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CS Lewis What do a mouse, a dragon and a prince have in common? Or a ghost, a lion and an alternate universe?

The answer is CS Lewis. These are all characters from CS Lewiss books. CS Lewis wrote some of the best classic tales. His books hold some of the greatest Christian stories and principles. TO illustrate some of the morals and truths his books hold, let us suppose all of his characters were to be interviewed in the same room by a reporter It was total chaos as I entered into that room. I, Poppy Montgomery, was going to try, but probably not going to succeed to interview all of them. As I was trying to get to my chair most of the characters were arguing trying to prove their worth, in that small conference room. Some of the more audacious ones were even pushing themselves toward me, trying to get my attention. You know Wormwood would have never made it without me I DESERVE To be on the front page, you know what I mean right? When Im on the front page your name will be too, so if you put me on it you will be famous, for just putting me up. I promise. hissed Screwtape pulling me close. Well see about that okay? Now if youll let me get to my seat I said trying to get away from him, feeling really uncomfortable. As I sat down I saw the white witch, Jadis, sitting at the table waiting calmly as could be. So I asked her why she wasnt arguing like the others, and here was her answer: Well your will issue me as the most important for several reasons, for one Im the wisest so no matter if I even dont want to you will simply be obligated to say in your article that I am the best. There are of course other reasons, but since I can get you to agree with me on good terms, we dont have to get into those notso-well-meaning reasons So that was that I thought I could interview each of them when they were at the table. Every one sat down and finally the room quieted down. All of the characters and I asked them 1 question each: What makes you the best or the character worth the most. The answers are as follows: Well I think its because of my open mindedness. Im cool. And had it not been for Dr Ransom UGH the Adam and Eve on Venus would have found their inner curiosity, so what about thats it was not allowed thats from where curiosity grows ~Dr Weston (Space Trilogy books) What sets me from other men? Well not much except from the fact that fate has been kind to me, and I hope I can faithfully serve the Land of Narnia once again shall it need me. ~ Prince/King Caspian Dont listen to what Screwtape says I would have made it fine without him. After all soon I will be the senior tempter And oh yah what makes me special? I have my own brain and use it, without other people. I DONT need their help. ~Wormwood (the Screwtape Letters) I was always thought of as jealous sister but really I was trying to help her, with love even though it was misguided. Even through all the bad credit, right now I just wish my sister would forgive me people see only what they want to see sometimes I just wish they would see the other side the story. ~ Orual (Till we
Have Faces)

I was glad I could help good, against evil no more no less. So I just hope if everyone had the same chance as I did they would be good, but thats not the core of the problem, the core of the problem is that we need to trust and follow God ~Dr Ransom(Space Trilogy books) All the sudden another character walked in. He was late. I couldnt recognize him at first, but then I heard him speak his words were so wise, so pure, that they could come from no other than Aslan, himself. Those words of truth were this:

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