Self Control Is The Ability To Remain Composed in Spite of Our Emotional State

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Self Control is the ability to remain composed in spite of our emotional state.

This does not mean forcing a smile when we are sad or angry. It does mean registering sad or angry feelings as well as controlling our reaction to those feelings. People with high self-control are better able to control their thoughts, regulate their emotions and inhibit their impulses than people with low self-control. Goleman stresses the importance of the selection process and holds managers accountable for recruiting and hiring people that fit the job and the organization. Nowadays, a great variety of selection parameters are available to managers But to what degree to they predict future job performance and other organizational outcomes? Self control is very important for managers because self-control is often used selection parameters in predicting important organizational outcomes and behavior we want to contribute to the understanding and knowledge of managers and recruiters in how to select good employees and build healthy organizations. Study shows that People with high self-control are better in controlling their impulses (Baumeister et al., 1998) and are able to focus on long-term goals instead of seeking instant gratification of their needs. Being able to focus on the long-term, stick to a plan and not getting distracted might be the key to better performance A lack of self-control can bring about heavy fits of anger, and these unrestrained outbursts can easily destroy a managers careers. Businesses are not run on emotions but on facts and procedures. To be successful in the workplace, it is imperative that decisions are made logically and can be explained at every stage. Therefore, self-control needs to be used when emotions enter the scene or when certain things are done according to the desires of a single (or a few people). Self-control over such desires leads to logical thought on what is right or wrong for an organization as a whole. Self-control should be used judiciously, especially in matters that are of a profound nature. Smaller, daily decisions, which may not have deep repercussions, can be made without the application of any form of restraint. However, if a mistake has been made (i.e., a wrong decision has been taken), the person at fault must accept this; and to do so, much willpower is required, which in itself is a form of self-control. Therefore, the use of self-control is extremely important towards managerial decision-making. Self-awareness is a necessary predecessor to self management and self control. After all, if we dont know what we are feeling it can be difficult to do anything about it. Awareness can be a big help when it comes to managing negative emotions. Often when we are feeling a negative emotion, we can disarm or control the impact of that feeling just being aware of what it is and why we are feeling it. For example, if I feel scared before a meeting with an important client, I can often calm myself simply by naming the feeling and acknowledging the reasons for it. Once I realize that I am scared, I can do something about it. Meetings make me scared because they are important. Almost anytime I am doing something important, I am going to feel scared. So when I feel scared, I simply remind myself that this means it is important. Recognizing that I am scared because the meeting is important is usually enough to calm me and know that my feelings (fear in this case) are serving me.

Reference Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., & Tice, D. M. (1998). Ego depletion: Is the active self a limited resource? Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 74, 1252Goleman,D (2006) Working with Emotional Intelligence , 73-77

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