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html See - The important looking men - Man has a whip - The two men are white - The rest are black - The white men have one of the blacks babies - It takes place outdoors - There are trees in the background - The trees do not have any leaves - The two men are wearing what looks like expensive clothes - The blacks are wearing cheap rags - One of the black men is kneeling - The white man is holding the baby by its hand at his thigh level - The road appears to be a dirt road - There are shadows - It is in black Think - The blacks appear to be the white mens slaves, because of the whip in his hand - The black man kneeling appears to be begging the men for the baby - It seems hot, partly because of the use of the color white, and also because the trees do not have leaves, indicating that is is either too hot or too cold for the trees to live - Because of the scowl on the second mans face, it seems like they are punishing the slaves - Because of the shadows, and the shape of them, it appears to be either morning or evening, because the shadows are long, which indicates that is not noon - You can tell by what they are wearing, that the whites are more powerful than the blacks; the whites are wearing rather expensive clothes, while the blacks were wearing rags Wonder - I wonder why slaves are treated that way; threatened with whips - I wonder why the black man is kneeling; is he begging for forgiveness, for his child back, or a different reason? - I wonder who the blacks in the background are - I wonder if the baby in the white mans hand is used for threatening or another reason - I wonder where this takes place; A western country because it is cold, so the trees cant survive, or Africa, where it may be too hot for the trees. - I wonder, if the blacks are slaves, what they are being used for (e.g. hard labour, human trafficking, etc.) - I wonder how the two men got the blacks as their slaves (if they are slaves)

and white - It is not a photograph; it is probably a painting or a drawing - There is another group of blacks in the background See - Possibly a hundred black people - They are wearing rags - All crowded up filling a box - They are shoulder to shoulder -There are even 3 blacks lined up sideways - There are the signs labelled Store Room Think - I think that the black people are slaves because of what they are wearing - I think that it represents how they treat their slaves, all crowded together - The fact that they are shoulder to shoulder may represent how many black slaves there are - The Store Room sign represents that they may be considered household items Wonder - I wonder what the picture is trying to portray - I wonder if those people are actually representing slaves - I wonder what the store room signs really represents - I wonder if they have a master that treats them unfairly




- 3 black men are standing on stairs. - White men are standing around them looking at the blacks. - White people are wearing proper clothes. - The black woman has a baby. They are in a room

- I think they are selling the Black people to the rich. - I think the man whos sitting down on a chair probably is the trader - I think the man is buying people to make them work for his job - I think the black people are very poor and the White people are very rich.

- I wonder if the White people are buying the Black to force them to work or for some other kind of reason. - I wonder why those black people are there.

See -The man sitting on the chair. -Behind the man is a building. -He is reading the book and he has a hat. -The building says the auction and negro sales. -The building around him are very old and dirty. -The road is also dirty.

Think -i think he is the one who is a sailor -He will sells to the people in that auction and negro sales. -I think the shop which is next to auction and negro is also negro selling. Because the spell is not same as English but it sounds like Black.

Wonder -I wonder why is he in the outside of the shop and reading the book -Why isnt he selling the slaves. -Why are the buildings and road so dirty The-fight-against-modern-slavery-Moving-frompromises-to-delivery.html See - There are brick walls in the background, and there are rows of bricks lined up behind her. She is kneeling on the ground in yellow clothes, and her hands - I think that the girl in the photo is a slave that is being made to make and mould clay bricks for buildings. - I wonder what the girl is thinking in the photo, and I wonder why she is being made to mould bricks. - I wonder how she came about

are caked in gray. - The sun is still up, and she is kneeling in a place with a lot of dirt and dust.There is a mound of something that looks like clay in the very front of the photo, and her hands are resting on something. - Her eyes are looking down, and she isnt smiling.

- I think that the girl is quite young for labor, and she looks sad. - I think that she has been working quite a while already, from the clay that is all over her legs and hands. - I think that she is not offered a lot of clothing, from the seemingly oversized dress/shirt she is wearing. - I think that she lives in a rather hot and dry place at the moment, in the photo.

to be a slave and mould bricks, and what her history is. - I wonder why she isnt wearing proper clothes, and what her lifestyle is like. - I wonder how long she works each day, and at what pay, if any. - I wonder why the girl is there in the first place, and what is making her sad there.

- I see a boy in the photo, holding a knife and holding it to a piece of something that looks the same to what is on the ground, and

- I think the boys are all doing the same job, and harvesting either papaya or cocoa bean. - I think that they are laborers, and that they are not offered

- I wonder if the boys receive an education, or if theyre just hired as laborers to harvest and grow plants. - I wonder what their lifestyle is,

what is in the tub that is in front of him. - I see trees in the background, and other boys with him. One is sitting down next to him, the other is standing a little ways off, and the other is cut off. - The boy has not much hair, and he has dark skin. He is also wearing dirty clothing. The trees have green leaves. - All the boys there have tubs with them.

much new clothing. - I think that they have cut their hair short to receive relief from heat. - I think that it is definitely not cold there, since they are all cut with short hair and wearing light clothing. - I think they are barefoot because they dont receive or cannot afford new clothes.

and where they live and how their living conditions are. - I wonder how they became laborers, and how they are paid for their labor, if they are at all. - I wonder what they are thinking at the moment, while harvesting food. - I wonder if they like their lives as they are, or if they want more with their life.

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