultation-local people were not involved in the planning soLondon Docklands failed to meet needs of all groups in community. More houses, flats, but at affordable prices. Transport infrastructure imporved before offices and houses built access was very bad until 1987 when DLR built and 1993 when M11 extension started and Limehouse Link. Many companies were slow to move because access was poor.

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