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COLOR ATLAS OF COMMON ORAL DISEASES ROBERT P. LANGLAIS CRAIG S. MILLER Practicing oral medicine—that is, diagnosing and tre: ing oral manifestations of local or systemic diseases. is often a difficule challenge for the practitioner, This com. plexity stems from the many conditions that directly or Indirectly affect the mouth and adj the entailing spectrum of signs and symptoms that often make a differential diagnosis quite difficult. ent structures and The organized approach that helps to simplify this aspect of oral health care delivery demands careful history tak- ing, methodical oral examinations, recognition of nor mal structures and deviations from normal, and the abil ity to form a differential diagnosis—a priority list of conditions or diseases that che findings suggest. The dif- ferential diagnosis forms the basis for performing tests that should lead to a definitive diagnosis and the appro riate treatment plan, These steps are important for standards of care, optimal patient health and function, protecting the clinician from censure, and nurturing meaningful referrals. An important step of the diagnostic sequence, not to be overlooked, is the dental hygienist, who often sees the Patient first. Because many signs and symptoms may Fepresent malignant disease, precancerous lesions, or in fectious conditions, itis incumbent upon the dental hy- Bienist to recognize deviations from normal, identify pa. tients who may have these disorders, and inform the dentist of the clinical findings. The second edition of Color Atlas of Common Oral Diseases by Drs. Langlais and Miller greatly assists in the diagnostic process by providing an updated and orga. nized approach to conditions that afflict the mouth Chapters on normal anatomy, specific tissues, different sites, and clinical features of color and form are presented with many high-quality color illustrations that have been carefully selected to represent features of conditions or diseases. The accompanying text is abbreviated to pres ent concise overviews with emphasis on the clinical de scription of oral lesions, which allows a useful unde standing of the entity in question. The book also includes a brief glossary of useful terms that describe clinica findings, tables summarizing the characteristics of e: h sroup of disorders, anda separate listing of prescriptions Useful in the management of these problems. Because it is so difficult co master the complex variations of signs and symptoms associated with the multitude of oral manifestations of disease, a visual approach is ‘one of the most helpful aids. Thus, the second edition of the Atlas will be of significant help to clinicians at all levels of experience in creating a differential diag, nosis, establishing a diagnosis, and forming a basis for a rational approach to managing and resolving patient problems, Sol Silverman, Jr, MA, DDS The 2nd edition of Color Atlas of Common Oral Dis eases is a thorough revision of the frst edition and prom ises be a large improvement. We have added more than 100 new illustrations and diagnostic concepts. Sections 6 normal oral anatomy, tooth-related disorders, gingi Vitis, periodontitis, caries and caries progression, odon togenic infections, and facial swellings have been added. The sequence of the atlas has been rearranged so that the reader begins with normal anatomy and progresses to disease. Throughout the text, select illustrations have been replaced with better cases that more accurately represent the disease described. As before, we realize that there are many excellent text books available of oral diagnosis, oral medicine, and oral and maxillofacial pathology; we hope that this edition provides students with a high-quality, affordable, practi cal, and user-friendly color atlas. The goal of this atlas continues to be to provide both high-quality color illus. trations and salient clinical features of common oral diseases for those who are studying or attempting, to identify oral disorders. We are fully aware that space has limited the scope of the written text, which is not intended to be all-inclusive bur rather to serve as a refer- ence for the clinical diagnostic aspects of the more com- monly encountered oral diseases. We hope that this ed tion will be useful to students of dental assisting, dental hygiene, and dentistry, as well as postgraduate dentists and hygienists whose goal is to become more knowledge able about the clinical appearance of oral disease. This color atlas will also be of great value to practicing den tists, physicians, and specialists. Although many health- care providers may use this atlas as adjunctive material, we have made efforts to ensure that the text is as current as possible. In this regard, we have extensively researched each disorder and updated all statements so that the text is in concert with the current thinking of the majority of the profession, This edition continues to arrange the illustrations pr. cally, according to clinical appearance, to facilitate the construction of a differential diagnosis. Each color plate consists of eight illustrations per page so that disorders closely related by appearance or cause can be easily com- pared. The first two sections provide the reader with the necessary background to understand normal anatomy and properly describe lesions to colleagues. The illustea- tions selected for specific diseases have been chosen with the intent of showing each disorder in its most t appearance and location. When se possible, we have included several examples, often from the same patient. On the pages opposite the color plates, the written text discusses the nature of various di well as other clinically relevant information cd the sex, age, and race affected by the disorder. The emphasis continues to be on the signs and symptoms of common oral diseases. Cause and treat ‘ment methods are briefly discussed to provide additional valuable information. It is hoped that by arranging the ‘material in this manner, the reader will be able to inte- grate concepts of oral diagnosis, medicine, pathology, and radiology ical locations are processes, such as location OF some importance to all students of dentistry are a variety of helpful learning tips or methods. At the of the text, the reader will find a glossary of terms; several tables of common oral conditions; prescriptions arranged by manage nd a self-assess ment test similar to those used in school examinations, and national boards, and clinical sections of the specialty boards of Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillo- facial Pathology. In this edition, the appendix of pre scriptions has been expanded and made easier to read by placing each individual prescription in a box. The ‘most current American Heart Association guidelines for antibiotic prevention of infective endocarditis are found in Appendix I. We wish to express our thanks to all health care profes sions who have referred patients to our clinies and pro- vided illustrations found in this text Robert P. Langlais Craig S, Miller For persons involved in education, the authors have the complete set of illustrations available for purchase as color slides. Details on the purchase of these slides are available by contacting

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