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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 02
May 2012
Walk A misty Lammer Law in the Lammermuirs Dogs on walk Archie, Cyrano, Dylan, Finlay, Finn, Jolie, Phoebe Length 6 miles

Driving slowly along the lane to our parking spot at the end of the road. Slowly because a hare was running along in front of us. Right in the middle of the road. Tall brown tipped ears erect as it little more than jogged along on long limbs. So much bigger and lankier than a rabbit when seen this close up. It ran through the open gate and onto the hill track we were to also follow. As we parked on the grass verge Dylan was shaking. He had seen the hare. It was difficult to miss. His instincts were kicking in. Even after we had stopped his eyes followed it as it ran up the track. Thankfully out of sight by the time we set off. Playing a game of the dog and the hare, Phoebe leapt on Finn. Easy to guess who was the hare. But then the mystical white rabbit, Jolie, came to his rescue. Dylan was much further ahead hopeful of spotting the hare again. He did not. Instead it was Jolie who did and raced off after it. Coming straight back when I called her. She can be very well behaved when you catch her unawares. The hare ran up a small hill to the right. Stopping on the top to look down on us and probably to take a breather. Finlay finding the first puddles in the ruts of the track lay down. Oh well, not clean once again. It was dry but we were heading into very low cloud, swirling around the hillsides. Swirling through the grass and heather were Archie and Cyrano. Slipping in and out of the

enveloping mist. As we climbed on the twisting track the cloud thickened and surrounded us. Its noise dampening effects cutting out far away sounds. The noise of our breath sounding louder and the strident cries of disturbed grouse making us jump. Phoebe had the energy to outpace Finn and then Jolie as she tore across the heather. Archie sensibly waiting for later when she was tiring a little. That would be after we had climbed to the top of Lammer Law at about 1,750 feet. Doubling back onto another track beyond a gate to circle round to its top. No views to be had today. Even the large summit cairn was hard to see. Slowly looming out of the mist like an alien building. And was that a person with a backpack standing on top? As we got closer it revealed itself as no more than a pile of well balanced stones. Leaving the summit Archie seized his chance. Turning the tables on Phoebe he was the one to pounce. Coming out of the mist like a WWII bomber. Knocking her sideways. She recovered her balance and leapt into action. Jolie harassing her from behind. As we began to drop down, the cloud was lifting a little and Finlay who had pretty much been walking with the rest of us slowly slipped away at the front. Of course every time I called him the other Finn responded as well. And when I told Finn off for eating something resembling a well rotted rabbit foot Finlay looked disconsolate. With Phoebe visibly tiring Cyrano now fancied his chances. But took a much more delicate approach than Archie. Who was now being attacked by Finn. Cyrano did not get too close before running off. As Phoebe made a stealthy move on him. Jolie gave Phoebe one last chase on the lower slopes. Dylans attention had been caught by the arrival of some sheep near the gate by the car. We had closed it on the way up; thinking it probably should not have been open as it only led to the long lane. It looked the right choice as the sheep slowly sauntered away from it and uphill beside the heather. Having missed the hare Dylan was struggling to hold himself back from the sheep. Some sharp words brining his attention back to me. Before we opened the gate to reach the car.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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